The theme for today is PLACES
We live our lives in places.
Places are more than just empty space filled with objects.
Places have qualities, have a life of their own.
Our minds, our brains and bodies, evolved to be, see, and act in places, and with people.
Places 'are' us. A map of the places we've lived in, visited, and imagined is a map of who we are, as a person and collectively.
Let's take a road trip on that map in our imagination, driving its scenic highways, standing on its peaks, browsing its shops and galleries and libraries, chatting in its town squares.
We may return again with a wider appreciation of where we live now, how we create and are created by it. What is "home"?
Today's theme is an invitation to review our sense of place,
real places, remembered places, imagined places, types of places,
and come back with renewed awareness of the values and qualities these places bring or evoke.
We can't visit all these places today, but can go on this journey again at any time.
Let your intuition be your tour guide as we think and talk about:
Places I like ... what is it about this place? Or about me in this place?
Places I don't like.
Places that made an unusual impression on me.
Places I have enjoyed visiting.
Places I changed how I felt about.
Places I would like to go back to.
Places I'd like to visit ... in the present or the past.
Places that have affected me.
Places that I've affected, or left my mark on, or had a role in shaping.
Places that are changing, for the better... or for the worse.
Places that have a fascination for unknown reasons.
Places that show up in my dreams.
When I "combine" myself with places, what happens? What qualities emerge?
Perhaps I'm invited or inspired to feel calm. Or active. Or sensitive. Or strong. Or inspired. Or fun. Or creative.
How do places affect the life of my imagination?
Maybe if I become aware of how I am with specific places, I can start to have more "place intelligence" or attunement.