Identification, Part 1

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    The theme for today is (A brief look at) Identification

    It's a word for a very complex type of process
    but I like root of its word meaning history:
    "over and over" or "again and again"

    because it takes us back to the primal act
    of contemplation
    what is this?
    who am I?

    We have to keep asking
    over and over

    because real entities aren't like numbers,
    eternally the same

    Who am I (or anyone)
    as a pattern that changes over time?
    Aspects of it come and go

    I don't think this can be answered
    (or would be satisfying to answer)
    in a philosophical sense

    But it does give hints about looking.

    Consider the feeling of
    "I'm not myself today"
    An aspect of my experience comes and goes
    it might seem really close
    even "inside"
    but it is not "me"

    Suppose I have a pain
    but it wasn't always there
    So that's not "me".

    Some aspects of experience seem not to change
    there's a sense of "always that way"
    so it's part of identity, who one "is"
    But it is still a "seeming"
    We might believe it is __possible__ for it to be different
    then it's not a facet of identity

    Identification (with respect to a sense of self)
    is about the things that seem that they don't change.

    The other end of the question of how things "are"
    is how they got to be this way
    how did I get to be this particular way?

    One answer is
    we were formed,
    and actively worked at that forming
    as a cooperative endeavor
    of an emerging self and the world
    of "things" and other selves.

    There are events, experiences,
    or perhaps long processes of learning
    that change one's sense of self.

    Looking at myself in the present moment
    reveals traces of those changes
    and "I" wouldn't be who I am today
    without them.

    The formation of "self"
    takes place at the edge of possibility
    where it tips over into actuality
    and that's a very uncertain
    and alive spot

    but one at which we don't fully comprehend
    what is going on

    awareness is incomplete in the moment
    memory helps
    I might remember
    that what seems "always the same" now
    wasn't always.

    Can we take this to our specific, lived experience?
    Can we "catch it in the act"?

    What are some examples of "identification"
    in the sense of something seeming part of
    or not part of
    I (as I experience)
    or Me (as I think OF myself)
    or "My Self"?

    What seems "over and over"?
    What seems like it is changing, or might change,
    or that I want to change?

    How does the "seeming" itself change?

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