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    The theme for today is Grounding.

    Two other recent themes were Base and Space.

    We might have thought of these as nouns, as things
    but how to they work, and especially, work together?

    Many fields of knowledge are converging
    to the realization that what we do, who we are
    is intimately threaded with and expresses
    physical being
    embodiment and situation

    where we are in the world
    how we move
    how we touch and are touched

    how we dance with what is real
    is what it is to be real

    This includes
    feelings and emotions
    sensing and perception
    thought, language

    and even mathematics
    of number, space, and frequency

    so a lot depends
    on where we sit
    and how,
    how we stand
    both physically and metaphorically

    in relationship to the many realms.

    What does it mean to be "grounded"?
    It means to be functionally related to a base,
    to what we stand in
    or what holds us.

    Consider what conditions are in place
    when you are most alive and creative.

    When you are securely based
    and energetic:
    this combination
    creates "space".

    Space is not distance or hollowness
    but a kind of full emptiness
    that enfolds and embraces all things.

    Power rises up from the earth
    step by step
    and descends from heaven
    making a connection
    and one's sense of being becomes full

    Freedom to move.

    Being grounded is not a prescription,
    an element of spiritual hygiene or a "good idea"

    It's a fact to be investigated.
    We might find some freedom
    and a basis for improving things
    but in many ways, we have no choice.

    One can be grounded in different things,
    consciously or not:

    Grounded in a sense of "this" self
    in individualism
    in a sense of separation
    and a sense of community
    in various kinds of faith
    in one's habits and skills of thought
    in one's enthusiasms
    in one's emotional commitments to others
    in a belief in the power of intention

    in a meditation practice
    in the interactive surfaces of a computer screen

    in a body
    with its mixed vitalities and frailties

    in the air and water one takes for granted
    in the earth one takes for granted
    we rely on its good graces
    and, in the background
    know its troubles

    One grounding condition we might experience
    is to be "double weighted"
    This means, committed to two incompatible things
    at the same time
    as when one is distracted
    or disturbed in some way.

    If this goes on for long
    it saps energy and makes it hard to move.

    Sometimes a solution is
    to commit more fully to one thing at a time
    and move clearly from one to the next
    but this works only when the alternatives
    are truly important
    and a sacrifice makes sense.

    As long as the house is not burning down,
    when tired, sleep
    when hungry, eat
    when with others
    host them graciously.

    There's a paradox of perspective in looking at this:
    anything conceptual one entertains usually gets a spin on it
    to make things make sense for whatever "I" is currently in charge
    interprets things to its own profit and loss,
    turning things into prescriptions or goals,
    shoulds or "that would be nice if..." perspectives.
    A loss for this one,  is often a gain for the collective,
    the whole self or community of selves.
    Let's look for some very concrete examples.

    My chair is crooked
    (because it needs to be fixed)
    and as a result, my body is a certain way too
    and as a result, my attention is a certain way too.

    Attention is focused to the screen and task
    but part of it is taken by distractions.
    A clutter of papers:

    And in the back of my mind
    an ongoing story of concern for a friend.
    We live many lives in parallel.

    How big does an effect have to be
    to be significant?

    I's just a small example
    but the awareness of small things
    can be a big thing

    as can small things themselves.

    We don't live in environments of zen-like simplicity
    but might start to appreciate
    the quality of space they embody
    and the way they support grounding and presence.

    We can enter calm, spacious places
    and then take some of it with us when we leave.

    Getting "away from it all"
    as in going on a retreat
    is a way of letting go
    and re-grounding
    in something more basic
    and becoming more single-weighted

    Or we can do this in a few moments
    with internal awareness
    letting go of some concerns
    to return and settle into good relating.

    sleep was good last night,
    the laundry is fresh and folded,
    the kitchen is clean
    food production systems are reliable
    the city's waste management programs work well
    and all the rest...

    The earth is solid
    the sky is high
    and here we are.

    What examples of ground and space
    are in your life now?

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