The Guardian in this session was Genesis Zhangsun, the comments below are hers.
genesis Zhangsun: Hey Quilty
Quilty Bookmite: Sorry genesis. Was eating.
genesis Zhangsun: Np
genesis Zhangsun: So looks like its just us
genesis Zhangsun: :)
Quilty Bookmite: Yep. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: Are you guardian?
genesis Zhangsun: yup
Quilty Bookmite: OK. ;-)
Quilty Bookmite: Do you have anything particularly to discuss?
genesis Zhangsun: no not really but I could come up with any number of things
genesis Zhangsun: :)
Quilty Bookmite: Fair enough. ;-)
genesis Zhangsun: Are you doing any of the practices?
genesis Zhangsun: I don't think I've ever really had a chance to talk to you one on one
Quilty Bookmite: Just basic PaB at the moment.
genesis Zhangsun: so 9 seconds?
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. As well as my usual meditation.
genesis Zhangsun: are you noticing any effect of the 9 seconds on your usual meditation or vice a versa?
Quilty Bookmite: Nothing dramatic but it does help me keep more grounded during the day.
genesis Zhangsun: do u do it on the chime?
Quilty Bookmite: Are you doing the "new" practices?
genesis Zhangsun: or just when u think of it?
Quilty Bookmite: Yes.
Quilty Bookmite: Well, not all the time. Depends on what else I am doing.
genesis Zhangsun: you know I actually am no longer doing 9 seconds
Quilty Bookmite: OK. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: I am doing Seeing as Being or Enlightened Seeing and APAPB
genesis Zhangsun: I only do 9 seconds when I notice that I am agitated
genesis Zhangsun: or in connection with those others
genesis Zhangsun: I think I sort of burned myself out on 9 seconds
genesis Zhangsun: I became completely oblivious to the chime
Quilty Bookmite: Good that you had tha realisation.
genesis Zhangsun: too much chiming
genesis Zhangsun: :)
Quilty Bookmite: It seems to me that these chats have been getting a bit quieter recently...
Quilty Bookmite: Do you think that others might be burning themselves out as well?
genesis Zhangsun: really?
genesis Zhangsun: oh yes I could see that
Quilty Bookmite: Well, a few times I have turned up and maybe one other person was there.
genesis Zhangsun: it seems that some regulars are coming less frequently
genesis Zhangsun: which is probably the right thing for them
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. I think so.
Quilty Bookmite: Of course there are plenty of new people.
genesis Zhangsun: yes
genesis Zhangsun: not to be too dramatic but this period I see it as a sort of test for generation 1
genesis Zhangsun: those people who joined around the time I did
genesis Zhangsun: or within a month after
genesis Zhangsun: it is like when you first fall in love
Quilty Bookmite: I guess I'm generation 2 or maybe 3? :-)
genesis Zhangsun: when did you join?
Quilty Bookmite: May I think.
genesis Zhangsun: That is generation 1 Quilty
genesis Zhangsun: at least in my book
Myoko Fhang: Hi guys
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Myoko
genesis Zhangsun: Hey Myoko!
Quilty Bookmite: Really? I thought I was quite late.
genesis Zhangsun: This whole experiment just started on April 1
Quilty Bookmite: Getting busy now. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: Ah. I thought it was longer than that.
genesis Zhangsun: Myoko we are talking about generation 1 of PaB
genesis Zhangsun: Hey Solo!
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Solo.
Solobill Laville: Hi, all!
Myoko Fhang: Hi solo
genesis Zhangsun: I feel like right now is a bit of a test for the first generation of people who started PaB
Myoko Fhang: What generation are we at now?
genesis Zhangsun: Hard to say
genesis Zhangsun: I only know where Gen 1 sort of starts and ends
genesis Zhangsun: So maybe we are on 3
genesis Zhangsun: ?
Myoko Fhang: So what are they up against?
genesis Zhangsun: I was comparing it to
genesis Zhangsun: when you first fall in love
genesis Zhangsun: lets just say honeymoon is over
genesis Zhangsun: for many people
genesis Zhangsun: including myself
genesis Zhangsun: which is probably a good thing
genesis Zhangsun: and I am enjoying this much more
Myoko Fhang: Hahahaha....I know what gyou mean.
Quilty Bookmite: I think it's good to get that kind of shock. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: yes and to recognize those things are just side effects
genesis Zhangsun: its not about the highs and the lows
Myoko Fhang: Haven't got much experience with pab, but maybe it's a good thing.
genesis Zhangsun: but the whole wave
genesis Zhangsun: yes Myoko why?
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. My thinking exactly.
Myoko Fhang: I mean my meditation took a nice shift when it started to be everyday like. A lot of stuff happened.
Quilty Bookmite: What sort of stuff?
Solobill Laville almost asked Quilty's question...
Myoko Fhang: We find stuff interesting because it's new and and exciting, but when that wears off, something else surfaces. A more genuine practise not so tainted with the sense of self.
Myoko Fhang: A more settled easy of just doing things with out purpose.
Quilty Bookmite: Difficult to ignore the sense of self though. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: And we are not encouraged to do those things that are just settled and easy. :-)
Myoko Fhang: Sure. Still there!
genesis Zhangsun: how so Quilty?
Quilty Bookmite: Like if it's not exciting or difficult it can't be doing anything. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: yes
genesis Zhangsun: Harder not to do than to do
genesis Zhangsun: How often we are "doing" nothing
genesis Zhangsun: but if feels like we are
genesis Zhangsun: and it is stimulating
genesis Zhangsun: but not very peaceful
Quilty Bookmite: For a while it is. :-)
Myoko Fhang: Hahhahaha. Iit's important to stay sharp, but I often find my self in the habbit of cnstantly wanting to be entertained. Being bored is nice counter to that.
Myoko Fhang: And everyday pratice is boring.
Quilty Bookmite: I think boredom is the self trying to assert itself. :-)
Myoko Fhang: True.
Quilty Bookmite: But boredom is definitely discouraged in a world where we can be entertained whenever we want in many different ways.
Quilty Bookmite: Not many people are happy to just sit and be bored.
genesis Zhangsun: until you find the whole concept of "entertainment" boring
Quilty Bookmite: Some people never do.
Myoko Fhang: Sure. It pretty frightening to be bored.
Myoko Fhang: And as you say quilty, our whole society is geared twoards constant stimuli.
genesis Zhangsun: and towards feeding us on "big dreams"
Quilty Bookmite: you put it better than I do Myoko. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: big money, big houses, big everything
genesis Zhangsun: and all that grasping for the big makes the small boring
genesis Zhangsun: but the small is sacred
Quilty Bookmite: Maybe we should commision a series of adverts saying "Why not just be content with what you have?" :-)
genesis Zhangsun: I like that
Myoko Fhang: And the small is far greater.
Quilty Bookmite: Hi Wol
genesis Zhangsun: or "try thinking about someone else other than yourself"
Wol Euler: hello everyone, sorry I'm late.
genesis Zhangsun: Hey Wol!
genesis Zhangsun: Wow this is a most excellent group
Solobill Laville: Guten tag, Wol ;)
Wol Euler: ach, hallo Solo, von Deiner Sprachtalente habe ich schon gehört!
Solobill Laville: hehe, I deserved that, don't make me put on my new translater!!! :)
Wol Euler: heheheheh
Wol Euler: it is pretty amazing, though.
Quilty Bookmite: I was thinking I should get one of them :-)
Solobill Laville: indeed
genesis Zhangsun: Thanks
Quilty Bookmite: Thanks Solobill.
Solobill Laville: brb
Wol Euler: ty, solo.
genesis Zhangsun: we lost Myoko
genesis Zhangsun: [13:28] Quilty Bookmite: Maybe we should commision a series of adverts saying "Why not just be content with what genesis Zhangsun have?" :-)
Quilty Bookmite: Was just about to repeat that. I think we should explore it. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: Street Art
Wol Euler reaches for her shotgun. Sounds like anti-capitalistic propaganda to me ;-)
genesis Zhangsun: we should take it to the streets
Quilty Bookmite: Of course, I doubt if any of us has enough money.
Quilty Bookmite: Yep. Up the revolution.
genesis Zhangsun: you know u don't need so much money
genesis Zhangsun: like for example I know of a street art project
genesis Zhangsun: started here in Berkeley/SF area
Quilty Bookmite: Do you really need to buy all those things?
genesis Zhangsun: where these two guys
genesis Zhangsun: took over a bunch of parking spaces and created public parks for the day
genesis Zhangsun: feeding the meters
Wol Euler: oh yes, that was great!
Wol Euler: brilliant idea.
genesis Zhangsun: do you know this Wol?
Quilty Bookmite: Sounds good. :-)
Solobill Laville: back
genesis Zhangsun: then people started doing it all over the world
genesis Zhangsun: got big through some blogs
genesis Zhangsun: and then everyone was doing it
genesis Zhangsun: making a statement about public spaces in urban environments
genesis Zhangsun: we could do the same with being content with what you have
genesis Zhangsun: or the idea that we are complete
Wol Euler nods
Quilty Bookmite: What about hiring some advertising space in SL?
genesis Zhangsun: yes that sounds very grassroots
genesis Zhangsun: start where we are
Quilty Bookmite: I like the idea of using a capitalist medium like advertising. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: Make a youtube video
genesis Zhangsun: that could be another way
Quilty Bookmite: We need some slogans.
genesis Zhangsun: and more than anything we need the will
Quilty Bookmite: you are perfect as you are.
genesis Zhangsun: and motivation
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: I wonder if there are SL graffiti
genesis Zhangsun: artists
genesis Zhangsun: we could go around spraying it
genesis Zhangsun: on sex ads
Solobill Laville: Good luck with that one, Gen...
Quilty Bookmite: I don't know if it is possible. :-)
Solobill Laville: I think the sex ads drive most of the Linden's income
Quilty Bookmite: It would be interesting to find out.
Solobill Laville: But I love the idea
genesis Zhangsun: here I am inciting unlawful behavior
genesis Zhangsun: at least I know which laws I am breaking
Myoko Fhang is Online
Solobill Laville: And I've seen some of those towers completely surrounded by the land owners towers around them
Quilty Bookmite: you're a lawyer?
Wol Euler: it would be possible to put up textured prims in areas where one could build freely.
genesis Zhangsun: not anymore!
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Quilty Bookmite: WB Myoko.
Quilty Bookmite: We are planning a revolution.
Myoko Fhang: Sorry about . Computer problems.
genesis Zhangsun: Hey Myoko Quilty Bookmite: We need some slogans.
genesis Zhangsun: Perfect as you are street art projects.
genesis Zhangsun: SL street art
Myoko Fhang: Great idea
Quilty Bookmite: I would rather we could do it in some legal way. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: yes that was beauty with the "Parking"
genesis Zhangsun: I actually know the two guys
genesis Zhangsun: one of them is lawyer
Quilty Bookmite: Just put our adverts next to the sex ones.
Quilty Bookmite: So they knew how to keep above the law. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: yes they figured out that a parking spot is a "leased" space which legally could be used for anything
Wol Euler:
genesis Zhangsun: thanks Wol
genesis Zhangsun: gotta know the rules to break them ;)
Wol Euler: sorry, that's not very good. I was looking for anoth er that had more photos.
Quilty Bookmite: Thanks.
genesis Zhangsun: or to find the loopholes
Quilty Bookmite: Or bend them a little. :-)
Wol Euler: <- homepage of the "umbrella" organization
Solobill Laville thinks there's always an umbrella organization...
genesis Zhangsun: maybe just for fun we could put "sacred of the small" into practice
Quilty Bookmite: Nice!
genesis Zhangsun: and instead of thinking "Big"
genesis Zhangsun: lets think of a small way
genesis Zhangsun: a now way
Quilty Bookmite: i like that. Nice slogan.
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: It would be good if it was something that others could pick up on.
Quilty Bookmite: I mean rather than just a small group doing this, make it so that anyone can.
Quilty Bookmite: Or maybe that could get out of hand. :-)
Solobill Laville: you could always create a freebie kit, or somesuch
Quilty Bookmite: Sure.
Wol Euler: <<- apropos freebie kit :-)
Wol Euler: found it just in time :-)
Solobill Laville: very timely indeed!
Quilty Bookmite: Yes! I like that very much. :-)
Myoko Fhang: sweet
genesis Zhangsun: lets make a plate!!
genesis Zhangsun: :)
genesis Zhangsun: kidding
Myoko Fhang: hahah
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Solobill Laville: lol
Wol Euler: heheheheh
genesis Zhangsun: I was going to say lets make a T-shirt
genesis Zhangsun: but there is something too docile about that
Quilty Bookmite: Well, in view of the current economic circumstances I think the time is right.
genesis Zhangsun: but then I realize that we don't want to be aggressive about our message
genesis Zhangsun: that seems wrong
Quilty Bookmite: An SL t-shirt?
genesis Zhangsun: yes
Quilty Bookmite: No. I agree. No agressive messages.
genesis Zhangsun: no but putting a sweet message out in agressive way is even worse
Quilty Bookmite: I wish I had some design skills. :-)
Myoko Fhang: But there one catch: The world is dependent on American consumption.
Quilty Bookmite: It's not sustainable though. We only have finite resources.
Myoko Fhang: If the states stoped consuming, the reat of the world would suffer tremendously.
genesis Zhangsun: and that suffering might make us realize
genesis Zhangsun: that we are perfect as we are
Quilty Bookmite: I don;t really buy that anyway.
Wol Euler: great subversive shopping message, quilty.
Quilty Bookmite: Currently we are consuming too much food and pushing up food prices so more people in the third world are suffering.
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Quilty Bookmite: Yes, we should turn that into a slogan. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: "consumerism? I don't buy it."
genesis Zhangsun: :)
Wol Euler: great.
Wol Euler:
Wol Euler promises to stop pasting in links.
genesis Zhangsun: Don't stop
Quilty Bookmite: No. Please carry on. I love them. :-)
Myoko Fhang: There is a great book called "Hooked, buddhist writings on greed, desire and the urge to consume".
genesis Zhangsun: nice title
Wol Euler grins
Quilty Bookmite: Perhaps I should buy it. :-)
Solobill Laville: hehe
Myoko Fhang: Alse, david loy has a few books on the subject.
Wol Euler: lol
Solobill Laville: I am going home to consumer some Merlot
Quilty Bookmite: Bye Solo
Wol Euler: good idea! enoy.
Myoko Fhang: by solo
genesis Zhangsun: see u Solo!
Wol Euler: *enjoy
Solobill Laville: and, yes, I know it is a Monday :)
Solobill Laville: bye, friends
genesis Zhangsun: you said it I didn't
Wol Euler: really?
genesis Zhangsun: ;)
Quilty Bookmite: It's Tuesday where I am.
Wol Euler: here too ...
genesis Zhangsun: so are we ready to form the rogue unit of PaB
Quilty Bookmite: The militant wing?
Myoko Fhang: Where are you at Q
genesis Zhangsun: yes the militant PaB wing
Quilty Bookmite: Thinking of starting my first group. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: splinter cell
Myoko Fhang: Hahahaha. you can call it "Being rough"
genesis Zhangsun: Playing Rough
Myoko Fhang: HAhaha
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. :-)
Wol Euler: yes
genesis Zhangsun: hmm sacred of the small ain't easy
genesis Zhangsun: but maybe its this very conversation which is scared
genesis Zhangsun: oops sacred
Wol Euler has been wondering about hte scared/sacred typos.
Myoko Fhang: Il iked the first one.
genesis Zhangsun: lol
genesis Zhangsun: scared and sacred
Wol Euler nods
Quilty Bookmite: No, how do I invite people to join?
genesis Zhangsun: Playing as Rough?
Quilty Bookmite: just Playing rough
genesis Zhangsun: I suggest T-shirt black one
genesis Zhangsun: that was sarcastic
genesis Zhangsun: :)
genesis Zhangsun: sorry quilty
genesis Zhangsun: what would the group do?
Myoko Fhang: I was wondering the same...
Quilty Bookmite: Creating it first. Then deciding. :-)
Myoko Fhang: A goal?
genesis Zhangsun: That is beautiful use of technology
Quilty Bookmite: Well, PaB may not be the best place to decide what we are going to do.
genesis Zhangsun: this day goes down in history, the day the militant branch was born
genesis Zhangsun: :)
Quilty Bookmite is Online
Quilty Bookmite: One thing, I don;t want to spend a fortune on this.
genesis Zhangsun: :)
genesis Zhangsun: haha
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
genesis Zhangsun: I like the idea os SL Street Art
Myoko Fhang: We can keep it guerillia style, small but effective hits.
Wol Euler: any suggestions for titles? "member" is a bit non-descriptive.
genesis Zhangsun: Spreading the message of perfection one prim at a time
Myoko Fhang: warrior
Quilty Bookmite: Wol has asked what we should have as a title for group members.
genesis Zhangsun: Guerilla Fighters
Myoko Fhang: Like sacred warrior
Quilty Bookmite: Sorry, missed that. :-)
Wol Euler: lol, gen, "spreading the message" Was good.
genesis Zhangsun: Art Guerillas?
Wol Euler: Commerce? just say no.
Quilty Bookmite: I like spreading the message
Quilty Bookmite: It's a bit generic though.
Quilty Bookmite: Perfect as I am?
genesis Zhangsun: Lets think about it
genesis Zhangsun: I like the idea
Myoko Fhang: "When is enough enough."
Quilty Bookmite: I have enough stuff?
genesis Zhangsun: and so do you!
Quilty Bookmite: Yes!
Wol Euler: enough already.
Wol Euler: (suggestion, not a commment)
Myoko Fhang: This is old> "The one with the most toys when he dies, wins"
Quilty Bookmite: There is limited space for the text.
genesis Zhangsun: ok Wol I was wondering ;)
Wol Euler: lol
genesis Zhangsun: that was great
genesis Zhangsun: what a way to put idea into action
genesis Zhangsun: you said it a second ago now its floating above my head
Wol Euler cheers
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Myoko Fhang: Inspiration>
Wol Euler: oh yes, brilliant!
Wol Euler: frightening too.
genesis Zhangsun: So what do we stand for
genesis Zhangsun: anticonsumerism
genesis Zhangsun: idea of completion
Wol Euler: the opposite of "more bigger snacks now" :-)
Wol Euler: the devil has all the good tunes
Myoko Fhang: hahahaha
Quilty Bookmite: I think if we set ourselves up as anti-capitalist it will put people off.
Wol Euler: sensible-ist
Quilty Bookmite: I would suggest just a gentle message of do you reall yneed it?
genesis Zhangsun: Instead of Supersize me Reduce me
Myoko Fhang: hahahaha
Quilty Bookmite: :-)
Wol Euler: "Nno thanks, that's already big enough"
genesis Zhangsun: I see the youtube clip there
genesis Zhangsun: the person driving up to the drive through
genesis Zhangsun: and saying "No thanks, that's already big enough"
Wol Euler grins.
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: Reduce me PLEASE!
genesis Zhangsun: sorry getting loopy
Quilty Bookmite: What about going into Starbucks and asking for a cup size smaller than "tall"?
Wol Euler: I've tried, they get all confused.
Quilty Bookmite: Of course. :)
Wol Euler: and I end up feeling sorry for them
genesis Zhangsun: lol
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. that is always a problem. :)
genesis Zhangsun: Am I the only one in the states or Quilty are u here too?
Quilty Bookmite: No. I'm in the UK. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: HA!!
genesis Zhangsun: I am surrounded by Europeans!
Quilty Bookmite: Yes. Sorry. :)
genesis Zhangsun: no wonder this conversation went the direction it did
Quilty Bookmite: you are deepest in enemy territory. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: :)
Wol Euler: we don't bite.
Wol Euler: much.
genesis Zhangsun: So I am your connection to the inside
Quilty Bookmite: I think the UK isn't too far behind.
Quilty Bookmite: the 51st state.
genesis Zhangsun: thats right
Wol Euler nods. It's called "global-izatoin" for a reason
genesis Zhangsun: and Denmark is probably the 52nd
genesis Zhangsun: right Myoko
genesis Zhangsun: ok no comment
Quilty Bookmite: We have 5 starbucks in my town already.
Quilty Bookmite: I'll recruit some more people on your side of the pond Genesis. :-)
Quilty Bookmite: I'll tempt them with a buy one get ome free offer. :-)
Wol Euler laughs!
genesis Zhangsun: LOL we'd better Quilty if there is going to be revolution its going to start from the inside
genesis Zhangsun: and I think this is whether we like or it or not the center of evil
Quilty Bookmite: Yes, but evil is pretty widespread. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: VIVA la revolucion
Quilty Bookmite: Is everyone happy with their tag or do you want me to change it?
genesis Zhangsun: I like it
Wol Euler: The Tao of Che.
genesis Zhangsun: Oh I like
Wol Euler: it#s good, Quilty.
Quilty Bookmite: OK.
genesis Zhangsun: is that already taken?
Wol Euler: but you can make many, btw, as many roles = titles as you want.
Quilty Bookmite: I will be using your group membership to bombard youwith spam over the next few days.
Quilty Bookmite: OK. :-)
Wol Euler: yay!
Quilty Bookmite: Know anyone with t-shirt desing skills?
Quilty Bookmite: _design_
Wol Euler: who made these? was it Sylectra?
Quilty Bookmite: Lost Myoko again.
genesis Zhangsun: No I think Rowan
Wol Euler: or neema?
Quilty Bookmite: Yes, Rowan.
Wol Euler: ah, rowan, right.
Quilty Bookmite: I don;t think I have met him/her.
genesis Zhangsun: Are we going to recruit her to Playing Rough
Quilty Bookmite: Anyone is welcome. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: Would be pretty funny if we pulled stunts like the Yes Men
Quilty Bookmite: Well, we probably could in SL.
genesis Zhangsun: like going to the sex palaces and replacing all the nasty tools with..."
genesis Zhangsun: ?
Quilty Bookmite: Lets start small though. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: yes ok start small
Quilty Bookmite: I need to sleep and think about this.
genesis Zhangsun: yes I think we all do and it 2pm for me here
Quilty Bookmite: And it is very much a democracy. I just happen to be the owner. :-)
genesis Zhangsun: sure
Wol Euler yawns agreement.
genesis Zhangsun: ok bye!
Quilty Bookmite: I'd better go then. Hope I can sleep. :-)
Wol Euler: great convesration, all, thank you.
Quilty Bookmite: Goodnight.
genesis Zhangsun: I salute you comrades
Wol Euler: good night quilty, bye gen.
genesis Zhangsun: night
genesis Zhangsun: bye wol bye quilty
Wol Euler: take care
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