2019.08.05 07:00 - Double, Double Toil and Trouble

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Eden Haiku. The comments are by Eden Haiku.


    Eden, Riddle and Adams Kira (he's the one who took the picture, thanks to you young Adams!)

    The privilege to record your words


    Eden Haiku: Good morning Riddle :)

    Riddle Sideways: good Morning, Eden

    Eden Haiku: How was your journey to the East Coast?

    Riddle Sideways: pretty good, some fun, some visiting, some relatives, some airports

    Eden Haiku: Nice to hear :)

    Riddle Sideways: read the log, but forgot to add comment "Waves back"

    Eden Haiku: smiles

    Eden Haiku: So sorry to hear about the mass shootings in Texas and Ohio....

    Riddle Sideways: Hard to believe it is now 2 a weekend

    Eden Haiku: I know...

    Riddle Sideways: hard to understand

    Adams Kira: Hello Eden and Riddle :)

    Eden Haiku: Good morning Adams!

    Riddle Sideways: Welcome Adams Kira

    bRiddle Sideways: have you been here before?

    Eden Haiku: Adams Kira :))

    Adams Kira: yes, I have thank you

    Adams Kira: not for a long long time

    Adams Kira: I was once on a Pab SL Retreat

    Eden Haiku: Do you still grant us the privilege to record your words?


    The Adams family


    Adams Kira: ha ha, of course

    Riddle Sideways: yes

    Eden Haiku: Thank you Adams Kira. Nice shoes :)

    Adams Kira: People often talk about the Adams family and forget about me

    Adams Kira: nice white outfit eden :)

    Eden Haiku: Thanks :)

    Riddle Sideways: ha, had not connected the ref to The Adams Family

    Eden Haiku: Neither I....

    Adams Kira: I am the young Adams

    Adams Kira: I have much to learn

    Eden Haiku: Nice to meet you young Adams :)

    Riddle Sideways: Ah, if oneuses quotes in the wiki search it gets results




    Riddle Sideways: being reminded there was a practice of using a grayer font for the Hi, Hello, Hi, hi, hey sections in the logs

    Adams Kira: From my understanding, one of the other Adamses did not think she had anything to wear this morning

    Adams Kira: How are you all doing this morning?

    Eden Haiku: hey hey...

    Riddle Sideways: That thing of having 50+ red dresses and nothing to wear

    Eden Haiku: Sad about the shootings...

    Adams Kira shrugs

    Adams Kira: yes, terrible about the shootings

    Riddle Sideways: Sad about the world that those shootings happens in




    Eden Haiku: Had a wonderful day ina medicinal herbs garden in the mountains yesterday

    Adams Kira: I gave another donation to the Brady group

    Adams Kira: nice Eden

    Adams Kira: our outing last Saturday ended up calling AAA and getting a new battery

    Riddle Sideways: oh dear

    Riddle Sideways: an on the side of the road trip

    Adams Kira: the clouds were spectacular


    "The clouds were spectacular" says young Adams Kira (his photo, thanks!)



    Eden Haiku: So peaceful up there, sun and wind, cool air, so many flowers, butterflies and these insects that jump and make a rattling sound....Can't remember their name in English. Oh sorry about the car"adventure" Adams :(

    Riddle Sideways: saw the 'Clouds' blog title, but not read yet

    Riddle Sideways:crickets?

    Adams Kira:grasshoppers?

    Riddle Sideways: Locusts?

    Adams Kira: I like walking in a meadow in summer

    Adams Kira: all the insects jumping and flying

    Eden Haiku: Locusts yes! Grasshopper! You guys are swifter than Google Translation!

    Eden Haiku: Not read your blogpost either yet. 

    Adams Kira just notices he has a fancy animation hud; like airplane controls

    Eden Haiku: Was so tired after walking 19,359 steps in a day and climbing a lot

    Riddle Sideways: Only once have been in a field in Missouri when locusts were around. not a big year either. Still remember the roar

    Adams Kira: :)

    Eden Haiku: Like this guy who crossed the Mancha on a flying board Adams?

    Adams Kira: fancy buttons and color but they don’t work

    Adams Kira: never loaded

    Eden Haiku: Was wondering why you were not flying about already :)

    Adams Kira: I only have 6000 items in my inventory




    Eden Haiku: Modest inventory...

    Adams Kira: all freebies

    Adams Kira: that's OK, I don't mind going to second hand stores

    Riddle Sideways: yes, love those freebie events

    Riddle Sideways: there is one on now that was so many freebies, but then noticed almost 2 hours had Gone

    Adams Kira: do you think all the bargains will be gone?

    Riddle Sideways: not until the 10th


    Double, double toil and trouble


    Riddle Sideways: ok, back to Herb gardens

    Riddle Sideways: love those, but frustrated also

    Riddle Sideways: by trying so hard to memorize the names and uses

    Adams Kira: I think the Brillcream plant is for the hair

    Eden Haiku: The picture of the clouds is amazing Adams! Will try to post it. Still learning about the posting of snapshots....

    Adams Kira: (that's way before my time)

    Riddle Sideways: giggles

    Eden Haiku: Laughs at Adams light humor :)

    Eden Haiku: I memorize once at least every year: this time I learned that echinacea has been used by Natives for millenaries. for flus and other infections...

    Adams Kira: :)

    Adams Kira: I read fleas the first time

    Riddle Sideways: Yes, know Echinacea.

    Eden Haiku: There is also a Sorceress garden, with dangerous toxic herbs like datura, absinthe, belladonnas...

    Riddle Sideways:it grows in little round pills in a bottle

    Eden Haiku: That's an easy one to remember yes :)

    Riddle Sideways: no idea what the rest of the plant would look like

    Riddle Sideways: Key West has Belladonna bushes everywhere

    Eden Haiku: All my herb remedies come from this herboristery. Echinacea is a beautiful purple and pink flower, looks like a daisy but stronger. Chicksweed is a yellow plant so beautiful!

    Eden Haiku: Really? Many wizards in Key West I guess :)

    Eden Haiku: They must brew it at full moon nights :)

    Adams Kira: Double, double toil and trouble

    Eden Haiku: smiles

    Riddle Sideways: and the druggies tempt fate with trying to make just close to lethal experiences :(




    The signatures theory


    Eden Haiku: oh!

    Riddle Sideways:seemed to fail Herbology at Hogswarth

    Eden Haiku: hey hey...

    Eden Haiku: My character in the video game of Hogswarth is trying to acquire a Welsh green drago (it seems it has a musical roar), but she still lacks 10 more blue notebooks to get there and it's a lot of work to get them...

    Riddle Sideways: A Chiropractor friend told that Echinacea does a slight Phase shift in you and the cold bugs don't like it

    Riddle Sideways: A mind can (and do) a lot with that little tidbit of info

    Eden Haiku: A phase shift Riddle?

    Riddle Sideways: yes

    Riddle Sideways: imagine the possibilities

    Eden Haiku: Interesting..a phase like the phase of the moon?

    Eden Haiku: But in your body?

    Riddle Sideways: one of those not sure if heard, heard correctly, dreamed, desired, wrong or whatever

    Eden Haiku: It seems the druid in you is awakening :)

    Riddle Sideways: not want to fact check it, because really like the thoughts

    Eden Haiku: Full of possibilities for the imagination as you said...

    Eden Haiku: The signatures theory is fascinating too

    Eden Haiku: Like the plant is telling you which part it can heal

    Riddle Sideways: also need to remember the placebo effects of telling the mind a pill does certain things

    Eden Haiku: A tiny skull flower and it’s good against migraines

    Eden Haiku: I use echinacea in tinctures to take in drops, diluted extract of the flower.

    Riddle Sideways: if slowly brewed and slowly sipped in a dark quiet room (for migraines)

    Eden Haiku: My favorite for bad days is Motherworth: you feel like a baby in her mother's arms.

    Eden Haiku: What a wizard you are Riddle :)




    Riddle Sideways: hmmm, should try pure tinctures, since the oft include goldenseal gives itchiness later

    Eden Haiku: May I ask what is the specialty of the young Adams?

    Riddle Sideways: good question

    Adams Kira: I know nothing about these things

    Riddle Sideways: you have other, expertises?

    Adams Kira: I am still learning

    Eden Haiku: Is he into art, books, writing, genealogy, activism like the rest of the Adams family?

    Adams Kira: However, I must go. It was nice spending a session with you both

    Adams Kira: Maybe we will meet againif they let me out again :)

    Riddle Sideways: yes, thank you

    Eden Haiku: Bye Adams, nice meeting you, Have a great day!

    Adams Kira: goodbye all. Best to you!

    Riddle Sideways: need to go also, picked up a responsibility for Mondays once a month

    Riddle Sideways: hope to see you again

    Riddle Sideways: Thank you, Eden

    Eden Haiku: Bye Riddle, have a great Monday!

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