Rosatta Resident: 's current display-name is "Rosatta".
DR42 Resident: 's current display-name is "-- Maude --".
DR42 Resident: ηαмαѕтє
Rosatta Resident: Hello, Maude : )
DR42 Resident: How are you doing?
Rosatta Resident: I'm ok. How about you?
DR42 Resident: Sleeping, on what is actuaLLY A WONDERFUL DAY.
DR42 Resident: sorry
Rosatta Resident: lol
Rosatta Resident: Today has been one of those days where I am finding it hard to get motivat ed
Rosatta Resident: Are you familiar with Nero Wolfe mysteries?
DR42 Resident: Somewhat, I havent read them in some time.
Rosatta Resident: They did a tv series based on the books that was very good with Timothy Hutton as Archie Goodwin and Mary Chavikin (I don't think I spelled that right) as Nero Wolfe. They idd a great job bringing the books to life.
DR42 Resident: A success, then. It is rare that a TV servie or movie does justice to any book.
Rosatta Resident: True
Rosatta Resident: YouTube has some older versions that I just discovered. I'm looking forward to looking at them.
Rosatta Resident: The casting on the Timothy Hutton ones was so excellent, though, I don't think I see anything comparable.
DR42 Resident: Do you use BitTorrent for downloads?
Rosatta Resident: I just let them stream. I don't really know how to do anything else
Rosatta Resident: Is BeTorrent free?
DR42 Resident: Yes. Torrent's are kind of like URL pointers into a cloud, some people offering copies, some people getting copies. You do not share the files in question, but you chare parts of it, kind of like a coop. Many versions of Linux, for example, use it to distribute versions of the system. It spreads out the load so no one person has people downloading from them over and over.
Rosatta Resident: Keeps people out of trouble : )
DR42 Resident: How name episodes were on TV?
Rosatta Resident: Let me google it
Rosatta Resident: Looks like 20. It ran for 2 years
Rosatta Resident: I borrowed the set from the local library
Rosatta Resident: My daughter enjoyed them so much she had a Nero Wolfe Mystery Night party
Rosatta Resident: Hi, San. I see your name
Santoshima Resident: 's current display-name is "San".
Rosatta Resident: Ah, there you are : )
Santoshima Resident: hello maude and rosatta
Rosatta Resident: My daughter's friends weren't familiar with Nero Wolfe so she mad some clue sheets for the show "Golden Spiders" and they watched it, pausing it periodically to see who could spot the clues
Rosatta Resident: How are you, San?
Santoshima Resident: well ty
Santoshima Resident: you?
Rosatta Resident: I'm doing ok. It's a 'hard to get moving day'
DR42 Resident: ditto
Rosatta Resident: The topic is music. Do either of you have anything you would like to share - a song, thoughts?
DR42 Resident: It has been difficult to discuss.
Rosatta Resident: I had a lot of fun with Monday's session - but I did almost all the talking, Hmmmm . . .
Rosatta Resident:
Rosatta Resident: Theme from Last of the Summer Wine
Rosatta Resident: I love this verse from Compo's lyrics: The last of the summer wine, A vintage love, a vintage brew, And now my love this toast I give, Thank you for being you.
Rosatta Resident: Is there any better thing to be able to say about another?
DR42 Resident: Probably not
Rosatta Resident:
Rosatta Resident: This song has a message that I love: the sidetracking that life can do to us but, in the end, coming back to what is really of value
Rosatta Resident: Dreams, values, friends
DR42 Resident: "Ten years ago I walked this street / my dreams were ridin tall / Tonight I would be thankful / Lord, for any dream at all."
DR42 Resident: Lost dreams is a common theme, yes?
Rosatta Resident: Yes. Life has a way of distracting us or beating them out of us. To come back to them, anyway, is a strong thing to do.
DR42 Resident:
DR42 Resident: Some folks would be happy just to have one dream come true but everything you gather is just more that you can lose
Rosatta Resident: The music style is a little whinny for me, but the message is powerful
Rosatta Resident: There's some satisfaction in the San Francisco rain No matter what comes down the Mission always looks the same Come again Walking along in the Mission in the rain Come again Walking along in the Mission in the rain
Rosatta Resident: But somethings stay the same. I know this song can be interpreted in any way that is right for each person, but the symbolism of the mission equates with a belief in a higher, immortal Good
Rosatta Resident: for me
DR42 Resident: I think it is much more basic than that. Refering to hunters lonelyness when he was living inthe Mission District in SF.
Rosatta Resident: But does that matter unless it has personl meaning to you?
Rosatta Resident: *personal
DR42 Resident:
DR42 Resident: g'night, time to start dinner....
Rosatta Resident: Good night, Maude
Rosatta Resident: May you have your dreams returned to you
DR42 Resident: ty
Santoshima Resident: nice dress, maude
Santoshima Resident: formalwear
DR42 Resident: As an asside, my home region is called "Dreams"
Rosatta Resident: yvw : )
Santoshima Resident: bye
Rosatta Resident: Bye, San
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