A day of thanks .... many thanks to all of you. - CH
Becka Finesmith: HI Caledinia
Caledonia Heron: greetings!
Becka Finesmith: Caledonia - Sorry
Caledonia Heron: Happy Thanksgiving :)
Caledonia Heron: Caledinia is my cousin :)
Becka Finesmith: Happy Thnksgiving to you too :) We don't celebrate this in the UK :(
Becka Finesmith: Are you having a nice break?
Wester Kiranov: hi all
Becka Finesmith: Hi Wester
Caledonia Heron: hi Wester :)
Caledonia Heron: mmmm, no break really ... I'm running the kitchen at my house, dinner for 14 later :)
Becka Finesmith: Eeeep. - I'll be over soon ;)
Caledonia Heron: lol, good!
Becka Finesmith: It's a bigger celebration then Christmas?
Caledonia Heron: have you been to this discussion group before Wester?
Wester Kiranov: i might have to run sometime later - just here till the kids wake up from their nap
Caledonia Heron: no, not bigger Becka, kind of a lead-in :)
Wester Kiranov: yes, i've been here before
Wester Kiranov: twice
Caledonia Heron: ok, wanted to make sure you know what we're doing and that we record comments
Caledonia Heron: nice to meet you then :)
Wester Kiranov: yes, i know
Wester Kiranov: and nice to meet you
Caledonia Heron: the group is so big now I have not met everyone , and it keeps growing so I might not ever meet everyone :)
Becka Finesmith: lol - I don't feel so new anymore :)
Caledonia Heron: good! it's a very welcoming group - one of it's endearing qualities
Becka Finesmith: I agree. Everyone is lovely :)
Becka Finesmith: I had an interesting experience today in the office
Caledonia Heron: do tell, do tell :)
Becka Finesmith: I have set my PDA tosound the chime every 15 minutes
Becka Finesmith: My work colleagues asked what it was for
Becka Finesmith: So I told them
Becka Finesmith: I noticed (Out of the corner of my eye) that every 15 minutes, they where stopping with me
Caledonia Heron: lol, awesome!!
Becka Finesmith: We had such a busy morning I think they were happy for the break away
Wester Kiranov: that's great
Becka Finesmith: It was really funny to start with but it was nice that they shared the experience
Caledonia Heron: it would be interesting to note if productivity improves :) not sure how you'd quantify that but you could observe subjectively, a group improvement in results or morale :)
Becka Finesmith: I really think they found it helpful to
Becka Finesmith: THat would be interesting - I'm not there much unfortunately so it would be hard to tell.
Becka Finesmith: I'm sure that in cultures that practice group Tai Chi in the mornings, the relationships are healthier
Caledonia Heron: yes, shared moments, shared time .... that's where connections and bonds are
Becka Finesmith: Like here :)
Wester Kiranov: :)
Caledonia Heron: yes, exactly
Caledonia Heron: I came to the meeting at which you were the goc Becka - you were discussing emotions and being if I remember correctly
Becka Finesmith: yes :)
Caledonia Heron: any follow-on thoughts on that?
Becka Finesmith: I got a lot out of that
Becka Finesmith: Well, I've been trying to understand when emotions come from nowhere as a result
Becka Finesmith: All I have noticed so far is that it stops me in my tracks
Becka Finesmith: I got angry about something the other day - I can't remember what it was.
Becka Finesmith: I stopped to question why and it made me realise I had no reason to feel that way
Caledonia Heron: interesting
Becka Finesmith: it was a very odd feeling
Becka Finesmith: To be aware of those emotions but see them from a different perspective
Caledonia Heron: if you mean to be so wrapped up in being one way and then in a moment to release it, I understand
Caledonia Heron: I have been "training" myself to stop and drop when I have something that I'm turning something over and over in my mind ... sometimes it seems ceaselessly, looking at something, poking, trying to figure it out and then if I stop ....
Caledonia Heron: really stop
Caledonia Heron: and let go
Caledonia Heron: I can release it .... to nothingness and rest my mind
Caledonia Heron: then afterward I am free to look at whatever it was in a fresh way, sometimes to create a solution
Becka Finesmith: That's interesting. I was saying something similiar to Pema theother day
Becka Finesmith: I can't let problems go until they are solved
Becka Finesmith: even to the poinht of not sleeping
Caledonia Heron: that's what we think
Caledonia Heron: but, in fact you can let something go at any time
Becka Finesmith: and often when you exhaust yourself and finally release yourself, A solution comes immediately
Caledonia Heron: yes sometimes a solution
Caledonia Heron: or, you create the space to let whatever it is merely be what it is without fussing
Becka Finesmith nods
Becka Finesmith: We don't really know ourselves to well do we?
Caledonia Heron: I think we do know ourselves
Caledonia Heron: but don't see ourselves
Becka Finesmith: Do you think we pull the wool over our own eyes?
Caledonia Heron: sometimes - sometimes on purpose and others without realizing it
Sonic Moonites: hello
Becka Finesmith: Hi Sonic
Wester Kiranov: hi
Caledonia Heron: hey there Sonic :)
Caledonia Heron: hey there stevenaia :)
stevenaia Michinaga: hello, caledonia, it has been a while
Becka Finesmith: Hi Stevenaia
stevenaia Michinaga: let me know if I'm sitting on someone
Caledonia Heron: yes, it has :) nice to see you :)
stevenaia Michinaga: hello Becka, nice to met you
Becka Finesmith: I also noticed today, because I have been very rigorous about the practice, that when I'm busy the 15 minutes are closer together :)
Caledonia Heron: I think you're ok and not sitting on anyone :)
stevenaia Michinaga: thnx
Caledonia Heron: compressing time in rl too huh? :)
stevenaia Michinaga: Becka, is the the 15 inutes that ate closer ot the time between that you reflect on the 9 seconds that fills the gaps?
Becka Finesmith: lol - It's funny though - Does that mean time really changes or just my perception of it? Either way - It's interesting
stevenaia Michinaga: becka, pardon my typing... a personal issue with my fingers and the keyboard
Becka Finesmith: PEBKEK ;)
Caledonia Heron: well, if you really want to go for it about time .... I'll stand on the square of no time and that it's a shared perception we impose :)
Becka Finesmith: yes. I can say that 15 minutes felt like 5 and everyone would still agree it was 15
Becka Finesmith: It's all relative I guess
Becka Finesmith: what does it really matter
Becka Finesmith: If two people could be aware of the same timeframe - would be get differing amounts of work done?
Becka Finesmith: A way of making us more productive
Becka Finesmith: :)
Becka Finesmith: be less busy
Becka Finesmith: (I think I just made a profound statement ;) )
stevenaia Michinaga: laughs
Caledonia Heron: :)
Caledonia Heron: it's interesting about timeframes ... think about when you go on vacation ... really on vacation like no email, etc ... and you get in a flow with your vacation buddies ... that whole synched timeframe is like a bubble that you especially notice when you come home ... it pops and you're in another time which shows how relative time can be
Caledonia Heron: there's lots of examples where you get time shifted and if/when you shift to another time it really wallops you
Becka Finesmith: I can't remember my last vacation :(
Wester Kiranov: but then you could try to see "normal" time as a bubble too, not as "real"
Caledonia Heron: Exactly Wester!! it's all a bubble!!
Caledonia Heron: a made up bubble
Caledonia Heron: bubbles
Becka Finesmith: Which means that all the time pressures we put ourselves under are illusionary
stevenaia Michinaga: bubble ...as in temporary type of perception?
Caledonia Heron: there's a bubble theory of the universe :)
Wester Kiranov: There's this Buddhist slogan "regard everything as a dream"
Caledonia Heron: a created sphere of reality stevenaia
stevenaia Michinaga: sounds like something we all carry
Caledonia Heron: yes, perhaps a dream and a dream in a dream in a dream ad infinitum
Becka Finesmith: recursive reality
Caledonia Heron: :)
stevenaia Michinaga: or a reality looking at a reality
Caledonia Heron: it sounds plausible and... when/if you stop and drop, all this explaining falls away :)
Becka Finesmith: trying to explain something that doesn't really exist
Becka Finesmith: something that isn't physical
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, it simpifies much of how we see
This part was funny if you were there .... avs running around in hair on fire mode...
Caledonia Heron: it's funny - there's this saying they teach little kids in school about what to do if there's a fire ... stop, drop and roll - the stop and drop thing reminds me of that
Becka Finesmith nods
Wester Kiranov: they also say you should practice as if your hair were on fire (i think)
stevenaia Michinaga: perhaps 9 secs every 15 minutes?
Wester Kiranov: so maybe the fire practice is a good reminder
Becka Finesmith: I'd be running out screaming then :( RL has intervened :( I have to leave. Thank you for the chat. It's been really interesting
Wester Kiranov: bye
Becka Finesmith: namaste
Caledonia Heron: nice to speak with you too Becka :)
stevenaia Michinaga: bye Becka
Becka Finesmith: And you Caledonia, everyone :)
Becka Finesmith: Bye
Caledonia Heron: hair on fire? :)
stevenaia Michinaga: lol
Caledonia Heron: stop drop and roll!!
stevenaia Michinaga: reality on fire.. stop drop and see
Caledonia Heron: LOL
Wester Kiranov: right
Becka Finesmith: onigokko
Caledonia Heron: good one
Caledonia Heron: LOL
Becka Finesmith: told ya
Caledonia Heron: onigokko
Becka Finesmith: stop
stevenaia Michinaga: lol
Caledonia Heron: hilarious!!
Wester Kiranov: i needed that
Wester Kiranov: stop
Becka Finesmith: lol
Caledonia Heron: my office buddy wonders why I'm laughing :)
Becka Finesmith: lol - Hair on fire tell them
stevenaia Michinaga: I love sl on scripts
Wester Kiranov: i think you have to turn off animations
Becka Finesmith: anyway - See ya later :)
Caledonia Heron: I did - they're laughing with me :)
Caledonia Heron: bye :)
stevenaia Michinaga: always nice hearing someone who focuses on the 9 seconds regularly
stevenaia Michinaga: I;m happy to take that time at these meetings and reflect on them here
Caledonia Heron: you mean on the 1/4 hour? yes :)
stevenaia Michinaga: yes
stevenaia Michinaga: for at least somr of the 1/4 hours
Caledonia Heron: for sure, whatever works for you I think
Wester Kiranov: rl intervening - my kids need me now. bye
Caledonia Heron: nice to see you Wester :)
stevenaia Michinaga: bye Wester
Wester Kiranov: namaste
Caledonia Heron: hi to the kids [waving]
stevenaia Michinaga: nice to meet you
Wester Kiranov: see you later
stevenaia Michinaga: wait till they are teens, they sleep till n oon
Caledonia Heron: lol, true
stevenaia Michinaga: are you in Europe, you said you were working?
Caledonia Heron: I'm in my home office and we had a sleepover with friends so they are working in my office too plus my daughter is practicing piano so it's a real jamboree going on in here :)
Caledonia Heron: to answer your question, I'm in the U.S.
stevenaia Michinaga: awww, I will be heading into that later at my brothers
Caledonia Heron: fun!
Caledonia Heron: oh, and the 2 year old "helping" practice piano
stevenaia Michinaga: unfortunately the bird has never been as good as at home
Caledonia Heron: take charge!! cook that bird! :)
stevenaia Michinaga: we have tried, sister insists
Caledonia Heron: lol, oh well :)
Caledonia Heron: I have given the bird to my daughter this year, I am queen of pies :)
Caledonia Heron: there's always room for pie :)
stevenaia Michinaga: make your own crust?
Caledonia Heron: yes
Caledonia Heron: and bought also
Caledonia Heron: mix and match :)
stevenaia Michinaga: sign of a true pie maker, my spouse does all from scratch
stevenaia Michinaga: sons friends are stupified if it doesn't come out of a box
Caledonia Heron: ahhh, well there's no acounting for taste
stevenaia Michinaga: but they have no problem eating it
Caledonia Heron: ha ha
Caledonia Heron: an observation that translates to many things
stevenaia Michinaga: was never fond of that water feature
Caledonia Heron: it's nice there's options - something for everyone - don't like the fountain? presto! it's something else :)
stevenaia Michinaga: yes, well thought out
Caledonia Heron: funny - someone's spinning the blues - think the party has started already :)
Caledonia Heron: cool, thx for the lm :)
stevenaia Michinaga: here's a Thanksgiving day distraction
stevenaia Michinaga: if you can't make it to NYC for the parade
Caledonia Heron: :)
Caledonia Heron: I live in a kind of party town - there's a rock and roll parade Sat
stevenaia Michinaga: college town?
Caledonia Heron: yes, a big college, capital, high tech, fitness, 6K musicians .... lots going on
stevenaia Michinaga: nice when there are options nearby
stevenaia Michinaga: well I need to move on, nice running into you
Caledonia Heron: ok, same here ... pies are calling :)
Caledonia Heron: nice to see you :)
Caledonia Heron: Happy Thanksgiving :)
stevenaia Michinaga: I have a pumpkin cheesecake to consume today
Caledonia Heron: mmmm
stevenaia Michinaga: happy thanksgiving
Caledonia Heron: to you also :)
Caledonia Heron: bye :)
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