The Personal Writings of Archmage Atlantis.
General Comments
This is my personal chronicle of my Play as Being experience.
On being a newbee at PaB, one avatars experience.
I'll need to go back and research my notes on when I first came to PaB. It was "word of text" from ppl I met in my initial Alexandria Novus project, but I can't remember the original date.
1) On 1 AM SL Meetings
Lately the 1 AM meetings have been relatively unattended. I understand this in the Americas, but in Europe and Africa, which run several hours later local time there, I wonder why that is. I think this is especially puzzling for me, as my first friends in SL, at PaB, and on Facebook were from an Ireland/England/Germany/South Africa nexus.
2) On Voice Sessions in SL
I am stil having problems with voice and my PC equipment. I've purchased various mikes and headphones, but I can't get a reliable solution. Originally I would attend the session anyway, but it doesn't seem meaningful to go to a voice session without being able to use voice.
The Event Horizon
Science gives us a glimpse of how things work, it give no answers as to why.....Arch.
Back to the Beginning
I first came into second life when I read about it in a news magazine of the period, Time magazine I think, in late 2006.....The article I read talked about the promise of virtual worlds, and second life in particular, for academia and business sessions geared toward learning and sharing of knowledge.
Of course, that was not what I found.....Like all human endeavors, it seems that in the early periods there has to be sexual attraction to generate interest, so the easiest thing to find was not what I was looking for from SL.
Later, as my world changed, mostly due to a cluster of disabilities that were not in my life plan, I was forced to look at what my life might be about. Having no siblings, children, living parents, or close family, many of the usual portions of life's meaning to many was not immediately available.
Somehow, over an extended period, the idea arouse that working to preserve the learning of humanity would be a fulfilling goal. So I returned to SL to, as I eventually wrote in an notecard, to build a new form of library.
Alexandria Novus
The notecard read:
Alexandria Novus Project 2009-09-13
Statement Of Purpose Of – The New Library of Alexandria in SL
The ancient Library of Alexandria (~300 BC - early AD) was charged with collecting all written
human knowledge. Its destruction was a severe loss to the perpetuation of that knowledge, and
to the advancement of human understanding.
Now, humanity’s store of wisdom and knowledge exists in numerous forms--books, art, music,
and especially electronic media. This “wealth” could easily disappear, again causing a serious
loss to civilization, unless measures are taken to preserve the availability of these materials in
accessible forms for all time to come. While no longer accomplishable under one roof, current
and future technology must be used to insure its continuous existence.
The purpose of this “Alexandria Novus” project, The New Library of Alexandria, is to provide a
focal point and gathering place where participants can come together to develop and carry out
plans that will accomplish the goal of continuous preservation, propagation, and growth of the
recorded record of the fruits of human intellect."
The statement was composed by ThreeDee Shephard, based on our mutual conversations.
Early foundation
Having some funds at the time, I obtained a sim....ThreeDee built an building with convention rooms, and Moon Fargis and Stargate Tone landscaped a beautiful garden surrounding the convention hall.
My notes for moving forward at the time read ....."A leader for this project is vital.
A leader should be someone with the insight and knowledge to bring together and lead a group in this effort. The leader is not a book collector or an artifact collector or a technician. Rather it is someone who has the knowledge and ability to not only find the people for this project, but to find the funding and resources that it will need."
"Given minimal resources at the start, the initial group who are convened will have as a first order of business writing a compelling prospectus that will generate the funding that is needed to continue. It is possible that a paid "Executive Director" can support a volunter committee of experts to then move the project forward. Even if the experts give of their time freely, funds will be needed to carry our actual, concrete projects. The intent of those projects is to make the technology needed into a reality."
5/27/2011 CE
BCE and was a moment in time (with regards to Pema) where the world changed in the West (I'm sure that will require explanation some day).
Used to be AD and BC.
Rabbi Hillel lived in that broad time........perhaps this segment of writing is about the individuals who have most influenced me, though I am not a scholar of their works......I will list them now, as to remember, and later come back to see why I listed them.....some are quite well known, perhaps all, ......., I think I hear them as an observer, not as being here goes......Socrates, Luther, Calvin, Siddhartha, Hillel, Joseph Smith, Darwin, Galileo, Watson & Crick, and my idol, Gregor Mendel.
5/30/2011 CE
The Mantis arrives
Today I saw my first Mantis on the window screen......Nature is coming back into balance.....soon I will see (I hope) my first black snake........Jerry stopped me yesterday to listen to the song of the birds....not the simple song, the complex one of, perhaps, the Mocking Bird......He has often pointed out the hammering of the pecker, the sound, not the view.......his eyes are weaker than mine, and mine are 20/3
Koya M
Koyaanisqatsi is a Hopi word which means "world out of balance...a state of life that calls for another way."
Marie is of French origin. Variant of Mary (Latin) "star of the sea"
The Avocado Ripens 5/31/2011
OMG, I am watching Eat Pry Love, the utlimate chick flick, at 2 AM in the morning, oy ver
6/24/2011 CE
Summer Rains
Finally, the rain is returning to Florida.......I actually am hearing the white frogs chirping like birds....those who survived the dry times must have been triggered into mating, so soon tadpoles, then tiny frogs everywhere.....I think that was Moses trick, he made the Pharoah believe that what is natural was unnatural.......anyway, I am glad to hear them singing again........I must admit that in the interim meeting bears and panthers was kinda cool.......Perhaps I could have recognized the earlier signs, especially the bobwhite, aka quail, twirling their distinctive song in the post mid-night nighttime......but even at my age, learning continues.
Koya, Nimbus & Chester
This is a difficult topic. 2 rl and 1 sl cat who all are responsible for life on this, did I say that....anyway 2 bengals and a tiger cub (nice thing about sl is one doesn't have to grow into an adult tiger *grin*)......I need to let this percolate a bit more before I can write it, tonight is the first time all 3 have seemed to "come together" (talk about old music *smile*).