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No headersPema announced four Being sessions to begin January 8 at the following days and times:
Saturdays, 7 pm SLT (Pema) <== three hours from now
Sundays, 1 pm SLT (Maxine)
Mondays, 7 am (Eden)
Tuesdays, 1 am (Wester)
Eden began a week early on January 3 following the format at the December Second Life retreat.
Bruce Mowbray: I literally live 50 miles from even the POSSIBILITY of finding something like PaB in RL.
Bruce Mowbray: So, PaB is first and foremost ACCESS to people who think, who care, who explore, who stay in the Open Questions about life.
Bruce Mowbray: and I am SO GRATEFUL for this.
Bruce Mowbray: To me, playing and loving are very close. . .
Bruce Mowbray: I cannot really PLAY without being myself and without being honest.
Bruce Mowbray: Nor can I love without being myself and without being honest.
Bruce Mowbray: So -- PaB is a place where I have access to Playing and to Loving - - - and at the bottom of it all, that's why I'm here:
Bruce Mowbray: to play to love to be played with and to be loved.
Session 1
first official session was on January 8 and began with everyone having a chance to define what PaB meant to them. Bruce conjured up a wonderful image:
Bruce Mowbray: PaB is a campfire - one with unimaginably ancient roots - around which we gather, dance, and share our many diverse tales and ponderings.
Later in response to prodding Pema said a bit more:
Pema Pera: for me, my relationship with Being is deeply devotional
Pema Pera: but not in a way like with an external God
Pema Pera: it is very paradoxical
Pema Pera: but devotion can be without separation
Pema Pera: and without supplication
Pema Pera: or begging in any form as from a needy position
Pema Pera: I don't know whether that makes any sense at all
Pema Pera: does anyone like to respond or add their angles?
Maxine Walden: I resonate with a sense of reverence toward the vastness of being and the universe
Archmage Atlantis: For me there are degrees of the awareness of Being, and the fluctuation of that awareness is Being itself
Archmage Atlantis: An example is I look at the sky and see the blueness of it, tomorrow I look at the sky and see the vastness of it, some other day I look at the sky and see the birds flying in it......yet in each awareness, I look at the sky
Session 2:
During the
next Being session, Maxine was guardian. the question about what PaB meant to people was posed again.
Wol Euler: well, I came to it by chance, except that I tend to believe that there is no such thing as "by chance" :)
Wol Euler: in retrospect I was looking for a way to get back into meditation, and certainly found that here.
Wol Euler: the practices were a great help, and the discussion of mindfulness and appreciation and such were very interesting and ... mentally invigorating, can one say that?
Wol Euler: PaB is three things, a community, a set of practices, and a place where people meet to talk. It seems to me that the talking is drifting from the others, and I know I'm not the only one who feels this.
Eos Amaterasu: Re pratice, one interesting question I find is how to be authentically, not so much coming from "I" or what I think I want, but from giving up into how being is effulging... ((( )))) :-)
Eden Haiku: Play as Being now is sitting in a circle of friendly people
Eden Haiku: sharing the silence
Eden Haiku: in a virtual world
Eden Haiku: happy to be here with you all
Eden Haiku: so far away in RL
Eden Haiku: yet, I can feel your presence
Eden Haiku: like invisible threads through the fountain
Eden Haiku: and it's very nurturing
Eden Haiku: sometimes exhilarating
Eden Haiku: sometimes poetic
Eden Haiku: sometimes deep
Eden Haiku: always friendly :)
Zen Arado: I find Pab a place to discuss ideas about life and being, and ways of knowing and thinking about that by drawing on our collective experiences. I'm learning to open to all of life and not just little parts that fit my assumptions and preconceptions. I'm learning to be creative by facing my fears. And learning by creating with others and enjoying the richness and broadness of that, and feeling it opening and transforming my ideas and thoughts about life and allowing me to drop them.