2021.01.05 07:00 - the Vote went down to Georgia

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The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.

Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: Good Morning Adams ㋡

Riddle Sideways: How are you today?
Adams Rubble: I am good. How about you?
Riddle Sideways: good also

Adams Rubble: lots happnened since we last met
Riddle Sideways: see you are already sporting the football jersey
Adams Rubble: yes, i am here to tank the session
Riddle Sideways: yes, a New Year started
Riddle Sideways: by the counting of some calendars

Adams Rubble: election in Georgia today
Adams Rubble: by the counting of some calendars :)
Riddle Sideways: typing with fingers crossed for the election

Adams Rubble: I haven't gotten my new wall calendar yet
Riddle Sideways: oooooooo, am ahead of you. got the new calendar up on the wall already

Adams Rubble: the president has made another illegal phone call, whoops I mean perfect phone call
Adams Rubble: with that my phone rings. they have been trying to reach me to tell me my warranty expired
Riddle Sideways: a phone call where a lawyer is telling him unethical things in the background
Adams Rubble: my 25 year old car
Riddle Sideways: get 2 of those warranty calls yesterday, "This is your last call ..."
Adams Rubble: they lie
Riddle Sideways: the 10 year old car's dashboard keeps saying "take me for an oil change"
Adams Rubble: diapers are more insistent when they need changing
Riddle Sideways: :)) giggles

Riddle Sideways: little diaper wearer in this family is one today
Adams Rubble: congratulations
Riddle Sideways: They want a zoom birthday party recorded tonight, that will be recorded to playback on his 18th
Adams Rubble: we are leaving to see little ones as soon as the session is over
Riddle Sideways: if the tech to play old recordings still exists
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: can't imagine tech 18 years from now
Riddle Sideways: nope
Riddle Sideways: it changes so fast
Riddle Sideways: cassettes, CDs, DVDs. mp3, cloud

Adams Rubble: I notice Alexa speaks about incomprehensible cultural stuff when i say good morning now
Riddle Sideways: right!! had to stop that today in music show Alexa started. Did not know what those words meant
Riddle Sideways: 'The Times, They are a-changin'

Riddle Sideways: so, your team got in the play-offs?
Adams Rubble: oh, you don't know about the tanking
Riddle Sideways: the playoff schedule was so twisted when last heard
Riddle Sideways: no, not heard
Riddle Sideways: thought that was a typo ㋡
Adams Rubble: They flexed the Iggles game to Sunday night when the whole nation was watching
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Adams Rubble: the Iggles had many injuries and had hard time putting a team together
Adams Rubble: the Iggles made some questionable decisions and then pulled the starting QB with 12 minutes to go
Riddle Sideways: oh. Know a niners team that has that injuries issue all year
Adams Rubble: The Giants (the announcers kept calling them the NY Giants) although they play in NJ
Riddle Sideways: did the water-person come in at QB?
Adams Rubble: well the Giants were livid because the Iggles loss kept the 6-10 Giants from going to the playoffs
Adams Rubble: hehe, close, the replacement had not played a snap for 734 games
Adams Rubble: well lots of controversy to end a terrible season
Adams Rubble: which could have been avoided if they han't flexed the game to Sunday night
Riddle Sideways: truth is that no 6-10 team should go to playoffs
Adams Rubble: that was 734 snaps not games
Riddle Sideways: if some 10-6 teams can't go
Riddle Sideways: was trying to do the maths. 734 / 16
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: head hurts
Adams Rubble: ohh, you'll have to go to concussion protocal
Riddle Sideways: hahahahaha
Riddle Sideways: go in the protocol tent

Riddle Sideways: there should be a Protocol tent on the Political game sidelines
Riddle Sideways: give out Red Cards
Riddle Sideways: eject from the game
Riddle Sideways: for unSportsmanshipnesses
Riddle Sideways: couple years ago, the Saints (funny name) coach got kicked for a year for telling his team to hurt the opponents
Adams Rubble: yes
Riddle Sideways: sports, politics, religion, Life. All the same simular
Riddle Sideways: Trump should be sidelined from being president for a year for telling the Georgia elections player to change the scoreboard
Riddle Sideways: Lots of SNL skits about Sport-Politics
Adams Rubble: from FB this morning: Trump: "I want to see Biden in prison"; Biden: "I don't want to visit Trump in prison"
Riddle Sideways: would like to see The Mitch traded to the Independents for 3 draft picks in 2022

Riddle Sideways: you made me look ㋡
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: oh No! now the Browser history will think it should always show that stuff
Riddle Sideways: went to a BAD site
Adams Rubble: uh oh

Riddle Sideways: however, can't believe that stuff exists
Riddle Sideways: all those Rush Limboughseses out there

Adams Rubble: Yesterday sitting in the doctor's waiting room I was reading from an anthology of Haarlem renaissance literature
Riddle Sideways: wow
Adams Rubble: I began reading an essay called "Our greatest gift to America"
   Tried to find a copy on the Internet and failed. Found refs, but few copies of many of his works
Adams Rubble: It used colorful language to summarize racism in America
Adams Rubble: by Geogre S. Schuyler

Adams Rubble: used three examples of white folks
Adams Rubble: one an immigrant from Russia who was notining in Russia but as soon as he left Ellis Island was immediate boosted up in status
Adams Rubble: he was sudedenly superior to all Blacks
Adams Rubble: then a person descended from 200 years of people living with just whites in Appalacia
Adams Rubble: got a job in a factory where he worked 12 hours a day. Bosses supplied all his needs but took it out of his paycheck and left him 10 dollars a month for booze and movies
Adams Rubble: he saved up to buy KKK gear and we know the rest
Adams Rubble: the third was a hite girl whose mother told her that if she was not good a black man whould come and carry her away
Adams Rubble: she grew up fearing every black man she saw
Adams Rubble: I was curious and looked up the date
Adams Rubble: because it seemed as if could have been written today
Adams Rubble: It was 1929!!!!
Riddle Sideways: yes :( sounds like it could be today
Riddle Sideways: change Elias island
Riddle Sideways: 'made me look'
Adams Rubble: the immigrant was suddenly superior to all the Black scientists, doctors, and teachers
Riddle Sideways: Schuyler wrote a lot
Riddle Sideways: poor white trash are superior to any of color
Riddle Sideways: no matter what/who/where you are. somebody got it worse
Riddle Sideways: and you are Better than them
Riddle Sideways: except the last lowest class
Adams Rubble: and for the ignorant that means those lower should be exploited

Riddle Sideways: in "The Pause of Mr. Claus" - Arlo Guthrie, praises how in America the great FBI has to spend its resources inventigating 'That Last guy'
Riddle Sideways: even that last guy has to be investigated.
Riddle Sideways: how did that last guy get a dime to call the FBI?
Riddle Sideways: 'There are plenty of people in America that aren't the last guy, and they can't get a dime"
Riddle Sideways: sorry, that took the hatred and racism out
Riddle Sideways: back to the track

Adams Rubble: we tend to forget how much it is that racism is driving the right wing politics
Adams Rubble: we absolutely have to figure out how to educate the racists
Riddle Sideways: go to med school, rescue people for years, a government brands you, your family is going to be killed, you run to America, it does not recognise your diploma nor contribution/value only sees the color of a skin
Adams Rubble: many are convinced that people of color are not legitmate voters
Riddle Sideways: a Karen calls the police when you are walking your dog
Riddle Sideways: long lines at 'certain' polling stations.
Adams Rubble: yes
Riddle Sideways: disallowed 'certain' districts
Riddle Sideways: a poll tax

Adams Rubble: I hear people outside the room getting ready to leave for little ones' house
Riddle Sideways: 73 forms of identification
Riddle Sideways: aw
Riddle Sideways: must end on time today
Adams Rubble: thank you so much for your session
Riddle Sideways: go have your funnest day
Riddle Sideways: thank you for sharing
Adams Rubble: one never knows what will happen :)
Riddle Sideways: by All
Adams Rubble: if you can find that essay, it is worth reading
Riddle Sideways: crosses fingers Iagain)
Adams Rubble: it is written as satire but is biting
Adams Rubble: yes, fingers crossed; big shenanigans in Congress on Wednesday
Riddle Sideways: get popcorn and watch
Adams Rubble: bye for now :)
Adams Rubble: can't watch

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