Alfred Kelberry: meep-meep!
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: Hi Alfred ;)
Alfred Kelberry: hi, cosmic flower :)
Alfred Kelberry: you look cute :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: You too ;)
Alfred Kelberry: hehe
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: hehe
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: smiling
Alfred Kelberry: lovely dress
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: how was Your new year eve?
Alfred Kelberry: it was ok, nothing too exciting :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: oh
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: saw fire works
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ?
Alfred Kelberry: yep
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: good ;)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: we were at spa hotel
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: on Eden
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: at Oulu
Alfred Kelberry: ah, nice :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: yeap
Alfred Kelberry: being pampered and all? :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: different, swiming with hundreds candles
Alfred Kelberry: aww, romantic :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: papered?
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: aww, ;) hehe
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: yes
Alfred Kelberry: i see cal nearby
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: Boys were at Revonlahti
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: and grand mother were with baby
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: so had possibility to run away from house
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: lol
Alfred Kelberry: revonlahti sounds pretty
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: well
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: river is nice
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: there
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I have a habit to melt the Tin at new year eve
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: This year I got a boat where was a statue front of it
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: woman standing
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: other hand directed to sky
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: and another to earth
Alfred Kelberry: ah, like fortune-telling?
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: yes
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: gives hints about coming year
Alfred Kelberry: never heard it being done with tin
Alfred Kelberry: ok, so you're going to the u.s. :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: lol
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: maby sailing on Finlands thousands lakes ;)
Alfred Kelberry: perhaps :)
Alfred Kelberry: how is lake in suomen?
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: järvi
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: hmm
Alfred Kelberry: jarvi, ok :)
Alfred Kelberry: sounds more like a river :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: lol
Alfred Kelberry: wait a bit, i have something for you... :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ok
Alfred Kelberry: ok, here's one more pic of you :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: this is nice ;)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: hI cAL
Alfred Kelberry: hi, cal
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: Hi Cal ***<3<3<3***
Calvino Rabeni: <333 Cosmic and Boxy :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: brb
Alfred Kelberry: hey! you're smiling, cal :)
Alfred Kelberry: neat
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: back
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: wants to See Cals smile ;)
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Calvino Rabeni smiles to Cosmicflower
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: Nice shirt Cal
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: new?
Calvino Rabeni: Thank you - a little bit new :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: hehe
Calvino Rabeni: I have something to make you smile
Calvino Rabeni:
Calvino Rabeni: Remember I told a story about having young cats
Calvino Rabeni: and they like to go everywhere
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: yes
Calvino Rabeni: and get into EVERYTHING
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: hehe
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: whoaw
Calvino Rabeni: if there is some place to go, and it is *possible*, that cat will go there
Alfred Kelberry: ha! nice kitty :)
Calvino Rabeni: like to open the drain of the sink
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: curious
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)
Calvino Rabeni: pull out the stopper and put paw down inside
Calvino Rabeni: just to see what is inside
Alfred Kelberry: scary looking claws :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: this cat is She?
Calvino Rabeni: very
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: yess
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I like her
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: she seems to know what she wants
Calvino Rabeni: if she loves you she likes to bite
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: autsh
Calvino Rabeni: but gently :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;D
Calvino Rabeni: because love and hunger are not so far apart for her way of being
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: seems smart cat
Calvino Rabeni: yes
Calvino Rabeni: talky too
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: humans are also hunger of love as well
Calvino Rabeni: will make sounds to talk to oneself
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: those two things can put together
Calvino Rabeni: complicated sounds in her throat
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: wow
Calvino Rabeni: when greeting friends
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: maby she is human on her next lifetime
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: once I saw a dream about the dog who is nomore living
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: and my door bell rang
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I went to open the door
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: and saw a male human person
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: but eyes was thise dog eyes
Calvino Rabeni: lol
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: and I said is it Otto
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: Otto was a name of that dog
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: in the Being of this person was still some dog kind
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: nature
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: in him
Calvino Rabeni: a friendly and loyal male human person
Alfred Kelberry:
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: nice smile
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)))
Calvino Rabeni: thanks that will be handy
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: this dog/man was a bit attacking
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: Hi Tallin
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: But not hurting kind
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: kind of agressive
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: still not hurting kind agressive
Tallin Dezno: good morning from germany - for them who do not know : this is a bertram´s al (!) ... :-)
Tallin Dezno: alt*
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ah
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: okey
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: Hi Bert ;)
Alfred Kelberry: tal, berty :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: why another Bert?
Tallin Dezno: so hi again :-))
Alfred Kelberry: it's trendy now, cosmic :)
Calvino Rabeni: Hi Bertallin
Alfred Kelberry: you should get one too :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: oh, I am old fashioned then. LOL
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: this one is enough for me
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)
Alfred Kelberry: yes, it's a lovely looking one :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: thanks
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: How was Your new Year eve Tallin?
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: made anyone any promises?
Tallin Dezno: the alt is because so i have no contacts to all my friendships here and sometimes i like that very much. gives me much space in a very comfortable way ...
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ahh
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: <3<3<3
Tallin Dezno: no promises, no. i feel everything is okey already. and the things i´m working on - i work on them also without making promises, every day as well as i can ...
Tallin Dezno: oops
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;D
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I made melting a tin
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: its my tradition what I do every new year eve
Alfred Kelberry: i like it, tal. no reason to start a new life as you already living one :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: and look what it brings to my mind
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: hmm
Alfred Kelberry: cosmic, did any of those come true before?
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: gratitude is such a good thing what should be thinking when new year is coming
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: all of them
Alfred Kelberry: wow
Alfred Kelberry: good record :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: yeap
Alfred Kelberry: this tin thing works :)
Tallin Dezno: yes. i see : it´s nice to have variations to handle things. and i accept, even more : appreciate it very much
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I have done those tins with no thinking
Alfred Kelberry: what do you melt? tin soldiers? :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: kind of with empty mind and see what comes
Tallin Dezno: wb cal ! (?) (first time that i saw you disappear and come back like this cal) :-)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: tin is form of horseshoe
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I melt horseshoe
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: wellcome back Cal
Calvino Rabeni: Thanks Cos
Alfred Kelberry: ah, it has to be a horseshoe?
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: well, I have not seen others here
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: and
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I think horseshoe brings the most good result
Alfred Kelberry: ok :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I do not know why I have that kind of feel..
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: but
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I think it works ;)
Alfred Kelberry: cause it's a good charm :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: just a sec. I come back soon. Food is ready
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: yes
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)
Alfred Kelberry: what do you think cosmic is having for breakfast? :)
Alfred Kelberry: oatmeal?
Tallin Dezno: hehe. may be ;-)
Alfred Kelberry: i'd like some pancakes now
Tallin Dezno: hmm - i had acup with a mix from coffee and cocoa. that´s enough for the moment
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Tallin Dezno: but it´s dangerous when i think about it : some appetite for breakfast grows then ... ;-)
Tallin Dezno: what is that cal ? what are you doing there with it ? :-)
Alfred Kelberry: i wouldn't mind a traditional kleine fruhstuck :)
Tallin Dezno: hehe. yes. it´s nice ... :-)
Calvino Rabeni: This is the picture Boxy gave me
Alfred Kelberry: wait, cal? is it the pic that i've taken? :)
Tallin Dezno: oh cool :-)
Calvino Rabeni: yes
Alfred Kelberry: ha! neat
Alfred Kelberry: wonders of technology. one sec you take a pic, next one it's in sl in a form of a cube :)
Calvino Rabeni: tomorrow its on cafe wall in London
Alfred Kelberry: haha
Tallin Dezno: yes ! : things can change instantly (!)
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Calvino Rabeni: try touching that green cube Boxy
Alfred Kelberry: um, assigned to me?
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Calvino Rabeni: hehe
Alfred Kelberry: spectator cube :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: back
Alfred Kelberry: bon appetite, cosmic :)
Tallin Dezno: yes : enjoy your breakfast ! :-)
Alfred Kelberry: (brb)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ah, it was midday food
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: breakfast was huge much tea ;)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: nice Cal ;)))
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I am happy today
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I have found a webside where goes as huge crazy parfymista people than I am
Tallin Dezno: hehe. nice ! :-)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: and One woman from Greece wanted to swap few samples with me
Tallin Dezno: and same cal : "hehe nice" ! :o)
Tallin Dezno: lol
Calvino Rabeni: Now I am feeling more One with Boxy
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: today I send her a paggace
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: hehe
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: wow
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: laughing loud now
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;D
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: You are funny
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Tallin Dezno: *giggle* so we all or at least some of us have very nice plays as beings ... :-)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: yesss surely ;D
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: happy day today
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: lots of fun
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;D
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: hmm, now christmas ham is distroyed
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: the rest of it we made pea soup
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: and with pea soup some mustard
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: its tradition my partner does the pea soup after christmas
Tallin Dezno: hehe. food. the chat topic nr. one :o)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: I do make ham in owen and decorate it
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: and he finish it
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: ;)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: food is good
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: topic
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: yes
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: eaven if I am not gourmet kind of person
Tallin Dezno smiles
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: but without living might be a bit difficult
Alfred Kelberry: pea soup :)
Alfred Kelberry: nice
Alfred Kelberry: haha! cal :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: what time it is with You Alfred atm on Moscow?
Calvino Rabeni: See what Boxy hath wrought, Alfred, I'm experiencing box consciousness
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: he might be afk
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: hehe
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: nice ;))
Calvino Rabeni: And when it's over I will enjoy an out-of-the-box experience too
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: hehe, yess
Calvino Rabeni: .
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: will feed the baby now
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: brb
Tallin Dezno: greetings to simo plz ! :-))
Calvino Rabeni: All want to hold Simo
Tallin Dezno: hehe :-))
Tallin Dezno: nice ... :-)
Tallin Dezno: okay friends - i´ll leave - i look forward to see you again - may all beings be happy plz ! ... :-)
Calvino Rabeni: _/!\_
Calvino Rabeni: Tallin
Tallin Dezno: [and tyvm for your wonderful company!] :-)
Calvino Rabeni: and yours :)
Calvino Rabeni: I need to go also - thanks for being "here" and where else you are - take care Cos and Boxy
Calvino Rabeni: _/!\_
Alfred Kelberry:
Alfred Kelberry: :)
Calvino Rabeni: thanks - bye :)
Alfred Kelberry: ok, have a lovely day :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: back
Calvino Rabeni: You also
Calvino Rabeni: *** <3<3<3 ***
Alfred Kelberry: guess everyone's left, cosmic :)
Calvino Rabeni: Need to go
Alfred Kelberry: kiitos for your company :)
Cosmicflower Ushimawa: See You soon ;)
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