Presence to Self, Recapitulation

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    The theme for today is "Recapitulation on Presence to Self"

    Recent themes have invited inquiry into "self"
    as an experience
    as the interplay of reality and awareness
    and the idea that this could be apprehended
    by mindfulness, or alertness, or attention
    at least
    in part
    in such a way that something new emerges
    but not so much for finding "answers",
    grasping things with simple concepts and formulas
    or striving to fix things or change things.

    But "thinking" beyond (though including) language
    And perhaps a different sense of engagement.

    Anything that "came up" is just right
    when we went to look at these themes
    and a lot of different things came up.

    I'd like to try something we haven't done here before

    To review things we talked about
    in the previous meetings
    and see what they mean today.

    We might remember where these things came from
    before they became figures of speech:
    from experience
    from moments of pause
    sometimes surrounded with the allowing space of meditation

    To do this effectively
    I find it helps to gather myself
    like I'm getting ready to go out
    on an interesting outdoor walk
    to see some sights

    and find just the right distance
    from what is being said
    to be able to both observe
    and also be moved by it

    like the story of Goldilocks and the porridge
    not too hot, not too cold,
    just right.

    And, it's a bit tricky sometimes
    not to be hypnotized by language
    into thinking the words refer to something independent
    or that they always mean the same thing
    or any particular thing at all.

    But they meant something when we said them
    (perhaps more than we can grasp even while saying them)
    and they may continue to mean something
    (in an interesting, or confusing, or courageous way)
    or move towards meaning something different or new.

    You might sense them as a collage
    or a reminder of an insight
    or something you'd like to get back into,

    Or pick up and go with one or two highlights

    Which might seem a bit sad
    since they all have dignity and importance
    but there's always a choice of
    which few get focus and attention

    the others may be happy (or not)
    to live on in the subconscious
    and in the minds and actions of other people
    active and alive there in many ways.

    That was then, this is now,
    and the words speak across the greater present moment.

    Here they are:
    I touch the metaphorical lamp the Genie swirls out
    of the many ideas and responses and things we said recently
    related to experience of self:

    Experience and words
        Making sense with a vehicle to share
        Sometimes dancing, or expressing through artistic means
    Need for words?
    Language as
        A source of false either/or choices
    Thinking lately
        that I say the same things over and over again
        and would like to be open to diversity
    In-the-world mindfulness
        What is it
        Is it possible?
        What are some impediments?
        in my own way
        Could it be
        To recognize all facets of a particular reality
        look at it unflinchingly
        seeing and accepting what IS
        rather than pushing it out of awareness
        or making a fantasy
    Avoiding certain realities
        that provoke
    Emotions I don't accept within myself
        Feeling sorry for myself
        Sadness, anxiety, or depression
        I have remedies for these ...
    Dependency, loss of dignity, aging
        Have them, struggle with them
        I have my preferences!
    Life is real when "I am"
    Knowing / experiencing
        beyond language
        through self
        as self
    Trying (or not)
        to figure things out
    Theory making creatures
        resting with it
        falling through
            into depression
        Could the sadness become a friend?
    Why keep reading
        spiritual books?
    Uncertainty, insecurity, vulnerability
    One way of getting into it
        The "charnel house" contemplation
    Social conditioning
        to not
            Trust in self
    Looking plainly at self
        is scary
        as making pictures
        examining where it is false
        as suffering
        are beautiful
    One needs a little madness
        to break the ropes

    That's the end of the list.

    We now put the genie back into the bottle.

    The floor is open
    for sharing ideas and experiences.

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