Illuminating the themes of Play as Being,an ongoing series of arts projects, “Art of Being,” has begun for the village area, where PaB members can participate in and work together. It makes the village area a more dynamic place of being with everyone working together and learning to build. We use the expertise of more skilled members to teach us and work with us. The goal of the project is to reinforce the PaB themes creatively and visually. We will eventually incorporate music, poetry, photography, and performance arts. Each work of art should have a notecard for visitors that would explain PaB and the specific theme the work was depicting. Initially, our first project started with limitations on number of prims, size, colors, and no textures, no sound, few particles, simply shape and color. Within these parameters, we participated individually or as small groups and presented works of art that illuminated PaB themes and fits the following guidelines: The limits are: No more than 50 prims; only use color, no textures, no sound, limited particles; and limit size to under 10 sqm We used the “prim” as a metaphor for being; using shades of colors for the many colors of being; using transparency for revealing being; dropping textures as a metaphor for “PaB dropping” Many of us participated and filled the Village Square with art!