Songlist for today :
Uns Mistwalker: Hello Maude
DR42 Resident: hello
DR42 Resident: hello
Uns Mistwalker: How've you been?
szavanna Resident: 's current display-name is "Sunshine".
Uns Mistwalker: hi, Sunshine.
DR42 Resident: Better slow than not at all.
szavanna Resident: :)
szavanna Resident: I agree
szavanna Resident: may be even better than faster °͜°
szavanna Resident: hi Maude & Unsji :)
Uns Mistwalker: Hi.
Uns Mistwalker: was slow rezzing for me today as well
szavanna Resident: how is the day so far?
DR42 Resident: It seems the big improvement of Server Side Baking is a step backwards.
DR42 Resident: I'm still asleep.
Uns Mistwalker: day has been quiet for me so far.
szavanna Resident: yes it doesn't seem to help me so far
szavanna Resident: its morning for you :)
szavanna Resident: I already got the fire started for the evenings chill time
szavanna Resident: :)
szavanna Resident: checking out the topic
szavanna Resident: and it says "Music"
Uns Mistwalker: hahahaha
szavanna Resident: :)
szavanna Resident: hehe
DR42 Resident:
szavanna Resident: oh song arrives already :)
DR42 Resident: It seems to fit the moment
szavanna Resident: Kenny Rogers & The First Edition - Just Dropped In
szavanna Resident: welcome Zenji :)
Zen Arado: 's current display-name is "Zen".
DR42 Resident: Hi zen, just shared a like.
Uns Mistwalker: greetin's Zen.
szavanna Resident: we are starting with a song from Maude
Zen Arado: Hi all
Zen Arado: trouble tping again
szavanna Resident: grr
szavanna Resident: :) taps foot
szavanna Resident: Maude can you find lyrics for us?
szavanna Resident: just for the zulus and hungry people :)
DR42 Resident: What is great is this is the actual footage from the performance.
Uns Mistwalker: A really different time, wasn't it.?
DR42 Resident:
szavanna Resident: ty :)
DR42 Resident: I woke up this mornin' with the sundown shinin' in I found my mind in a brown paper bag, but then... I tripped on a cloud and fell-a eight miles high I tore my mind on a jagged sky I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in
szavanna Resident: hehe what a bed
szavanna Resident: yay fun lyrics
szavanna Resident: do they write lyrics like this these days?
szavanna Resident: any reason for this song Maude?
DR42 Resident: This song was all about LSD
DR42 Resident: How dangerous it was.
szavanna Resident: oh ok
DR42 Resident: I said I was asleep, still, kind of how I felt.
szavanna Resident: :) so you feel like you are still in the paper bag
szavanna Resident: hehe
DR42 Resident: Yes
szavanna Resident: :)
szavanna Resident: hmm great start
Uns Mistwalker: the brown paper bag i talke to be referring to liquor.
szavanna Resident: any songs that come to mind Zenji, Unsji?
szavanna Resident: Maude can you rebake please
Zen Arado: I have one but looking for a good version
DR42 Resident: "rebake" doesn't mean much in the SSB era. This is my SSB protest clothes. :}
Zen Arado: I could play a live version but a bit long and studio version has better sound sigh
Uns Mistwalker: well, let's go with that, Zen.
Zen Arado: which?
szavanna Resident: hmm you decide :)
Zen Arado:
Zen Arado: studio then
szavanna Resident: kk :)
szavanna Resident: Beth Hart and Joe Bonamassa- I'd Rather Go Blind
Uns Mistwalker: Never heard them before coming to SL. What a voice she ha.
Zen Arado: two great artists playing their hearts out
Uns Mistwalker nods. You can feel it.
DR42 Resident: Wonderful music
Uns Mistwalker: (chills)
szavanna Resident: listening to the solo
szavanna Resident: ;))
Uns Mistwalker: so very clean.
szavanna Resident: yes
szavanna Resident: anything you wanna share about it Zenji?
Zen Arado: well such a common experience we all have had
Zen Arado: and making a big dram out of it:)
Zen Arado: but such is the best art maybe
Uns Mistwalker nods and grins.
Uns Mistwalker: maybe the very best thing to do at such a time..... sing the blues!
Zen Arado: a powerful song I feel
Zen Arado: yes
szavanna Resident: °͜°
szavanna Resident: beautifully done
Zen Arado: maybe you get over it quicker
Zen Arado: a great album too
szavanna Resident: :)
Zen Arado: two other songs on it I love
szavanna Resident: which are those
Zen Arado: 'Your heart is black ' and I'll take care of you
szavanna Resident: may be later we can check - after the session
szavanna Resident: kk :)
szavanna Resident: Unsji - have a song for us?
Uns Mistwalker:
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Uns Mistwalker: about the life of a musician.
Uns Mistwalker: Lyrics to Mose Allison Played Here : The joint is a dump The owner is broke At least that's what he said The p.a.'s a joke The waitpersons are snotty, the bartender's rude They want to make sure I know they forgot me But not their attitude The bellyachers played last night Everybody got sick Don't even try dancing, your feet would just stick The band signs their poster "fuck u miguel" And that's all the good part The bad part's the smell And what was your name again, oh - yeah - right - brown Your crowd just drinks water Surprised you're still around And nobody's coming, because hey man you see Advertising's expensive, hey, what guarantee But as I set up I am proud to be here Because once last November, Mose Allison played here
Uns Mistwalker: sorry about the sound.... didn't check the version first.
szavanna Resident: np :)
szavanna Resident: still listening
Uns Mistwalker: But I think the lyrics are pretty awesome.
Uns Mistwalker: You've all heard Mose Allison, right?
Zen Arado: blues day today :)
szavanna Resident: hmm :)
Zen Arado: nope
Uns Mistwalker: ooo.... should have chosen one of his.
Zen Arado: it's fine Uns
szavanna Resident: listening to him
DR42 Resident: As a sample, not for now:
Zen Arado: it's hard to dddecide whether live perofrmance and loss of quality is better
szavanna Resident: ty Maude °͜°
DR42 Resident: Mose Allison - Everybody's Crying Mercy
Zen Arado: great bluse
szavanna Resident: I prefer live
Zen Arado: blues
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Zen Arado: yeh you get more feeling live
Uns Mistwalker: I prefer live....when I'm there. Not always as a recording.
Zen Arado: yes if recording is crap not so good
Zen Arado: some musicians are better live
Zen Arado: some are better in studio
Zen Arado: blues probably best live?
szavanna Resident: I found the one called "your mind is on vacation"
Uns Mistwalker: Yes.... a great one.
szavanna Resident: °͜° yes
szavanna Resident: ok for this next one ...
szavanna Resident: I will need Zenji to translate for me
szavanna Resident: ops sorry my pc is a bit slow
szavanna Resident: how would you translate this Zenji
szavanna Resident: Des fois le bonheur Il suffit d'une phrase, d'un mot Oui, le bonheur Juste un sourire, un regard
Zen Arado: from times of happiness
szavanna Resident: just the idea
Zen Arado: a phrase suffices a waord
Zen Arado: yes the happiness
Santoshima Resident: 's current display-name is "San".
szavanna Resident: just a smile
Zen Arado: just a smile a look
szavanna Resident: yes
Uns Mistwalker: hi San
szavanna Resident: merci monsieur
szavanna Resident: hi San :) welcome
Santoshima Resident: hello
szavanna Resident: here is my song for today
szavanna Resident:
DR42 Resident: Zen, IM, please
szavanna Resident: Lokua Kanza was born Pascal Lokua Kanza in Bukavu in the province of Sud-Kivu, in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He is the eldest of eight children, with a Mongo father and a Tutsi mother from Rwanda. In 1964, the family went to live in Kinshasa in a middle class area, until the day when Pascal's father, a ship's captain, died. His mother then moved to a much poorer area of the city, and Pascal, the eldest, had to work to feed the family. He therefore went to school part time, and took odd jobs, as well as singing in churches. Lokua Kanza sings in French, Swahili, Lingala, Portuguese, and English.
szavanna Resident: one of my favourite songs :)
szavanna Resident: out of the many
Zen Arado: lovely song
szavanna Resident: :) Congo blues hehe
szavanna Resident: have you all listened?
Uns Mistwalker nods
Zen Arado: yes
szavanna Resident: :) San do you have a song for us ?
DR42 Resident has a meta-thought about the 90 seconds of silence when we are intentionally sitting here listening to music. :)
szavanna Resident: what do you mean Maude
Zen Arado: Hi San :)
szavanna Resident: meta-thought?
DR42 Resident: Yes. Thinking about the 90 second meditation non-thinking.
szavanna Resident: we changed the 90 seconds for a bit for these music sessions
Santoshima Resident:
szavanna Resident: 90 sec music
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Zen Arado: I have an Irish song if you want
Santoshima Resident: ready?
Santoshima Resident: just gave one
Zen Arado: yes
Santoshima Resident: 321
Santoshima Resident: go
Zen Arado: ok
szavanna Resident: great Zenji - after San's
Zen Arado: sure
Santoshima Resident: {sorry to butt in}
Zen Arado: you're welcome San
Uns Mistwalker: listens
szavanna Resident: Trained in the Suzuki method from the age of four,[1] Bird graduated from Lake Forest High School in 1991 and Northwestern University with a bachelor's degree in violin performance in 1996.
szavanna Resident: reading about the Suzuki method
Fionahildrum Resident: 's current display-name is "Fiona Hildrum".
Uns Mistwalker: Welcome, Fiona
szavanna Resident: The Suzuki method (Suzuki movement) is a method of teaching music conceived and executed by Japanese violinist and pedagogue Shin'ichi Suzuki (1898–1998) dating from the mid-20th century. The central belief of Suzuki, based on his language acquisition theories, is that all people are capable of learning from their environment. The essential components of his method spring from the desire to create the "right environment" for learning music. He also believed that this positive environment would also help to foster character in students.
szavanna Resident: hi Fiona ;))
Zen Arado: interesting music
szavanna Resident: ty for the song this morning °͜°
Fionahildrum Resident: Hello! Sorry I'm late, I will just slide down on a pillow and see what's going on!
szavanna Resident: may be we can end with Fiona's song then :)
Zen Arado: Hi Fiona
szavanna Resident: yes nice song San ;))
szavanna Resident: I want to make good citizens. If a child hears fine music from the day of his birth and learns to play it himself, he develops sensitivity, discipline and endurance. He gets a beautiful heart. —Shin'ichi Suzuki
Zen Arado: I will liten to more of this
Zen Arado: listen
Zen Arado: fascinating
szavanna Resident: always nice to hear the violin
szavanna Resident: ;))
szavanna Resident: Fiona can you get the link from this morning?
Fionahildrum Resident: Oh, the appalachians you mean?
szavanna Resident: yes °͜°
Fionahildrum Resident: sure hang on!
szavanna Resident: Fiona sent me this song to start the day with
szavanna Resident: today :)
Fionahildrum Resident:
Fionahildrum Resident: I heard them live this weekend!
szavanna Resident: while she is looking - just reminding you that you can post songs on FB ....or mail them to PaB group
szavanna Resident: if you find a nice one
szavanna Resident: ty Fiona °͜°
Zen Arado: listens
szavanna Resident: groovy
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Fionahildrum Resident: :)
szavanna Resident: Fiona you saw them play live recently right?
Fionahildrum Resident: Yes, this thursday!
Zen Arado: See I believe in a revolution, I believe it is a hell, I believe in it, take care of it daily daily on demand because... I am a blacksmith of metal and words and a sheep that pitch black too, and in this life spun short in the span of things I believe there's a bit more that we ought to be trying Cause 500 hundred years ago, when these trees were more dense, and the colors pristine, so the chaos made sense. There was no knowing of loss of a mountain, the whole mountain that I call home and these same hills roll on and on, without mention of vanish or where fools belong and these same mountains that go to peace long before the noose, and now that soon is really gone, now that too is nearly gone
szavanna Resident: how was it :)
szavanna Resident: oh great thanks Zenji ;))
Zen Arado: lyrics:
Fionahildrum Resident: Oh They are very powerful and fun to watch! I liked it tons!
Uns Mistwalker: kind of a jazz sensibility.
szavanna Resident: must be great - may be like Freshlyground here
szavanna Resident: yes jazzy
Fionahildrum Resident: But most of the stuff they did was more american roots tradition. They are also very good at playing the violin and the banjo!
DR42 Resident: So, Sunshine, yes, they do still write lyrics like that these days.
szavanna Resident: ;)) Maude
szavanna Resident: yes indeed :)
Zen Arado: have new tracks starred on Spotify
szavanna Resident: Rising Appalachia is a musical group lead by multi-instrumentalist sisters Leah and Chloe Smith.[1] Leah performs also as solo artist under the name Leah Song. Based between Southern Appalachia and New Orleans, the sisters work with an array of international musicians and the band incorporates everything from simple harmonics with banjos and fiddles, to a wide variety of drums, kalimbas, beatbox, djembe, baliphone, congas, didgeridoo, tablas, spoons and washboard creating a full mix of world, folk and soul music.
szavanna Resident: mm great song Fiona
szavanna Resident: love this jazzy feel
Uns Mistwalker: yes.... Fiona. thanks so much!
szavanna Resident: it feels like - it could go on forever
Fionahildrum Resident: Sorry I need to rush again:) I will come back here! I think this is a fantastic thing to do together!
Fionahildrum Resident: You are welcome!
szavanna Resident: np Fiona thanks for the music
szavanna Resident: ;))
Fionahildrum Resident: I'd love to come again!
Zen Arado: great original stuff here today
szavanna Resident: we do it on Mondays
Fionahildrum Resident: :) Bye all!
Zen Arado: ty Fiona
Uns Mistwalker: I love that Sunji.... when they find this groove that just feels like it goes on forever.
szavanna Resident: take care :)
Uns Mistwalker: Bye Fiona.
Santoshima Resident: Zen, how about that Irish song?
szavanna Resident: yes I imagine us humming the basic verse
szavanna Resident: "stand up ...look around ..."
Zen Arado:
szavanna Resident: and each of us would add something to it
Santoshima Resident: ready? 321 go
Zen Arado: I was rtying to find something with Irish bodhron (drum)
Zen Arado: like the Afro Celt songs you were playing Sunji
szavanna Resident: Van Morrison and the Chieftains - Star Of The County Down
DR42 Resident: I, too, need to head out. bye.
szavanna Resident: yes I love those - please make a playlist for us with this feel
Uns Mistwalker: Good to see you Maude. Take care.
Zen Arado: kk byee Maude
szavanna Resident: ok Maude have a great week
szavanna Resident: °͜°
szavanna Resident: consider playing them at the Friday party
szavanna Resident: make me wanna get the violin out of the case
szavanna Resident: ;p
szavanna Resident: soo before we end ...may be we could look at how to share songs with pablings and friends in general
szavanna Resident: I think its a good idea to send a song or two at the google group
szavanna Resident: they seem popular and PaBlings like to check them out
Zen Arado: ok
szavanna Resident: and we also checked out this tool called
szavanna Resident:
szavanna Resident: you can experiment with that also
szavanna Resident: and Soundcloud
szavanna Resident: I am exploring the Google+ tools also
szavanna Resident: apart from FB
Zen Arado: I was going to say they have drumming contests in N.Ireland
szavanna Resident: ah what kind of contests
Zen Arado:
Zen Arado: just to show you
Zen Arado: wawatch later
szavanna Resident: wow
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Zen Arado: video bad quality unfortunately
Zen Arado: but you get the idea
szavanna Resident: huge drum
Zen Arado: lambeg
szavanna Resident: :)
Zen Arado: the Fro Celt tunes reminded me of this
szavanna Resident: I wonder what they judge
Uns Mistwalker: they are big!
szavanna Resident: ah °͜° really
Zen Arado: takes a strong man to play them
szavanna Resident: seems like a weight lifting competition hehe
Zen Arado: pure rhythm
szavanna Resident: may be next time I look for a local drum competition video from SA
szavanna Resident: we have the local Idols now
szavanna Resident: °͜°
Santoshima Resident: thanks for this ~ bye for now
szavanna Resident: yw San
szavanna Resident: have a fun week
Uns Mistwalker: goodbye San.
szavanna Resident: ;))
Zen Arado: byee san
szavanna Resident:
szavanna Resident: SA Idols °͜°
szavanna Resident: Unsji going?
szavanna Resident: better wrap up then :)
Zen Arado: I better go too
szavanna Resident: that was fun as usual
szavanna Resident: ty guys ;))
Zen Arado: yes good fun
Zen Arado: broadening our musical horozons
szavanna Resident: have a great evening or morning
Zen Arado: :)
szavanna Resident: yes
szavanna Resident: very important for DJs
Zen Arado: :)
szavanna Resident: and future DJs
Uns Mistwalker: Be well my hahaha.
szavanna Resident: ;))
Zen Arado: and fun too :)
szavanna Resident: yes take care both hugs ;))
Uns Mistwalker: yes.....
Zen Arado: byee hugs
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