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    The theme for today is ENERGY.

    Where did your thoughts
    or your attention / awareness
    go when hearing that?

    We're all natural semi-experts
    at the skills and methods of Energy.
    Some time it will be helpful to compare notes,
    tips and techniques,
    but today I think we might start by
    reviewing some perspectives and ways of knowing.

    Such a general idea - energy -
    is not a device for thinking abstractly
    but an invitation to be articulate;
    to connect with specifics
    within a wider awareness.

    This "energy" isn't the electromagnetism of physics,
    it's the more organized and complex circulation
    of life, in its cells and layers,
    sheaths and channels
    within you and the live systems enclosing us.

    Some familiar ideas about Energy
    are that it's a process of things changing
    a set of practices, that one could cultivate
    by aligning ones behavior with natural rhythms and cycles;
    a bio-physical flow of metabolism and nourishment..

    Less familiar, perhaps:
    energy as an overall Quality.
    Qualities are that which emerge from the whole of something.

    A machine - say a BMW sports car or jet engine
    has power because of the quality and precision of its engineering.
    A human - say, an elite athlete
    likewise has worked to develop
    in ways that involve quality, precision, and subtlety.

    Living energy is a characteristic of the whole
    a qualitative achievement
    for all living organisms
    that have naturally evolved to levels of effectiveness
    that no human engineering can match.
    So many marvels that we take for granted;
    if only we knew it.

    Energy moves through us in cycles
    and each moment of the cycle has its own character.

    One such point, an important one
    is the point of Return
    where energy starts to rise again
    after being most relaxed or dissolved:
    like the freshness of waking in the morning
    or coming out of a deep mediation.

    Another perspective - one less often given attention
    but much more intimate
    is the felt sense of energy
    as a bodily experience.
    Energy is cosmic Play
    the in-the-moment pulsation of Life
    moving through you, AS you.

    Its potency is
    that it blends both sensing / receiving
    and acting / moving
    into a single act.

    Can you feel it, feel into it,
    sense how awareness can open and deepen it?
    This felt sense leads to an experience
    of "presence"
    and the ability to notice its contrary
    which we might call "absence",
    tension, or even "chaos".

    Chaos as an experience
    has a lot in common with Beauty:
    it's not in the Eye, or in the World
    but in their way of coming to meet.

    Where is your energy
    when you are not "present" with it?
    It isn't missing, it's gone on vacation
    and you stayed "home":
    It's happening  outside awareness
    and would probably enjoy your company.

    It may be "invested" in important things
    you're not looking at right now
    We'd like to have a kind view of these,
    though from the view of ego
    they look like not-me:
    emotional patterns,
    attachments, aversions, indifferences,
    conflicts, confusions,
    wandering parts of the soul, "ghosts",
    fascinating or irritating people,
    patterns of how we organize our living spaces.
    There may be stuck places, leaks, hot-spots, and so on.

    Our imagination offers the useful service
    of articulating these
    with however much poetry is needed
    to lend them sensibility.

    Can one call them back "home",
    offer them amnesty and a warm reception?

    Awareness, intention, courage
    help, but aren't enough:  
    acceptance and compassion support
    these to go through a transformation
    From It to Me to I to Big Mind.

    How does this happen?
    It starts with how one approaches and "holds" it.

    This brings up a key question:
    What holds YOU?
    In the sense of, what catches you if you let go ..
    what would you fall into?

    This is part of the story of Energy
    wherever you focus, there it is!
    How does it play out in your Life?

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