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    With the opening of the beautiful Molecule Theater and the fabulous World 
    Premier Performance today, June 12, I thought it might be a good time to try our 
    of Being artistic hands at creating our own performance pieces.  So the next Art 
    of Being Project is: 
    "Being Performance" 
    A performance piece based on the theme:  "Life as a Performance of Being" 
    >>>>>>>>>>  The Performances will take place on Sunday, July 31, noon SLT,
    in the Molecule Theater. 



    (photo from World Premier Performance in the Molecule Theater)


    You may work solo or in small groups or 2-3 PaBers. Performances should be no longer than 5 minutes. If you are interested in doing a performance piece by yourself or as part of a small group, please let me know so I can reserve a time slot for you to perform your piece on July 31st.


    Your performance piece can include the following elements:

    Set - designed by you, rezzed and derezzed like in the World Premier performances; you could also use one of the existing sets.

    Costumes - designed by you or purchased

    Sound - can be collection of short sound clips in objects recorded by you or borrowed with permission, or streaming music on the parcel.

    Script - written by you or borrowed with permission (could include poetry also)

    Dance - created by you or purchased

    Text - broadcast announcements and subscribed subtitles (on notecard) Your piece could be something as simple as a chair for your set and a poetry reading or more complex depending on your knowledge and time.


    Participants should rehearse on their own and arrange a "dress rehearsal" with Storm prior to July 31st.

    The Being Theater Players will be conducting a series of workshops on various aspects of putting together a performance. Watch for announcements and feel free to participate in all or some of those.

    The series of short 20-25 minute max workshops will cover: Subtitles. Streaming music. Sound effects. Set rezzing. Green room + teleports. Lobby usage. Transport and more.


    >>>>>>>>>>> First theater workshop: Sunday, June 19th, 11AM SLT, in the theater.



    (photo from World Premier Performance in the Molecule Theater)


    The first workshop on sets will include:  things to consider when building sets, including: - permissions - placement - leaving room for tps - not encroaching on audiences - keeping the Green Room clear - including sounds effects in the sets - including particle effects in the sets - including tps in the sets - why and how to use a rezzer.

    Please feel free to contact any of the Being Theater Players for questions or help. We are happy to assist where we can ... we are still learning too!

    We hope you get the "performance" bug and enjoy putting together your own pieces and performing them in the beautiful Molecule Theater that Storm has designed. The Being Theater Players have worked out some of the kinks ahead of time and will enjoy seeing how our work has inspired you all.





    (photo from World Premier Performance in the Molecule Theater)

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