The Guardian for this meeting was Lia Rikugun. The comments are by Lia Rikugun.
Bruce made some cushions for tiny avatars and we were trying out how they look like.
[12:51] Bruce Mowbray: OK -- Would you be so kind as to try out the other two, now?
[12:51] Bruce Mowbray: That would help me make necessary rotations. . .
[12:52] Bruce Mowbray: That one looks pretty good. How does it feel to you, Lia?
[12:52] Lia Rikugun: vrey good too :)
[12:52] Bruce Mowbray: OK -- Only one more to go. . .
[12:52] Lia Rikugun: not so good :)
[12:53] Lia Rikugun: (I just need to finish something will be back to keyboard soon)
[12:53] Bruce Mowbray: better now -- or . . . ok.
[12:53] Bruce Mowbray: Hi, Chi.
[12:54] Chi Aho: Hi, Bruce
[12:54] Chi Aho: Hi, Freud, Lia
[12:54] Freud Jungsten: heya
[12:54] Bruce Mowbray: If you're feeling a bit tiny today, you might try sitting on on one of the plaid cushions. . . .
[12:55] Chi Aho: waiting to rez
[12:55] Bruce Mowbray: ok. Othwise, you're welcome to sit anywhere, of course.
[12:57] Bruce Mowbray: Is this your first visit to the fountain, Chi?
[12:57] Chi Aho: No, I've been here 2-3 times before
[12:58] Chi Aho: Trying to turn on sound. Is it on?
[12:58] Bruce Mowbray: OK - great! The you know about publishing the chat box on our wiki.
[12:58] Bruce Mowbray: We do not use voice here -- but the background sounds are working fine - - (birds...)
[12:58] Chi Aho: yes i do
[12:58] Chi Aho: but no music?
[12:59] Bruce Mowbray: MHmmmm. . . I've never tried streaming music here. . . I really don't know, sorry.
[12:59] Bruce Mowbray slips out to get RL coffee. . . will return in a sec.
[13:01] Bruce Mowbray has returned (!)
[13:01] Lia Rikugun: heyhey sorry, now i am fully here
[13:01] Bruce Mowbray: How does that cushion work for you, Lia?
[13:01] Lia Rikugun: this one is not so nice
[13:02] Freud Jungsten: Got to go... take care alll.. ciao
[13:02] Bruce Mowbray: too low, too hgih, facing right direction....?
[13:02] Bruce Mowbray: Bye, Freud.
[13:02] Chi Aho: bye, Freud
[13:02] Bruce Mowbray: How can I make it better, Lia?
[13:02] Lia Rikugun: it seems i am leaning to my right
[13:02] Lia Rikugun: and into the front
[13:02] Lia Rikugun: a little packed
[13:02] Bruce Mowbray: OK -- I can see that now.
[13:03] Bruce Mowbray: any better? I just raised it a bit.
[13:03] Lia Rikugun: maybe i should stand up and sit again
[13:04] Bruce Mowbray: oh -- I need to tilt it backward, then.
[13:04] Lia Rikugun: ah wow now it looks better
[13:04] Bruce Mowbray: It looks good to me. . . but you're the one sitting on it, so you tell me, ok?
[13:04] Bruce Mowbray: cool!
[13:04] Bruce Mowbray: I will fix the other two -- so they're like that one.
Alfred and I still look the same ;)
[13:05] Chi Aho: hi, Alfred
[13:05] Lia Rikugun: the other two looked fine before
[13:05] Lia Rikugun: heyhey bro
[13:05] Bruce Mowbray: ok. I just raised the one to my left.
[13:05] Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Alfred!
[13:05] Alfred Kelberry: hey :)
[13:05] Alfred Kelberry: oh, lia!
[13:05] Lia Rikugun: look we have cushions for tiny people here
[13:06] Alfred Kelberry: i thought you were me! :)
[13:06] Lia Rikugun: bruce made them
[13:06] Alfred Kelberry: yes, bruce kindly made them :)
[13:06] Lia Rikugun: bruce i think the cushion i am sitting on is still a little bit leaning to the right
[13:06] Bruce Mowbray: Well, Alfred, I'm still making some minor adjustments. . . anything to help our tinies feel comfortable, you know.
[13:06] Alfred Kelberry: it's funny, i looked at you and thought "hey, why am i sitting?" :)
[13:07] Alfred Kelberry: hehe
[13:07] Alfred Kelberry: thank you, bruce :)
[13:07] Lia Rikugun: hehe
[13:07] Bruce Mowbray: Better now, Lia?
[13:07] Alfred Kelberry: you're a tinies guardian :)
[13:07] Lia Rikugun: yes thank you
[13:07] Bruce Mowbray: OK -- Alfred -- please stay seated while I make adjustments, OK?
[13:08] Lia Rikugun: so chi hi i have not met you before
[13:08] Lia Rikugun: how are you doing?
[13:08] Alfred Kelberry: how timely, too, bruce. lia the tiny joined us this session :)
[13:08] Bruce Mowbray: Please tell me if your cushion is OK, Al.
[13:08] Alfred Kelberry: sure
[13:08] Bruce Mowbray: It looks all right to me. . . but not sure....
[13:08] Bruce Mowbray: OK now?
[13:08] Alfred Kelberry: it looks fine to me
[13:09] Bruce Mowbray: It is about four inches off the ground. . . just a sec.
[13:09] Chi Aho: Please escuse me; I must check out something
[13:09] Bruce Mowbray: There!
[13:09] Alfred Kelberry: :)
[13:09] Lia Rikugun: ok sure
[13:09] Lia Rikugun: bye chi
[13:09] Bruce Mowbray: Oh Chi -- I'm sorry!
[13:10] Bruce Mowbray: Darn it. . . I hope I didn't chase him off with my cushion adjustments.
[13:10] Alfred Kelberry: :)
[13:11] Bruce Mowbray ponders becoming a tiny himself.
[13:11] Alfred Kelberry: why not, bruce :)
[13:11] Alfred Kelberry: a new perspective
[13:11] Lia Rikugun: hehe, i like the boxy avatar
[13:11] Alfred Kelberry: and i like lia the boxy :)
[13:12] Bruce Mowbray: yeah, but I don't really know how to do it -- Could I stil remain Bruce, or would I have to get a whole new avi?
[13:12] Lia Rikugun: oh now i am flushing
[13:12] Lia Rikugun: haha i think i met blush
[13:12] Lia Rikugun: but flushing is also funny
[13:13] Alfred Kelberry: i remained alfred when i changed to boxy :)
[13:13] Lia Rikugun: flushing what
[13:13] Bruce Mowbray: Maybe those cushions have another function that I wasn't aware of....
[13:13] Alfred Kelberry: flushy-blushy lia :)
[13:13] Bruce Mowbray: OK, then I could probably remain Bruce. . .
[13:14] Alfred Kelberry: lia, you could add a tail or some part of your attire to your av
[13:14] Lia Rikugun: let me try that
[13:15] Alfred Kelberry: add a little self-touch :)
[13:15] Alfred Kelberry: this way others can identify us too :)
Bruce turns into a tree
[13:15] Lia Rikugun: how nice bruce
[13:16] Alfred Kelberry: bruce, i think it's a hugy av, not tiny :)
[13:16] Lia Rikugun: for chrismas
[13:16] Alfred Kelberry: ha! true :)
[13:16] Lia Rikugun: you should get decoration as well
[13:16] Alfred Kelberry: let's decorate bruce! :)
[13:16] Lia Rikugun: yeay!
[13:17] Bruce Mowbray: a huge-ie . . . . (branching out, as it were).
[13:17] Lia Rikugun: hi ewan
[13:17] Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Ewan!
[13:17] Ewan Bonham: Hi folks..:)
[13:18] Alfred Kelberry: cute tail you have, lia :)
[13:18] Lia Rikugun: hehe
[13:18] Lia Rikugun: thats the onigokko tail
[13:18] Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Mick!
[13:18] Lia Rikugun: hi mick
[13:18] Ewan Bonham: Still rezzing..:)
[13:18] Mickorod Renard: Hi Bruce, Lia
[13:19] Mickorod Renard: Alfie
[13:19] Lia Rikugun: you just missed bruce the tree
[13:19] Mickorod Renard: isnt it Wok Tonite?
[13:19] Lia Rikugun: i dont know mick
[13:19] Mickorod Renard: Hi Ewan
[13:19] Bruce Mowbray: I'm not sure, Mick.
[13:19] Mickorod Renard: :(
[13:19] Bruce Mowbray: I don't think anyone has claimed this session yet.
[13:20] Lia Rikugun: yes i did
[13:20] Lia Rikugun: :)
[13:20] Lia Rikugun: after teh reminder told me
[13:20] Bruce Mowbray: OK -- great! Thanks, Lia.
[13:20] Lia Rikugun: ;)
[13:20] Alfred Kelberry: mick :)
[13:20] Mickorod Renard: how is everyone,,well I hope?
[13:20] Lia Rikugun: so what is the topic of the day?
[13:20] Alfred Kelberry: no, he didn't miss bruce the tree :)
[13:20] Lia Rikugun: godd a little tired
[13:21] Alfred Kelberry: one second, please... :)
[13:21] Bruce Mowbray: topic?
Bruce as a tree and me with a tail on the picture following the link
[13:21] Alfred Kelberry:
[13:21] Lia Rikugun: and you mick?
[13:21] Bruce Mowbray: maybe something like, Equanimity for tinies.
[13:21] Mickorod Renard: I am well thanks
[13:21] Alfred Kelberry: it's a great day for tinies of sl! :)
[13:22] Bruce Mowbray: Cool web page, Alfred!
[13:22] Lia Rikugun: :)
[13:22] Lia Rikugun: yes nice picture
[13:22] Alfred Kelberry: thank you :)
[13:22] Wol Euler: evening all
[13:22] Bruce Mowbray: wb, Ewan.
[13:22] Alfred Kelberry: woly!
[13:22] Mickorod Renard: you have been busy today then Lia?
Wol joins us, it is just before her trip to Japan
[13:22] Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Wol!
[13:22] Mickorod Renard: Hi Wol
[13:22] Ewan Bonham: Sorry ,crashed..
[13:23] Lia Rikugun: hi wol
[13:23] Alfred Kelberry: *waves to woly from a comfy cushion that bruce prepared*
[13:23] Wol Euler: :)
[13:23] Lia Rikugun: yes with work and stuff, but exciting positive stress
[13:23] Wol Euler: clever bruce
[13:23] Lia Rikugun: so wol! are you excited?
[13:23] Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
[13:23] Wol Euler: very :)
[13:23] Mickorod Renard: thats good, I try and view my work like that
[13:23] Lia Rikugun: yeay, will you travel around japan
[13:23] Lia Rikugun: or will you stay in kyoto?
[13:24] Wol Euler: well, I'm booked for a week in Kyoto, then I will travel. I bought a JapanRail pass
[13:24] Lia Rikugun: great
[13:24] Wol Euler: I can go anywhere on almost any train (not the fastest)
[13:24] Wol Euler: so I'll just look around for a while
[13:24] Mickorod Renard: wow Wol,,sounds great
[13:24] Lia Rikugun: the shinkansen
[13:24] Alfred Kelberry: ah, that's nice, woly
[13:24] Lia Rikugun: i think you can go
[13:24] Wol Euler grins
[13:24] Alfred Kelberry: when do you go?
[13:24] Wol Euler: well, there are a few necessaries. I need a few days in Tokyo, I *must* see Akibara and Shinjuku
[13:24] Wol Euler: saturday morning
[13:25] Ewan Bonham: Good for you, Wol
[13:25] Lia Rikugun: oh go to Harajuku!
[13:25] Alfred Kelberry: lovely :)
[13:25] Wol Euler: mmhmm
[13:25] Alfred Kelberry: will you be able to log in to sl and share your experience with us?
[13:25] Lia Rikugun: you will see al the cosplay japanese
[13:25] Wol Euler: I hope so :)
[13:25] Wol Euler: (to both)
[13:25] Wol Euler: :)
[13:25] Lia Rikugun: and eat eat and eat again!
[13:25] Alfred Kelberry: hehe
[13:25] Wol Euler: of course! sushi for breakfast!
[13:26] Wol Euler: mmmmm
[13:26] Alfred Kelberry: and take pictures!
[13:26] Wol Euler: that may be harder, I can't find my camera
[13:26] Lia Rikugun: and eal and ramen and soba and udon and and and
[13:26] Lia Rikugun: ah i am getting hungry
[13:26] Alfred Kelberry: we could then make woly's japan exhibition in the gallery
[13:26] Wol Euler: hello arch, zon
[13:26] Zon Kwan: heya
[13:26] Alfred Kelberry: wol, well, use your phone then :)
[13:26] Lia Rikugun: hello zon and arch
[13:27] Lia Rikugun: we were just talking about japan
[13:27] Bruce Mowbray: Hey, Arch. Hey, Zon.
[13:27] Archmage Atlantis: Hiya folks
[13:28] Lia Rikugun: now i want sushi
[13:28] Lia Rikugun: :(
[13:28] Wol Euler grins.
[13:28] Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
[13:28] Archmage Atlantis: I know about Japan, it's a group of islands off the coast of China, yes?
[13:28] Lia Rikugun: haha
[13:28] Bruce Mowbray has never eaten sushi. . . .
[13:28] Lia Rikugun: hopefully we dont have any japense here
[13:28] Bruce Mowbray: (It is something that one eats, right?)
[13:28] Wol Euler: Lia, what is the name of the rural country-kitchen kind of restaurant places? Is that Robyashi?
[13:28] Alfred Kelberry: i have and i don't like it :)
[13:28] Wol Euler: yes, raw fish in variuos forms
[13:29] Archmage Atlantis: Sushi is like raw has to be straight from the sea
[13:29] Lia Rikugun: i am not sure what this means rural country kitchen
[13:29] Bruce Mowbray rushes to cover Blub's ears.
[13:29] Wol Euler: hhehehehe
[13:29] Wol Euler: well, we don'T eat friends.
[13:29] Archmage Atlantis: I like sushi
[13:29] Lia Rikugun: :) sorry blub
[13:29] Mickorod Renard: hi Zon, Arch
[13:29] Archmage Atlantis: I wouldn't eat Blub tho, to much like canabalism
[13:30] Lia Rikugun: (in japan i went to an aquarium with a japense friend once, she said 'yummi' to every fish :))
[13:31] Alfred Kelberry: hmm, i don't say "yummy" when i see a chicken :)
[13:31] Archmage Atlantis: Well, turning dogs and cats into vegetarians is not really doable........they are designed to get nutrients from meat.......
[13:31] Lia Rikugun: welcome back chi
[13:31] Archmage Atlantis: Box glue is good for sniffing tho, before it hardens
[13:32] Archmage Atlantis: Oy vey
[13:32] Bruce Mowbray: nor do I say "yummy" when I see a snow leopard. . . on someone's shoulder....
[13:33] Alfred Kelberry: :)
[13:33] Wol Euler: hello chi
[13:33] Archmage Atlantis: Perhaps that is part of the current facination with vampires and were wolves
[13:33] Bruce Mowbray: Today's Ways of Knowing group will be discussing Equanimity - - having neither preference nor prejudice with whatever arises. . .
[13:33] Alfred Kelberry: mac os x snow leopard
[13:33] Archmage Atlantis: That they can't exist without moral dilemma
[13:33] Wol Euler nods
[13:34] Bruce Mowbray: . . . or exist without moral confusion, either.
[13:34] Ewan Bonham: Bruce, who does the 'Ways of Knowing group'?
[13:34] Bruce Mowbray: several of us -- We meet in the Kira Cafe. Everyone is invited... although we do homework every week.
[13:35] Bruce Mowbray: You are most welcome to join in -- at the top of the next hour. . . in 25 minutes.
[13:35] Alfred Kelberry: maybe it's a practice in tolerance
[13:36] Archmage Atlantis: Tolerance implies alternate means for one's loved ones to survive
[13:36] Alfred Kelberry: *watches lia moving her tiny head around* :)
[13:36] Alfred Kelberry: hmm
[13:36] Lia Rikugun: nono i am watching you alf
[13:36] Lia Rikugun: ;)
[13:37] Alfred Kelberry: :P
tolerant or intolerant - equanimity
[13:37] Chi Aho: Does this advocate being tolerant of anyone and everyone?
[13:38] Archmage Atlantis: Chi, I imagine a scenario......
[13:38] Alfred Kelberry: i don't think any teaching is meant to be taken in absolute forms
[13:38] Archmage Atlantis: Do I tolerate a mother beating her child?
[13:38] Zon Kwan: not to
[13:39] Bruce Mowbray: or even verbal abuse of children -- or of anyone. . . Intolerable!
[13:39] Zon Kwan: i just dont tolerate intolerable people..and beligians
[13:40] Bruce Mowbray: Belgians?
[13:40] Zon Kwan: yes
[13:40] Archmage Atlantis: But belgians have the best chocolate
[13:40] Bruce Mowbray: people from Belgium?
[13:40] Zon Kwan: (it was a joke)
[13:40] Wol Euler: and very good beer
[13:41] Lia Rikugun: i went through a phase where i thought i need to tolerate everything
[13:41] Alfred Kelberry: interesting to note different religions take on equanimity:
[13:41] Lia Rikugun: that this accepting would be the right way
[13:41] Bruce Mowbray tried to imagine Belgians bulging with beer and chocolate. . .
[13:41] Lia Rikugun: but well it isnt, for me
[13:41] Bruce Mowbray listens intently to Lia. . .
[13:41] Lia Rikugun: it would be taking one extreme again
[13:41] Lia Rikugun: i am going to tolerate everything
[13:42] Lia Rikugun: but this should not be a rule
[13:42] Alfred Kelberry: "Equanimity is operating from the state of supreme watchfulness without an iota of attachment or aversion."
[13:42] Alfred Kelberry: from buddhism
[13:42] Chi Aho: Strange but true, that equanimity is an extreme position itself
[13:43] Lia Rikugun: i am not so familiar with the term equanimity
[13:43] Bruce Mowbray: I think of Equanimity (in the Buddist tradition) as a practice for increasing awareness ---
[13:43] Chi Aho: Alfred, I do not believe that we should just stand around and watch evil in the world
[13:43] Lia Rikugun: but being relaxed towards a situation does not mean you accept it
[13:43] Ewan Bonham: Hmmmm....unless it is pure, it can be a way diluding myself from what are still my prejudicial leanings..:)
[13:43] Bruce Mowbray: Equanimity is not the same as "tolerance for anything."
[13:43] Bruce Mowbray: agrees with Ewan. . .
[13:44] Bruce Mowbray: Having Equanimity as we observe both inwardly and outwardly. . .
[13:46] Bruce Mowbray: If anyone here would care to continue the discussion of Equanimity with the Ways of Knowing group, that group will meet in 15 minutes at the Kira Cafe. (I can give you an LM if you need one.)
[13:47] Bruce Mowbray: That will be our topic for today's WoK group.
[13:47] Lia Rikugun: (sorry my friends am very tired and need to go to bed, good night and nice seeing you!)
[13:47] Ewan Bonham: Bye Lia
[13:47] Wol Euler: goodnight lia, sleep well
[13:47] Chi Aho: night, Lia
[13:47] Lia Rikugun: please welcome new visitors
[13:47] Bruce Mowbray: Be well, Lia -- and enjoy your sushi!
[13:47] Lia Rikugun: in my dreams yes
[13:47] Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
[13:47] Archmage Atlantis: I apologize for stealing but, this may be useful
[13:47] Archmage Atlantis: equanimity, composure, sangfroid mean evenness of mind under stress
[13:48] Bruce Mowbray: yes, that's the usual usage of the term, Arch. . . but Buddhists give it a special meaning. . .
[13:48] Chi Aho: "sangfroid"???
[13:48] Bruce Mowbray: one of the Four Immeasureables.
[13:48] Bruce Mowbray: (not sangfroid -- That would be a 5th.)
[13:49] Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
[13:49] Archmage Atlantis: Which branch of Buddhists, Bruce?
[13:50] Archmage Atlantis: phone, brb
[13:50] Alfred Kelberry: oops, lia the boxy left :/
[13:50] Alfred Kelberry: and mick has fallen asleep
[13:50] Bruce Mowbray: Oh boy -- I don't really know, Arch. Sry. But could look it up, . . . and probably should do that.
[13:50] Wol Euler: :)
[13:51] Alfred Kelberry: and woly is beautifuly warm as ever :)
[13:51] Wol Euler smiles.
[13:52] Archmage Atlantis: bk
[13:52] Wol Euler: wb
[13:52] Bruce Mowbray takes a close look at the knife on Woly's left bicep.
[13:52] Wol Euler grins
[13:53] Bruce Mowbray could use one of those to stir my woodburning stove.
[13:53] Archmage Atlantis: AZ has just declared all organ transplants elective surgery, so not covered by insurance
[13:53] Wol Euler: !
[13:53] Alfred Kelberry: dagger? :)
[13:53] Wol Euler: maybe, alf
[13:53] Bruce Mowbray: Really -- about AZ, I mean.
[13:53] Zon Kwan: waves...
[13:53] Archmage Atlantis: Leave the defective babies on a ledge so nature will take care of them
[13:54] Bruce Mowbray: AZ must have a strong insurance loggy, huh?
[13:54] Archmage Atlantis: Like the Greeks of old did
[13:54] Bruce Mowbray: lobby, I meant. sry.
[13:54] Bruce Mowbray needs a tongue transplant.
[13:54] Wol Euler: as long as it's not in AZ
[13:54] Archmage Atlantis: Sorry Bruce, it's elective
[13:54] Bruce Mowbray: ;-)
[13:55] Bruce Mowbray: So, wat's to keep every state from calling every medical procedure "elective"?
[13:55] Wol Euler finds the state of American politics very distressing.
[13:55] Bruce Mowbray: Then insurance wouldn't have to pay for ANYthing.
[13:55] Wol Euler: think how much profit they'd make!
[13:56] Wol Euler: that is after all the only criteria.
[13:56] Wol Euler: *criterion
[13:56] Bruce Mowbray wonders if there are enough hillsides in Greece. . . .
[13:56] Archmage Atlantis: What keeps any of us from calling someone different from us our property, our slave
[13:56] Archmage Atlantis: Raw power
[13:56] Bruce Mowbray: Hmmmm. . . . and also a sense of Equanimity, one might hope.
[13:56] Wol Euler: :)
[13:56] Alfred Kelberry: sorry, when is the wok session starting?
[13:56] Mickorod Renard: well..I had better stretch my legs and go and have a smoke,,see u later
[13:57] Wol Euler: common sense and common decency?
[13:57] Wol Euler: bye mick, puff well
[13:57] Bruce Mowbray: The WoK session is starting in three minutes -- and I'm on my way over there now.
[13:57] Alfred Kelberry: i heard smoking is bad for you
[13:57] Bruce Mowbray: Anyone want an LM, just let me know.
[13:57] Archmage Atlantis: Do any of you remember the Buddhist monks emolating themselves in protest in the 60's, 70's?
[13:57] Wol Euler nods.
[13:58] Bruce Mowbray: Yes, Arch. . . I remember that very well.
[13:58] Alfred Kelberry: i remember a burning monk photo
[13:58] Archmage Atlantis: That's some real smoking
[13:58] Ewan Bonham: Thank you all..see you all soon..:)
[13:58] Wol Euler: bye ewan
[13:58] Bruce Mowbray: Bye, Ewan.
[13:58] Chi Aho: see you
[13:59] Alfred Kelberry: meep-meep!
[13:59] Bruce Mowbray: And bye evryone -- See ya all later.
[13:59] Wol Euler: I'm going to WoK too, bye for now
[13:59] Alfred Kelberry: woly, let's go to wok
[13:59] Alfred Kelberry: :)
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