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    The theme for today is the Three P's.

    I'll try to be brief this time
    to allow us more time for free talk
    because I think we have plenty of experience by now
    with holding questions in a disciplined way
    and turning them back to the realm of personal or direct experience.

    (also, I'm trying to limit my keyboard use for health purposes)

    What do I mean by "Three P's"?
    Put on your mindsight hat
    to start noticing where we go
    when I give them Names:

    Pleasure, Pain, and Play.
    Three things that we've touched on a lot lately.

    There may be an immediate "attractor" notion
    to this combination of words
    so we might mention it in passing

    Beyond the initial, sort of automatic associations
    we might review the idea
    that these words refer to principles
    with a lot of philosophical inquiry
    in many systems:
    Attachment, Aversion,
    Something like "Lila" for Play.

    And note there are a lot of confused understandings
    and mixed metaphors
    in common folk psychology
    as well as neuropsychological ideas
    with a presence of "economic" thinking
    like "dopamine" and "reward center".

    But I'd like to turn it back again
    and consider the constant presence
    of these three items
    in personal experience
    in everyday life
    in the present moment.

    By present moment
    I mean whatever you consider is going on for you
    "now" or "recently" enough
    that it hasn't receded into the script book
    of what's called "discursive memory".

    And in setting this up
    I want to make a suggestion:
    "Trust the Images"
    (and we can talk more about that in the future, too)

    So let's consider these three principles
    in our personal experience:
    When do they show up?
    What's the relationship between them?
    What are you learning, or struggling with, lately?

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