2013.08.18 01:00 - if you want caribou for dinner...

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    eliza posted this session from the autolistener database...

    [01:03] Wol Euler: timezone-appropriate greetings, korel
    [01:03] Korel Laloix: Heya
    [01:03] Korel Laloix smiles
    [01:04] Korel Laloix: A bit early here for sure.
    [01:04] Wol Euler nods.
    [01:04] Korel Laloix: Can't sleep.
    [01:04] Wol Euler: I thought as much
    [01:04] Wol Euler: are you still at the wonderful place in the country?
    [01:04] Korel Laloix: Went to bed way too early, but we had a long drive today.
    [01:04] Korel Laloix: No... head back home.
    [01:04] Wol Euler: right

    [01:05] Korel Laloix: School starts Monday for me.... and Reeba already missed two days of classes.
    [01:05] Wol Euler nods.
    [01:07] Korel Laloix: So lots on my mind.
    [01:07] Korel Laloix: What you been up to?
    [01:07] Wol Euler: well I was in Canada with my parents for a week and a half, which was a challenge
    [01:08] Wol Euler: my father is in declining health, and has no memory
    [01:08] Korel Laloix: yes I remember you talking about dealing with your father... that does sound draining in several ways.
    [01:08] Wol Euler: he knows how to dress himself, but needs to be prodded to do so
    [01:08] Wol Euler: it's hard, and very sad
    [01:08] Korel Laloix: Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    [01:08] Wol Euler: thank you
    [01:09] Korel Laloix: Stages of life arnt all pretty I guess
    [01:09] Wol Euler: yeah

    [01:09] Korel Laloix: how often do you get back there?
    [01:10] Wol Euler: I'm going back in November to go to New York for a week with Mom, and will be there at Christmas
    [01:11] Korel Laloix: That sounds lovely
    [01:11] Korel Laloix: Would love to get to NY some day..
    [01:11] Korel Laloix: Glad you can be there for Christmas.
    [01:11] Wol Euler: it's great, but it's also awful
    [01:11] Wol Euler: every time I arrive, I think it's wonderful (and it really is)
    [01:11] Korel Laloix: I have heard...
    [01:12] Wol Euler: but by the time I leave, I am really glad to do so
    [01:12] Wol Euler: it would be an awful place to live, I think
    [01:12] Wol Euler: too big, too fast, too pushy, too loud
    [01:12] Korel Laloix: I think a lot of big cities are....
    [01:12] Wol Euler nods.
    [01:12] Wol Euler: London certainly was
    [01:13] Wol Euler: as a tourist destination, unbeatable, but far too strenuous to live in
    [01:13] Korel Laloix: But you have to sort of ignore the ugly and focus on the beuty in a lot of palces.. just more so in big cities.

    [01:13] Alessa Tzal: Good morning ladies
    [01:13] Wol Euler: hello alessa
    [01:13] Wol Euler: oooh, great hair :)
    [01:13] Alessa Tzal: Yah innit
    [01:13] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:14] Alessa Tzal: Cute hat
    [01:14] Korel Laloix: Osiyo
    [01:14] Alessa Tzal: Are you up late or early Korel?
    [01:15] Korel Laloix: Just can't sleep... so I guess way too early.
    [01:15] Alessa Tzal: Aww
    [01:17] Korel Laloix: Went to bed way too early.
    [01:17] Korel Laloix: But had a long drive and was tired.
    [01:17] Wol Euler nods.
    [01:17] Alessa Tzal: In early out early
    [01:18] Korel Laloix: A bit too early though.
    [01:18] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:18] Korel Laloix: I would go run, but not sure about this area.
    [01:18] Alessa Tzal: Take a gun with you :p
    [01:18] Wol Euler snorts.
    [01:19] Korel Laloix: Hard to run with it... smiles
    [01:19] Wol Euler: yeah, it would be uncomfortable
    [01:19] Korel Laloix: But we both brought ours on the trip.
    [01:20] Wol Euler raises an eyebrow.

    [01:20] Wol Euler: such am American sentence :)
    [01:20] Korel Laloix: lol
    [01:20] Korel Laloix: isn't it great?
    [01:20] Alessa Tzal: Comes in handy if you want caribou for dinner
    [01:21] Korel Laloix: We did get in some target practice.
    [01:21] Korel Laloix: or protect yourself from bears or idiots.
    [01:21] Alessa Tzal: Especially idiots
    [01:21] Wol Euler: I hear you
    [01:22] Alessa Tzal: What was the weather like for you Wollie?
    [01:22] Wol Euler: wonderful!
    [01:22] Alessa Tzal: Great
    [01:22] Wol Euler: 20 to 22°C every day, only rained once
    [01:22] Wol Euler: just lovely
    [01:23] Alessa Tzal: Think the pacific side has a nicer climate than the east?
    [01:23] Wol Euler: well, it's a big country, there are many different climates
    [01:23] Alessa Tzal: Right
    [01:23] Wol Euler: the pacific is more moderate in temperature, but it can rain every day for a month
    [01:24] Alessa Tzal: That sounds familiar
    [01:24] Wol Euler: heheheh
    [01:24] Alessa Tzal: It's come back with a vengeance here last few days
    [01:24] Korel Laloix: Rain you mean?
    [01:24] Alessa Tzal: Yep
    [01:25] Alessa Tzal: Ze vet stuff
    [01:25] Wol Euler tips ash from her cigar
    [01:25] Alessa Tzal: Not in the fountain please dear
    [01:25] Wol Euler: it's good for the carpet
    [01:26] Korel Laloix smiles
    [01:26] Korel Laloix: I could go for a cigarette right now... frowns
    [01:26] Wol Euler: I had an uncle who thought that. He'd scrape out his pipe and spread the ashes around my grandmother's carpet
    [01:26] Alessa Tzal: How generous
    [01:26] Wol Euler: she was a saint, and let him get away with it
    [01:26] Wol Euler: I guess he thought he was in India, and the ash would keep the bugs down
    [01:27] Alessa Tzal grins
    [01:27] Korel Laloix: Sounds like he needed to be slapped around.
    [01:27] Alessa Tzal: Mind you Indian bugs can be lulus
    [01:27] Wol Euler: I think so, yes, but she was the opposite of a slapper-arounder
    [01:27] Alessa Tzal: Not to mention scorpions
    [01:28] Korel Laloix: I don't like scorpions, but they seem to like me.
    [01:28] Wol Euler: eeek
    [01:28] Alessa Tzal: The female ones perhaps
    [01:28] Korel Laloix: They do like to find me.
    [01:28] Korel Laloix: I can only hope.... smiles
    [01:28] Alessa Tzal: Hehe
    [01:28] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:29] Korel Laloix: Funny enough... Reeba is a Scorpio
    [01:29] Wol Euler: aha!
    [01:29] Alessa Tzal: Good for her
    [01:29] Alessa Tzal: Does she sting?
    [01:30] Korel Laloix: In the best possible ways.. grins
    [01:32] Alessa Tzal: These breaks are so handy for the toilet
    [01:32] Wol Euler: :-P
    [01:32] Korel Laloix: And getting snacks.
    [01:32] Wol Euler: or coffee :)
    [01:32] Alessa Tzal: Mmm
    [01:32] Korel Laloix: Chocolate with honeycomb in it.
    [01:32] Wol Euler: ooh
    [01:32] Alessa Tzal: Crunchie
    [01:33] Korel Laloix: Has a nice textures and taste
    [01:33] Alessa Tzal: Hopefully the bees already left
    [01:33] Korel Laloix: Probably... but they are probably crunchy as well.
    [01:34] Alessa Tzal: Bzzz...crunch
    [01:34] Korel Laloix: High in fiber maybe.
    [01:34] Alessa Tzal: Could be
    [01:35] Korel Laloix: need something more than this though.... actually hungry.
    [01:35] Alessa Tzal: You need to go and find that caribou after all
    [01:36] Wol Euler: wasteful to kill a whole one just for a snack
    [01:37] Korel Laloix: I would settle for a squirl at the moment
    [01:37] Alessa Tzal: Could keep the rest in the fridge
    [01:37] Wol Euler: I was going to say that :) (squirrel)
    [01:37] Wol Euler: or a duck
    [01:37] Alessa Tzal: Quack
    [01:37] Korel Laloix: Reeba hunts a lot so I do love the game.
    [01:39] Wol Euler: what does she think of SL?
    [01:39] Alessa Tzal: Looks like she's gone after that duck
    [01:40] Korel Laloix: Reeba is not a gamergirl at all really
    [01:40] Korel Laloix: So it is more a curiosity I think.
    [01:40] Alessa Tzal: Gamergrrrl

    [01:40] Korel Laloix: But scarily.... after looking at some PaB stuff she has found the wiki....
    [01:41] Korel Laloix: And.... she is slowly reading through... which is a bit uncomfortable sometimes.
    [01:42] Alessa Tzal: Probably wonders what to make of it
    [01:42] Korel Laloix: Generate some interesting questions from her on occation.
    [01:42] Alessa Tzal: I can imagine :p
    [01:42] Wol Euler: hehehhe
    [01:43] Korel Laloix: I have probably put myself out in the chats here more than I should have.
    [01:44] Alessa Tzal: Honesty is a good thing I think
    [01:44] Korel Laloix: But it has been good for me to chat, so probably more good than uncomfortable
    [01:44] Wol Euler nods.
    [01:44] Alessa Tzal: Glad it has helprd
    [01:44] Alessa Tzal: and helped too
    [01:44] Wol Euler nods.
    [01:45] Korel Laloix: Actually PaB has been great for my brain in a lot of ways...... I really have abuse it for free therapy I have to admit... grins
    [01:46] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:46] Wol Euler: glad to be of service, korel
    [01:48] Korel Laloix: I hope I have helped a few along the way as well.
    [01:48] Alessa Tzal: :)
    [01:48] Wol Euler: I'm sure-
    [01:49] Wol Euler: the joy and sadness of life is that it's a prototype, you cannot get it right and then do it again
    [01:49] Alessa Tzal: Unless you're a buddhist :p
    [01:49] Wol Euler: heheh
    [01:49] Wol Euler: but even they don't say that you remember and directly profit from your previous lives
    [01:51] Korel Laloix: I need some dinner... and it Looks like there is a Denny's near by.
    [01:51] Alessa Tzal: Good old Denny
    [01:51] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:51] Alessa Tzal: I loved her music
    [01:51] Wol Euler: Sandy?
    [01:51] Alessa Tzal: Yah
    [01:51] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:51] Wol Euler: showing our age, we are
    [01:52] Alessa Tzal: If only she hadn't fallen down those stairs eh
    [01:52] Wol Euler: bon appetit, korel, and I hope it helps you sleep again
    [01:52] Alessa Tzal: Sleep well K
    [01:52] Alessa Tzal: Eat well too
    [01:53] Korel Laloix: Not going yet.
    [01:53] Wol Euler chuckles.
    [01:53] Korel Laloix: Think a Denny's would mind me in my PJs?
    [01:53] Alessa Tzal: Obviously not THAT hungry then hehe
    [01:53] Alessa Tzal: Well it would work for me
    [01:53] Korel Laloix: Going to call in and order and go pick up if they are actually open.
    [01:53] Wol Euler: I thought Americans went everywhere in PJs, all day
    [01:53] Alessa Tzal: With guns :p
    [01:53] Wol Euler: except for New York and LA, of course
    [01:53] Korel Laloix: I do admit that I look good in red silk... smiles
    [01:53] Wol Euler: yeah
    [01:54] Wol Euler grins.
    [01:54] Korel Laloix: Or out of it for that matter...
    [01:54] Alessa Tzal: mmm
    [01:54] Wol Euler smiles.
    [01:54] Alessa Tzal: You could say you were sleepwalking
    [01:56] Korel Laloix: It is open... going to call.. just have to think of what to get for Reeba though.
    [01:56] Korel Laloix: Looking for an online menu.
    [01:56] Alessa Tzal: How about duck
    [01:57] Alessa Tzal: Crispy with noodles
    [01:57] Korel Laloix: http://www.dennys.com/#/menu
    [01:58] Korel Laloix: Going for the Ultimate Skillet and the Belgian Waffle slam.. that should feed us for lunch as well.
    [01:58] Korel Laloix: One min
    [01:59] Alessa Tzal: Sounds good

    [01:59] Wol Euler: gods, that Fit Fare omelette is a sad looking thing
    [01:59] Wol Euler: and OMFG I qualify for a seniors' discount :(
    [02:01] Alessa Tzal: I could go for a senoir omelette :p
    [02:02] Korel Laloix: wow..that woman is obviously lonely and bored....
    [02:02] Alessa Tzal: MOh my those pancakes
    [02:02] Korel Laloix: Ready in 15 and I just realized, I can see the place from the hotel window... lol
    [02:03] Alessa Tzal: Cholesterol here we come
    [02:03] Korel Laloix: And they don't mind me showing up in PJs and a Robe... smiles
    [02:03] Alessa Tzal: You might make new friends
    [02:03] Wol Euler grins.
    [02:03] Korel Laloix: I still want a cigarette right now and I have no idea why... been well over a year.
    [02:04] Alessa Tzal: 'Do you smoke after sex?'
    [02:04] Alessa Tzal: 'Dunno I never look'
    [02:04] Alessa Tzal: Only funny line in the film
    [02:05] Korel Laloix: What film?
    [02:05] Alessa Tzal: Austin Powers
    [02:05] Korel Laloix: I tried to watch part ofthat i think.
    [02:05] Wol Euler: heheh
    [02:05] Alessa Tzal: Hard going
    [02:06] Korel Laloix: Erin had this thing about torturing me with that sort of movie.
    [02:06] Alessa Tzal: Liz Hurley's about the one bight spot
    [02:06] Alessa Tzal: bright*
    [02:06] Korel Laloix: That should have been a sign...
    [02:07] Korel Laloix: The worst one though was the Buckaroo Bonsia trainwreck
    [02:07] Alessa Tzal: Must rent it
    [02:07] Korel Laloix: It was horrid on all levels
    [02:08] Alessa Tzal: Didn't make anyone's career then?
    [02:08] Korel Laloix: It was mildly fascinating to watch something that pointless, useless and unpleasant... as it looked planned, not a mistake.
    [02:08] Wol Euler: deliberate awfulness is a strange kind of market strategy
    [02:08] Korel Laloix: It succeeded I think.
    [02:09] Korel Laloix: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckaroo_Banzai
    [02:09] Alessa Tzal: Yeehaw

    [02:11] Korel Laloix: I think it would be a good movie to watch if you were in a particularly bad period of self loathing.
    [02:11] Wol Euler: I think I've seen that
    [02:12] Wol Euler: but I can't imagine that it was by choice
    [02:12] Alessa Tzal: Wow I've actuall heard of Ronald Lacey
    [02:12] Korel Laloix: OK... thanks for the chat all.. need to get my face on and find the keys.
    [02:13] Alessa Tzal: Fill up K
    [02:13] Wol Euler: have a nice breakfast, and happy trails
    [02:13] Korel Laloix smiles
    [02:13] Alessa Tzal: Oh he's been dead twenty years wow
    [02:15] Alessa Tzal: The Adventures of Don Quick - I remember that
    [02:15] Alessa Tzal: 1970 god
    [02:17] Alessa Tzal: Want to check out that LM?
    [02:17] Wol Euler: yeah, then breakfast
    [02:17] Wol Euler: let's go
    [02:17] Alessa Tzal: Not eaten yet?
    [02:17] Wol Euler: nope, slept through thte alarm and had to hurry to get here
    [02:17] Alessa Tzal: OMG

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