E. Month of November

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We moved into the new pavilion in Bieup in Novmber 3, 2008. Storm had created this lovely structure earlier but it was expected that autologging would proceed our arrival. there was some discussion about what to name this structure and some call it "Playgoda". Storm also created a scenic balloon ride to take one from the old pavilion to the new. In addition we created visitor cards for visitors and Stormn set up three places where visitors could pick them up themselves.

The Sunday morning guardian meeting was replaced with four guardian meetings on Saturday 19:00, Sunday 13:00, Monday 07:00 and Tuesday 01:00. The first of these took place on Staurday, November 3.

Moon continued to improve the new PaB Library.


PaB Library Reading Room 

Science programs begin to take place at the Kira Cafe including an "Ask the Astronomer" session.

Thanks to Storm, Storm, Pema and I begin discussions toward creating an Art Exhibition for the Hall of Appearance in Rieul.

First Dialogue: Pema and Stim held the first of a series of dialogues on November 4 (U.S.Election Day) at 13:00. The first was on the "three notions of Being". To set the stage, Pema challenged us in an email with the following:

1) when we start with our usual understanding of who we are and what the world is we find ourselves in, we can look at something wider, more open, more basic, and call that Being.  One way to get more in touch with that form of Being is to drop what you have to see what you are, in order to discover more of Being.  There are many expressions that are used traditionally, such as "higher self" or "unconscious."  As an example of a possible use of this notion of Being, you can try to step out of the way, in a not-doing (wu-wei) fashion, letting Being speak/act, rather than you.

2) when we continue to explore, we may get a sense of a much more ultimate/radical form of Being, beyond all distinctions, beyond all dualities and dichotomies.  Stepping back from the you who you think you are, to the Being above as a kind of higher self to an even more refined notion of a person to notions that go beyond the personal-impersonal, etc, opposites, we ultimately arrive at something beyond words, for which we can use the word Being, but in a far more radical way that in 1).

3) finally, after we get more familiar with both 1) and 2), we may begin to see how Being is neither the next big breakthrough, around the corner, nor the ultimate goal of a very long journey, but rather what IS, already, in and as everything that presents itself, here and now.  Being IS, and all and everything is presented as/by/in Being.  And like in 1) and 2), this Being is a precious resource -- but this time it does not function as inspiration and aspiration, but much more directly as we already ARE, more intimately and more close than anything we normally consider intimate and close.

To put it in a picture, as a line: if we find ourself at a point X, then 1) and 2) can be put down as follows on this line:

X -> 1) -> . . . -> 2)

So 1) is the next big step; 2) is the endpoint of infinitely many steps, and 3) is the white space on which this picture of the line is written.

Stim's response:

Stim Morane: That's a tricky question. Basically, I think it's important to remember that this little scheme of three types of Being was motivated by the perception that in a group, where people are talking about Being, they may be referring to different things and does create some confusion in the chat
Stim Morane: *thus create
Stim Morane: so the scheme helps sort out what might otherwise be confusing
Stim Morane: Another way the scheme could be used, is as a summary of the way a contemplative exploration plays out over fairly long periods of time.
Stim Morane: A third way, is that it actually gives people a blueprint for proceeding.
Stim Morane: If we interpret it in this third way, then it probably needs much more discussion in order to be optimized for Play as Being.

Taste of November:

Finding Words with which to Speak (November 3 07:00):

Solobill Laville needs to take a course in speaking about the unspeakable
Adams Dubrovna: :)
Pema Pera: yes, we have to develop a vocabulary together, let's do so!
Gaya Ethaniel asks Solo to sign her up as well
Solobill Laville: Well, we've done a fairly good job so far

New Guardians:

Becka Finesmith became a guardian. The total number of guardians was 38 at the end of November.

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