The Guardian for this meeting was Bruce Mowbray. The comments are by Bruce Mowbray. Attending were Eliza, Ewan, Bruce, Archmage, and Yakuzza
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, Eliza. I am sorry to be late.
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Bruce :) No worries, Good Morning to you
Bruce Mowbray: I'd forgotten that I agreed to claim this session - then got distracted by RL thoughts. . . but here we are.
Eliza Madrigal smiles, yes here we are
Eliza Madrigal: I wouldn't have minded taking it this morning if you like. Feels like church on Sunday mornings being here sometimes... when I'm nostalgic
Eliza Madrigal: I should be in a bonnet and gloves ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: :-)
Eliza Madrigal: this outfit would not have gone over well in the church of my childhood... hahahah
Bruce Mowbray: Funny thing about dressing up for church.
Eliza Madrigal: but the teen in me would have enjoyed wearing it to see others' faces :)
Bruce Mowbray: (or dressing 'up' for anything)
Eliza Madrigal: I like to, do you?
Bruce Mowbray: In my RL "church" (Quaker Meeting this afternoon) folks wear only casual clothes -- shorts, t-shirts, etc.
Bruce Mowbray: Nope -- I do not like to dress up.
Eliza Madrigal: Did you 'have to' for work, when you were younger?
Eliza Madrigal: People don't seem to dress up for UU churches either
Bruce Mowbray: Oh yes -- I was a public school teacher in the days when we had to wear suits.
Yakuzza Lethecus: hey everyone
Bruce Mowbray: Good day, Yaku.
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Ya :)
Eliza Madrigal: Yes, that must be why Bruce
Eliza Madrigal: What did you teach?
Eliza Madrigal: English?
Bruce Mowbray: You got it!
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: wonder how I knew that
Bruce Mowbray: Now, how did you know that?
Eliza Madrigal: maybe because of words like ‘detritus'
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Bruce Mowbray: Ha!
Eliza Madrigal: ;-) yes, notice the little things... haha
Eliza Madrigal: It is nice that in teaching you obviously kept affection for your subject
Eliza Madrigal: Do you write as well? (I have my nosy hat on today)
Bruce Mowbray: Nosy hat is OK - and also appropriate dress for the pavilion. . .
Eliza Madrigal smiles
Bruce Mowbray: yes, I do/did a bit of writing.
Bruce Mowbray: Nothing grand or published...
Bruce Mowbray: just poems and short stories, and a few essays (for local newspapers).
Eliza Madrigal: Wonderful :) yes I wasn't asking if you were grand or published... that is a given
Eliza Madrigal: Ah! Nice
Eliza Madrigal: those count :)
Bruce Mowbray: Well, I write for myself, actually -- a way of getting better clarity on thoughts -- sort of like meditation, sometimes.
Eliza Madrigal: So my real question is then... how do you think this developed for you?
Eliza Madrigal: Oh, you answered me :)
Eliza Madrigal: yes I understand that
Eliza Madrigal: Okay, nosy hat off... I'll let you off my hook if you like
Eliza Madrigal giggles
Bruce Mowbray: If I need to "understand" - for example - some difficulties in a relationship with a friend, then I'd probably write about that.
Eliza Madrigal: yes, me too
Bruce Mowbray: It is quite all right -- although I'd love to hear more from Yaku, too.
Eliza Madrigal: In this way, writers are engaging in Being Seen ...
Bruce Mowbray: Mmmm. . . yes, I guess you're right on that.
Bruce Mowbray: I have written a ten-page letter to a prison friend every other week for over 25 years.
Eliza Madrigal: Oh, that's really beautiful Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: I tell him EVERYTHING - as does he tell me about himself.
Eliza Madrigal: everything?
Bruce Mowbray: Mike was my inmate clerk when I taught at the prison in the early '80's -- and he's going to be there for the rest of his life -- so we exchange letters twice a month.
Bruce Mowbray: LONG letters!
Eliza Madrigal: wonderful practice... like exchanging lives sometimes I'd imagine
Bruce Mowbray: These have become my personal Journal -- since I relate to Mike everything that happens in my life -- so it is a sort of history -- since I keep copies for myself.
Eliza Madrigal: a gift to have someone you might feel that open with
Bruce Mowbray: yes, Mike might be my best friend in the world.
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Bruce Mowbray: Unfortunately, because of crimes he did over thirty years ago, he will never be paroled. . .
Bruce Mowbray: He's still completing the first of five consecutive life sentences. . .
Eliza Madrigal: Oh My
Eliza Madrigal: You must help to keep him connected to sanity
Bruce Mowbray: I doubt that he will ever finish even the FIRST of his 5 life sentences. . . He's in his 60's now.
Bruce Mowbray: I hope I give him some alternative things to keep his mind occupied -- but he's also a great "reality check" for me.
Eliza Madrigal: one heedless moment can change one's entire life
Bruce Mowbray: Whenever I feel sorry for myself - I simply remember what Mike lives with every hour.
Bruce Mowbray: Good morning, Ewan.
Eliza Madrigal: of course it is a tragedy, always... because heedlessness seems to come from circumstances which cause a person to dull perceptions?
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Ewan :)
Ewan Bonham: Hi Folks!
Eliza Madrigal: we were talking about 'writing practice' a little Ewan, and best friends, and sanity :)
Ewan Bonham: A big range...all quite pertinent for me today..
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Eliza Madrigal: Ya, here with us?
Ewan Bonham: I sure am
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Bruce Mowbray: As I recall, Ewan, you recently gave a talk (or a speech?) on assisted living homes. . . or something like that?
Bruce Mowbray: can't quite remember, sorry.
Bruce Mowbray: access to the community for retired folks. . . ?
Ewan Bonham: Oh, it was a healthy lifestyle in the community for the elderly..
Bruce Mowbray: OK -- yes, I remember now. How did that go?
Eliza Madrigal: how interesting... listens
Bruce Mowbray: To Yaku and Eliza -- I've just offered Ewan the suggestion that he claim this session for practice. . . if he wants it. So I think he's doing that now.
Eliza Madrigal: brb, coffee required...
Eliza Madrigal: Oh, wonderful :) Good idea
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Ewan. . . Try right-clicking on the base of the fountain - then selecting "Claim" --
Ewan Bonham: Except clicking on the fountain is not getting me the screen to claim it..
Eliza Madrigal: Cal made an inworld card, btw, let me give everyone a copy then I'll run for coffee and maybe cereal too :)
Eliza Madrigal: These are PC directions. Would be helpful for a MAC user to make one too :)
Eliza Madrigal: "chatlog posting directions"
Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Eliza - shouldn't Ewan be able to claim this session "over" my previous claim?
Bruce Mowbray: simply by touching the fountain and selecting "claim"?
Yakuzza Lethecus: back, hi ewan
Ewan Bonham: hi Yak..
Eliza Madrigal: Yes... just click and the menu should pop up
Eliza Madrigal: I'd claimed it when you got here in fact
Ewan Bonham: Sorry, the screen just is not coming up for me.
Bruce Mowbray: On my viewer, it is Right-click, then Touch, then the choices come up, then click on "Claim" --- If that's not happening for you, I don't know what to suggest.
Eliza Madrigal: yes and it shouldn't matter that you aren't wearing a pab tag I think...
Bruce Mowbray: OK -- That worked for me when I claimed the session after Eliza had already claimed it.
Bruce Mowbray: Oh -- yeah -- I think you're supposed to be wearing a "Cultivator" tag -- maybe not - not sure, but I always where mine when I claim a session.
Eliza Madrigal: for some right click, for some left, it seems... depending on the viewer
Eliza Madrigal: but I think it should register one's name, rather than tag... Hm
Ewan Bonham: Just put on the group tag..
Eliza Madrigal: If the menu to claim doesn't come up, something else should, identifying the auto-listener
Eliza Madrigal: make sure you aim at the triangle not flower :)
Ewan Bonham: Sorry, just not working..
Eliza Madrigal: strange, since it worked the other day for you
Bruce Mowbray: [something we'll eventually need to figure out - for Ewan. It's working fine for Eliza and me this morning. . . ]
Bruce Mowbray: Welcome back, Yaku.
Eliza Madrigal: wow... lots of nice mantras, chants, songs etc. on youtube...
Eliza Madrigal: (listening to music goes with church) ;-)
Bruce Mowbray: Eliza was mentioning earlier how coming to the pavilion on Sunday mornings brings back some memories of going to church as a child.
Eliza Madrigal: Ewan, you can try again later I guess... maybe just glitchy this morning :)
Ewan Bonham: OK, I will..
Bruce Mowbray: Hello, If.
If Adzior: hello
Eliza Madrigal: If, Welcome :)
If Adzior: what is here???
Bruce Mowbray: Is this your first visit here, If?
If Adzior: thanks
Eliza Madrigal: well you are :)
If Adzior: yes
Bruce Mowbray: We are a gathering known as "Play as Being" and we meet here four times every day - around the clock and around the world.
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Bruce Mowbray: I will give you a notecard....
Eliza Madrigal: Oh, I like that so much Bruce "Around the Clock and Around the World" yes
Ewan Bonham: Yes, nice, Bruce
Bruce Mowbray: Our chat logs are published in a wiki - on the web. Would it be OK with you if we published whatever you type into the chat box onto the web?
Bruce Mowbray: Here's a link to the wiki site, If:
If Adzior: thanks
Bruce Mowbray:
Eliza Madrigal: often when someone introduces pab I feel like I'm hearing about it for the first time
If Adzior: other day return here
Bruce Mowbray: ok.
Eliza Madrigal: Sure If, please do :)
Bruce Mowbray: OK -- He's gone. Hopefully to return another time.
Bruce Mowbray: Eliza and I were talking about writing, and reality checks, and letting ourselves be seen by friends through our writing.
Bruce Mowbray: And Ewan, you said that somehow was relevant to your life today. . .
Ewan Bonham: Well, when i am with a friend, i want to be authentic..
Ewan Bonham: Doing daily journaling helps me to reflect on myself..
Ewan Bonham: this makes it easier to 'see me' when i am really with someone..
Ewan Bonham: It kinda sharpens my vision.
Eliza Madrigal: For me, writing was an early way to cope ... to say things I wasn't allowed to say...
Eliza Madrigal: so for you also Ewan, it sounds... 'excavation'
Ewan Bonham: Yes, Eliza, makes me more familiar with my layers of perception as I am with folks..
Eliza Madrigal: mmm, lovely
Ewan Bonham: I believe I have gone through much of my life with a 'delayed reaction'..
Ewan Bonham: I respond in my mind to someone perhaps days after the event..
Eliza Madrigal: :) I relate to that... and would really like to hear more...
Ewan Bonham: The journaling helps me to be more sensitive to myself..
Eliza Madrigal: :) maybe we can pick up on the theme again sometime soon...
Eliza Madrigal: thanks for church this morning everyone :)
Bruce Mowbray: yes, would really like to continue this discussion - but there's a guardian meeting about to begin in the Village Hall.
Ewan Bonham: Yes, I will see you all there..
Archmage Atlantis: Are u not leaving, Yaku?.....the importance of a guardian meeting is unquestioned
Archmage Atlantis: Well I and your av will meditate then
Archmage Atlantis: A dear friend has offered me a tp
Archmage Atlantis: I will take it
Archmage Atlantis: Blessings and Namaste
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