2021.05.25 07:00 - Tangled Up in You

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Adams Dubrovna who posted.

    We have many more connections than we usually know.

    Riddle Sideways: Good Morning Adams :0
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡
    Riddle Sideways: so much to do, so little time ㋡ ha
    Riddle Sideways: leaving today for the trip to make up for all the trips not taking last year
    Riddle Sideways: so last minute Stuff to do
    Riddle Sideways: why was it easier years ago
    Adams Dubrovna: Good morning Riddle :)
    Adams Dubrovna: so sorry, was lost in composing an email
    Adams Dubrovna: so much more energy years ago
    Adams Dubrovna: Covid created lots of inertia
    Riddle Sideways: well, remembering that emails took just as long
    Adams Dubrovna: heh. I was thinking about your packing :)
    Adams Dubrovna: you are brave to do a big trip
    Riddle Sideways: the whole planning and future needs things
    Riddle Sideways: how many days before a washing machine?
    Adams Dubrovna: sounds like a Dylan song
    Riddle Sideways: it does
    Riddle Sideways: Tangled Up in Stuff
    Adams Dubrovna: :)
    Adams Dubrovna: Stuff tangled up in me
    Riddle Sideways: hard to type in a Dylanesk twang drawl
    Adams Dubrovna: the reader provides that
    Riddle Sideways: /waves to reader(s)
    Adams Dubrovna: is anyone reading?
    Adams Dubrovna: is anyone still here?
    Adams Dubrovna: I spent the night thinking about connections
    Adams Dubrovna: so many were revealed to me last week
    Adams Dubrovna: all the stuff we do not see
    Adams Dubrovna: and we are tangled up in people
    Adams Dubrovna: and they tangled up in us
    Adams Dubrovna: and when they offer love and support it is overwhelming
    Riddle Sideways: far less than 6 degrees of separation
    Riddle Sideways: All those 1 degrees of closiness people
    Adams Dubrovna: and when the close ones leave us we are still tangled up
    Adams Dubrovna: yesterday I was thinking that this just does not make any sense
    Riddle Sideways: good to suspend making sense often
    Adams Dubrovna: my world view did not foresee this
    Adams Dubrovna: include this
    Riddle Sideways: those who are the legs that our world view is built upon
    Riddle Sideways: read a "No Title" blog and can use the last sentence over and over
    Adams Dubrovna: you see blog when first published before final editing so I am not sure which sentence
    Riddle Sideways: "The above paragraph is one reason I must resist the siren's call to sail the same course in the same ship with all the same cargo stored below."
    Riddle Sideways: might be able to use that as a disclaimer below All writings
    Adams Dubrovna: ahh, same sentence
    Adams Dubrovna: we want to find our way back to comfortable place even though there is new evidence that the earlier place was missing info
    Riddle Sideways: Somebody(who?) said "You can never go Home again"
    Adams Dubrovna: we are changing all the time
    Riddle Sideways: hmmm, a year of not breathing the other people's winds of change
    Riddle Sideways: that pause was not as quiet as usual
    Adams Dubrovna: ???
    Riddle Sideways: sorry, there was a song playing here just before and 2-3 channels the chat had gone to
    Riddle Sideways: took one to so many places
    Adams Dubrovna: ahhh
    Riddle Sideways: have been trying so hard to be open and understanding and empathic and compassionate
    Riddle Sideways: from a place of locked in the lonely ivory tower
    Adams Dubrovna nods
    Adams Dubrovna: you do more than you think
    Riddle Sideways: really hit by the world view has shifted
    Adams Dubrovna: there are forces bigger than us
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Adams Dubrovna: we move a small part of the universe
    Adams Dubrovna: but believe me, my friend, we do move it
    Riddle Sideways: and flap our butterfly wings in our small way
    Adams Dubrovna: every kindness affects someone
    Adams Dubrovna: they affect others
    Riddle Sideways: rippling outward
    Riddle Sideways: those connections you spoke of
    Riddle Sideways: an eye opens to see all those webs of connections
    Adams Dubrovna: I have been hearing about a "Hindu" shaivist practice called Pratyabhijñā
    Adams Dubrovna: I don't know much but one "insight" is important in understaning world forces
    Adams Dubrovna: Shiva is the subject and the object
    Adams Dubrovna: when all is in harmony, the subject and object are aligned with one another
    Adams Dubrovna: When one part pulls away, there is an equal reaction from the other side
    Adams Dubrovna: must pull away at the same speed and distance
    Adams Dubrovna: this was beuatifully graphed in color
    Adams Dubrovna: purple is Shiva or harmonious relations
    Adams Dubrovna: red and blue have pulled away
    Adams Dubrovna: red and blue are pretty equal in size and shape
    Adams Dubrovna: can apply this to US politics
    Adams Dubrovna: may be over simplified
    Adams Dubrovna: but there is a lesson there
    Riddle Sideways: ha, yes
    Riddle Sideways: children learning that mixing red and blue makes a nice purple to paint your flowers
    Adams Dubrovna: most of the world contemplatives agree that we do best on concentrating on our closest opportunbities
    Adams Dubrovna: loving those nearest
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Adams Dubrovna: that was poorly stated
    Adams Dubrovna: awww, just loving
    Riddle Sideways: and those connected closest spread out
    Adams Dubrovna: yes
    Riddle Sideways: the loving ripples out
    Riddle Sideways: over this year, have gotten a close good friend
    Riddle Sideways: cut vegetables shoulder to shoulder
    Adams Dubrovna: :)
    Riddle Sideways: forget that he is Hindi
    Riddle Sideways: makes not difference.
    Adams Dubrovna: :)
    Adams Dubrovna: maybe even an opportunity
    Riddle Sideways: until the general discussion between the Jews, Christians and Muslims gets to fine points
    Riddle Sideways: and catch he shaking head
    Adams Dubrovna: those who are closest fight the fiercist
    Riddle Sideways: (this News just in... Cat reports something evil is out the window in HER driveway)
    Riddle Sideways: during the measuring out of dry rice needed to cook today, the J
    Riddle Sideways: whoops, how did keyboard do that?
    Adams Dubrovna: Riddle speaketh in tongues
    Riddle Sideways: the JCM members all note having times of a year to count the days
    Adams Dubrovna: JCM?
    Riddle Sideways: Hari looks sideways and grins
    Riddle Sideways: short for Jews,Christians,Muslims
    Adams Dubrovna: ohhh
    Riddle Sideways: makes sentences go faster
    Riddle Sideways: back to the TV showing a US map of Red and Blue
    Riddle Sideways: now wondering how Purple got pulled apart
    Riddle Sideways: some measure of 51%+
    Riddle Sideways: made them label that area of some boundry
    Riddle Sideways: those boundaries are yet another issue
    Riddle Sideways: how the British map makers marched in and drew a nice straight line
    Adams Dubrovna: people see people as "other"
    Adams Dubrovna: not as "we"
    Riddle Sideways: (retorically) Why is it sooooo hard to see Whole
    Adams Dubrovna sings "distractions" or "attractions" to the time of Traiditon
    Riddle Sideways: takes pencil to the sheet music, as that is a good change
    Adams Dubrovna: well thank you for this visit
    Adams Dubrovna: I hope the planning all goes well and you have a good trip
    Riddle Sideways: darn hour went quickly
    Adams Dubrovna: yes, they can do that
    Riddle Sideways: might take long before this is posted
    Riddle Sideways: takes this editor long
    Riddle Sideways: and the hour is late
    Adams Dubrovna: do you want me to post it?
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡
    Adams Dubrovna: I can just claim it before we go
    Adams Dubrovna: done
    Riddle Sideways: oh! thank you
    Adams Dubrovna: of course, you have enough to do
    Adams Dubrovna: please take good care of yourself and all your loved ones
    Riddle Sideways: yes, need to Love those Loved ones
    Riddle Sideways: then it will spread
    Adams Dubrovna nods
    Adams Dubrovna: sometimes their fears create negative energy
    Adams Dubrovna: thank you again for being here :)
    Riddle Sideways: thank you to All for Being Here
    Riddle Sideways: by All

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