Bleu Oleander: hi everyone :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Bleu
Eliza Madrigal is Online
Storm Nordwind: I'll put your name on it then
Qt Core: Hi Bleu, Storm and Lucinda :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: mine is across from it Storm :)
Storm Nordwind: I've labelled yours already Sharon!
SophiaSharon Larnia: thank you, and hi btw :D
Storm Nordwind smiles
Lucinda Lavender: Storm I accidentally picked up somthing with my arrow and let go with the right click...picked up a browswer
Aphrodite Macbain is Online
Lucinda Lavender: I am the only one who sees it!
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Zen
Storm Nordwind: It's on your Head-up display. You need to detach it, that's all
Zen Arado: Hi Sharon Hi all
Lucinda Lavender: where is the heads up dislay?
SophiaSharon Larnia: ah Storm, I didn't know what it was!
Storm Nordwind: It's what you see on your screen that no one else sees
Bleu Oleander: hi Storm
Bleu Oleander: hi Eliza
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Everyone :))
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Elzia
SophiaSharon Larnia: Eliza* :)
Zen Arado: hi Eliza
Zen Arado: Hi Aga
Bleu Oleander: hi Agatha
Agatha Macbeth: Hiyaz
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Agatha
Qt Core: Hi Eliza, Agatha, Zen
Eliza Madrigal: yay! Happy to see everyone
Bleu Oleander: yes!!
Art as Being exhibit: Touched.
Bleu Oleander: hi Aph, Luci
Agatha Macbeth: Over here Aphro :)
Lucinda Lavender: Hi Bleu:)
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Lucinda, Ag, Aph :)
Zen Arado: Hi Aphro
Bleu Oleander: Thank you all for participating in the "Being Puzzled" exhibition
Bleu Oleander: Special thanks to Storm for all his help!
Eliza Madrigal: pretty pink kimono Lucinda :)
Zen Arado: Hi Luci
Eliza Madrigal: Thank you Bleu and Storm, really wonderful :))
Aphrodite Macbain: Thanks so much Storm
Aphrodite's translator: Grazie Storm tanto
Agatha Macbeth: Mama mia
Aphrodite Macbain: and Eliza and Bleu
Aphrodite Macbain: mama mia?
Zen Arado: Italiano
Agatha Macbeth: :p
Bleu Oleander: we explored some of our Play as Being themes and questions using puzzle and game themes
Aphrodite Macbain: dove la sua mama?
Qt Core: il lacks an m ;-)
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Agatha Macbeth: Here i go again...
Bleu Oleander: many of the photos have landmarks so you can visit the 3D versions
Bleu Oleander: and I hope you will all do that if you haven't already
Aphrodite Macbain: Oh didn't realize that
Eliza Madrigal: yes, that's so fun
Agatha Macbeth: I will if i can remember
Riddle Sideways: one of them tp you about 12 feet away
Riddle Sideways: :)
Eliza Madrigal grins
SophiaSharon Larnia: :D
Bleu Oleander: I had a great experience with Lucinda helping her express her ideas
Aphrodite Macbain: he he
Eliza Madrigal: Hi C al :)
Bleu Oleander: perhaps you might tell us a bit about your photos Luci
Agatha Macbeth: Ah the space cube
Aphrodite Macbain: hi Cal
Agatha Macbeth: Very nice
Eliza Madrigal: yes it was fun to "pull up a rock" in Lucinda's exhibit... as she told me to do...
Calvino Rabeni: Hi all
Agatha Macbeth: Hello Cal
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Cal
Aphrodite Macbain: pull up a rock?
Eliza Madrigal: you'll see...
Aphrodite Macbain: as in make it bigger?
Zen Arado: Hi Cal
Agatha Macbeth: Good job she spelled it right
Bleu Oleander: the 3D spaces are fun to see as well as the photos
Aphrodite Macbain: ?
Bleu Oleander: would anyone like to discuss their photos and process?
Jamaican Spice whispers: A beautiful zesty herbal infusion with brilliant red liquor and a bouquet of flavors accented by the tartness of hibiscus, properly offset by the sweetness of cinnamon. Added cloves and orange peel inspire joyful dancing! A little spicy, a little sweet, just like you, Agatha Macbeth
Eliza Madrigal: Maybe Lucinda could help to sort the comments I just made about her piece ? :)? :)
Eliza Madrigal: (oops lots of question marks, sorry... son asking me questions as I settle)
Bleu Oleander: ha!
Lucinda Lavender: I am I settle in here at a restaurant...
Agatha Macbeth: 'Who are those funny people mom?'
SophiaSharon Larnia: haha
Aphrodite Macbain: he he at least he called us people
Lucinda Lavender: my two friends from college and high school are present as well
Bleu Oleander: oh nice Luci
Aphrodite Macbain: Hello two friends
Eliza Madrigal: Oh, very nice
Agatha Macbeth waves
Eliza Madrigal: ::;waves:::
Riddle Sideways: Hi 2 friends
Lucinda Lavender: Amy and Sheryl say hi
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Agatha Macbeth: aww
Zen Arado: Hi Amy and Sheryl
Lucinda Lavender: so which question shall I focus on first
Bleu Oleander: Luci, what was your idea for your piece?
Aphrodite Macbain: which one is yurs Luci?
Lucinda Lavender: I have a continual question about how we are make of the stuff that stars are made of...
Aphrodite Macbain hums to herself "and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.."
Lucinda Lavender: and this helps me to feel less worried about my performance on one side but also
Eliza Madrigal: :) Agatha
Agatha Macbeth: What?
Eliza Madrigal: Oops... aph... lots of a..s
Aphrodite Macbain: :-)
Agatha Macbeth scratches head
Eliza Madrigal: (2)
Agatha Macbeth: AA
Aphrodite Macbain: please continue Luci
Lucinda Lavender: there is something else...I have studied a system that acknowleges astrology and this is a continual question for me...
Gracie Kendal is Offline
Aphrodite Macbain: what is that?
Gracie Kendal is Online
Lucinda Lavender: I am less inclined toward it in the traditional definition...but I do enjoy some
Bleu Oleander: did the process of building a "physical" art piece help you explain your ideas?
Lucinda Lavender: it is hard for me to explain perhaps...
Bleu Oleander: how was it different from using words?
Lucinda Lavender: well I liked the idea that out of a box something is made
Lucinda Lavender: out of the void perhaps
Zen Arado: 'We are Stardust - we are golden.....'
Lucinda Lavender: yes
Eliza Madrigal: a box is an interesting visual of having a conversation with space and time in some ways perhaps....
Lucinda Lavender: things coming into exhistence that are shining from years past
Eliza Madrigal: mmm, nods
Lucinda Lavender: time is represented here
Lucinda Lavender: and how does our consciousness fit in to this bit of dust that we are
Lucinda Lavender: that is my puzzlement
Bleu Oleander: did you feel that your visual interpretation expressed your ideas well?
Lucinda Lavender: a mental continum that is part of the dust I guess
Eliza Madrigal: significant puzzlement :)
Bleu Oleander: Qt, I went to your landmark ... very interesting place!
Bleu Oleander: could you tell us about your photo?
Qt Core: :)
Qt Core: sadly the shock of being frozen can't really be put on a static image
Qt Core: most of the story is i the notecard
Bleu Oleander: more of a "living" puzzle?
Qt Core: i haven't followed the time session, but the word puzzle and time remembered me of that experience
Qt Core: like got my time stolen so i got stuck
Yakuzza Lethecus is Offline
Eliza Madrigal: :) how neat
Agatha Macbeth: Time bandits
Bleu Oleander: :)
Qt Core: that and the weirdness of the thing and outfit for the puzzling part ;-)
Yakuzza Lethecus is Online
Aphrodite Macbain: great concept. Do you ever get it back again?
Rosalie Oldrich is Online
Eliza Madrigal: yes we usually focus on trying to slow or stop time to catch up but what a twist :)
Aphrodite Macbain: I suppose it's like putting our clocks back and then forward
Qt Core: i went once, and i HAD to reexperience the position, less shocking (no surprise) but still...
Bleu Oleander: :)
Bleu Oleander: do you all think that art is a good way to explore some of the Play as Being topics?
Riddle Sideways: like: you can never feel the first time again
Qt Core: yes riddle
Aphrodite Macbain: Yes, tho it's hard to be too literal
Eliza Madrigal: hmm, nods
Eliza Madrigal: and certainly Bleu
Qt Core: and yes to Blue... if it does not become too abstract and needing to be explained (too much)
Zen Arado: could be Bleu - you have to think about it before you construct something
Eliza Madrigal: especially when one runs up to the edge of one's words
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Sartre :)
Bleu Oleander: that's the challenge Qt
Bleu Oleander: hi Sartre
Zen Arado: Hi Sartre
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Sartre
Sartre Placebo: hey everyone
Qt Core: hi sartre
Bleu Oleander: Zen, what about your photo?
Aphrodite Macbain: sometimes abstract concepts are best expressed by colour, shape and texture
Agatha Macbeth: Hi
Eliza Madrigal: guess sharon needed her hat ;-)
Qt Core: (i have a personal war with too conceptual art :-) )
SophiaSharon Larnia: eh? :)
Aphrodite Macbain: how do you fight it?
Zen Arado: I was trying to get something more dynamic
Bleu Oleander: interesting Qt ... would like to hear about that
Aphrodite Macbain: dynamic?
Bleu Oleander: interesting technique Zen!
Bleu Oleander: perhaps a bit more "advanced" ?
Qt Core: it is quite a practical issua, if you want/need to send out a message, you have to make it understandable
Zen Arado: yes - the puzzling and mysterious aspect pf reality for me is it's impermanence, ever changingness
Bleu Oleander: how is change related to time?
Aphrodite Macbain: or appreciateable - sometimes understanding isn' t enough
Zen Arado: tried to represent it as a river becasue that has come up in time sessions lately
SophiaSharon Larnia: nice to share a cushion with you sartre
SophiaSharon Larnia: :)
Sartre Placebo: sry, everything is weired on my laptop :)
Zen Arado: time flows like a river?
Agatha Macbeth: Weired science
SophiaSharon Larnia: :D
Eliza Madrigal smiles @ Zen
Aphrodite Macbain: wired science?
Agatha Macbeth: That too
Bleu Oleander: nice Zen
Aphrodite Macbain: you can never step in it twice
Agatha Macbeth: Unlike dog poo
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Zen Arado: or we can sit on the riverbank and watch reality change but not become too immersed in it as if we were in the river?
Aphrodite Macbain: That's bringing it down to earth!
Riddle Sideways: :)
Zen Arado: dog poo is always different too :)
Agatha Macbeth: Usually brown tho
Aphrodite Macbain: It's beautiful image and can be read in so many diffrent ways by different viewers
Bleu Oleander: what was your technique Zen to achieve the motion?
Zen Arado: it was quite easy - I used textures that are in everyone's inventory
Zen Arado: grass and water ripple 2
Agatha Macbeth: How did you get the flowing water effect Zen?
Eliza Madrigal: :) Hi Alfred
Aphrodite Macbain: Yes- I have that texture but had no idea what do do with it. Maybe put it on my umbrella
Zen Arado: think it was a script I had - smooth animation
Bleu Oleander: very nice .... using something already in your inventory
Agatha Macbeth: Ah, good
Alfred Kelberry: eliza :)
Aphrodite Macbain: what is smooth animation Zen?
Agatha Macbeth waves to Box boy
Bleu Oleander: hey Boxy
Aphrodite Macbain: Hey alfred!
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Alfren
Alfred Kelberry: i've never been here
SophiaSharon Larnia: alfred*
Zen Arado: just a little script - no idea if it was already in my inventory or I got it somewhere
Aphrodite Macbain: well now you have!
SophiaSharon Larnia: hi Barcalona
Bleu Oleander: really Alf?
Riddle Sideways: welcome alf
Bleu Oleander: we've had some wonderful art shows here
Agatha Macbeth: Barcelona!
Barcalona Rhapsody: hi
Eliza Madrigal: Hi Barcelona :)
Barcalona Rhapsody: all
Bleu Oleander: hi Barcalona
Zen Arado: Hi Barca
Riddle Sideways: hi barca
Aphrodite Macbain: nice to meet you Barcelona
Qt Core: hi Barca
Barcalona Rhapsody: its my pleasure
Alfred Kelberry: no fountain here :)
Agatha Macbeth points to the centre
Aphrodite Macbain: No recordings I guess
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Riddle Sideways: not all foutains record
Eliza Madrigal: hahahaha
Bleu Oleander: ha!
Zen Arado: they don't?
Agatha Macbeth: It's a non-recordin' fountain
Eliza Madrigal: wow, we are so innocent
Riddle Sideways: well really they do :)
Zen Arado: clicks desperately
Aphrodite Macbain: it's no fountain
Bleu Oleander: :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: haha
Eliza Madrigal: a no fountain, fountain
Alfred Kelberry: nice chessboard :)
Bleu Oleander: ty Alf
Eliza Madrigal: the chessboard is fantastic... standing on it too...
Bleu Oleander: there's a landmark to the 3D version
Zen Arado: would like to hear about your chessboard Bleu
Aphrodite Macbain: yes please Bleu
Zen Arado: must have been a lot of work?
Bleu Oleander: I have used the game of chess to illustrate this concept. Chess utilizes strick rules, establishing "identities" for each piece. Strategies of movement direct each piece in the game. We can imagine breaking free from these restrictions and appreciating being .... appreciating the appearance of presence .... allowing ourselves to be seen .... dropping what we have to see who we are. Exploring the presence of appearance in relation to Time. What would the chess game look like now?
Aphrodite Macbain: messy
Barcalona Rhapsody: i want to express my deepest respect for Storm Nordwind who seems to be the creator of almost all places here !
Bleu Oleander: exactly
Zen Arado: yes
Agatha Macbeth: He is :)
SophiaSharon Larnia: messy indeed Aph
Storm Nordwind blushes
Bleu Oleander: Storm has done a wonderful job
Aphrodite Macbain APPLAUDS!!!
Agatha Macbeth: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSeeee***********
Agatha Macbeth: clap
SophiaSharon Larnia: cheers
Zen Arado: claps
Lucinda Lavender: :)
Storm Nordwind: You're too kind. I only do what many people can do :)
Bleu Oleander: Storm say a few words about your photo
Agatha Macbeth: I can't :(
Eliza Madrigal: mmmm,.. thinks... I really love pondering the chess board, as there is 'motive' implied with role...
Storm Nordwind: My exhibit is very simple. It's called "Yak"
Eliza Madrigal: underlying strategy to drop
Eliza Madrigal: Oh... listens...
Storm Nordwind: I was going to do something complicated
Storm Nordwind: and optical illusion puzzle
Storm Nordwind: but I did something quite different
Storm Nordwind: and imagined
Riddle Sideways: the Yak is simply complicated
Storm Nordwind: or tried to imagine
Agatha Macbeth: Or complicatedly simple
Aphrodite Macbain: yaity yak
Storm Nordwind: what the idea of time might seem like to a non-human
Aphrodite Macbain: yakity
Storm Nordwind: As humans we obsess about time
Storm Nordwind: we never have enough
Storm Nordwind: we want people to pay us for using it
Storm Nordwind: we think about it
Aphrodite Macbain: my cats are run by thier stomachs and by light
Storm Nordwind: we philosophise about it
Barcalona Rhapsody: father Augustinus said we are time
Storm Nordwind: but to a yak, is time real at all?
Aphrodite Macbain: what did he mean by that?
Barcalona Rhapsody: so we can self make our time
Alfred Kelberry: bleu, multiple exposure picture? :)
Bleu Oleander: great question Storm
Bleu Oleander: no Alf
Aphrodite Macbain: t's a construction we use
Eliza Madrigal: yes appreciate looking through yak mind....
Bleu Oleander: taken in my rubik cube
Eliza Madrigal: :))
Zen Arado: animals don't bother about time I think
Storm Nordwind: Could it be that time is simply an imputation created by a human mind
Zen Arado: I think so
Storm Nordwind: a mind that does not, can not or perhaps will not see the whole of reality at once?
Barcalona Rhapsody: well they do for seasons
Eliza Madrigal: well, the seem to be in tune with the day and seasons...
Bleu Oleander: probably "can not"
Zen Arado: but without thinking about it ....
Eliza Madrigal: responsive moreso than preoccupied
Barcalona Rhapsody: reacting on dark and light cold and warm
Agatha Macbeth: But so are plants and trees...
Zen Arado: or measuring it in any way...
Barcalona Rhapsody: nature does
Barcalona Rhapsody: humans measure
Zen Arado: reacting naturally yes
Riddle Sideways: yet, we are so arrogant as to think they do not think
Zen Arado: they don't worry about the future do they?
Zen Arado: or keep thinking about the past
Barcalona Rhapsody: also not about the past
Zen Arado: snap
Storm Nordwind: Anyway, the yak watches the sunrise over the PaB pavilion - which has sessions at particular times! - and sees an artifact of human time measuring in front of him. And wonders... And that's all the exhibit
Eliza Madrigal: :) Thanks Storm
Agatha Macbeth: Cute
Barcalona Rhapsody: thnx
Eliza Madrigal: Riddle, which is your picture?
Zen Arado: thanks Storm
Bleu Oleander: simple, elegant question and photo Storm
Agatha Macbeth: I wondered what the sundial was about
Eliza Madrigal: indeed
Riddle Sideways: mostly explained in the notecard
Bleu Oleander: I think most of the photos have notecards and landmarks
Riddle Sideways: the earlest unsolvable puzzle I can remember
SophiaSharon Larnia: smiles
Riddle Sideways: is "what do 4-space objects look like to me"
Riddle Sideways: how can I see them
Riddle Sideways: oh, I must play a trick on mind
Riddle Sideways: twist, simplify, reduce
Riddle Sideways: image
Riddle Sideways: imagine
Agatha Macbeth: all the people
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Riddle Sideways: for most of my life I have been trying/explanding seeing 4 spacal dimentions
Barcalona Rhapsody: ok I go looking for the pictures
Zen Arado: there's no heaven
Riddle Sideways: a tesseract is one way to try
Riddle Sideways: unfolding a 4-space cube
Eliza Madrigal: ahhh, yes wonderful...
Bleu Oleander: nice Riddle
Riddle Sideways: and somebody built one in SL
Eliza Madrigal thinks of reading "A Wrinkle in Time" with the kids...
Riddle Sideways: you can walk around in it
Bleu Oleander: went there .... very nice
Eliza Madrigal: now on 'to go' list....
Riddle Sideways: wish it really worked as it should
Lucinda Lavender: brb
Riddle Sideways: need to know about the horse picture
Aphrodite Macbain: That's mine
Riddle Sideways: can we have a alndmark?
Riddle Sideways: landmark
Aphrodite Macbain: I think so, I believe Storm installed it.
Bleu Oleander: Aph, can you talk about your photo?
Eliza Madrigal: yes, wondering....
Aphrodite Macbain: Not sure how to do that. But I can tell you it's a sculpture just beyond by garden
Storm Nordwind mentions that if you want to give a landmark for your piece then the easiest thing is to include one in your notecard
Aphrodite Macbain: my garden
Aphrodite Macbain: Thanks Storm. I will
Aphrodite Macbain: But every day, it seems, it keeps changing.
Aphrodite Macbain: and rearranging itself
Riddle Sideways: is it a horse mash-up?
Eliza Madrigal: :)
Aphrodite Macbain: I like to think the garden gnomes do it while I'm asleep
Aphrodite Macbain: a horse mash-up. yes.
Bleu Oleander: actually I've been wondering about those horses since I first visited Kira and PaB
Aphrodite Macbain: a 3d collage
Aphrodite Macbain: of images available in our libraries
Storm Nordwind: mmm yummy horse mash-up ;-)
Eliza Madrigal: hahaha
Aphrodite Macbain: gag
Eliza Madrigal: ack
Bleu Oleander: ha!
Fael Illyar is Offline
Agatha Macbeth: with fries
SophiaSharon Larnia: have to go, bye all :))
Zen Arado: bye Sharon
Bleu Oleander: bye Sharon, thanks for participating
Eliza Madrigal: Bye Sharon :)
Agatha Macbeth: Bye Shaz, take care
Aphrodite Macbain: I'd rather not like to know where they come from. I'll just appreciate their appearance
SophiaSharon Larnia is Offline
Aphrodite Macbain: Bye Sharon
Fael Illyar is Online
Aphrodite Macbain: sorry they're fuzzy
Storm Nordwind: dds to the puzzle
Storm Nordwind: *adds
Riddle Sideways: yes, knowing the history messes up the mystery
Bleu Oleander: Eliza what about your photo?
Eliza Madrigal: that adds to the effect...
Aphrodite Macbain: right storm and riddle
Eliza Madrigal: Ah, well... first to say that what I had in mind is not at all what I materialized....
Aphrodite Macbain: yes eliza. I'm intrigues by your collage
Aphrodite Macbain: intrigued
Eliza Madrigal: I began to enjoy the process more than trying to show something... and yet the process began to be a puzzling out of views...
Eliza Madrigal: we think we're whatever view we have at the moment perhaps...
Eliza Madrigal: imposing time and meaning accordingly
Eliza Madrigal: but I thought of seeing through others eyes, in the pavillion...
Eliza Madrigal: even though avatar eyes...
Eliza Madrigal: and they seeing through me
Bleu Oleander: oh very nice Eliza
Eliza Madrigal: and well :) There ya go... at the center something essential perhaps, not graspable
Eliza Madrigal: Thanks :) A story written after the face ;-)
Eliza Madrigal: fact!
Storm Nordwind chuckles
Bleu Oleander: art is like that sometimes
Zen Arado: three faces
Zen Arado: are they you Eliza?
Eliza Madrigal: yes which made me think of Alice... large and small...
Aphrodite Macbain: asfter the facgt
Eliza Madrigal: One is Fael
Eliza Madrigal: views of various sizes
Zen Arado: ah
Eliza Madrigal: and others are in there somewhere... as a pavillion photo
Storm Nordwind whispers thank you all and excuses himself
Zen Arado: ah yes - see them
Bleu Oleander: thank you Storm!
Eliza Madrigal: Thanks Storm, glad you made it!
Storm Nordwind waves
Eliza Madrigal: Thanks :)
Barcalona Rhapsody: thnx storm
Agatha Macbeth: Bye Stormy
Aphrodite Macbain whjispers good by storm and hanks
Storm Nordwind is Offline
Zen Arado: bye Storm
Eliza Madrigal: And Agatha?
Bleu Oleander: explore some of the landmarks
Bleu Oleander: also a few photos on the new upper level
Art as Being exhibit: Touched.
Riddle Sideways: sorta wish paradise was here
Bleu Oleander: and thank you all for participating!
Riddle Sideways: the notecard does not say enough
Eliza Madrigal: yes... we'll have to ask her in a session....
Bleu Oleander: yes
Zen Arado: Aga to knt 4
Agatha Macbeth: Mmm?
Eliza Madrigal: heheh
Aphrodite Macbain: Thanks for organizing Bleu!
Zen Arado: check
Bleu Oleander: yw!
Sartre Placebo: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSeeee***********
Eliza Madrigal: Such a wonderful job Bleu, thank you very much indeed
Zen Arado: yes thanks Bleu
Riddle Sideways: yes, thanks
Bleu Oleander: !!! APPLAUSE !!!
Qt Core: yes,ty bleu
Agatha Macbeth: Thank you Bleu
Eliza Madrigal: **********Applause!!**********
Eliza Madrigal: **********Applause!!**********
Bleu Oleander: applause for everyone!
Agatha Macbeth: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSeeee***********
Agatha Macbeth: clap
Lucinda Lavender: Bleu and Storm...thank you so much:)
Aphrodite Macbain: ********** TOP LIVE SINGER **********
Aphrodite Macbain: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
Eliza Madrigal really feels warm and fuzzy about our community at 'times' like this
Aphrodite Macbain: ***** APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE***********
Agatha Macbeth: Some body is singing?
Aphrodite Macbain: What a creative community
Eliza Madrigal: Eden's is so neat too.... fun to go to her house and stand amidst the storm (s)
Aphrodite Macbain: Bye
Eliza Madrigal: working out the next move... definitely about time ;-) Ag
Agatha Macbeth: Bye Aphro
Eliza Madrigal: Ah, Maxine is prob at the pavillion... will wander over :)
Eliza Madrigal: then must come back and play at all the sites
Qt Core: time to go, bye all... and ty all!
arabella Ella is Online
Eliza Madrigal: Bye everyone, thanks!
Bleu Oleander: bye everyone who is leaving
Riddle Sideways: thank you all, and bye
Zen Arado: bye all must go
Bleu Oleander: thanks all