The Guardian for this meeting was Paradise Tennant. The comments are by Paradise and Sylectra.
Sylectra Darwin: Hi Paradise :)
Paradise Tennant: hiya sylectra :)
Paradise Tennant: how are you :)
Sylectra Darwin: It's good to see you!
Paradise Tennant: smiles
Sylectra Darwin: I am getting ready to take a trip with family
Paradise Tennant: lovely
Paradise Tennant: a holdiay ?
Sylectra Darwin: Yes, the family and I are going to upstate NY to stay just West of Adirondack State Park.
Paradise Tennant: sounds lovely
Sylectra Darwin: IT's within an hour or the canadian border!
Paradise Tennant: cool
Paradise Tennant: are you coming to toronto ?
Sylectra Darwin: We'll stay in cabins and paddle around Trout Lake with canoes and kayaks.
Paradise Tennant: lovely
Sylectra Darwin: How far is Toronto from Montreal?
Paradise Tennant: about a six hour drive
Paradise Tennant: love canoeing
Sylectra Darwin: that's kind of a long drive, but then it will take us 8 hours to get from NJ to Trout Lake.
Sylectra Darwin: It's all relative.
Paradise Tennant: yes
Paradise Tennant: nice once you get there
Sylectra Darwin: When you have a lot on your mind, time passes quickly even if you are alone driving a long way.
Paradise Tennant: but too much driving can .. just end up getting everyone pooped
Paradise Tennant: yes
Paradise Tennant: like road trips
Sylectra Darwin: You like them?
Paradise Tennant: nice because they can be so spontaneous
Paradise Tennant: yes
Paradise Tennant: always fun
Paradise Tennant: have you heard any feedback from the retreat
Sylectra Darwin: cool. No I haven't at all. You?
Paradise Tennant: no wondering how it is going
Paradise Tennant: they have a lovely setting
Sylectra Darwin: I would have liked to go. They will have a lot of good opportunities for peace and fellowship
Paradise Tennant: smiles yes
Sylectra Darwin: Tell me about this feathery pastel outfit you have on.
Paradise Tennant: hmm it is by eshiri i will give you the land mark
Sylectra Darwin: thank you. She reminds me of Eshi Otawara.
Paradise Tennant: lol
Paradise Tennant: that would be what I was trying to type
Paradise Tennant: smiles
Sylectra Darwin: lovely...celestial!
Paradise Tennant: she has come back to design in sl
Paradise Tennant: yes
Paradise Tennant: wearing bits of another outfit with it because it is very very breezy :)
Paradise Tennant: smiles wearing art
Sylectra Darwin: art is one of the most fun parts of SL...and there is so much of it.
Paradise Tennant: yes it is an expressive medium with out the constraints to creativity .. found in rl :)
Sylectra Darwin: Do you go to any exhibitions or other art displays here in SL?
Paradise Tennant: yes
Paradise Tennant: nods
Paradise Tennant: been to lots
Sylectra Darwin: me too
Sylectra Darwin: When I first joined SL, I found a sculpture garden designed by Adam Ramona. You could walk through his pieces and make them ding or tink or clank or bong.
Paradise Tennant: usually .. I will be either at a concert .. here .. or mucking about in my garden with the occasional bit of shopping thrown in :)
Paradise Tennant: nods
Sylectra Darwin: You have a garden? What's in it?
Paradise Tennant: smile right now .. I have an oat field :) a tree house :)
Sylectra Darwin: yay! Great!
Paradise Tennant: before a very formal garden with loads of flowers designed and hand painted by a friend
Sylectra Darwin: I would have a poppy field and an underwater cave.
Paradise Tennant: smiles
Paradise Tennant: going to do a grotto next !
Sylectra Darwin: Very soothing.
Sylectra Darwin: I once found a place selling treehouses that had an underwater grotto and also a sand castle in the air!
Sylectra Darwin: I have a treehouse too, but haven't set it up.
Sylectra Darwin: the pavilion is filled with cornflowers!
Paradise Tennant: very fun .. the building
Paradise Tennant: smiles
Sylectra Darwin: Lovely! I got a pic
Paradise Tennant: well with me more like the rezzing
Paradise Tennant: smiles
Sylectra Darwin: Creative it
Paradise Tennant: closer to the truth :)
Sylectra Darwin: Sweet dreams!
Paradise Tennant: going to have to say good nite .. sylectra .. thank you for the conversation and the company
Paradise Tennant: smiles
Sylectra Darwin: thank you as well. Namaste.
Paradise Tennant: namaste :)
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