Wol Euler recovered this session from the autologging database.
Archmage Atlantis: hello, genesis
genesis Zhangsun: Hi!
genesis Zhangsun: have you been here before?
Archmage Atlantis: I've beeen coming almost daily for about a week
genesis Zhangsun: oh great
Archmage Atlantis: I have friends who come here regularly
genesis Zhangsun: just wanted to check whether I needed to explain what we do etc
Archmage Atlantis: I've found most of the conversations interesting
genesis Zhangsun: oh good, have you started doing any of the explorations?
genesis Zhangsun: 9 seconds for example?
Archmage Atlantis: Given your position as Project Mgr, I'd love hearing what information you might chose to impart
Archmage Atlantis: I have read through the website for PAB, the rules and the idea
genesis Zhangsun: my role as Project Manager really applies to my role at Kira
genesis Zhangsun: while PaB is one initiative I really don't take an active role to "manage" this community except in a "in the background" sort of way
genesis Zhangsun: to keep things running smoothly
genesis Zhangsun: I can speak to Play as Being, as someone who has participated in it for over a year
genesis Zhangsun: so what do you find interesting about PaB
Archmage Atlantis: Well, I am interested in Kira also, I had never heard of it......being mostly in the corporate world until recently
Archmage Atlantis: The most valuable thing has been the openess to all ideas
Archmage Atlantis: The most interresting thing is the entities who come here and their interests and backgrounds
genesis Zhangsun: yes I find the people here interesting too.
genesis Zhangsun: what is your background?
Archmage Atlantis: My last position was directing a team creating financial and operational reports for a multinational corporation, ....design, development, programming and implementation
genesis Zhangsun: that sounds important :)
genesis Zhangsun: so how did you get interested in PaB like topics? Contemplation etc?
Archmage Atlantis: I became disabled 3 years ago, now I am more interested in my avoctions of philosophy, religion, neurological understanding of the mind and the future of humanity and it's decendents and other entities we shall interact with in this galaxy
Archmage Atlantis: Not so important, if disability hadn't kicked in, I would have probably had my team integrated with the larger corporate group and lost my position
Archmage Atlantis: I was 3 years ahead of the curve *smile*
genesis Zhangsun: wow, interesting
genesis Zhangsun: may I ask what type of disability?
Archmage Atlantis: Sure, the worst part is the neuropathy which limits my physical ability, but also peripheral vascular disease, diabetes,,,,and a bunch of other "conditions"... mostly disabled due to the cummulative effect of them all, no one special thing
genesis Zhangsun: it must have been quite difficult to see more and more conditions appearing
genesis Zhangsun: puzzling I am sure for you
Archmage Atlantis: My heart doctor says my heart is strong and younger in effective age than I, to which I say great, I'm going to live a long downhill spiral
genesis Zhangsun: how do you feel about it now?
Archmage Atlantis: I accept, my personal beliefs have come more into focus with each round of increased physical and financial challenge
genesis Zhangsun: yes difficult times can push us into more enlightened views in a way
genesis Zhangsun: acceptance of what "is"
Archmage Atlantis: You share some interests. I see some philosophy groups you have chosen to belong to
genesis Zhangsun: yes though I can't say I have visited many of the groups often
genesis Zhangsun: I have been quite busy with Kira this past year
Archmage Atlantis: Yea, you only have to hit me over the head with a ball peen hammer for 50+ years to start to "get it" *chuckle*
Archmage Atlantis: How did you come to be involved with Kira?
genesis Zhangsun: I met Piet in a coffee shop last year, a time in my life when I felt uncertain about what my next steps should be
genesis Zhangsun: I had graduated from law school, got married and had a baby all in a short time
Archmage Atlantis: Quite a trifecta
genesis Zhangsun: I had always been very career oriented, on a clear track, had a sense that my future was planned out that I knew what I wanted
genesis Zhangsun: then suddenly after having my child and wandering around Europe for a year or so I felt a little lost, off the beaten path, and opening up to it
genesis Zhangsun: confused but sort of relieved
genesis Zhangsun: I met Piet- Pema Pera in a Berkeley coffee shop, a few months after I had returned to California
genesis Zhangsun: he was talking to a colleague about Second Life
genesis Zhangsun: I immediately recognized it, having gone in a few months before
genesis Zhangsun: out of curiousity I struck up a conversation
genesis Zhangsun: and here I am
Archmage Atlantis: If I may ask, why did you chose to attend law school?
genesis Zhangsun: I have been deeply concerned about justice and injustice from a young age
genesis Zhangsun: I felt that the law could be a tool for social change
genesis Zhangsun: in university I studied the law though the lens of multiple disciplines
genesis Zhangsun: essentially looking at what "law" is to society
genesis Zhangsun: what it says about our values
genesis Zhangsun: uses sociological, anthropological, and historical lenses as tools
Archmage Atlantis: I attended 2 semester of law school as part of a JD/MBA program.....after that, I was quite sure that, while law may provide a remedy, it is rarely the handmaiden of justice
genesis Zhangsun: yes I feel the same way
genesis Zhangsun: my views on justice evolved since 12
genesis Zhangsun: :)
genesis Zhangsun: I considered myself doing the joint JD/MBA
Archmage Atlantis: We should have some interesting discussions, when we meet with time to speak......I have an obligation with a friend, so I must leave now
Archmage Atlantis: Blessings be to you
genesis Zhangsun: the same to you
genesis Zhangsun: nice to meet you
Archmage Atlantis: Bye for now
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