2013.08.21 07:00 - Intentions and Traditions

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    The Guardian present was Zen Arado. All comments are by Zen Arado.

    Zen (zen.arado): Hi uns, Marge
    Uns Mistwalker: Hi Zen
    Zen (zen.arado): I'm here early today :)
    Uns Mistwalker: you are.... though your hair hasn't quite arrived for me.
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): Just woke up...
    Zen (zen.arado): not wearing long hair
    PaB Listener Master: whispers: The session has not yet been claimed by a Guardian.
    Uns Mistwalker: ok. then it has arrived!
    Zen (zen.arado): felt like a change

    Zen (zen.arado): hope this is working
    Zen (zen.arado): I had to go back to Firestorm
    Zen (zen.arado): just couldn't TP anywhere with LL viewer
    Zen (zen.arado): don't know why
    Uns Mistwalker: wow.... so it ended up being a viewer problem.

    The region crashed at this point so we went to Kira Cafe:

    Uns Mistwalker: seems to happen regularly, eh?
    Zen (zen.arado): wb Uns
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh every week around this time
    Zen (zen.arado): must have missed last warning
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): I didn't see the warning either.
    Uns Mistwalker: think we should just default to here for the wednesday gatherings?
    Uns Mistwalker: nor did I.
    Uns Mistwalker: hi San
    Zen (zen.arado): some don't like it if I do that
    Zen (zen.arado): Hi San :)
    San (santoshima): greetins :)
    Zen (zen.arado): they would rather be at the pavilion
    San (santoshima): g
    Zen (zen.arado): wb Marge
    Zen (zen.arado): think we already exhausted the topic
    Zen (zen.arado): :)
    Uns Mistwalker: what was the topic?
    Zen (zen.arado): nobody likes my perspective anyway
    Uns Mistwalker: (I missed Monday)
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): Intention
    Uns Mistwalker: /me grins.
    Zen (zen.arado): something about where does motivation come from
    Uns Mistwalker: oh, I see.
    Zen (zen.arado): is that right Marge, San?


    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): Last week was Motivation, this week intention.
    Zen (zen.arado): Firestorm seems to be recording chat ok at least
    Uns Mistwalker: I see.
    Zen (zen.arado): what is intention?
    Zen (zen.arado): one of those words we use
    Zen (zen.arado): what on earth does it mean?
    Uns Mistwalker: Intention has to do with impulses that arise in the brain in particular contexts -- their source depending upon what particular faculty were are attending to at the moment.
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/intention?s=t
    Zen (zen.arado): 'their source' hmm
    Uns Mistwalker: I'm coming from a 'sufi' perspective there.
    Zen (zen.arado): dictionaries just give you other words
    Zen (zen.arado): more words
    Zen (zen.arado): I have no idea where my thoughts and intentions come from
    Zen (zen.arado): if you ever meditate you see all these thoughts spring up
    Uns Mistwalker: Yes.
    Zen (zen.arado): some completely unrelated to anything in my present context apparently
    Zen (zen.arado): Hi Moon :)
    MoonLight (moonlight.mellow): /me Namaste
    Uns Mistwalker: within my tradition's context.... the sources of thought impulses are four.
    Uns Mistwalker: 1. the self.
    Zen (zen.arado): only four?
    Zen (zen.arado): go ahead
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): ηαмαѕтє
    Uns Mistwalker: yes.... well --- 'self' though illusory, covers a lot of territory.
    Zen (zen.arado): sure does
    Zen (zen.arado): Are you typing Uns?
    Uns Mistwalker: so... 1. Self. 2. Angelic. 3. Demonic. 4. God.
    Zen (zen.arado): ah
    Zen (zen.arado): hmm all debatable as to their existence to me
    Uns Mistwalker: so, the idea is to be aware of which particular faculty one is identifying with in the moment that a thought impulse arises....and form intention from that.
    Zen (zen.arado): that kinda negates the idea we have free will surely?
    Zen (zen.arado): like another entity planting thoughts in our brains?
    Uns Mistwalker: I don't think so. The issue of free will/determinism is rather seen as a logical category error.
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh
    Uns Mistwalker: from our point of view -- we have fee will.
    Zen (zen.arado): Hi Bert
    Bertram Jacobus: hi folks :-)
    MoonLight (moonlight.mellow): smiles Hello
    Zen (zen.arado): region shuts down around this time every week Bert
    Uns Mistwalker: from the point of view of "Ultimate Reality" our choices are already known.
    Uns Mistwalker: hey Bert.
    San (santoshima): please, uns, could you state the tradition you are referring too?
    Zen (zen.arado): yes agree Uns
    Zen (zen.arado): most don't though
    Zen (zen.arado): I see 'myself' as just an item in the vast interplay of forces
    Uns Mistwalker: San, I am a Muslim, and a poor example of a follower of a traditional mystical tradition called "Sufism."
    Zen (zen.arado): but also part of all that...not a separate item
    San (santoshima): ty
    Uns Mistwalker: Yes, Zen.... exactly.
    Zen (zen.arado): surpirsed that is in Islam
    Uns Mistwalker: the self is seen as illusory.
    Zen (zen.arado): or perhaps only Sufi-ism?
    Uns Mistwalker: I think more particularly in Sufism....though from the point of view of adherants of that tradition..... it is implicit in the teachings of Islam itself.
    Zen (zen.arado): only thing..as soon as you say that, it doesn't leave much to talk about
    Uns Mistwalker: why not? Understanding one's faculties, and the sources of thought impulse.... is non-trivial.
    Zen (zen.arado): but if it is ultimately all a great mystery
    Zen (zen.arado): not much to discuss
    Bertram Jacobus: enlightenment needs no discussions i gues ...
    Bertram Jacobus: guess*
    Uns Mistwalker: hmmm... we would say.... that it is in no way possible to encompass reality within our limited faculties.
    Zen (zen.arado): same thing really then?
    Uns Mistwalker: but that we can get closer and closer.... clear and clear.
    Zen (zen.arado): hmm but I'm not so sure
    Uns Mistwalker: clearer and clearer.
    Zen (zen.arado): I used to think that
    Zen (zen.arado): perhaps we just get more and more lost in our concepts and distinctions
    Zen (zen.arado): but we use them because of usefulness


    Bertram Jacobus: i prefere to find my home ... ;-)
    Zen (zen.arado): yes
    Uns Mistwalker: Yes.....and if they continue to be useful....we continue to use.
    Uns Mistwalker: Isn't 'home' a matter of what you identify with, Bert?
    Zen (zen.arado): we see patterns in nature and use that knowledge
    Bertram Jacobus: not necessairily i think uns -
    Zen (zen.arado): and humans will never stop trying to inderstand I guess
    Zen (zen.arado): what do you mean by 'home' Bert?
    Bertram Jacobus: being
    Zen (zen.arado): but we are home
    Zen (zen.arado): where else would we be?
    Bertram Jacobus: sometimes i loose it
    Bertram Jacobus: and i forget, don´t feel this home
    Zen (zen.arado): it is always there no matter what we do
    Zen (zen.arado): what do you/me expect it to be like?
    Zen (zen.arado): I don't think there is any place of supreme bliss and peace
    Zen (zen.arado): it is just ordinary life ..or extraordinary when you think of it
    Zen (zen.arado): but it is not all pleasant
    Zen (zen.arado): and never could be I think
    Bertram Jacobus: it´s the state of mind i guess
    Zen (zen.arado): nature is full of creatures killing other creatures for instance
    Bertram Jacobus: it´s accepting and dropping
    Zen (zen.arado): I think the best we can do is accept it as it is
    Zen (zen.arado): and not keep searching for something better that doesn't exist
    Uns Mistwalker: right, Zen.... in my tradition.... there are simply the manifestations of different Names and Attributes of God -- 'supreme bliss' is more like a matter of recognizing them as they arise, and behavbing toward them with the proper courtesy.... there is no difference in that sense between 'pleasant and unpleasant'
    Zen (zen.arado): the searching makes us discontent and we suffer I think
    Zen (zen.arado): yes Uns..they are only words we attach to experiences
    Zen (zen.arado): as soon as we start to use language we are into polarities too
    Uns Mistwalker: so the function of 'intellect' shifts --- it is not for 'solving problems'....but rather for 'recognizing Reality.'
    Zen (zen.arado): it seems to operate like that
    Zen (zen.arado): every word has an opposite
    Zen (zen.arado): good/bad right/wrong
    Zen (zen.arado): like we divide reality into two parts
    Uns Mistwalker: yes.... again, a matter of the level upon which we are discoursing.
    Uns Mistwalker: there IS a play of opposites -- yin-yang --- from the point of view of ordinary consciousness.
    Zen (zen.arado): we have to share the meanings of words like 'intellect' I guess
    Zen (zen.arado): yes but isn't that invented by humans Uns?
    Zen (zen.arado): it's a useful way to label what is harmful or safe for us from early times
    Uns Mistwalker: yes it is.... i use it as a kind of place-holder for the set of all opposites.....night/day.....heaven/earth, inward outward.
    Uns Mistwalker: etc.
    Zen (zen.arado): but if we believe in them too much we see the world as a divided-up place
    Zen (zen.arado): and then we add more gradations to the rough oppositions
    Zen (zen.arado): does this make any sense?
    Uns Mistwalker: Yes.... as you said.... all of which have limited.... and only limited, utility.
    Zen (zen.arado): what I am saying I mean
    Uns Mistwalker: it does to me.
    Zen (zen.arado): well most don't usually agree
    Zen (zen.arado): :)
    Uns Mistwalker: In my tradition...we recognize that the ordinary divisions and labels of things.... are useful.... primarily to facilitate social life.
    Uns Mistwalker: The word "Shari'a"..... has a root meaning of a broad path... or road.
    Zen (zen.arado): I see
    Uns Mistwalker: The idea is that these concepts and rulings.... facilitate life in a society.


    Zen (zen.arado): I have been in various traditions
    Zen (zen.arado): not sure if it a good or bad idea to be in one
    Zen (zen.arado): last one was Zen tradition
    Zen (zen.arado): but whatever people feel most comfortable with
    Zen (zen.arado): it kinda give a grounding
    Zen (zen.arado): gives
    Zen (zen.arado): a community of like-minded people
    Zen (zen.arado): nice to be in a community
    Zen (zen.arado): and similar spiritual views is a good basis
    Bertram Jacobus: to me, every community where is real love, is helpful
    Zen (zen.arado): yes
    Uns Mistwalker: Yes. I think that the utility of a tradition is that it provides an internally-consistent (at least in some cases).... framework for interaction. For me, the problem with 'no-tradition'.... is that it means I pick and choose.... and I worry I will omit...precisely... the stuff I 'don't like' which may be exactly what I need to confront.
    Zen (zen.arado): good points Uns
    Zen (zen.arado): what we like might not be what is best for us
    Zen (zen.arado): we might need some correcting
    Bertram Jacobus: [sry - phone] ...
    Uns Mistwalker: isn't there an english cliche that goes something like.... "the road to hell pis paved with good intentions" ?
    Zen (zen.arado): yeh..not sure what it means
    Zen (zen.arado): that we never get around to doing good acts?
    Uns Mistwalker: i think so.... and from my perspective...one of the reasons it is useful to understand the sources of thought impulses.
    Free Radar HUD: /me v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
    Uns Mistwalker: (I'm aware that I'm talking.... a LOT....and concerned that I am not leaving sufficient space for others to jump in.
    Zen (zen.arado): me too Uns
    Zen (zen.arado): anyone else want to comment?
    Zen (zen.arado): wb Bert
    Bertram Jacobus: ty ...
    Bertram Jacobus: i wrote already some words ...
    Zen (zen.arado): you like the Tibetan Buddhist tradition Bert?
    Bertram Jacobus: so may be - space for the others ?
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): I had not put much energy into thinking about your discussion.
    Bertram Jacobus: ehm - i´m very familiar with it zen, but as i posted before : every group with love is so to say, part of my home ...
    Zen (zen.arado): perhaps I am in a kind of non tradition tradition
    Zen (zen.arado): of non duality
    Bertram Jacobus: oops - phone again ! ... sry :-(
    Zen (zen.arado): some refer to an ancient teaching called the Astvakra Gita
    San (santoshima): :)
    Zen (zen.arado): Ashtavakra
    Zen (zen.arado): older than Buddhism
    Zen (zen.arado): and I like Taoism
    Uns Mistwalker: does the word have meaning? or is just a 'handle'?
    Zen (zen.arado): is that a tradition?
    Zen (zen.arado): it probably has but I don't know what it is Uns
    Uns Mistwalker: Ashtavakra
    Zen (zen.arado): one thing I am not so keen on is following scriptures
    Zen (zen.arado): even in Buddhism
    Zen (zen.arado): I think the Buddha only gave guidelines
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): one having eight bends
    Zen (zen.arado): not rules for all time
    Uns Mistwalker: I suppose it depends on the scripture... and the tradition's relationship to it.
    Zen (zen.arado): that's the meaning Marge?
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): yes
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): a sage mentioned in Hindu scriptures described as one born with eight different deformities of the body
    Zen (zen.arado): well in Christianity thet kep telling me it wasn't 'biblical' to do certain things
    Zen (zen.arado): but some of the injunctins were designed fro a stone age society
    Uns Mistwalker: /me grins. The Christians have pretty well deconstructed their own scriptures.
    Zen (zen.arado): ah sounds familiar
    Zen (zen.arado): maybe somebody like me then
    Zen (zen.arado): atleast the Buddha tld disciples not to accept authorities and teachings and go rether on their own experience
    Zen (zen.arado): though that is in a Sutra
    Zen (zen.arado): perhaps we need a framework to start off in
    Uns Mistwalker: or as Dylan put it.... don't follow leaders and watch your parking meters."
    Zen (zen.arado): and then eventually outgrow it
    San (santoshima): excuse me, family visiting, must make them breakfast
    San (santoshima): thansk for the conversation
    Zen (zen.arado): kk byee San
    Uns Mistwalker: bey for now San
    Zen (zen.arado): enjot breakfast :)
    Uns Mistwalker: There are whole books written (by sufis).... on "the delusions of the Sufis"
    Zen (zen.arado): maybe if Zen centre was accessible to me I would go there
    Uns Mistwalker: "outgrowing the Sharia" gets a lot of print.
    Uns Mistwalker: Yeah.... access matters.
    Zen (zen.arado): interesting
    Zen (zen.arado): when I could go to retreats I was happy with Zen
    Zen (zen.arado): you grow cold away from other followers
    Zen (zen.arado): true of every tradition
    Uns Mistwalker: /me nods. Sangha is an important part of Buddhist tradition, isn't it?
    Zen (zen.arado): yes
    Zen (zen.arado): my only sangha is a group in SL
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): One of the the parts of the vows of refuge.
    Zen (zen.arado): Original Face group
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): Three
    Zen (zen.arado): yes Marjorie?
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): One of the three parts of the vows of refuge.
    Zen (zen.arado): ah yes...I take refuge in the sangha
    Zen (zen.arado): difficlt if you can't get into the place
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): Buddha, dharma, sangha
    Zen (zen.arado): it is open to LGTB people but not to the disabled
    Zen (zen.arado): we don't matter :(
    Zen (zen.arado): I used to go to an online Zen sangha
    Zen (zen.arado): but that isn't the same
    Zen (zen.arado): SL is better than that
    Uns Mistwalker: yes. SL engages our mirror neuron systems.
    Zen (zen.arado): I 'took' the 16 precepts of Zen
    Zen (zen.arado): but I think they are a bit dualistic now
    Zen (zen.arado): who is this 'me' that should follow them?
    Zen (zen.arado): guess they are a practical thing
    Zen (zen.arado): guides for how to live together
    Zen (zen.arado): originally in a monastery
    Uns Mistwalker: /me nods. In my academic study of Buddhism....we were taught that the only "real" buddhists were monks and nuns.
    Zen (zen.arado): The Threefold Refuges
     I take refuge in Buddha (the principle of enlightenment within).
     I take refuge in dharma (the enlightened way of understanding and living).
     I take refuge in sangha (the community of beings).
     Pure Precepts
     I vow to avoid all action that creates suffering
     I vow to do all action that creates true happiness.
     I vow to act with others always in mind.
     Grave Precepts
     Not to kill but to nurture life.
     Not to steal but to receive what is offered as a gift.
     Not to misuse sexuality but to be caring and faithful in intimate relationships.
     Not to lie but to be truthful.
     Not to intoxicate with substances or doctrines but to promote clarity and awareness.
     Not to speak of others’ faults but to speak out of loving-kindness.
     Not to praise self at the expense of others but to be modest.
     Not to be possessive of anything but to be generous.
     Not to harbor anger but to forgive.
     Not to do anything to diminish the Triple Treasure but to support and nurture it.
    Uns Mistwalker: They are beautiful, Zen.
    Uns Mistwalker: thank you for the conversation...time for me to amble on.
    Zen (zen.arado): I think the opposiye view is gaing ground nowadays Uns
    Uns Mistwalker: you and I really get going, eh?
    Zen (zen.arado): that facing everyday life is better
    Zen (zen.arado): :)
    Zen (zen.arado): yep
    Marjorie Chardin (dr42): bye
    Uns Mistwalker: bye for now, Zen and Marge.
    Zen (zen.arado): byee Marjorie and Uns

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