Space, Part 1

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    The theme for today is Space.
    Which is a good follow-up to Base.

    To relax, is to fall into base.
    To relax deeply one might fall into Ground,
    called, being "grounded"
    And "under" that, earth, then space.

    These are metaphors, but also real
    in that you can find them all around and always present.

    Gravity is a "real metaphor"
    from which we can learn a lot.

    When space is more complete, it can become emptiness.

    What is this, as an experience?
    Leaving aside the stories we tell ourselves or others
    when thinking about it.

    What might we notice, approaching it?

    What happens when one relaxes?

    A sense of space
    then a movement, a stretch, maybe a yawn
    and the feeling after that is
    relaxed again
    but with a bit more space.

    Body knows space better than the mind.
    Your toes and elbows and back of your neck
    have stories to tell.

    There may be other clues about it
    as a State of Consciousness
    where mind resonates with space?
    Hypnagogia, perhaps
    A sudden experience of images being liberated
    the opening of the doorway between senses

    Common aspects of sleep or meditation -
    you might find them in the waking state
    with attention and relaxation
    mixed into experience at a deeper level.

    One time I noticed this more starkly
    I was on a meditation retreat
    in a storefront "school" in Oakland, Cal.
    right next to a stop light and bus stop.
    Bus engines and boom boxes
    coexisted with deep meditation.

    Often though when meditating
    one starts with an "I don't wanna" feeling
    having forgotten the deliciousness of space

    But if you know this
    you can spend time
    with a dual awareness
    and something that fills it
    or seems to get in the way.

    This is standing "in the gap"
    between being and non-being

    What is it like
    for the sense of Self
    when you enter that space?

    When is it,
    that you feel more Space in your life,
    or less?

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