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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
2008.07.15 01:00 - Challenging Environments
2008.07.15 07:00 - Worlds crossing and coliding
2008.07.15 19:00 - Eyes Wide Shut
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
2008.07.16 01:00 - Mu
2008.07.16 07:00 - Listening to Understand
2008.07.16 13:00 - Playing and explaining
2008.07.16 19:00 - Russian Roulette
Thursday, July 17, 2008
2008.07.17 01:00 - Teleport to Play as Being
2008.07.17 07:00 - Get to Know the Accuser
2008.07.17 13:00 - Exactly It
2008.07.17 19:00 - Above the Water
Friday, July 18, 2008
2008.07.18 01:00 - Staying Up
2008.07.18 13:00 - To Beer or Not To Beer?
Saturday, July 19, 2008
2008.07.19 01:00 - You Seeing and Being Seeing
2008.07.19 19:00 - Come Back to Yourself in an Essential Way
Monday, July 21, 2008
2008.07.21 01:00 - Attaching to Meditation?
2008.07.21 07:00 - Seeing the Path
2008.07.21 13:00 - Natural Rest
2008.07.21 19:00 - Clear Cloudless Sky
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
2008.07.22 13:00 - Being is Seeing Being
2008.07.22 01:00 - Peace and Quiet
2008.07.22 19:00 - The Paradox of Journaling
2008.07.22 07:00 - Alone but not so
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
2008.07.23 01:00 - The Joy of Science
2008.07.23 07:00 - Good Hearts, Good Talk
Thursday, July 24, 2008
2008.07.24 01:00 - To See or not to See
2008.07.24 07:00 - What the World Needs Now
2008.07.24 13:00 - Experience and change
2008.07.24 19:00 - the Little Voice
Friday, July 25, 2008
2008.07.25 01:00 - Very Weird
2008.07.25 13:00 - Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu
2008.07.25 19:00 - In Fresh Snow
Saturday, July 26, 2008
2008.07.26 07:00 - Journey to Ithaca
2008.07.26 19:00 - Don't Worry Be Happy
Sunday, July 27, 2008
2008.07.27 19:00 - Joy in Being Here
Monday, July 28, 2008
2008.07.28 01:00 - Stepping out of the way
2008.07.28 07:00 - Open Source
2008.07.28 13:00 - I Love It When Someone Does That
2008.07.28 19:00 - Banana Nut Bread
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
2008.07.29 13:00 - White Elephants
2008.07.29 01:00 - Lor & Loa
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
2008.07.30 01:00 - We'll Never Know
2008.07.30 07:00 - Autopilot and the Sweet Spot
Thursday, July 31, 2008
2008.07.31 01:00 - From YSBS to ESBS
2008.07.31 13:00 - Latteman!
2008.07.31 19:00 - Faith or Knowing?
Friday, August 01, 2008
2008.08.01 01:00 - Fragile Yet Invulnerable
2008.08.01 07:00 - Adding a Lump Sum at the End of the Day
2008.08.01 13:00 - Good and Bad Attachments?
2008.08.01 19:00 - Short-Circuiting
Saturday, August 02, 2008
2008.08.02 01:00 - Quiet Night
2008.08.02 07:00 - Taking Pleasure in Each Other
2008.08.02 13:00 – God, god, belief, religion… Being… and PaB
Sunday, August 03, 2008
2008.08.03 01:00 - Drop things in a different way
2008.08.03 07:00 - Pride: Attachment or Ego?
2008.08.03 1300 -- Our animal natures
2008.08.03 19:00 - Neuroscience and Architecture
Monday, August 04, 2008
2008.08.04 01:00- Can we change reality?
2008.08.04 07:00 - Getting Tired of Walls
2008.08.04 13:00 - Everything is thought?
2008.08.04 19:00 - Avoiding Repetitive Reality Syndrome
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
2008.08.05 01:00 - Dropping Extra Baggage
2008.08.05 07:00 - Six hour Session
2008.08.05 13:00 - Memory is Strange and Complex
2008.08.05 19:00 - Challenges and benefits of the external world
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
2008.08.06 01:00 - Pancakes
2008.08.06 07:00 - The Meeting You're Not In
2008.08.06 19:00 - Who Knows?
Thursday, August 07, 2008
2008.08.07 01:00 - Disarming Self?
Friday, August 08, 2008
2008.08.08 13:00 - Attachments and Compassion
2008.08.08 19:00 - Define Compassion
Saturday, August 09, 2008
2008.08.09 01:00 - Being authentic
2008.08.09 07:00 - Go Fly
2008.08.09 13:00 - Impressions, Faith, Lessons and Stories
2008.08.09 19:00 - Interruptions
Sunday, August 10, 2008
2008.08.10 13:00 - Strands and threads
2008.08.10 19:00 - Zowie!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
2008.08.11 07:00 - Like "Gristle"
2008.08.11 13:00 - Friendly to Words
2008.08.11 19:00 - Pragmatic for a Moment
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
2008.08.12 01:00 - Late Night or Early Morning?
2008.08.12 07:00 - Still Raining, Still pushing
2008.08.12 19:00 - Hard to Believe
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
2008.08.13 01:00 - A Necklace and a World Time Clock
2008.08.13 07:00 - Selves
2008.08.13 19:00 - Mindfulness and orientation
Thursday, August 14, 2008
2008.08.14 01:00 - Not Much Going On
2008.08.14 07:00 - Framing the Conversation
2008.08.14 13:00 - What were we talking about?!
2008.08.14 19:00 – 9 Guardians with 1 Cookieman
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