The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.
Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle. Happy New Year's Eve :)
Riddle Sideways: Good Morning Adams ㋡
Adams Rubble: where sittith we?
Riddle Sideways: Hmm, where it sit?
Riddle Sideways: 'this cushion spoke first
Adams Rubble: ahh
Riddle Sideways: been sitting the same ol for a while
Adams Rubble: Well another years is closing out
Riddle Sideways: Happy New Year's eve day
Adams Rubble: going into the 2nd quarter of the 21st century
Riddle Sideways: had not thought that way
Riddle Sideways: End of the first quarter fans
Adams Rubble: best not to (giggles)
Riddle Sideways: this century has been moving right along
Adams Rubble: yep
Adams Rubble: Wonder how Dan Quail is keeping up
Adams Rubble: I wasn't born in this century
Riddle Sideways: our avatars were ㋡
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble checks
Riddle Sideways: yes, did check
Adams Rubble: did you notice I am 18 days older than you
Riddle Sideways: wow, no. did not see that
Riddle Sideways: congrats
Adams Rubble: I was a little later finding PaB
Riddle Sideways: can't recall what I did in SL those first few days
Adams Rubble: I explored the Sistine Chapel and then another site
Adams Rubble: then I left for three months
Riddle Sideways: much later you gave out a notecard of all the religious buildings in SL
Adams Rubble: that was Dubs
Riddle Sideways: Piet and other WoKs said to try SL
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: and Nez said SL failed as a concert venue and I could see that island
Adams Rubble: your history with Piet goes way back
Adams Rubble: who is Nez?
Riddle Sideways: Mike Nesmith
Adams Rubble: ahh, the Monkey
Riddle Sideways: think there was a Java convention that I tried to get into and knew not how to move around nor sit
Adams Rubble: glad you found your way to PaB
Riddle Sideways: thanks
Riddle Sideways: glad you found PaB too
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: thanks. me too
Adams Rubble: You See, Cat See
Riddle Sideways: can't recall what this avi did for those 3 months
Riddle Sideways: Seeing cat see
Riddle Sideways: what made you think of Dan Quayle?
Riddle Sideways: seems odd to think of him
Riddle Sideways: well maybe not
Adams Rubble: he wasn't born in last century
Adams Rubble: two centuries behind now
Adams Rubble: what does the cat see when we are the object and it is the subject?
Adams Rubble: It looks at us and goes "meow"
Riddle Sideways: does Cat see us as food source?
Riddle Sideways: or annoyance
Adams Rubble: it sees me as one of its protectors
Adams Rubble: and it sees me as one of those meeting its needs
Adams Rubble: and it likes our company
Adams Rubble: and it sees us as very big
Riddle Sideways: yet it sees us as too dumb to learn it's language
Adams Rubble: I wonders if it worries about our reliability
Riddle Sideways: yes, we probably fail in reliablity
Adams Rubble: sometimes we go away and it is glad to see us return although it tries to hide that
Riddle Sideways: not to be dog-like
Adams Rubble: dogs have a football team mentality
Adams Rubble: rah rah
Adams Rubble: what should we do coach
Adams Rubble: so glad to see ya
Riddle Sideways: during football there is an advert of the team mascots watching a game and the Jaguar is trying to paw the ball on screen during a kick
Adams Rubble: phone call
Riddle Sideways: and your great Iggles soundly beat those Cowboys, thank you
Adams Rubble: back
Adams Rubble: The Iggles have a conundrum
Adams Rubble: whether to let Barkley get the record
Adams Rubble: I think they need to sit him down
Adams Rubble: and besides I think it is a bad idea to embarrass the Giants
Adams Rubble: now if it was Dallas (laughs evily)
Riddle Sideways: go ahead an embarrass Dallas :))
Adams Rubble: the opponents for next year came out today and Iggles have a montrous schedule next year
Adams Rubble: so better win this year
Riddle Sideways: seems hard to predict what teams will be next year
Adams Rubble: your team will probably rebound next year
Riddle Sideways: wonder if the niners will even have a team next year
Adams Rubble: why wouldn't they?
Adams Rubble: they have a good organizaton
Adams Rubble: fans get so down when things are not going right
Riddle Sideways: whether to keep injured players
Adams Rubble: think it is the end of the world and everyone should get fired
Adams Rubble: injuries are the tricky part. I think the best general managers consider the kind of injury it is
Adams Rubble: as well as age
Adams Rubble: not a science
Riddle Sideways: and they have to pay the QB this year
Adams Rubble: this year has been fun for the Iggles with Barkley
Adams Rubble: yeah, that's always a factor
Adams Rubble: not wait for months like dallas did
Riddle Sideways: Fond memories of players like Dickerson. Is Barkley better than him if he takes the record?
Adams Rubble: doesn't mater. Barkeley may not be the best back the Iggles have ever had
Adams Rubble: Steve Van Buren did much to win twoi championships
Riddle Sideways: made me look.
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: lots of Iggles fans don't know about them
Adams Rubble: He was not born in this century :)
Riddle Sideways: will try to remember that Fans are humans under those T-shirts
Adams Rubble: usually drunk ones
Riddle Sideways: and therefore flawed
Adams Rubble: should say often drunk ones
Riddle Sideways: nothing says Football better than drinking (a lot of) beer sitting on a tailgate
Riddle Sideways: some trucks of this century have tailgates that open like car doors instead of flop down
Riddle Sideways: and that is Just Wrong for tailgate parties
Riddle Sideways: Will you be going out drinking and singing this new year's eve :))
Riddle Sideways: wearing silly hats
Adams Rubble: hehe. no, I will be fast asleep
Riddle Sideways: on this west coast, we can watch the NY ball fall on TV at 9pm
Riddle Sideways: then go to bed
Adams Rubble: it may be bad weather in NYC
Adams Rubble: nice to be able to do that
Adams Rubble: rainy and maybe thunderstorms
Riddle Sideways: never have been to Times Square for the dropping
Riddle Sideways: almost made it one year
Adams Rubble: I never wanted to
Riddle Sideways: went to see 'Cats' and it was over about 10pm, but we wanted out of city
Adams Rubble: the cat (subject) is looking at me (the object) and meaowing
Adams Rubble: and I know what it is saying
Riddle Sideways: "Hey, go open a fresh can of food for me to ignore"
Adams Rubble: It is saying that it is 11:00 am and she would like a little snack
Riddle Sideways: bet he has not even heard of Elevenezes
Adams Rubble: I wish you the best New Year and see you again next year
Riddle Sideways: thanks
Riddle Sideways: take care and ...
Adams Rubble: thank you for hosting today
Riddle Sideways: by All
Adams Rubble: make sure I set up a new year on the wiki :)
Riddle Sideways: oh, big job
Adams Rubble: bye for now
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