The Guardian for this meeting was Yakuzza Lethecus. The comments are by Yakuzza Lethecus.
Yakuzza Lethecus: hi susu
Yakuzza Lethecus: susi
Susi Alcott: Hi Yaku
Susi Alcott: Hi Cal
Calvino Rabeni: Hi Susi !
Calvino Rabeni: I have a subtle version of the aura, thanks for giving it to me Susi
Yakuzza Lethecus: bertram :)
Bertram Jacobus: hey yaku and cal :-)
Fay Yedmore: hey all
Jerome Ronzales: hello hello
Bertram Jacobus: hello jerome
Yakuzza Lethecus: Ngaru lu fpom srak ?
Calvino Rabeni: Hi everyone
Bertram Jacobus: i have my na'vi translator not on - wait please ... ;-)
Fay Yedmore: hihi
Bertram Jacobus: now ... :o)
Fay Yedmore: brb
Widget Whiteberry slips into place, goes briefly afk
Calvino Rabeni: WB susi
Bertram Jacobus: hey wi ... dget :-)
Yakuzza Lethecus: wb susi
Bertram Jacobus: and hello susi ! ... :-)
Susi Alcott: Hello all
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Susi Alcott: (crashed)
Susi Alcott: ty
Susi Alcott: is that Navi world Fay and Bert ?
Bertram Jacobus: whaow - that you actual ask it susi ! i just thought : too intense, these avatars, lemme / lets change it perhaps ... ;-)
Bertram Jacobus: (and she is brb)
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Bertram Jacobus: and it's a very ideal world as i experience it
Bertram Jacobus: very close to nature and such
Bertram Jacobus: living in harmony
Bertram Jacobus: even being wise ...
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Bertram Jacobus: for all that i love it so much
Bertram Jacobus: a possibility to bring peace to some masses
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Fay Yedmore: (back here )
Susi Alcott: wb Fay
Bertram Jacobus: so many saw it already
Fay Yedmore: ty
Bertram Jacobus: and learned about all that
Fay Yedmore: i can say it enriched my world
Bertram Jacobus: the eternal ideals , in simply new forms
Bertram Jacobus: sry. didn't want to flood the local chat ...
Fay Yedmore: smiles ad bert
Fay Yedmore: i think its np to flood it with good sences
Yakuzza Lethecus: did they get support for the sims to stay alive ?
Bertram Jacobus: i think, the 4 sim area will have problems further on because may be too much. other places with only one sim will be more easy to continue i guess
Fay Yedmore nods
Yakuzza Lethecus: hi wol
Fay Yedmore: hey wol
Susi Alcott: _/!\_
Bertram Jacobus: heyy wol :-)
Susi Alcott: Hi Wol
Wol Euler: hello susi, fay, yaku, bert, jerome
Wol Euler: did I get everyone?
Bertram Jacobus: no :o)
Wol Euler: hello cal :)
Jerome Ronzales: :-)
Calvino Rabeni: :)
Bertram Jacobus: still not yet :o)
Wol Euler: and hello widget too
Bertram Jacobus: ah. now :o)
Wol Euler: :)
Fay Yedmore: nice to see you again wol
Wol Euler: likewise
Fay Yedmore: /mesmiles
Wol Euler: please continue, don't mind me
Susi Alcott: we have much listened the sound of silence and Bert shared his experience of that Navi world
Wol Euler smiles.
Susi Alcott: think there's 'much the same' :)
Bertram Jacobus: where ? pab and na'vi ?
Susi Alcott: with na'vi and sound of silence
Bertram Jacobus: ah ! yes. agree very much ... :-)
Bertram Jacobus: and matter of individuals ...
Bertram Jacobus: (brb here now)
Wol Euler notes elements of human-looking body decoration creeping into the Na'vi presentatoins :)
Widget Whiteberry smiles and comes back to the pool
Wol Euler: damn.-
Susi Alcott: o-ooo
Wol Euler: let's go to the kira cafe
Bertram Jacobus: can you tp me plz ?
Wol Euler: sure
Susi Alcott: me too ?
Wol Euler: ah, it's rebooting right now
Wol Euler: wello.
Wol Euler: let
Wol Euler: let's go to the beach.
Bertram Jacobus: i take everey tp i get :o)
Wol Euler: heh
---- we moved over to the kira kafe and ended our session there.
Yakuzza Lethecus: have you been here before bertram ? :)
Bertram Jacobus: very seldom ...
Yakuzza Lethecus: the dream workshop is for example in the other room :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: on tuesdays
Bertram Jacobus: may be once, twice, three times ...
Wol Euler: let's see how long we can stay here before the reboot wave catches us.
Bertram Jacobus: yes. and we lost widget ?
Bertram Jacobus: and jerome ?
Wol Euler: he left very early; widget just before I suggested this
Bertram Jacobus: ah okay
Calvino Rabeni: WIdget sends her regrets, had to move on
Bertram Jacobus: ty
Susi Alcott: ty Cal
Wol Euler: ah, ok, I just IMed her too
Bertram Jacobus: cozy here ... ;-)
Wol Euler: the beer and wine are good.
Bertram Jacobus: and nobody reads our thoughts (?) :o)
Susi Alcott: grins
Susi Alcott: you sure ?
Wol Euler: :)
Bertram Jacobus: no. was just a atsarter for that topic ;-)
Wol Euler: did you get the new Terms of Service to read & agree to when you logged on?
Bertram Jacobus: yes
Yakuzza Lethecus: yes, i didn´t read it
Yakuzza Lethecus: as usually
Wol Euler: it says in there taht the Lindens can and might read our thoughts.
Wol Euler: I found it a fascinating document.
Susi Alcott: got also...but dind't read
Bertram Jacobus: i heard about that already
Wol Euler grins
Fay Yedmore: diddnt read here too
Bertram Jacobus: and i agree to all such stuff in the net
Bertram Jacobus: find it childish
Bertram Jacobus: my opinion
Wol Euler: I usually don't read them, but I was curious about it because I've been reading Tom Boellsdorf's book about SL
Susi Alcott: they are anyway gods of SL
Calvino Rabeni: Thanks wol - what is the jist of the new terms?
Susi Alcott: ah; does he tell about own experiences or based on interviews of people lived in SL ?
Wol Euler: I'm not certain what is new in it, actually.
Wol Euler: the division of regions into Adult and not is one point
Wol Euler: there are some clauses about money that make me think their lawyers have been busy lately fighting off strange claims
Bertram Jacobus: tzzz
Susi Alcott: ?
Bertram Jacobus: copyright violations may be ?
Wol Euler: perhaps that, there was a lot of talk in it about copyright and intellectual property rights
Bertram Jacobus: the net changes all that
Wol Euler: some very careful formulations about "ownership".
Bertram Jacobus: things become available to all
Wol Euler: "we provide a service, not an object"
Bertram Jacobus: to many
Pema Pera is Online
Bertram Jacobus: without money
Bertram Jacobus: i like it
Bertram Jacobus: and they try to stop here and there
Bertram Jacobus: may not work
Bertram Jacobus: i hope
Wol Euler: "we own the bits; you hold copyright in your creativity, but we own the virtual objects that express it"
Wol Euler: like all such TOS, it speaks mostly of the overinflated power of lawyers in American society
Bertram Jacobus: they are crazy
Bertram Jacobus: lost contact to Eywa ;o)
Wol Euler grins
Wol Euler: those chairs are new, I think
Wol Euler: where Jasmin's sitting
Jasmin Helstein: No, not cool :-(
Bertram Jacobus: she can´t hear me ... ;-)
Wol Euler: too far from us.
Bertram Jacobus: hey jasmin ! :-)
Bertram Jacobus: you can sit with us if you like
Wol Euler: please do
Jasmin Helstein: Hi
Susi Alcott: Hi Jasmin
Yakuzza Lethecus: hello jasmin
Yakuzza Lethecus: have i seen you around phil island before ?
Bertram Jacobus: you are familiar with this place here ? :-)
Jasmin Helstein: could be
Jasmin Helstein: No, i'm not familiar with this place
Bertram Jacobus: phil island ? what is that ?
Bertram Jacobus: me not too :-)
Bertram Jacobus: how did you find it ? :-)
Jasmin Helstein: with the search word "phililosophy"
Jasmin Helstein accepted your inventory offer.
Bertram Jacobus: ahh - i see - may be yakus part ( see his tag) :o)
Bertram Jacobus: for me - i say often - i find it difficult that philosophers seem to like questions more then answers (?) ...
Bertram Jacobus: because for me it's other way round ;-)
Bertram Jacobus: ty for the lm yaku and have a good time all - i think we´ll leave ...
Bertram Jacobus: may all beings be happy please ! ...
Wol Euler: we'll try.
Susi Alcott: enjoy your time
Wol Euler: bye fay, bye bert.
Yakuzza Lethecus: ok, take care you both
Fay Yedmore: yes be good all thanks for tonight smiles
Bertram Jacobus: ty all vm
Yakuzza Lethecus: and i guess everyone
Fay Yedmore: ty
Wol Euler: goodnight yaku - if that's what you meant :)
Jasmin Helstein: hmm, i guess i missed something
Yakuzza Lethecus: jasmin: do you have any more questions that might not be explained ?
Yakuzza Lethecus: hehe, our session started at 1 pm :)
Wol Euler: "why aren't people nice to each other more often?"
Wol Euler: sorry, scrub that :)
Yakuzza Lethecus: but it´s a good topic actually :)
Susi Alcott: when person has lag of love or knowledge or both, he/she has not strength to be nice to others...
Susi Alcott: the more there's other kind of lags ...the less strength ...
Calvino Rabeni: This is the natural state of humans - to be rather more than "nice"
Jasmin Helstein: what do you mean by more than nice?
Susi Alcott: there was once talking about that 'to be nice' somebody claimed that one can be too nice...
Yakuzza Lethecus sneakes away, sry i need the sleep
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