The Guardian for this meeting was Bolonath Crystal. The comments are by Bolonath Crystal.
Bolonath Crystal: namaste cal :)
Calvino Rabeni: _/!\_
Calvino Rabeni: Bolo
Bolonath Crystal: how are you?
Calvino Rabeni: Good overall
Calvino Rabeni: I am feeling something like a slight wanderlust
Bolonath Crystal: wow. where to do you like to wander, i wonder?
Calvino Rabeni: well, where, what and why, with Who ?
Calvino Rabeni: I took a trip to the PaB time machine
Calvino Rabeni: By reading the logs
Calvino Rabeni: and looking at the pictures
Bolonath Crystal: oic
Calvino Rabeni: and what I felt is to wander into the past
Calvino Rabeni: impossible certainly
Calvino Rabeni: yet one can dream
Bolonath Crystal: yes :)
Calvino Rabeni: I have like the seasons this year, the cold and darkness, contentedly; now the dream of spring is stirring just a tiny amount
the world consists of memories
Bolonath Crystal: maybe we are wandering more in the past than we know. what else is the world if not a memory?
Calvino Rabeni: Calvino Rabeni ponders this
Bolonath Crystal: namaste yak :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: guten morgen bolo, hey cal
Calvino Rabeni: konichi wa yaku-san
Bolonath Crystal: don't ponder too much, cal. just try it. drop memory and see by yourself what remains
Bolonath Crystal: yak, i set up the hypothesis, that the world consists mainly of memories (to summarize the ongoing discussion)
Yakuzza Lethecus: at least what we see in the world is in that way
Yakuzza Lethecus: we´ll never going to see the truth, it will always be biased by our culture and the meta culture we´ll reach but in the end we´ll never going to see the truth as i believe
Yakuzza Lethecus: but i am not very elaborated on that, thats why i should read more about phenomenologie and phil
Bolonath Crystal: i made an experiment this morning and tried to drop memory. difficult to put the results into words, but it was somehow surprising
Bolonath Crystal: namaste zen :)
Zen Arado: namaste Bolo, Calvino, Yaku
Bolonath Crystal: a while ago i asked myself what happens to consciousness in deep sleep
Bolonath Crystal: and the answer was: nothing!
Zen Arado: dropping mempry is just being mindful?
Bolonath Crystal: imo in deep sleep we are fully conscious, but we don't remember
Calvino Rabeni: It would be somewhat hard to tell, wouldn't it
Bolonath Crystal: dropping memory is more than being mindful. when we are mindful we still compare our perceptions with our experiences. but without memory there are no experiences
Bolonath Crystal: yes, hard to proof anything about that, cal
Calvino Rabeni: well some things might help
Zen Arado: 'without memory there are no experiences' ?
Calvino Rabeni: zen, have you had an encounter with keisaku stick?
Zen Arado: don't get that Bolo?
Zen Arado: only once Cal
Calvino Rabeni: might be one way to know if sleeping during zazen, or just in no-memory state
Zen Arado: experience is in the present
Bolonath Crystal: our perceptions get their meaning by repetition and by comparison with similar perceptions from the past
Bolonath Crystal: we don't have any kind of experience without memory. everything would be completely new and meaningless
Zen Arado: hmmm IMO the idea is to just be open to what is and not try to interpret
Calvino Rabeni: for the log:
Zen Arado: like when I have my shower in the morning ...just be aware of what I am doing
Zen Arado: and not thinking of what I am going to do today or what I did yesterday
Zen Arado: ty Cal
Bolonath Crystal: but you have some idea what happens when you take a shower, zen. without memory you wouldn't even know what a shower is
Bolonath Crystal: nothing would have existed before this very moment
Zen Arado: or what to do with the sponge or what to do...
Zen Arado: hmmmm
Calvino Rabeni: YW zen.
Bolonath Crystal: you wouldn't even know that you have been sleeping before, when you stand in the bathroom
Calvino Rabeni: some say that
Bolonath Crystal: things exist, because we remember them
past, present and future only exist in the NOW
Calvino Rabeni: many phenomenologists seem to think that experience looks 3 ways at once - past, present, future, indivisibly
Calvino Rabeni: it is a thicker present - compared to whose, I suppose?
Bolonath Crystal: past is the memory that we have NOW. future is the expectation that we have NOW. and present? isn't it simply the surface between past and future?
Zen Arado: yes ..everything is still in the NOW
Bolonath Crystal: but the NOW has no temporal dimension...
Zen Arado: wondering just waht memory is ....
Calvino Rabeni: AH, a theory of seductive simplicity :)
Bolonath Crystal: i love simple theories ;)
Zen Arado: maybe it is simple...we are jusat complicating it :)
Calvino Rabeni: I mistrust them
Bolonath Crystal: somehow i think, truth is simple. maybe because i am not able to grasp something difficult
Calvino Rabeni: some neurologists say we "remember" the future
Zen Arado: still haven't worked out how to change titles Cal :(
Bolonath Crystal: we remember future? how that?
Calvino Rabeni: Not in terms of physicists time - they mean, what we understand of the future uses the exact same mechanism of mind as how we understand the past
Zen Arado: memory is patterns in the brain
Bolonath Crystal: ah, ok
Zen Arado: we reconstrucy actual experiences they say
Calvino Rabeni: So, the difference is apparent / conceptual
Zon Quar: heya
Bolonath Crystal: namaste zon :)
Zen Arado: Hi Zon
Zon Quar: waht r u talking about
Bolonath Crystal: i agree with this. past and future are temporal projections, like inside and outside are spatial projections
Zen Arado: memory
Zon Quar: interesting
Zon Quar: why do we forget ?
Zen Arado: there was a theory that our 'self' is composed of memories
Zen Arado: John Locke
Zon Quar: yes recording of past expereinces
Zen Arado: but it doesn't work
Bolonath Crystal: oh, i must read that some day, zen. you know, i started the discussion by suggesting that the world is composed of memories
Zon Quar: why not ?
Zen Arado: because if you had amnesia your self would disappear
Zon Quar: perhaps therre r 2 selves
Zen Arado: but they were looking for something essential that persists through our lives
bigger, smaller and 'true' selves
Bolonath Crystal: i think, what we call 'self' in this circumstance is not 'true self'
Zen Arado: and memory doesn't work for that
Zon Quar: outern personality and a more permanent one...
Zen Arado: agree Bolo
Zon Quar: and that outern one is based on memory
Calvino Rabeni: There are people with impairment of the memory ability
Zen Arado: my simple view of mindfulness has been confounded now Bolo !
Calvino Rabeni: which are interesting because they manage their experiences differently
Zon Quar: memory of how i have been reflected by the society
Zon Quar: and there is also someone who forgets...and remembers
Bolonath Crystal: happy to read that, zen *ggg*
Calvino Rabeni: Some selfs are truer than others, then?
Zen Arado: if I am in the shower perhaps there are 2 kinds of memory at work
Zon Quar: i think so Cal
Zon Quar: more permanent
Zen Arado: memory of right actions and memory of experiences I had testerday?
Bolonath Crystal: oops... i wouldn't say that this way, cal. maybe none of them is true
Calvino Rabeni: Not sure I would like to play favorites
Zen Arado: there is no self of any description IMO
Zen Arado: only an illusion
Zon Quar: some "things" r just more permanet than others
Calvino Rabeni: Some illusions are truer than others?
Zon Quar: more permanent
Bolonath Crystal: 'more permanent'... hm
Bolonath Crystal: something is permanent - or it is not, i think
Zen Arado: my aim is to dissolve that illusion of self
Zon Quar: i htink there is self
Zen Arado: or let it go
Zon Quar: it only depends on how we define it
Zon Quar: self can be one for us all
Zon Quar: so it is kind of no-self
Bolonath Crystal nods
Bolonath Crystal: 'self' is over-personal
Bolonath Crystal: multividual, so to say
Zen Arado: something we construct from memories
Zon Quar: so i thin buddhas no-self and indian atma or self r not opposite
Zen Arado: of how we reacted to ppl and experiences in the past
Bolonath Crystal: rather indian brahman, zon, imo
Zen Arado: it separates us from others
Zon Quar: wahnt is individual ?
Zon Quar: it means not to be divided
Zon Quar: its not separate
Zon Quar: its undivided
Zen Arado: having a 'self' I mean
Zon Quar: so self could be lika that
Zon Quar: not devided to us
Zon Quar: the tru self
Zon Quar: common
Zon Quar: to us all
Zen Arado: ah the true self is diferent
Zon Quar: then we have thses samller selves
Zen Arado: it is joined to everyone and everything
Zon Quar: we think t separate
Zon Quar: are
Zen Arado: definitions confuse
Bolonath Crystal: these smaller selves are called 'jiva' in indian philosophy. the jiva is not free, it is a samsaric subject
Zen Arado: yes 'small self'
Zon Quar: so we r all a bit self divided into impermanent little selves
Zon Quar: who think they r all separate
Calvino Rabeni: yes, it is fun to have lots of selves (playing devils advocate)
Bolonath Crystal: if the jiva realizes that it is in fact undivided, it becomes a 'jivanmukti', a freed self
Zen Arado: maybe more interesting :)
Zon Quar: yes,,its bosing to pay football all alone
Zon Quar: boring
Zen Arado: but causes suffering in the end
Zon Quar: hm depends
Zon Quar: how u look at it
Zon Quar: from the point of the little self it is suffering
Bolonath Crystal: well, also 'devided happiness' in this case would be a kind of suffering. one suffers from illusion
Zon Quar: but form the point of true self its fun
lila - the divine play
Calvino Rabeni: If big self tells the little selves they are playing a game, perhaps they can be happy
Zon Quar: uhhuh
Zen Arado: but we can be true self and still be unique and different?
Zon Quar: but if they r too serious..
Zon Quar: in the game
Calvino Rabeni: like "thanks guys" :)
Zon Quar: they suffer
Bolonath Crystal: so... life is a 'true self-movie'?
Calvino Rabeni: Lots of drama, like a good dream
Zon Quar: devine play..lila
Calvino Rabeni: Yes
Zen Arado: would we play games if we realised we are all one ?
Bolonath Crystal: just to bring some interesting details into a boring eternity ;)
Zon Quar: yes..its our goal really..just to create and play for the sake of the play
Zon Quar: like childreen do
Zen Arado: but no ego = no interest in winning?
Zon Quar: goal
Zen Arado: no need to prove I am better than you?
Calvino Rabeni: I would say yes to that question from just before the bell
Zon Quar: why..u r me
Calvino Rabeni: Winning is part of the game
Zon Quar: yes to make it more fun
Zon Quar: but be a good sport
Zon Quar: fair play
Zon Quar: one day win one day loose
Zen Arado: lot of sport is to prove you are better than others
Zon Quar: little selves do that
Zen Arado: bottom line
Zon Quar: so serious..gola orinted
Zon Quar: goal
Zen Arado: in Olympice ppl train for years just to be able to run around a track a fraction of a second faster than others
Zon Quar: i think life more like a play than a game
Zen Arado: to show they are the best in the world it seems to me
Zon Quar: game can become too gola oriented
Bolonath Crystal: maybe the goal is simply to stop playing
Zon Quar: no
Bolonath Crystal: end of game = end of time :)
Zon Quar: yes in that way
Zon Quar: and star a new one
Zen Arado: it is in our nature to play games
Zon Quar: start
Zen Arado: homo ludens?
Zon Quar: lol
Zon Quar: to do someting for its own sake
Zon Quar: not as a means
Zon Quar: to someting else
Zon Quar: thats playing
Bolonath Crystal: - afk for a moment -
Zen Arado: ok but nature of games is to win?
Zen Arado: take that out and it becomes meaningless
Zon Quar: not basically
Pila Mulligan: hi
Zen Arado: Hi Pila
Mir Finesmith: I see Pila here
Pila Mulligan: :)
Zon Quar: but u need rules to have a play or a game
Zen Arado: Hi Mir
Zon Quar: otherwisw its not so fun
Zen Arado: yes sure
Zon Quar: but the gola is just a means for a play
Calvino Rabeni: Hi Pila - I think you know Mir
Zon Quar: not the other way round
Pila Mulligan: to have a play, yes
Zon Quar: hi Pila
Mir Finesmith: Just dropping in, I really cannot stay long :)
Zon Quar: so wehn we r our little selves..we play to win
Zon Quar: when we acrt from our true self we just enjoy the play
Zen Arado: wel OLympic athletes have to use their little selves then :)
Zon Quar: lol
Zen Arado: or they get beaten
Zen Arado: maybe you are right Zon
Zen Arado: you win :)
Bolonath Crystal: <--- back
Zon Quar: noooo
Bolonath Crystal: namaste pila :)
Pila Mulligan: yo brah
Zen Arado: using my Big self :)
Zon Quar: im jus joking
Zen Arado: me too :)
Zon Quar: not competing
Zen Arado: ok I won then :)
Zon Quar: its so fun to talk
Zon Quar: lol
Yakuzza Lethecus: bye everyone
Zon Quar: play with words
Zen Arado: bye Yaku
Zon Quar: bye Yaku
Zen Arado: yes I do it all the time
Bolonath Crystal: would you agree to understand 'play as being' as 'play as not playing'? or is playing the main nature of being, so it should be understood as 'play as playing'?
Calvino Rabeni: I think "you seeing being playing as you" (YSBPY)
Zen Arado: have to define 'playing' maybe
Calvino Rabeni: define playing as moving freely
Zen Arado: doing things in a not serious way?
Bolonath Crystal: creating
Pila Mulligan: and to paraphrase Bill Clinton, it depends on what the meaning of be might be
Zen Arado: or what 'is' is :)
Pila Mulligan: :)
Pila Mulligan: yep, that was his version
Calvino Rabeni: It is part of the legacy now
Pila Mulligan: but he was trying not to get caught playing :)
Zen Arado: we can get lost in definitions
Zen Arado: :)
Calvino Rabeni: the 90's version of something like "plausible deniability" but more fun
Pila Mulligan: so intent played a part there
Pila Mulligan: reminds me of the distinciton betweem irony and sarcasm
Calvino Rabeni: Rumsfeld promoted the "unknown knows" and all that
Pila Mulligan: sarcasm being irony with the intent to hurt
Zen Arado: I paint abstracts
Calvino Rabeni: Unknown knowns, unknown unknowns
Zen Arado: think it is playing
Zen Arado: but I still have a serious intent
Zon Quar: and what is irony then ?
Pila Mulligan: irony is cool
Calvino Rabeni: The point being, you're still in the game, even outside known knowns
Zon Quar: lol
Zen Arado: :)
Calvino Rabeni: Like, Rumsfeld, *dude*
Zon Quar: u r the game
Calvino Rabeni: Sorry, american ironic humor, NM
Zen Arado: Zen emphasizes 'not knowing'
Bolonath Crystal: it might be that 'true self' has serious intents while playing
Zen Arado: Americans aren't supposed to understand irony:)
Zon Quar: not odentifying with knowledge perhaps
Calvino Rabeni: They seem so certain of it, in a way
Zon Quar: why should he
Zon Quar: have serious intents
Zon Quar: what does he need
Zon Quar: so badly
Bolonath Crystal: don't know. just said 'it might be'
Zon Quar: agree tha playing is a bit bad word
Zon Quar: it sounds so on surface thing
Zon Quar: but it is deeper
Zen Arado: but so many words fall apart when we examine them
Zon Quar: nods
Calvino Rabeni: There is a poet-philosopher - another Piet,who wrote of these matters
Taking fun as simply fun
and earnestness in earnest
shows how thoroughly thou none
of the two discernest.
Zen Arado: how could it be play and also have serious intent?
Zen Arado: very good Cal
Zon Quar: like a child
Zon Quar: he buids a tower
Zon Quar: an intent
Zon Quar: is there
Zon Quar: after finishing
Zon Quar: he breaks it down
Zen Arado: a goal
Zon Quar: to have space
Pila Mulligan: someone wrote a book a few decades ago based on the Bhagavad Gita titled 'Combat as Play'
Zon Quar: to build another
Zon Quar: it goes on and on
Zen Arado: goal doesn't have to be serious
Zon Quar: we shuold pretend it yo be
Zon Quar: otherwise its not fun
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Zon Quar: we nned to motivate us
Zen Arado: need an end product to satisfy our egos?
Bolonath Crystal: do we?
Calvino Rabeni: No, need an ego to play the game
Zon Quar: yes
Zen Arado: look at what 'I' have achieved
Calvino Rabeni: Poor ego :)
Bolonath Crystal: i just imagine true self reading our logs and laughing his butt off *g*
Calvino Rabeni: Remember, all the world's a stage - hey, isn't that your cue?
Zen Arado: at our little egos
Zen Arado: :)
Pila Mulligan: maybe the phrase 'play of karma' is ironic or a misnomer, but play has a lighter sense than work and implies less attachment, and skillfulness may be more easily found without attaching struggle
Zen Arado: just enjoy the game
Zen Arado: if we enjoy doiing is playing?
Zon Quar: like listening music ?
Zon Quar: u enjoy it
Zen Arado: even if it is supposed to be work
Zon Quar: it goes deep
Bolonath Crystal: yes, why not? work can be fun
Zon Quar: u dont listen music to be better than the other
Zen Arado: don't think of listening to music as play
Calvino Rabeni: Calvino Rabeni thinks of sex-as-Play
Zen Arado: too passive
Zon Quar: ok dance
Zen Arado: playing an isnstrment ..yes
Calvino Rabeni: Fun, but not sure when the last time I "won" :)
Zon Quar: a dancer dancing by himself
Zon Quar: in tune of music
Zon Quar: not work
Zon Quar: enjoynig the moment
Zon Quar: becoming the dance
Calvino Rabeni: Drop "work"
Zon Quar: forgetting his little self
Zon Quar: only dance is
Calvino Rabeni: Befriend all your "little selves" :)
Bolonath Crystal: hm... i have this experience when i play the didgeridoo. it is not 'making' music. it is simply being music
Bolonath Crystal: no 'me' making something
Pila Mulligan: a magical instrument
Zen Arado: so ..difference between playing and playing games?
Zen Arado: latter brings out ego more
Zen Arado: sorry I have to go
Zon Quar: i go and let my little self eat, he is hungry, bye other selves
Zen Arado: enjoyed discussion
Bolonath Crystal: bye zen. have a playful new year :)
Zen Arado: you too !
Pila Mulligan: bye Zen and Zon
Bolonath Crystal: om shanti, zon
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