Wol Euler was guardian for this session.
Alessa Tzal: Morning QT :)
Qt Core: Hi Alessa, Rhi
Wol Euler: hello rhi, alessa, qt
Alessa Tzal: No Wol?
Alessa Tzal: Ah
Qt Core: here she is
Wol Euler: yep
Alessa Tzal: Hello Dogelope :p
Alessa Tzal: Hello Rhi
Wol Euler: heh
Alessa Tzal: Cute dress
Qt Core: interesting fashionistas horned feline, Wol
Wol Euler grins.
Wol Euler: probably GM :)
Wol Euler: is everyone happy this morning/evening?
Alessa Tzal: I'm good thx :)
Alessa Tzal: You?
Wol Euler: pretty well, thanks
Rhiannon Dragoone: It is a cute dress, Wol; and those are nice boots, Alessa
Wol Euler: ty
Alessa Tzal: Oh thank you!
Qt Core: i don't dare to say habby but good i can ;-)
Rhiannon Dragoone: Omg, is that snow?
Alessa Tzal: Actually they were freebie from Mr S
Wol Euler looks closely at theboots
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, wow. Good bargain
Wol Euler: very good indeed
Alessa Tzal: Absoulutely
Alessa Tzal: I was pretty pleased meself
Rhiannon Dragoone: And ty for the Lm, Alessa
Rhiannon Dragoone: I once got a pair of 600L shoes complete with prim feet for 0. A bargain is always cool.
Alessa Tzal: Got some good stuff there
Alessa Tzal: :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: Your gloves are nice too, Allessa
Alessa Tzal: Oh they are part of an Avid outfit
Wol Euler: careful, rhi, we'll have you wearing clothes before you know it :)
Alessa Tzal: I like to mix and match darwin's stuff
Alessa Tzal: Yes indeed!
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, on formal nights at my club, I sometimes wear gloves and a hat.
Wol Euler smiles.
Alessa Tzal: And very nice she'd look too
Rhiannon Dragoone: I can admire clothes and not wear them, you know.
Wol Euler: heheheheh
Alessa Tzal grins
Wol Euler: 't was but a joke
Rhiannon Dragoone: ty, Alessa.
Alessa Tzal: Have you always worn no clothes Rhi?
Alessa Tzal: In SL I mean :p
Rhiannon Dragoone: Yes, since my first day in SL; I knew what you meant, although today was the first day I've worn clothes in rl for a week. And then for about an hour. Had to go to the tore.
Alessa Tzal: Ah, right
Rhiannon Dragoone: So i've been nude for a year an none onths--in sl
Rhiannon Dragoone: *nine
Wol Euler smiles.
Rhiannon Dragoone: But different accessfories
Alessa Tzal: Saves on money I guess
Rhiannon Dragoone: Heels, now; had prim feet; glasses, different hair, and make up
Wol Euler: heheheheh
Rhiannon Dragoone: Oh, yeah, it sure does. heheheheh
Alessa Tzal: I remember your long blonde hair yes
Rhiannon Dragoone: Yeah, I looked like a wild woman. ::giggles::
Alessa Tzal: Nah
Rhiannon Dragoone: No clothes, not even shoes; long hair down to my ass, and my bow and arrow? Yeah.
Alessa Tzal: Sorry, I forgot the bow and arrow...
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, I had to *wear* something. lol
Alessa Tzal: Ha
Alessa Tzal: Good to shoot griefers with too
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, ,for sure; and zombies.
Wol Euler: mhm
Alessa Tzal: Yes, we mustn't forget the zombies
Alessa Tzal: Undead undead undead :)
Wol Euler: heheheheheh
Rhiannon Dragoone: Went to this range, and when there weren't any stuff guys there telling me to cover up, I'd spend a couple of hours shooting zombies
Rhiannon Dragoone: Bow and arrow, in sl, has it all over a pistol--as you have unlimited arrows.
Alessa Tzal: Yeah, I can believe it
Rhiannon Dragoone: So what have you been doing with yourself, Alessa?
Rhiannon Dragoone: Aside from shopping, I mean?
Alessa Tzal: In what way?
Rhiannon Dragoone: In any way.
Alessa Tzal: Er, just enjoying myself really
Wol Euler smiles.
Alessa Tzal: And exploring a lot
Rhiannon Dragoone: That's nice
Alessa Tzal: I like to find out everything about evrything: I'm a Scorpio [grin]
Wol Euler: :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: I'm a Pisces
Rhiannon Dragoone: Which I guess means I'm pretty fishy
Alessa Tzal: Ah, sweet :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: I was born March 15; beware the Ides of March. lol
Alessa Tzal: Yeah, Caesar wasn't :p
Alessa Tzal: He got the point tho
Wol Euler: boom boom
Rhiannon Dragoone: yeah, but he made a mean salad
Rhiannon Dragoone: omg!
Alessa Tzal: He did?
Alessa Tzal: I never knew that
Rhiannon Dragoone: Oh, I'm joking; there's a Ceasar salad
Rhiannon Dragoone: But it was made by a chef by that name.
Alessa Tzal: Oops, my bad
Alessa Tzal: As long as he wasn't too cut up about it
Rhiannon Dragoone clutches her stomacch and groans
Alessa Tzal: :p
Wol Euler: too much pasta?
Alessa Tzal: Pasta parcel
Rhiannon Dragoone shoots a dirty look at Wol
Wol Euler giggles.
Alessa Tzal wipes Wol's face
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, I once ha spagetti sauce smeared all over me, and this guy licked it off; he didn't seem too upset.
Wol Euler: :)
Alessa Tzal: Guess he wouldn't be
Alessa Tzal: Actually I don't think I would either :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: Why, Alessa!!!
Alessa Tzal smiles bashfully
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, I don't do that kind of thing anymore; sorry.
Wol Euler: awwwww
Alessa Tzal: Sorry to hear it :(
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, I could make an exception in your case.
Rhiannon Dragoone: lol
Alessa Tzal: Aw, thx
Rhiannon Dragoone: I mean I don't do that kind of thing for money anymore, actually.
Alessa Tzal: Does it pay well?
Rhiannon Dragoone: Oh, you'd be surprised.
Alessa Tzal is intrigued
Wol Euler: I knew a woman who was putting herself through college by dancing a few nights a week, she said she earned more than the professors
Alessa Tzal: :ppppppppp
Rhiannon Dragoone: Wol, you do
Rhiannon Dragoone: I made a lot more money dancing naked than I do teacching.
Alessa Tzal: I hear dancers can make a fair bit too
Rhiannon Dragoone: In general, you make about five times as much doing something naked than with your clothes on. Like when I was a naked maid, made $40.00 a hour.
Wol Euler giggles.
Alessa Tzal: Jeez
Rhiannon Dragoone: Not counting tips.
Alessa Tzal: This is definitely worth investigating further
Rhiannon Dragoone: yeah, it's a little creepy at first, having this guy watch you as you clean up after him, but after a while, it doesn't matter.
Alessa Tzal: I wonder how much they'd pay QT to take his clothes off :p
Wol Euler: :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, that got him typing
Alessa Tzal grins
Qt Core: that's depending on wich qt you are speaking to, the sl one or the rl one, thay wpuld pay for the real one to NOT be naked
Rhiannon Dragoone: awwww, sorry to hear that, Qt
Rhiannon Dragoone: But there are male danccers in sl; one worked at my club.
Wol Euler: lots of them, yes
Rhiannon Dragoone: you could make some lindens
Wol Euler: and some friends
Alessa Tzal: I'll bet
Qt Core: (as if i need them ;-) the money i mean)
Alessa Tzal: Friends are better than money
Wol Euler: true
Rhiannon Dragoone: The coolest thing for me about sl? I make about 500L for lecturing naked and maybe 150: for dancing naked. The exact opposite of rl. Get paid more for my mind than my body here.
Wol Euler: nice.
Alessa Tzal: Yeah, can you believe that?
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, it is a fantasy world we live in here. lol
Alessa Tzal: It certainly is :)
Qt Core: maybe is the combination, seeing naked dancers is quite common, naked people with something to say rarer
Alessa Tzal: Some more fantastic than others
Wol Euler nods.
Rhiannon Dragoone: Qt, maybe so
Qt Core: even if it may be distracting ;-)
Alessa Tzal: There's this notion boobs and brains don't go together
Wol Euler scoffs.
Rhiannon Dragoone: Why ~thank ou~Qt.
Rhiannon Dragoone: yeah, a lot of guys think that, for sure.
Alessa Tzal nods
Rhiannon Dragoone: I mean, sometimes I would try to participate in a conversation while dancing, and the guys would look stunned--the stripper speaks.
Alessa Tzal: Ha
Alessa Tzal: I can believe it
Rhiannon Dragoone: Felt like a female primate; thought of going 'ook, ook,' an scratching mysself.
Wol Euler: heheheh
Alessa Tzal: 'She has a BRAIN' gasp
Rhiannon Dragoone: Last thing you'd expect. Grrr.
Qt Core: there may be a correlation between beauty and lack of deepness (i won't say lack if intelligence) wben beauty is so valued there may be the need for less good looking people to be more smart to succeed
Alessa Tzal: Millions of stereotyped ideals shattered in a moment
Rhiannon Dragoone: Alessa, right on.
Wol Euler: :)
Alessa Tzal: And yes, QT true
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, I've read many a psychologist say positive traits correlate positively--beauty crorrelates with brains.
Alessa Tzal: Certainly in your case it does
Alessa Tzal: :)
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, thank you, Alessa. You're going to turn my head.
Alessa Tzal smiles
Alessa Tzal: Same goes for our friend with the antlers :p
Wol Euler: awwwwww
Wol Euler: ty
Alessa Tzal smiles
Wol Euler: and likewise, my dear
Alessa Tzal: I think we all brighten up a Sunday morning
Alessa Tzal: TY Rhi
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, yes
Rhiannon Dragoone: Qt is no nudge either
Alessa Tzal nudges QT
Qt Core: ouch
Alessa Tzal: Oops
Rhiannon Dragoone pokes Qt and blows in his ear
Alessa Tzal rubs it better
Wol Euler watches and grins
Qt Core: wasn't ready... watching my alarm and asking it why it ringed...
Alessa Tzal: RL alarm?
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, oh, about to wake up, Qt
Qt Core: and now have to go to chaffeur duty
Alessa Tzal: Or that one? :)
Qt Core: bye all and have fun (even if you seem to having it now)
Wol Euler: bye qt, take care
Rhiannon Dragoone: "baby, you ccan drive my car; yes, I'm going to be a star; baby, you can drive my car and baby, I love you'
Wol Euler: drive safely
Alessa Tzal: Ciao QT, have a good day
Rhiannon Dragoone: nite, Qt
Rhiannon Dragoone: Drive safe
Alessa Tzal: Something I always wondered: why do people moonwalk out of the pavilion before leaving?
Wol Euler: otherwise they rez on top of somebody next time they log in
Wol Euler: as [somebody] always does, for example
Alessa Tzal: Ah right
Alessa Tzal: Yes!
Alessa Tzal: Y'know I never thought of that
Wol Euler smiles.
Alessa Tzal: Still, no need to go *right* out, just back a bit
Wol Euler: probably they walk until the listener stops recording for them
Wol Euler: (guessing)
Alessa Tzal: Right
Alessa Tzal: Good thinking again
Alessa Tzal: Every question has an answer if you look hard enough I guess
Rhiannon Dragoone: oh, i hadn't thought of that
Wol Euler smiles.
Rhiannon Dragoone: I thought it was verisimilitude
Wol Euler: might well be
Rhiannon Dragoone: You know, you walk out irl when you leave
Alessa Tzal: Could be ^.^
Wol Euler: true, yes
Rhiannon Dragoone: Now that I have DSL and firestorm, I fly away from my campsite to my house; I used to just tp.
Rhiannon Dragoone: flying is not exactly verisimilitude, but it's the same concept.
Wol Euler: right
Alessa Tzal: A friend of mine loves that word :)
Wol Euler smiles.
Alessa Tzal: And transubstantiation
Alessa Tzal: (If that's spelt right)
Wol Euler: yep
Alessa Tzal: What's Wol's favourite word?
Wol Euler: hmmmmmmm
Wol Euler: good question
Alessa Tzal: Ha GOTCHA
Wol Euler: yeah
Alessa Tzal tweaks your antlers
Wol Euler: y'know, I'm really not sure whether I have one or not
Wol Euler: serendipity, perhaps
Rhiannon Dragoone: Mine's superlifragilisticexpealdotious
Alessa Tzal: You know quite a few tho :P
Alessa Tzal: Ooh, good one!
Alessa Tzal: What's it mean? :P
Wol Euler: true, but it's like a mother hen with chicks, she doesn't play favourites
Wol Euler: whose word?
Alessa Tzal: Rhi's
Wol Euler: good luck, rhi :)
Alessa Tzal: The one I can't spell never mind say...
Alessa Tzal: Metempsychosis- that's another goody
Rhiannon Dragoone: Thanks, Wol. lol
Rhiannon Dragoone: yeah, like metempsychosis, but have a hard time fitting it into the conversation
Rhiannon Dragoone: Is that a metempsychosis or are you just glad to see me?
Alessa Tzal: Guess it depends on the company :p
Wol Euler: heheheh
Rhiannon Dragoone: I'd like my metempsychosis straight, no chaser.
Alessa Tzal: :D
Alessa Tzal: Sorta thing you could imagine Dorothy saying somehow
Wol Euler: whispering it to Toto
Alessa Tzal: Yep
Rhiannon Dragoone: Well, as metempsychotic as this has been, it's time for me to log.
Alessa Tzal: Aww, bye Rhi
Alessa Tzal: take care
Wol Euler: goodnight, rhi, sleep well
Rhiannon Dragoone: u 2 Alessa
Rhiannon Dragoone: goodnighte, Wol
Rhiannon Dragoone waves and poofs
Wol Euler: and then there were two.
Alessa Tzal: Nice lady
Alessa Tzal: That's a cute dress btw
Wol Euler: ty
Alessa Tzal: Goes strangely well with the Av
Wol Euler: I'm not sure about it, somehow; either I chose the wrong style or it looked much better on Trin
Alessa Tzal: That does happen
Wol Euler nods.
Alessa Tzal: What looks great on someone else doesn't neccesarily apply to ones self
Wol Euler: yep
Alessa Tzal: But I can see just imagine that on trin, yes
Wol Euler: a friend of ours saw it on her at Fracture last night :)
Alessa Tzal: Ah, right
Wol Euler: though she had a darker, redder colour
Alessa Tzal: Wasn't hers a different colour?
Alessa Tzal: Yes
Wol Euler: yep
Alessa Tzal: Thought so
Wol Euler: I expected this (from the photos on the Marketplace) also to be darker and less green than it is
Alessa Tzal: That happens too
Alessa Tzal: Photos don't always convey it
Alessa Tzal: The exact texture, the exact colour etc
Wol Euler: which is really fascinating to me, given where we are and what our typists are looking at!
Wol Euler: yet somehow there *is* a difference
Alessa Tzal: Hm, yeah
Alessa Tzal: Oh there is definitely a difference
Alessa Tzal: The doors of perception again
Wol Euler nods.
Wol Euler: brb, need a coffee refill
Alessa Tzal: I need to visit the little room too :p
Wol Euler: "but then one day I learned a word taht saved my aching nose"
Alessa Tzal: Back
Wol Euler: wb
Alessa Tzal: Luckily I'm all on one level her
Alessa Tzal: so don't ned to go too far
Wol Euler nods.
Alessa Tzal: (my e's have vanished)
Alessa Tzal: E's are good
Wol Euler: I assumed that you lived in a detached house, because of the garden; and further assumed that it would have at least two storeys
Wol Euler: yep
Alessa Tzal: Well it's a bungalow type thingy
Wol Euler: ah
Alessa Tzal: One storey
Wol Euler: so not inner-city
Wol Euler: assumptions :)
Alessa Tzal: Which is *still* difficult enough to keep clean
Wol Euler: tell me about it
Alessa Tzal nods
Wol Euler: the thing about inner city life (one of the many things) is the quantity of dust around
Wol Euler: from other humans, and transport, and decaying litter
Alessa Tzal: You are pretty close to the centre then?
Wol Euler: yes, really; I can walk to the train station in 20 minutes
Alessa Tzal: Whoa
Wol Euler: it's a really small dense city
Wol Euler: I can also be alone inthe forest on foot in 20 minutes, inhte other direction
Alessa Tzal: Doing what? [grin]
Wol Euler: demonstrating a point about density :-P
We then chatted in IM for a while.
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