2018.12.18 07:00 - our 19c ancestors and gifts

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.

    Riddle Sideways: thank you, Listener Master
    Adams Rubble: Hello Riddle :)
    Riddle Sideways: Hello Adams
    Adams Rubble: brb phone

    Riddle Sideways: was off finishing dream journal entry
    Adams Rubble: back--had to reschedule a denatal appt
    Adams Rubble tired after nasty drive this morning
    Adams Rubble: how are you this morning?
    Riddle Sideways: more dential stuff?
    Adams Rubble: yes, always more dental stuff. hehe
    Adams Rubble: our 19c ancestors would not understand

    Riddle Sideways: and nasty morning NJ drive, traffic, weather
    Adams Rubble: weather was pretty good today--was dark on way up and sun in eyes on return
    Riddle Sideways: our 19c ancestors would understand, think travel was always bad
    Riddle Sideways: "Sorry dear that I am late, was stuck behind a slow ox"
    Adams Rubble: little visitor was just here doing a dance
    Riddle Sideways: awwww
    Adams Rubble: stuck in the mud
    Riddle Sideways: yes

    Riddle Sideways: strange night here, dead asleep until 3 and unknown reason to wake
    Adams Rubble is still going through the Brontes
    Riddle Sideways: no dreams, no cats
    Adams Rubble knows middle of the night wake ups
    Riddle Sideways: seemed awake for hours, saw 5:43. Then huge long reunion dream that went on and on through parts of older dreamscapes. Like re-mix pieces of films

    Riddle Sideways: fitbit was in charger so was not recording
    Adams Rubble: fitbit records dreams?
    Riddle Sideways: records guesses at levels of sleep
    Riddle Sideways: REM times and lengths
    Adams Rubble: oh my
    Riddle Sideways: mostly why it is worn
    Riddle Sideways: the nag over not getting 10K steps is anoying
    Adams Rubble: :(
    Riddle Sideways: nice soft vibrate alarm during dark of the year if it is getting late for PaB
    Riddle Sideways: alarm that does not wake others

    Riddle Sideways: any hoo, Your giving session last week stuck
    Riddle Sideways: most of the week was thinking to give back to those that give
    Riddle Sideways: and care for those that care
    Riddle Sideways: kept coming up
    Riddle Sideways: it was a good week
    Adams Rubble: :))))

    Adams Rubble: just one more--are the $100 plus models much better than the $36 models
    Riddle Sideways: ?
    Adams Rubble: fitbits
    Riddle Sideways: oooo
    Riddle Sideways: yes,
    Riddle Sideways: think the cheap ones don't have sleep stuff
    Riddle Sideways: yet,. the most expensive ones are for runners, and professional exercisers
    Adams Rubble was thinking of gifts
    Adams Rubble: sorry to interrupt your thread
    Riddle Sideways: and many get exchangable bands
    Riddle Sideways: for fashion
    Adams Rubble: fashion not a consideration
    Riddle Sideways: right, still using the original black plastic band
    Riddle Sideways: have a friend that has a dozen and changes with outfits
    Adams Rubble: :)

    Adams Rubble: I don't know if I talked about it but I have been thinking of the new year as a gift
    Riddle Sideways: not heard that, but great idea
    Adams Rubble: thinking that all the different seasons are part of the gift to explore and appreciate
    Adams Rubble: the coldest, freezing day
    Adams Rubble: the biggest, nastiest snowstorm
    Adams Rubble: the hottest summer day
    Adams Rubble: all part of the gift
    Adams Rubble: shhh
    Riddle Sideways: putting that positive spin on everything
    Riddle Sideways: tis a gift to be simple
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: watching something with a minister saying Grace before meal
    Riddle Sideways: going on about how today is a gift ...
    Riddle Sideways: everybody else looking at the food getting cold
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: one woman in the back smiling and nodding
    Riddle Sideways: knowing

    Riddle Sideways: getting to the point we need 2 remote controls here while watching
    Riddle Sideways: every few moments one of us wants to Pause
    Riddle Sideways: and one here knits. has to pause to count stitchs or backup when not seeing the dark stranger introduced
    Riddle Sideways: the gift of rewind to view again

    Riddle Sideways: our 19c ancestors could not rewind
    Riddle Sideways: had to be in first life in real time
    Adams Rubble: they could go out at night and wonder at the stars and the milky way
    Riddle Sideways: can now also. just hit Pause
    Riddle Sideways: of course that involves the gift of finding that darn remove

    Riddle Sideways: our 19c ancestors had 90-sec pauses for adverts
    Riddle Sideways: go meditate on the last segment
    Riddle Sideways: or get up, walk, stretch, shake the Fitbit
    Riddle Sideways: and get more chocolate
    Riddle Sideways: Live Ed Sullivan did not give time to go outside and look at the milky way

    Riddle Sideways: Always thought father was magical
    Riddle Sideways: every time he would stand and say "Let's all go outside for a bit" at night
    Riddle Sideways: there would suddenly be a lunar eclipse
    Riddle Sideways: or a shoshting stars event
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: he had the gift of knowing when those things were happening
    Riddle Sideways: and alerting us
    Adams Rubble: that was a nice picture

    Riddle Sideways: the other day, saw that friend that always says "have your best day"
    Adams Rubble: little moments of thoughtfulness rememembered
    Riddle Sideways: and she does live that way
    Riddle Sideways: think that for years she has seen each day as the gift
    Riddle Sideways: that it is
    Adams Rubble: :)

    Adams Rubble: thank you for being here today :)
    Adams Rubble: and the good thoughts
    Riddle Sideways: thank you
    Adams Rubble: I will be here this Thursday :)
    Riddle Sideways: ok, will try to be
    Riddle Sideways: thank you for the gifts
    Adams Rubble: I will be less distracted then :)
    Adams Rubble: bye for now :)
    Riddle Sideways: by All

    Riddle Sideways: Red Skelton use to close each episode with his smile and "Goob byee and may G-d Bless"

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