Wol Euler was guardian and commenter for this session.
Wol Euler: ah, I see Mick forgot his fish.
Wol Euler: hello Listener, it's so nice to be back here with you again.
Wol Euler: I've missed SL so much in the last weeks.
Wol Euler: And my gods, but it's already almost September. How did that happen?
Wol Euler: hello dash
Wol Euler: you've been here before, I think?
Dash Earthboy: hi wol, are you the guardian?
Wol Euler: yep
Dash Earthboy: good to see you
Wol Euler: thanks! it's great to be here
Dash Earthboy: yes i have been here before
Wol Euler: I've been internetless for a while and still am :( Sitting in Starbucks this morning, using their bandwidth
Wol Euler: ok, ty, we have to ask because of the recording
Dash Earthboy: dang...well good for you
Dash Earthboy: yes it's all on the record
Wol Euler smiles.
Dash Earthboy: i'm used to it
Wol Euler: all just part of hte intimacy of SL :)
Wol Euler: this strange mix of public and private
Dash Earthboy: ya
Wol Euler: I have to admit, it took a lot of courage to sit here in Starbucks and go to SL
Wol Euler: I was afraid people would be looking over my shoulder
Dash Earthboy: i'm usually not awake at this time but a storm rolled through and knocked out power and then i couldn't get back to sleep
Wol Euler: nice :)
Wol Euler: I like storms at night, when I'm safe indoors
Dash Earthboy: which Starbucks are you in?
Wol Euler: midtown Stuttgart, Germany
Wol Euler: in the Kronprinzenstrasse :)
Wol Euler: (google will love that!)
Dash Earthboy: oh that's right...you're in Germany
Wol Euler nods.
Dash Earthboy: ya LOL
Wol Euler: mid-morning here
Dash Earthboy: 4 AM here
Wol Euler: so east coast USA?
Dash Earthboy: near Atlanta
Wol Euler: probably still steamy hot this time of year?
Dash Earthboy: yes the humidity has been way up this year
Dash Earthboy: along with ridiculous heat
Dash Earthboy: lots of "Code Orange" air quality alerts
Wol Euler: o.O
Wol Euler: what dos that mean, actually?
Dash Earthboy: right now it's about as peaceful outside as it is here in SL
Wol Euler smiles.
Dash Earthboy: oh, the air quality in Code Orange means that older folks and young children should stay inside if possible
Wol Euler: wow
Dash Earthboy: also people with real sensitivity or allergies
Wol Euler: and ... do people get enraged about pollution and global warming, and change their lifestyles and demand that their politicians change the way industry and transport work?
Dash Earthboy: most of the "enraged" here about global warming are either the worst offenders putting on a show
Dash Earthboy: or complaining about how it keeps them from having fun
Wol Euler snorts
Dash Earthboy: the farmers aren't complaining this year
Wol Euler: that's sadly pretty much what I expected you to say
Dash Earthboy: lots of rain and sun and warm soil, even through the night...so lots of growth
Wol Euler: I wonder what it would take for us to really make a change in our lifestyle
Wol Euler: one that might just save us from ecological disaster
Dash Earthboy: i've been pretty "green" for a long time
Wol Euler: Probably not even God himself speaking to every single one of us in the night would do it.
Dash Earthboy: my all electric house has a fireplace where I burn deadfall in cold weather to reduce energy usage
Wol Euler: that's a good idea
Dash Earthboy: my two acres is mostly wooded with trees toward the end of their lives
Dash Earthboy: and the drought for several years hurt even the younger trees
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: It's really disturbing how willfully blind people can be
Wol Euler: There are reports in the local papers that the great avenues of chestnut trees in the parks are dying
Dash Earthboy: i have neighbors who cleared a quarter acre to run their noisy off-road vehicles around in for fun
Wol Euler: the city is looking for replacement species which can survive in shorter winters, hotter summers and much less rain
Dash Earthboy: and they like to complain about the cost of gas
Wol Euler: and nobody thinks anyhting of it.
Dash Earthboy: they (the neighbors) kinda like how it bothers me
Wol Euler: yeah, I hear you.
Wol Euler: but "fun = gasoline" is an equation that will HAVE to change, and soon.
Dash Earthboy: yes I keep hoping
Dash Earthboy: but my whole time here I've been faced with people who denigrate me for wanting to walk to work
Dash Earthboy: or work from home
Wol Euler: huh
Wol Euler: why is that, do you think?
Dash Earthboy: and not drive all over for fast food and other commerce "to support the local economy "
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: perhaps they are all believers in the Rapture? :)
Wol Euler: "the sooner it comes, the better!
Dash Earthboy: oh lots of people claiming to be "good people" and "Christians" and the other hype
Dash Earthboy: for instance
Wol Euler: :)
Dash Earthboy: the county clerk refused to do her job under State law and handle processing of beer & wine licenses
Wol Euler: o.O
Dash Earthboy: so she just "told" (not delegated) the planning department to hand it
Dash Earthboy: they break state and federal laws here like crazy and just cover it up
Wol Euler: and they fired her for insubordination and malingering?
Wol Euler: no, never mind :)
Dash Earthboy: i went to the governor's office years ago with good evidence and he refused to convene the Ethics Committee hearing he was required to by state law
Dash Earthboy: no the story about "I Was on a Georgia Chaingang" didn't really show how badly power is abused here
Wol Euler shakes her head. Hard to believe.
Dash Earthboy: nor how bad the bigotry and racism really is
Wol Euler: as in: I'd rather not believe, but sadly I do
Dash Earthboy: i live where they filmed the TV series "In the Heat of the Night"
Dash Earthboy: and that show didn't capture how bad it is here
Wol Euler: and yet each of them would probably say they were good, ethical, god-fearing christians.
Dash Earthboy: for money & connections, our county allowed our only county library building to have "Sparta City Hall" chiseled into the door mantel
Dash Earthboy: the show was supposed to be about Sparta, MS
Wol Euler: huh
Dash Earthboy: yes, a public building was desecrated like that
Dash Earthboy: for the show
Wol Euler: mmhmm
Wol Euler: but *somebody* somewhere made a profit, so that's all just fine.
Dash Earthboy: for over 6 years
Wol Euler: ah, so they took it off?
Dash Earthboy: not really
Dash Earthboy: it was like that, until some other unethical planning director overspent public money for a library he designed away from the center of town
Wol Euler facepalms.
Dash Earthboy: and they sold that old library building to a medical equip leasing company
Dash Earthboy: so that company changed the mantel
Dash Earthboy: so we still only have one library in the county
Wol Euler: hello bolo, nice to see you again
Bolonath Crystal: namaste :)
Dash Earthboy: hi bolonath
Wol Euler: for how many people, Dash?
Dash Earthboy: it's somewhere over 50000
Dash Earthboy: could be 80000 by now
Wol Euler: oh, so it's pretty rural?
Wol Euler: still, not much of an infrastructure.
Dash Earthboy: they try to maintain the image of "rural"
Wol Euler nods
Wol Euler: including isolation and ignorance?
Dash Earthboy: like in the TV show
Wol Euler: no, scrub that, I didn't say that.
Dash Earthboy: we have industry in here from Korea and Japan
Wol Euler: ((Bolo, we're talking about abuse of power and local govt where Dash lives))
Bolonath Crystal: thx :)
Dash Earthboy: yet my own divorce attorney told me I didn't need to be working for the NIPS when he ordered me to jeopardize my job there
Bolonath Crystal: where do you live, dash?
Wol Euler: O.O
Dash Earthboy: near Atlanta
Bolonath Crystal: ah, ok
Dash Earthboy: some friends from Nashville came here a couple days ago to see a Blondie & B52s concert
Wol Euler: ooooh, talk about a blast from the past.
Dash Earthboy: quite a trip but they are big fans
Dash Earthboy: yes
Dash Earthboy: so first night in Atlanta someone breaks into the car and steals things including credit cards
Dash Earthboy: and uses one to purchase a big flat screen tv at a Walmart
Wol Euler: :(
Dash Earthboy: the Walmart clerk didn't ask for any ID for that big purchase
Dash Earthboy: i'm hoping to leave this area, even tho my home hasn't sold, and find a new community where I can work, live & worship hopefully all within walking distance
Wol Euler: well, to be honest, I'm not sure a German clerk would either, unless htey had reason to be suspicious
I crashed out of SL at this point when my connection in Starbucks got capped. It took me a few minutes to get back online.
Dash Earthboy: i bought this place when working at the county road dept so I could walk to work
Dash Earthboy: and then they transferred me uptown
Dash Earthboy: where are you at, Bolo?
Bolonath Crystal: a little village in germany, dash. about 2500 inhabitants
Dash Earthboy: Bolo do you see 3 fish swimming in a circle beside me?
Bolonath Crystal: quite rural *g*
Bolonath Crystal: yes, they are swimming there since a while
Dash Earthboy: oh that sounds wonderful place to be, Bolo!
Bolonath Crystal: yes, i love it
Bolonath Crystal: ok, there are disadvatages
Dash Earthboy: yes
Dash Earthboy: but I prefer rural to urban and urban to suburban
Bolonath Crystal: but i'd always prefer little villages to big cities
Bolonath Crystal: lol :) same thought
Dash Earthboy: to me suburban is the worst of both worlds
Dash Earthboy: and my county really isn't that rural for this state
Bolonath Crystal: a combination of the disadvantages of both :(
Dash Earthboy: yes
Dash Earthboy: i didn't catch Wol saying she was leaving
Bolonath Crystal: i don't think she left deliberately
Dash Earthboy: right
Dash Earthboy: she was not at home
Bolonath Crystal: we have heavy storms in germany right now. maybe she lost electricity
Dash Earthboy: are you a guardian too?
Bolonath Crystal: yep
Bolonath Crystal: on wednesdays
Dash Earthboy: oh i see, I'm up because a bad storm blew through
Dash Earthboy: I told Wol, it knocked out power here and then I couldn't get back to sleep
Dash Earthboy: normally I'd be sleeping
Bolonath Crystal: hehe, do you need power to sleep? ;))
Dash Earthboy: oh, the power came back on, but all the noise & electricity in the air I think just woke me pretty soundly
Bolonath Crystal: last april i spent on a little island completely without electricity
Bolonath Crystal: except 2 hours in the evening, when someone starts a generator
Dash Earthboy: I'm normally up an hour from now anyhow so I'm probably up for the day
Bolonath Crystal: this was an extremely peaceful experience
Dash Earthboy: I think I'd like to be on an island like that
Bolonath Crystal: oh, you use to get up very early
Dash Earthboy: welcome back Wol
Bolonath Crystal: wb wol :)
Wol Euler: ty
Bolonath Crystal: successfully reincarnated *g*
Wol Euler: indeed
Dash Earthboy: i think you've got it about me Bolo
Wol Euler: minor total-failure-of-connection experience
Dash Earthboy: i'm really a night owl
Dash Earthboy: that has served me well in music and technology in the past
Dash Earthboy: but there is not that kind of work around here
Bolonath Crystal: ah yes, night is the perfect time for those who listen
Wol Euler smiles.
Dash Earthboy: so I've tried to change my biorythms to accomodate the work that was available
Dash Earthboy: it's either that or I have a liver problem?
Wol Euler: eh?
Dash Earthboy: i heard on an episode of "House" that mixing up day-night activity is a symptom of liver problems
Wol Euler: huh
Bolonath Crystal: a liver problem lets you wake up between 1 and 3am. often the sleep is disturbed by heavy dreams
Bolonath Crystal: says chinese medicine
Dash Earthboy: sounds like my deal
Wol Euler: worth checking out, then.
Dash Earthboy: yep
Dash Earthboy: i'll get into WebMD in a few
Wol Euler: :)
Wol Euler: I'm old and old-fashioned enough that I actually meant "going to meet a flesh-and-blood doctor"
Dash Earthboy: ummm
Bolonath Crystal: oh, there still are some? ;)
Wol Euler: :))
Wol Euler: man, I had no idea how lucky I am to live in Germany.
Dash Earthboy: i haven't been able to afford a dentist for 3 years
Wol Euler: multiple libraries and *many* live doctors, all of whom are eager to see patients.
Dash Earthboy: so in 2009 I got some required work done by "Heavenly Dental" here and they did fraudulent billing on top of their malpractice
Wol Euler: O.O
Bolonath Crystal: gtg back to work
Bolonath Crystal: have a nice day, om shanti :)
Wol Euler: bye bolo, enjoy the day.
Dash Earthboy: yes they practically killed a root with an unnecessary filling
Dash Earthboy: bye Bolo
Wol Euler sighs. That really sucks on many levels, Dash. I'm sorry to hear it.
Dash Earthboy: so it took me over a month of pain and humiliation before my insurance agent found a dentist to fix me pro bono
Wol Euler: :((((
Dash Earthboy: i feel very blessed to have an insurance agent help me that way
Wol Euler: indeed
Dash Earthboy: my home and car are all he covers
Wol Euler: one wiht unusual compassion, or foresight
Dash Earthboy: a little of both I think
Wol Euler: being a good person is good business, but few people realize it
Dash Earthboy: yes! especially around here...well, they're "selectively" good
Wol Euler: heh
Dash Earthboy: they didn't like my lifelong approach of fair and equal treatment for all
Wol Euler: mmhmm
Wol Euler: not christian :)
Wol Euler: sorry to be so cynical today.
Dash Earthboy: the nearest Quaker mtg is very far from me
Dash Earthboy: so I joined SL just to attend the one they have here
Dash Earthboy: i think it wise to be cynical these days
Wol Euler smiles. Nice.
Dash Earthboy: but that hasn't stopped me from taking in homeless/abused people and trying to help
Wol Euler: I know many people who attend religious groups in SL, it seems very common
Wol Euler: especially in circumstances like yours, where the RL choice is limited or distances too great
Dash Earthboy: yes
Dash Earthboy: SL has many benefits
Wol Euler: definitely.
Wol Euler: which is why I am so annoyed to read reports that present it as a game -- still
Dash Earthboy: i've only been an internet fan since 1995
Dash Earthboy: yes, well some in SL do continue the game approach to their activities inworld
Wol Euler nods.
Dash Earthboy: the viewers are not conducive to my choice of hardware for computer work
Wol Euler: really?
Dash Earthboy: i've got Intel graphics on my laptop and desktop
Wol Euler: and ...?
Wol Euler: oh, I see. Graphics on the motherboard. Right, that is limiting
Dash Earthboy: I receive the notices that my equipment does not meet minimal standards of the Linden powers that be
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: I had to buy a new PC for work at christmastime, so I made sure it had a quad processor and the biggest damned graphics card I could find :)
Wol Euler: the difference is amazing.
Dash Earthboy: the graphics boards indicated in System Requirements are more common for gaming
Dash Earthboy: yes
Wol Euler: sl is ***so*** beautiful on that system
Dash Earthboy: i mostly like database and web application programming for business activity
Dash Earthboy: so my system is good for that
Wol Euler nods.
Dash Earthboy: i work in Windows, Linux, and Solaris
Dash Earthboy: guess if I had a Mac it would solve the SL graphics problem for me :)
Wol Euler: no, on the contrary
Wol Euler: I'm mostly a Mac user, and have to admit that the PC graphics are far superior
Wol Euler: unless you buy the top-end desk-side system
Wol Euler: most Macs have on-motherboard graphics too, very limited
Dash Earthboy: ah, I see...so the Mac users in SL have been a tad biased?
Wol Euler: to see SL properly you need a separate and high-powered graphics card
Wol Euler: well, I didn't know until I saw the difference for myself.
Dash Earthboy: yes, like you said...those are basically gaming boards
Wol Euler: I thought this Mac laptop had good graphics, until I saw the PC
Wol Euler shrugs
Dash Earthboy: ya
Wol Euler: tools for the job, one might say.
Dash Earthboy: yes
Wol Euler: SL is a real resource hog, it stresses every aspect of the computer
Dash Earthboy: for sure
Wol Euler: the only time I hear the fans in my Macs running, is when I'm in SL
Dash Earthboy: and that 's true even of my 64-bit laptop
Wol Euler nods.
Dash Earthboy: it brings my 32-bit XP desktop to its knees
Wol Euler: yeah
Wol Euler: I went from less than 2fps on my first Mac Mini to typically 35-45 fps on the windows machine in the same locations
Dash Earthboy: wow
Wol Euler: and that with improved graphic quality too!
Wol Euler: turned on all the shaders and renderers that I'd previuosly had off, and still getting huge framerates
Dash Earthboy: that really enhances the experience for sure
Wol Euler: the difference that a dedicated card makes is quite amazing
Dash Earthboy: i had got gaming cards in the past for computers I built for my son
Wol Euler smiles.
Dash Earthboy: and usually had DVD and even TV running on them
Dash Earthboy: the difference is ... astounding?
Wol Euler: mmhmm :)
Wol Euler: and not even that expensive, really. The card I bought cost about US$300
Wol Euler: which is not much more than the monitor I use
Dash Earthboy: ah yes
Wol Euler: it's a very big upgrade for the price.
Wol Euler: improvement in quality per buck, I mean
Wol Euler notices the time and sighs. Work calls, Dash, I shall have to leave.
Wol Euler: Get some sleep :)
Dash Earthboy: bye Wol!
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