2010.08.25 19:00 - Symmetry and so much more

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    The Guardian for this meeting was stevenaia Michinaga. The comments are by stevenaia Michinaga.

    A long session that continued after I retired for the evening (16 bells)

    stevenaia Michinaga: hi Pila


    Pila Mulligan: hi Steve and adoro
    adoro Rhapsody: hi pila
    adoro Rhapsody: i couldn t sleep
    adoro Rhapsody: so i went to pab
    stevenaia Michinaga: :) I do that as well
    Pila Mulligan: what time is it there adoro?
    adoro Rhapsody: its 4.02 am here
    Pila Mulligan: aha, and 4:00 pm here :)
    adoro Rhapsody: and with u ? pila?
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    Pila Mulligan: hi Bruce
    adoro Rhapsody: hi bruce
    Pila Mulligan: opposite sides of the planet
    adoro Rhapsody: ok
    adoro Rhapsody: the world is round
    Pila Mulligan: kind of
    adoro Rhapsody: there is no east or west
    Bruce Mowbray: Hi, adoro and Pila
    Bruce Mowbray: and steve.
    Pila Mulligan: but gravity is not a conforming sphere it seems
    adoro Rhapsody: sure
    stevenaia Michinaga: yes, I usually get up around 4:00 am for no reason and arrive here as well for the 1:00 am session
    adoro Rhapsody: ok i see
    adoro Rhapsody: and it s not unhealthy ?
    adoro Rhapsody: for your bioritm ?
    Pila Mulligan: 4:00 am is the best time to meditate, some say
    adoro Rhapsody: i formar monasteries they did so too
    adoro Rhapsody: former
    stevenaia Michinaga: seems I am actually very talkative at 4:00 sometimes
    stevenaia Michinaga: (am)
    adoro Rhapsody: me too thinkative
    Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
    stevenaia Michinaga: does anyone but be see Bruce as only a cloud?
    Pila Mulligan: Bruce has rezzed in my view
    adoro Rhapsody: no i see him in red shirt
    Bruce Mowbray: Oh dear - am I vaporized again>.....
    stevenaia Michinaga: just for me, Bruce
    adoro Rhapsody: bruce as a cloud service
    Bruce Mowbray: Do you want me to leave and come back, steve?
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Bruce Mowbray: I'll do that if you wish.
    stevenaia Michinaga: no, It;s probably me
    Bruce Mowbray dies from laughing....
    stevenaia Michinaga: that fixed it, what did you do other than laugh very hard
    Bruce Mowbray: That sometimes helps.
    stevenaia Michinaga: :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: I bet it always helps
    adoro Rhapsody: it lightens up a bit
    Pila Mulligan: hi Ewan
    Bruce Mowbray: Sometime if one animates his avi, that helps it to break out of the cloud.
    adoro Rhapsody: laughing is healthy
    Bruce Mowbray: So, what's the topic tonight guys?
    stevenaia Michinaga: hello Ewan
    adoro Rhapsody: hi ewan
    Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Ewan.
    Ewan Bonham: Hi folks!
    stevenaia Michinaga: ....... looks in topic pocket
    stevenaia Michinaga: your choice
    adoro Rhapsody: i could not sleep because discussion about symmetry
    adoro Rhapsody: last session
    Pila Mulligan: what part keep you going adoro?
    stevenaia Michinaga: what kind of symmetry?
    Bruce Mowbray: Well. . . that discussion was a bit a-symmetrical, didn't you think?
    adoro Rhapsody: the called symmetry as sign of death
    Pila Mulligan: hmm, never heard that one
    adoro Rhapsody: but i think its sign of life
    Bruce Mowbray: ?
    Bruce Mowbray: absolutely a sign of life!
    adoro Rhapsody: sure
    adoro Rhapsody: but symmetry seemed a boring stat
    Bruce Mowbray: How many biological species can you think of that are NOT symmetrical?
    adoro Rhapsody: stat
    adoro Rhapsody: state
    Bruce Mowbray: boring? How so?
    adoro Rhapsody: its too artificial to be true
    stevenaia Michinaga: jellyfish?
    Bruce Mowbray: radial symmetry with the jellyfish.
    Pila Mulligan: isn't symmetry a balanced pattern?
    stevenaia Michinaga: (I got stung by one this summer)
    Bruce Mowbray: and the starfish.
    adoro Rhapsody: yes
    adoro Rhapsody: but u have dynamic ballance
    adoro Rhapsody: and static balance
    Bruce Mowbray: go on, adoro -- I'm interested in this.
    adoro Rhapsody: or stabile equilibrium
    adoro Rhapsody: and unstable equilibrium
    adoro Rhapsody: stabil is a ball in a valley
    adoro Rhapsody: unstable is a ball on a hill
    adoro Rhapsody: both seem to b balance
    Ewan Bonham: I like that Ador..:)
    adoro Rhapsody: but the one is sustainable
    adoro Rhapsody: and the other is not


    adoro Rhapsody: so sustainable balance is healthy
    adoro Rhapsody: and unstable balance is not healthy
    stevenaia Michinaga: 90 seconds of symmetry thinking
    Bruce Mowbray: Mmmmm..... so, are you saying that there is "symmetry" with dynamic balance, as well as with form?
    stevenaia Michinaga: although people are symmetrical, out internal organs are not, nor is where we think in our brains, what;s up with that?
    adoro Rhapsody: its the same as "rest rust" and "rest heals"
    adoro Rhapsody: when u r ill its said take some rest
    adoro Rhapsody: it heals u
    Ewan Bonham: A system has internal balance...much of it is beyond the physical.
    adoro Rhapsody: when u r normal not ill the say rest rust
    adoro Rhapsody: they say
    adoro Rhapsody: still standing is going backwards
    Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Pila -- This is beginning to remind me of Yin/Yang and the balance of Tao.
    adoro Rhapsody: sure
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    adoro Rhapsody: ying yang is also symmetry
    Bruce Mowbray: Pila is an expert on such things.
    stevenaia Michinaga: there is a balance in that, isn't there
    Pila Mulligan: complementary balance, yes
    adoro Rhapsody: and its also with communication and power
    stevenaia Michinaga: perhaps it's that way on an atomic level and just percolates through everything
    adoro Rhapsody: communicating vessels
    adoro Rhapsody: strive to symmetry in power
    adoro Rhapsody: byt when u are one-directional communicating
    Pila Mulligan: have you heard of quantum entanglement?
    adoro Rhapsody: u thing symmetry is a loss of power
    adoro Rhapsody: u think
    Pila Mulligan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_entanglement
    adoro Rhapsody: that what i wanted to say to u brothers and sister
    adoro Rhapsody: no i can go to sleep again
    Pila Mulligan: an "interconnection [that] leads to non-classical correlations between observable physical properties of remote systems, often referred to as nonlocal correlations"
    adoro Rhapsody: now
    adoro Rhapsody: thats interesting
    Bruce Mowbray: OK -- Well, thanks for sharing with us, adoro. I know that it is late where you are.
    Pila Mulligan: bi-directional instant communicating
    adoro Rhapsody: in the concept of working anywhere any time any place
    Pila Mulligan: bi-directional
    Pila Mulligan: bye adoro
    stevenaia Michinaga: bye Adoro
    Bruce Mowbray: [easier to get everyone in the viewer if I sit over here]
    Ewan Bonham: bye adoro..
    Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
    stevenaia Michinaga: easier to see w/o the fountain
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: I hope adoro sufficiently exhausted his inability to sleep :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: you would think that with everything so symmetrical, the internal organ would be too, like the kidneys, why not two of everything
    Pila Mulligan: are kidneys not symmetrical?
    stevenaia Michinaga: one on each side
    Ewan Bonham: Is the soul symmetrical?
    Pila Mulligan: ah, i see -- so the liver is the anomaly
    Bruce Mowbray: steve is saying that the kidneys are n example of symmetry - like the lungs, eyes, etc. But why not ALL internal organs being symmetrical?
    Pila Mulligan: yes, thanks Bruce :)
    Pila Mulligan: nice idea Ewan :)
    Bruce Mowbray: liver, spleen, etc.
    Bruce Mowbray: evolution has a way of getting what it needs - and where it needs it.
    Pila Mulligan: the classical idea of a soul probably tries to be symmetrical with the physical body, if it can
    Pila Mulligan: if it can, then we probably benefit from the proximity
    Bruce Mowbray: wow -- really interesting point, Pila.
    Bruce Mowbray: by symmetrical with the body, you don't mean congruent with the body, do you?
    Pila Mulligan: probably not
    Bruce Mowbray: not same size and shape?
    Pila Mulligan: but we are considering a pretty abstract idea :)
    Bruce Mowbray: I was thinking of symbols for the "soul" -- Like mandalas.
    Bruce Mowbray: being symmetrical.
    Ewan Bonham: I think it is beyond the physical..


    Bruce Mowbray: http://www.google.com/images?hl=&q=mandalas&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS328US328&ie=UTF-8&biw=1152&bih=649
    stevenaia Michinaga: or Being, non-form symmetry
    Ewan Bonham: I think balance in the soul has to do with harmony with our inner guide..
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: "Pneuma (πνεύμα) is an ancient Greek word for 'breath,' and in a religious context for 'spirit' or 'soul.'" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pneuma
    stevenaia Michinaga: does it ever speak to what "form" those take?
    Pila Mulligan: that term suggests balance in the soul may result to breathing
    stevenaia Michinaga: or like Bruce's appearance as a cloud to me earlier
    Pila Mulligan: relate* (not result)
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: well, the inner guide idea Ewan mentioned is not uncommon as a form Steve
    Pila Mulligan: guide*
    Bruce Mowbray: so. . . if I am understanding Ewan right, a spiritual method would be employed to re=establish balance?
    Pila Mulligan: and Bruce the Sri Yantra mandala is often associated with the heart
    Pila Mulligan: balance is indeed a common aspect of spirituality
    Ewan Bonham: Yes, mandalas..
    Pila Mulligan: letting the heart follow the inner guide
    Pila Mulligan: hi Calvino
    Bruce Mowbray: and trusting that the inner guide is balanced in itself?
    stevenaia Michinaga: hello Calvino
    Bruce Mowbray: hey, Calvino.
    Calvino Rabeni: Hi, everyone :)
    Pila Mulligan: would you like a notecard of the chat so far Cal?
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes, thanks
    Ewan Bonham: Hi Cal..
    Calvino Rabeni: Good eve, Ewan
    Pila Mulligan: touching on symmetry and the soul recently
    Pila Mulligan: and breathing is certainly a method employed to establish balance
    Pila Mulligan: as well as yoga like activity and contemplation
    Ewan Bonham: As well as some types of singing..:)
    Pila Mulligan: yes :)
    Pila Mulligan: and chanting :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: chanting
    stevenaia Michinaga: oops
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: I tend to include singing and chanting in that sense under the umbrella of the term contemplation
    Pila Mulligan: similar in effect
    Ewan Bonham: Yes, feels like you are joined with all the other souls...:)
    Bruce Mowbray: resonance.
    stevenaia Michinaga: it's all about breathing
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: and sharing breath :)
    stevenaia Michinaga: sharing the air, the sound, the vibrations
    Pila Mulligan: alo = share ha = breath alo+ha = aloha
    Ewan Bonham: Yes...
    Bruce Mowbray: wow -- I didn't know that -- THANKS, Pila!
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Ewan Bonham: TY Pila..
    Pila Mulligan: it is debated by some scholars technically, but a commonly understood etymology


    Bruce Mowbray: When I am feeling imbalanced - I sometimes "share being" with something that I feel is balanced.
    Calvino Rabeni: That's a good skill
    Pila Mulligan: seeking gestalt
    Pila Mulligan: wiki: gestalt is "A collection of physical, biological, psychological or symbolic entities that creates a unified concept, configuration or pattern which is greater than the sum of its parts"
    Ewan Bonham: Could actually open things up to a group of 'friends'...:)
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: and lead to singing :)
    Ewan Bonham: Yes..
    stevenaia Michinaga: kum ba ya
    Pila Mulligan: and dancing
    Calvino Rabeni: which means "come by here"
    Ewan Bonham: ã‹¡
    Bruce Mowbray: Have you folks seen the videos of metronomes synchronizing with each other?
    Bruce Mowbray: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1TMZASCR-I
    Ewan Bonham: I will view them..
    Calvino Rabeni: I think that's called "entrainment" ?
    Bruce Mowbray: This is a bit like what I meant when I said I tried to "share being" with something already in balance.
    Bruce Mowbray: There's something scary about that -- but also something reassuring.
    Pila Mulligan: cool .. they are dancing :)
    Ewan Bonham: Yes...almost like beings , by their own energy, assist in others well being...towards balance..
    Calvino Rabeni: This might lead you to choose your environment and friends with some care
    Bruce Mowbray: It is said that if any group of persons begins singing "Amazing Grace," they will very quickly find the same key, rhythm, and harmonies.
    Bruce Mowbray: No leader needed.
    Ewan Bonham: Yes...same with mantras in a group..
    Calvino Rabeni: If it is a group of wolves or coyotes, they find their own differentiation
    Pila Mulligan: birds seem to do that too
    Bruce Mowbray: I wonder if plants have a similar in-tunement...
    Pila Mulligan: some plants probably do, especially in relation to light
    Ewan Bonham: Our sound vibrations...such as voice..
    Ewan Bonham: Or the hearts of folks around the plants..
    Pila Mulligan: and some say plants respond to music
    Bruce Mowbray: so. . . . a symmetrical garden might be harmonious on several levels at once -- both physically and vibrationally.
    Bruce Mowbray: physically.
    Ewan Bonham: Yes, Bruce...and that goes both ways...


    Bruce Mowbray: I must be off to bed now. Thanks to all of you.
    stevenaia Michinaga: I do too
    stevenaia Michinaga: thank you all for coming
    Pila Mulligan: bye Bruce and Steve
    Bruce Mowbray: Good night!
    Pila Mulligan: nice to see you
    Ewan Bonham: Bye Bruce
    Calvino Rabeni: :) Good night

    Bruce and I left, the conversation contines...

    Pila Mulligan: maybe Steve will see this in the log, I wanted to mention (for his architect side) Vedic Architecture in the same sense as the balanced garden
    Pila Mulligan: harmonious on several levels
    Pila Mulligan: Ewan do you have a regular meditation practice, or similar activity
    Ewan Bonham: I meditate daily...use both mindfulness and biofeedback...
    Pila Mulligan: nice
    Pila Mulligan: is it a Buddhist practice?
    Pila Mulligan: not to pry :)
    Pila Mulligan: mindfulness?
    Ewan Bonham: Yes, it is based on Buddhist practice...kinda westernized..
    Pila Mulligan: after asking I looked at your profile :)
    Ewan Bonham: Like concentrating on both breath and focused attention..:)
    Pila Mulligan: www.PeacemakerInstitute.org nice :)
    Ewan Bonham: Yes...
    Ewan Bonham: I like to do the tai chi here..
    Pila Mulligan: that is part of my practice, Cal's too
    Pila Mulligan: tai chi
    Pila Mulligan: very helpful
    Ewan Bonham: neat...
    Ewan Bonham: You can do it on sl...and it has a very calming effect..
    Pila Mulligan: hi Lcinda
    Pila Mulligan: yes, it does Ewan
    Lucinda Lavender: Hi all!
    Ewan Bonham: Hi Luci..
    Calvino Rabeni: Good evening, Cinda
    Lucinda Lavender: a nice evening
    Lucinda Lavender: what is it that you can do in SL that has a calming effect?
    Lucinda Lavender: just curious...
    Ewan Bonham: I do the tai chi..:)
    Lucinda Lavender: ah
    Pila Mulligan: the scripted animation
    Lucinda Lavender: yes
    Pila Mulligan: there are some pretty accurate scripts too
    Calvino Rabeni: What does that mean, to do it in SL?
    Pila Mulligan: or whatever they are called :)
    Pila Mulligan: to watch it :)
    Pila Mulligan: with a kind of vicarious involvement perhaps
    Lucinda Lavender: nodding
    Ewan Bonham: Yes...
    Calvino Rabeni: I see, doesn't that split you?
    Pila Mulligan: well, if you identify with the avi too much it may be confusing


    Lucinda Lavender: perhaps so...
    Pila Mulligan: but there also may be a kind of sympathetic affect
    Lucinda Lavender: I can see that too...
    Ewan Bonham: Yes...
    Calvino Rabeni: My understanding of tai chi is to do it completely, so I have a hard time understanding the concept of watching a picture of something doing it
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Calvino Rabeni: and not fully participating
    Pila Mulligan: true .. for a practitioner
    Calvino Rabeni: that is, all the muscles and neural pathways that are not involved
    Calvino Rabeni: they are doing something else - you're multitasking
    Pila Mulligan: but one of the first things that really touched me in SL was meeting some folks at a Quaker Sim and talking with a paraplegic woman whose joy with 'dancing with her husband' in SL was so obvious
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes, that's like dream dancing - kind of sweet
    Pila Mulligan: she was only doing it vicariously but she felt wonderful
    Lucinda Lavender: and the stirring of dopamine?
    Pila Mulligan: most likely :)
    Calvino Rabeni: there might be a kind of tai chi driving in the car
    Pila Mulligan: so for those who can, full involvement with tai chi or similar exercise is certainly best
    Lucinda Lavender: today I meditated in the thai restaurant while waiting for food to be brought out:)
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes, the largest possible wholeness
    Lucinda Lavender: or maybe it was almost sleeping:)
    Calvino Rabeni: :)
    Pila Mulligan: the local thai restaurant here is a also a meditative kind of place Lucinda
    Calvino Rabeni: Did you assimilate the restaurant?
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes, I was in a lively one yesterday
    Calvino Rabeni: I like the smaller, funky places
    Lucinda Lavender: maybe so...
    Pila Mulligan: lots of images and icons decorating it
    Calvino Rabeni: because they have more coherent life movement
    Lucinda Lavender: yes...
    Pila Mulligan: more yin :)
    Calvino Rabeni: if they are small, then they don't have the dead spaces
    Pila Mulligan: as opposed to the streamlined efficiency of McDonalds
    Calvino Rabeni: and the activity penetrates the whole space
    Pila Mulligan: like feeding geese
    Lucinda Lavender: :)
    Calvino Rabeni: Sorry, AFK for a bit
    Lucinda Lavender: ok:)
    Lucinda Lavender: how is your bread going Pila?
    Pila Mulligan: nicely thanks -- I'm concentrating on pizza these days
    Pila Mulligan: trying to perfect the crust
    Lucinda Lavender: ah...
    Pila Mulligan: :) fun
    Lucinda Lavender: made one this week too...
    Pila Mulligan: do you use a baking stone?
    Lucinda Lavender: made a nettle pesto for it. no stone.
    Lucinda Lavender: do you?
    Pila Mulligan: nice, pesto is delicious
    Pila Mulligan: yes, I've just started experimenting with a stone
    Pila Mulligan: it is different for sure
    Lucinda Lavender: this was left over from the making of nettle beer in the spring
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Lucinda Lavender: interesting flavor like almost licorice
    Pila Mulligan: I have nettle and basil growing here, but never thought to combine them
    Lucinda Lavender: but lemony
    Lucinda Lavender: works well and freezes in chunks that can be melted later
    Pila Mulligan: someone borught some avocados and so I've tried adding them on top the pizza (after cooking)
    Lucinda Lavender: yum
    Lucinda Lavender: what else do you put on ?
    Pila Mulligan: I've even seen some recipes where they cook the avos into the pizza, but haven't had the nerve to try it
    Pila Mulligan: I like veggies and tofu
    Lucinda Lavender: nodding
    Pila Mulligan: onion, mushroom, eggplant, zuke, etc
    Pila Mulligan: sometimes baked before adding them
    Lucinda Lavender: basil?
    Pila Mulligan: n pesto
    Pila Mulligan: not plain leaves (yet)
    Pila Mulligan: I do an olive oil-pesto under the toppings
    Pila Mulligan: before the sauce
    Lucinda Lavender: yum
    Pila Mulligan: yep, yum :)
    Pila Mulligan: and it supposedly helps keep the crust crispy
    Pila Mulligan: less saturated by the sauce
    Lucinda Lavender: do you cook with a very hot oven?
    Pila Mulligan: yes, hottest possible
    Pila Mulligan: 540 degrees F
    Lucinda Lavender: 450 or so?
    Lucinda Lavender: ah!
    Lucinda Lavender: very hot then!
    Pila Mulligan: gas
    Lucinda Lavender: ah
    Pila Mulligan: yes
    Pila Mulligan: the stone almost instantly seals the crust
    Lucinda Lavender: must go to help with the contact cement on a countertop...brb
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: using dowels?
    Pila Mulligan: that's a tricky step
    Pila Mulligan: gluing the countertop in place is an art form
    Pila Mulligan: I meditate daily, too Ewan -- it is really a nice part of the day
    Pila Mulligan: but I do not use biofeedback (except maybe for the sense of the internal feelings)
    Lucinda Lavender: we are making a new countertop for a rental house...putting the two pieces together just now
    Pila Mulligan: are you putting surface material on or just joining the structure?
    Lucinda Lavender: surface is going on to an under part
    Pila Mulligan: that is the tricky one :)
    Pila Mulligan: I watched the carpenter do it here -- he sued dowel rods
    Pila Mulligan: used*
    Pila Mulligan: every foot or so
    Lucinda Lavender: using slices of old measuring tape
    Pila Mulligan: then pulled them out one at a time
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Lucinda Lavender: yes just as we did
    Pila Mulligan: he made it look like surgery :)
    Pila Mulligan: very precise
    Lucinda Lavender: we will trim excess off
    Pila Mulligan: yep, and there seems to be a special tool just for that
    Pila Mulligan: special*
    Lucinda Lavender: I am learning my husbands tricks here...
    Pila Mulligan: :) the guy here was mostly concerned with being sure it came down even, so no bumps, and square with the back panel
    Lucinda Lavender: ah
    Pila Mulligan: then he trimmed the edges
    Lucinda Lavender: we still have to take it to its home...
    Lucinda Lavender: to install
    Pila Mulligan: it is fun learning these things by observing
    Lucinda Lavender: yes!
    Lucinda Lavender: IKEA has options for 1940's house size sinks
    Pila Mulligan: ;0
    Lucinda Lavender: great to learn that in this time of disappearing options
    Pila Mulligan: finding old fixtures is also an art
    Pila Mulligan: wb Calvion
    Calvino Rabeni: Thanks Pila
    Lucinda Lavender: yes...checked the vintage stuff and found others using IKEA
    Pila Mulligan: I once had a house with a huge 6' + claw foot tub
    Pila Mulligan: hi Shint
    Shint Kinomis: hello
    Lucinda Lavender: nice!
    Lucinda Lavender: Hi Shint!
    Shint Kinomis: hello lucinda san
    Lucinda Lavender: :)
    Pila Mulligan: is this your first visit here Shint?
    Shint Kinomis: is this one of kira cafe?
    Pila Mulligan: yes
    Shint Kinomis: yes, it is first time
    Pila Mulligan: maybe one of the Guaridan folks can give you a note card
    Shint Kinomis: i joined kira cafe today
    Pila Mulligan: cool
    Pila Mulligan: lots of activities
    Lucinda Lavender: strange...I have lost mine!
    Pila Mulligan: :) this is Steve's session, but he left already
    Lucinda Lavender: there you go...
    Lucinda Lavender: found it!
    Shint Kinomis: thanks
    Pila Mulligan: I only have really old note cards -- do you have any Cal or Ewan?
    Pila Mulligan: oh, ok
    Calvino Rabeni: I sent one to Shint
    Ewan Bonham: I do not..
    Pila Mulligan: thanks
    Shint Kinomis: Thanks too
    Pila Mulligan: and then there is the logging question ... about do you mind having your comments poasted on the website as part of the chat log
    Lucinda Lavender: you can look at these I have sent too...not sure which are older or not...
    Pila Mulligan: thanks Lucinda
    Pila Mulligan: newer for sure
    Lucinda Lavender: ok
    Shint Kinomis: it will be long time to read this sentence for me:)
    Lucinda Lavender: ah!


    Ewan Bonham: Well, good night folks...thanks so much..:)
    Pila Mulligan: bye Ewan, nice to see you
    Lucinda Lavender: Have a good dream Ewan!
    Shint Kinomis: see you later
    Shint Kinomis: thanks Calvino san
    Calvino Rabeni: :)
    Lucinda Lavender: thanks Cal
    Pila Mulligan: yes, thanks
    Pila Mulligan: the person who started Kira is presently working in Japan, Shint
    Shint Kinomis: japanese come to here?
    Pila Mulligan: well, he is Dutch, then came to the US, now working in Japan :)
    Pila Mulligan: he started Kira while in the US
    Pila Mulligan: and some Japanese people come here, to Kira also
    Calvino Rabeni: Shint, do you play the Game of Go?
    Pila Mulligan: like yourself :)
    Shint Kinomis: yes, i am 1d player in KGS
    Shint Kinomis: do you play?
    Calvino Rabeni: I like, that Japan has a drama about Go - "Hikaru no Go" for the young ones
    Pila Mulligan: nice, at the top :)
    Calvino Rabeni: 1D is better than I am :)
    Pila Mulligan: you should play with Pema, the Dutch fellow, he is good
    Shint Kinomis: i start go cos i read the comic
    Calvino Rabeni: :) nice
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Shint Kinomis: do you now vineland?
    Shint Kinomis: go center in SL
    Pila Mulligan: I have not seen it
    Calvino Rabeni: Is there only one Go center in SL?
    Calvino Rabeni: I play sometimes in RL
    Shint Kinomis: all my knowledge, vineland is only go center
    Calvino Rabeni: Because I like handling the stones and the wood
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes, I have been there
    Calvino Rabeni: seldom play
    Calvino Rabeni: it is well-designed
    Shint Kinomis: http://www.notabene-sl.com/slgc/status.php
    Shint Kinomis: and i also play shogi and chess
    Shint Kinomis: i am beginner
    Pila Mulligan: nice, do many 1st dan players come to SL?
    Shint Kinomis: recently, some strong player do not so come to
    Pila Mulligan: oh, I see your name on the website -- it says 3rd dan :)
    Shint Kinomis: if you would liketo play, i can play
    Shint Kinomis: i am japanese 3dan
    Pila Mulligan: and Allan Vordun is 5d there -- quite nice
    Pila Mulligan: so skillful players
    Calvino Rabeni: Do you play a little, Pila?
    Pila Mulligan: long ago, enought o be embarrassed by akorean friend :)
    Pila Mulligan: he also was 8th dan Tae KwonDo master
    Pila Mulligan: so I watched mostly :)
    Calvino Rabeni: It is a great game - I wish it were more widely known in USA and Europe
    Pila Mulligan: yes, it is
    Pila Mulligan: Pema is quite an active player I believe
    Calvino Rabeni: It is quite an experience to play with a stronger player, whether in Go or martial arts (provided it is a teaching game)
    Pila Mulligan: yes
    Pila Mulligan: a learning experience
    Shint Kinomis: sometimes i go to universe when i think about go concentrtly.
    Calvino Rabeni: :) yes
    Calvino Rabeni: seeking good Art
    Calvino Rabeni: and sometimes it feels like closer to perfection
    Shint Kinomis: playing go with friend is plenty time.
    Shint Kinomis: i have go friends
    Pila Mulligan: Shint, do you mind having your comments here published with the chat log on the website ?
    Pila Mulligan: usually all the chat is posted on a wiki there
    Shint Kinomis: our chat are recording?
    Pila Mulligan: yes
    Shint Kinomis: recorded
    Shint Kinomis: i do not so mind
    Pila Mulligan: thank you -- there are four sessions here each day
    Pila Mulligan: in between there is not recording
    Shint Kinomis: where are the web? i wanna see ago chat log at this
    Pila Mulligan: http://wiki.playasbeing.org/Chat_Logs/2010
    Shint Kinomis: thanks
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Calvino Rabeni: It will be there later
    Calvino Rabeni: after some time
    Calvino Rabeni: a person will edit it first
    Pila Mulligan: the logs go back for three years!
    Pila Mulligan: four times a day :)
    Shint Kinomis: i will study about this cafe.
    Calvino Rabeni: We passed the 3000 mark
    Calvino Rabeni: this is the session #3035
    Pila Mulligan: there are also other special sessions at the Cafe that are not recorded
    Pila Mulligan: like a Dream Workshop on Tuesdays
    Pila Mulligan: where they like privacy
    Calvino Rabeni: Depending on when it started - maybe it is #2712
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: April 1st
    Pila Mulligan: it started
    Pila Mulligan: 2007
    Shint Kinomis: i should restart studying english too, so hard:)
    Lucinda Lavender: maybe you are practicing here...
    Shint Kinomis: to chat you? that would be nice
    Pila Mulligan: sometimes Pema speaks Japanese here too, and also Dutch, and some speak German or French as well
    Calvino Rabeni: Come by any session - you can practice english in chat :)
    Pila Mulligan: but usually it is English
    Lucinda Lavender: I know one Japanese song...sho jo gi
    Lucinda Lavender: not sure of the spelling...
    Lucinda Lavender: ddo you know it?


    Shint Kinomis: sho sho sho jo gi ♪
    Lucinda Lavender: about the raccoon yes!
    Lucinda Lavender: in the moonlight
    Lucinda Lavender: sho jo gi no ni wa wa...
    Pila Mulligan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17D3-RhUkso ?
    Shint Kinomis: kojyonotsuki song
    Pila Mulligan: or maybe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McexZ7mZcwE&feature=related
    Pila Mulligan: Sho-Jo-Ji (The Hungry Raccoon) by Eartha Kitt
    Lucinda Lavender: yes...
    Shint Kinomis: http://music.goo.ne.jp/lyric/LYRUTND56722/index.html
    Lucinda Lavender: learned it to sing once to a little by who came with no english to my class
    Lucinda Lavender: boy
    Lucinda Lavender: he gave me a funny look!
    Lucinda Lavender: you speak something I understand?!
    Shint Kinomis: ponpokoponnopon
    Lucinda Lavender: :)
    Pila Mulligan: Sho sho Shojoji Shojoji no niwa wa Tsu tsu tsukiyo da Minna dete koi koi koi Oira no tomodacha Pon poko pon no pon
    Lucinda Lavender: yep!
    Pila Mulligan: At Shojoji Temple In the temple garden In the moonlight Come on everybody My friends play belly drums
    Pila Mulligan: Pon poko pon no pon
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: nice
    Lucinda Lavender: belly drums...
    Lucinda Lavender: :)
    Shint Kinomis: ponpoko is sound beating racoon's stomach hisself
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Lucinda Lavender: a nice image for an unhappy child perhaps
    Lucinda Lavender: ah!
    Pila Mulligan: well, I must be leaving, nice to meet you Shint, and nice to see you as always Lucinda and Clavinno
    Calvino Rabeni: Bye Pila
    Lucinda Lavender: yes Pila...I must go too, bye for now
    Shint Kinomis: it was nice time pila san
    Calvino Rabeni: What is the name of the japanese comic about the boy who can see the spirits? "Book of Friends" ?
    Calvino Rabeni: Lucinda I think you would like it
    Calvino Rabeni: Bye for now :)
    Lucinda Lavender: I would like to see it...
    Calvino Rabeni: Some time we can watch it
    Lucinda Lavender: ok!
    Shint Kinomis: see you later
    Lucinda Lavender: see you all...
    Shint Kinomis: book no friends?
    Calvino Rabeni: Good night :)
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes, a story - a boy sees the spirits - he has a sensei - who appears as Lucky Cat
    Shint Kinomis: who is the author?
    Calvino Rabeni: but is really fierce
    Calvino Rabeni: Not sure, it is video drama - anime
    Shint Kinomis: mmm,,, japanese have many spirit comic
    Calvino Rabeni: OK - title is "Natsume Yujincho"
    Calvino Rabeni: So true ! Many spirit comics
    Shint Kinomis: oh
    Shint Kinomis: i finded it! maybe
    Shint Kinomis: http://www.nasinc.co.jp/jp/natsume-anime/
    Shint Kinomis: is this?
    Shint Kinomis: official site


    Calvino Rabeni: Yes, that is the one
    Shint Kinomis:

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