Guardians met on Sunday morning in the Hall of Appearances without Pema and most of the others. Adams Rubble posted the log and made a few comments. Adams, Gen, Pia, Riddle, Quen and Wol were present for some or all of the session.
Wol and I arrived from the Pavilion where we had just completed the 7:00 session.
Adams Rubble: Hi Wol. You walked. That is such a "real life" thing to do. hehe
Wol Euler: lol
Wol Euler: I hate flying, it does feel un-real to me.
Adams Rubble: :)
PaB Listener Master: I've been touched by a PaB guardian.
PaB Listener Master: Recording has started!
Adams Rubble: I want to learn to tp in real life
Adams Rubble: It would be funny if no one else showed up here today
Wol Euler: yeh
Adams Rubble: Hmm. Not too many are online yet
Wol Euler: hello pia.
Adams Rubble: Hellooooo Pia :)
Wol Euler: my you have a bright facelight :-)
Pia Iger: Hi, Wol, Adams.
Pia Iger: I can't see I have face light
Wol Euler: well, the room changed drastically when you came in :-)
Pia Iger: but it's given to me by Wol.
Adams Rubble: Hello Riddle :)
Wol Euler: ah!
Riddle Sideways: good morning all
Wol Euler: oh, you are wearing two!
Wol Euler: hello riddle
Wol Euler: go to the View menu and select "highlight transparent"
Wol Euler: there #s a big one away from your chin and a asmall one between your eyes.
Adams Rubble wonders what is a facelight
Wol Euler: the small one is mine, the large one is the brighter.
Wol Euler: facelight is a local light source that you wear to brighen up your appearance in dark areas.
Wol Euler: set the sun to midnight
Adams Rubble: Hello Quen
Wol Euler: spooky, riddle, you are looking right into my cam!
Adams Rubble has her own facelight
Wol Euler: hello quen
Wol Euler: lol
Riddle Sideways: sorry, goes with my disorientation today
Adams Rubble: Good to see you Riddle. It seems like it has been awhile
Adams Rubble: ty Wol
Riddle Sideways: I have been too busy to be in SL
Riddle Sideways: is so nice to have the wiki/blog to read
Wol Euler: mhmm
Adams Rubble: and I haven't been able to make your session
Adams Rubble: Yes, the logs are great
Riddle Sideways: well, lately I have been taking over my sessions and nobody can changes subjects :)
Adams Rubble: :)
Wol Euler chuckles.
Wol Euler: I'm almost inclined to take that as a challenge.
Riddle Sideways: ya'll should come and slap me
Adams Rubble: hehe
Riddle Sideways: but, as Pema put it... I am falling in love with Adams blog
Adams Rubble blushes
Riddle tells us aabout a RL meeting of virtual world acquaintances
Riddle Sideways: last weekend I had about 15 people from another virtual world meet each other at my house
Riddle Sideways: probably the reason I will use not to meet any of you :)
Adams Rubble quakes with fear
Wol Euler: wow, what an idea.
Riddle Sideways: My mental pictures of you are so angelic
Riddle Sideways: that RL might mess that up
Wol Euler: heheheheh
Adams Rubble: Ah, my experoence in August was the opposite
Wol Euler: I promise not to slobber on your rug or dig holes in the lawn.
Adams Rubble: haha Wol
Riddle Sideways: lol
Riddle Sideways: ummmm, what is this little "11170" in the middle?
Wol Euler: ah, that is a prototype Listener. That is the master unit which coordinates the little Listeners taht we are each wearing.
Adams Rubble looks up nervously
Wol Euler: we are running semi-live, recording and transmitting and storing in a database.
Wol Euler: but we are not yet publishing it.
Wol Euler: I hoped for a large turnout and a lot of shouting at thtis meeting, to give the system a thorough shakedown.
Pia Iger: seems others are not online
Adams Rubble: YO MIKE!
Wol Euler shouts: Where is everyone!?
Riddle Sideways: so, master big brother is recording us and storing it in a vault in a mountain
Wol Euler: yep
Riddle Sideways: and the public can't hear us
Wol Euler: well, he's been doing that for decades actually :-|
Wol Euler: and yes, the public can#t hear.
Wol Euler: yet.
Adams Rubble pictures Fael in a dark smoke filled room with earphones
Riddle Sideways: hmmmm, hard to image
Adams Rubble: How about Cheney?
Adams Rubble: hehe
Riddle Sideways: Faenik?
Wol Euler: boo! hiss!
Adams Rubble: could be
Wol Euler: Faenik is a problem actually, since he's not an avatar he will not be recorded.
Adams Rubble: booo
Wol Euler: There are possible solutions, but we are leaving those for Phase Two.
Wol Euler nods. Boo indeed.
Adams Rubble: Faenik was brilliant at the 7 am session yesterday
Riddle Sideways: oh dear, I want Faenik comments too
Wol Euler: well, we will find a solution. but first, we want to get it working at all.
Wol Euler: wearen't going to make October 1, sorry to say, that is too close and we have too much still to do.
Wol Euler: but it could certainly be ready by the end of Princeton.
Riddle Sideways: not the usual way of doing software
Riddle Sideways: add features and skip functional
Wol Euler: lol
Riddle Sideways: hope Princeton will be recorded
Wol Euler: RL-recorded you mean?
Wol Euler: good idea
Riddle Sideways: maybe some video
Riddle Sideways: not 72 hours
Adams Rubble could see that both ways
Wol Euler: ... though that goes against your seeing us all as angels, Riddle.
Wol Euler: perhaps better just to have sound.
Riddle Sideways: I know, I read that too
Riddle Sideways: but, I am a counterdiction in my own rightt
Wol Euler: :-)
Adams Rubble: How did the conversation go in your RL group Riddle?
Riddle Sideways: not been to any RL PaB meetings
Adams Rubble: You said you met 15 people?
Riddle Sideways: sorry, that was a group of Video Ranch avatars
Riddle Sideways: several were not what their avatars present
Wol Euler grins
Riddle Sideways: serveral were exactly what they present
Adams Rubble sees conversation being tentative
Riddle Sideways: that group is much more about music
Adams Rubble: Ah
Riddle Sideways: much more play
Riddle Sideways: then content
Riddle Sideways: one of the most chatty avs was the most silent at party
Wol Euler: ah :)
Adams Rubble can understand that :)
Riddle Sideways: the studio that the live concerts are video'ed is near me
Riddle Sideways: and we all went to watch how it is done
Riddle Sideways: showed up late
Riddle Sideways: one group of musicians had been driving for 8 hours
Riddle Sideways: had a cup of water
Wol Euler: wow.
Riddle Sideways: jumped on green screen stage and played great
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: then died
Riddle Sideways: no, but nearly
Riddle Sideways: anyway, enough about me
Riddle Sideways: what about those APAPBs
Adams Rubble: wb Quen :)
Riddle Sideways: there are sooooo many threads going on at this point
Wol Euler: hello quen.
Riddle Sideways: I need a score card
Riddle Sideways: hi Quen
quen Oh: hello Adams, Wol, Riddle
quen Oh: and last but not least hi Pia
quen Oh: sorry for the delay
Adams Rubble has many threads herself
Pema had written an email to the group suggesting that there were three ways of expressing the relationship of my three selves, i.e inner person (z-self), my real life "self" and my lead avatar. One that there was no relationship with Being for any; one that the inner person was Being and the others derived Being from there and the third that all were Being. He then made the analogy of a stick casting different shadows
Riddle Sideways: the email thread about light casting shadows off 3 sticks
Adams Rubble: yes?
Riddle Sideways: was fav
Wol Euler: mmhm, we were talking about that earlier.
Adams Rubble: yes, at this morning's session
Riddle Sideways: oooo, will have to wait for the movie to come out
I brought my dream and some of my interpretations worked out with Wol at the previous 7 am session
Adams Rubble: I wrote about it some in my blog this morning and then was able to develop it a bit with Wol's helpI had not really considered the idea that I may have been guided by Being on the road thus far. I have been fully aware of what people in PaB have done for me but not really that there has been something more. I had asked God to come in through the door and He had. Gen made me aware of this with the following question, the title of the log:
Wol Euler: :-)
Adams Rubble: Not a big deal though (except maybe for me :) )
Adams Rubble: Last night I was dreaming on all the different levels and watching myself at those levels too
Adams Rubble: For the first time since being a child I saw myself lying there
Adams Rubble: Then I forgot much but know that I was dreaming of other levels
Wol Euler: hello gen.
Adams Rubble: The most dramatic was Adams watching a red pepper growing
Riddle Sideways: this group has helped me get back to that place too
Adams Rubble: hi gen :)
quen Oh: hello Genesis
Adams Rubble: It was beautiful
Adams Rubble: but then my physical self opened its eyes
genesis Zhangsun: Hi All
Riddle Sideways: hi Gen
Adams Rubble: and the scene vannished
Adams Rubble: Adams was bitterly disappointed
Riddle Sideways: beware openning eyes and not having it disappear
Adams Rubble: :)
Wol Euler: heheh
Adams Rubble: I don;t know how all that relates to Being yet
Riddle Sideways: then we won't tell you
Adams Rubble: But it is one of the shadows
Adams Rubble: haha Riddle
Adams Rubble: you can tell :)
Riddle Sideways: one of the few rules of life is not to tell the ends of books or movies or ...
Riddle Sideways: the whole trip is about going there
quen Oh: nor the beginning of them..
Wol Euler nods
quen Oh: basically one wants only to hear from a trustworthy source that there is a good movie you should watch...
genesis Zhangsun: If you think about path as fruition then perhaps the fact that there is a good movie to watch out there is enough
Adams Rubble: Yes Gen :)
genesis Zhangsun: If you think about it from everything I have learned from PaB
Riddle Sideways: trouble is too many ... sources are too willing to tell you of there choices in movies
genesis Zhangsun: Yes but perhaps that is all there is a lot of people pointing at what they think is "the best movie"
Wol Euler: mmhmm, it#s about trust. Earning the right to have a share of your atttention.
genesis Zhangsun: Everything I have learned in PaB suggests that there is no right way to define Being
genesis Zhangsun: have you noticed that when Pema defines Being
Riddle Sideways: ahhh, Gen hits the target
genesis Zhangsun: he adjusts it to the capacity to understand of each listener
genesis Zhangsun: he speaks in the language of Christiantiy, or Buddhism
genesis Zhangsun: or Science
genesis Zhangsun: but its not about the framework of the vocab
genesis Zhangsun: but what it points to
Adams Rubble: I am at a point where I feel a need to have a firmer grasp myself :)
Pia Iger: why?
Pia Iger: grasp of meaning of Being?
Adams Rubble: I think I have gone as far as I can by myself to live a better life, to be a better person, to be more compassionate
Adams Rubble: I need to reach out to something bigger than me
genesis Zhangsun: but Adams have you really been by yourself the whole time?
Adams Rubble: :)
quen Oh: perhaps reach out to others? don't know what you mean?
Adams Rubble: reach out to something bigger, Quen = Being/God
quen Oh: ah...
Adams Rubble: and Gen, the answer is no, thanks :)
genesis Zhangsun: :)
genesis Zhangsun: big exists in the smallest of spaces, big is all the time in any crevice of every moment
Pia Iger: That is true, Gen. But we may not know that. Adams wants to be more aware of Big existing there.
Pia Iger: we know Big is there, but we don't directly feel it.
Adams Rubble: Gen seems to be suggesting that I look to what helped me get where I am now
Riddle Sideways: very good place to start
Riddle Sideways: there are things/history that has helped you so far
Riddle Sideways: there are hundreds of sessions recorded
Riddle Sideways: most you were at
genesis Zhangsun: :)
Adams Rubble: weelllll
Riddle Sideways: Being has been defined hundred ways
Riddle Sideways: one or two sing true notes
Riddle Sideways: in you
Riddle Sideways: collect those excerpts yourself
Riddle Sideways: and see if they fit, show, point
Adams Rubble: hehe. By conicidence, I am doing just that Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: maybe we all are :)
Adams Rubble: It takes a long time :)
Riddle Sideways: yes, and take that time
Riddle Sideways: the trip is fun and worth it
Adams Rubble: and enlightening
Riddle Sideways: watch the butterflies along the road
Adams Rubble: :)
genesis Zhangsun: I think this is the beautiful things about PaB is that it allows each person to define Being and their path for themselves
genesis Zhangsun: and not to let others do it for you]
genesis Zhangsun: this process keeps it honest for me
Riddle Sideways: yes Gen!
Riddle Sideways: there is not a preacher in a building down the street
Riddle Sideways: telling you how the path goes
Riddle Sideways: however, there is responibility to yourself to do the walking/talking
Adams Rubble: yes, and to know when what you are feeling is reality
genesis Zhangsun: for me it is this earnestness or responsibility as you call it to do the walking/talking search which is our greatest resource
Adams Rubble: to figure out when
Adams Rubble: Did Pema leave any instructions about posting log?
genesis Zhangsun: not that I know of
genesis Zhangsun: any volunteers?
Adams Rubble: I am posting the 7 am and could just do this one as well if you want
genesis Zhangsun: thank you Adams
Riddle Sideways: thanks
Riddle Sideways: whoever has the longest log
Riddle Sideways: and folks, I need to go get ready to go someplace
genesis Zhangsun: bye Riddle
Riddle Sideways: ha, I am going to a Tie-Dye party
Wol Euler: ok, I too should be going, dinner awaits.
Adams Rubble: OK. Good to see you Riddle. bye :)
Wol Euler: heheheh
genesis Zhangsun: Bye Wol
Adams Rubble: bye Wol, thanks :)
Wol Euler: sounds like fun.
Riddle Sideways: bye all
Wol Euler: bye everyone, take care.
Adams Rubble: The rain seems to have finally stopped here in RL :)
quen Oh: bye all
Adams Rubble: bye Quen :)
Pia Iger: I am projecting SL as wet as RL in my mind.
genesis Zhangsun: bye I am off too
Adams Rubble: We had a good bit of rain :)
Adams Rubble: bye Gen :)
genesis Zhangsun: sorry I was late and thanks for letting me join in :)
Pia Iger: bye, Gen
Adams Rubble: always good to see you Gen :)
genesis Zhangsun: bye
Adams Rubble: I left you an IM
genesis Zhangsun: same to you both!
Adams Rubble: ah you going too, bye Pia :)
genesis Zhangsun: and see you in Princeton!
Adams Rubble: yes :)
Pia Iger: head to my beach. This room is not airy here
Adams Rubble: :)
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