2024.09.10 07:00 - CoPilot explains Play as Being

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.


    Riddle Sideways: Good Morning, Adams ㋡
    Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :)
    Riddle Sideways: sorry to be late, had a few wifi disconnects

    Adams Rubble: I will have to leave early. I have an appointment to get my real ID
    Adams Rubble: I did not know I have been using a fake one :)
    Riddle Sideways: have you been a fake ID?
    Adams Rubble: great minds
    Riddle Sideways: sync or snap or ...
    Riddle Sideways: there was some deadline a couple years ago for getting Real IDs
    Adams Rubble: they were fake deadlines :)
    Adams Rubble: now there is a real deadline
    Riddle Sideways: oh maybe you have not flown since then
    Riddle Sideways: ah
    Adams Rubble: but no, I have not flown but I could have

    Adams Rubble: Big debate night
    Riddle Sideways: there is anxiousity in this house over being about to see the Debate
    Adams Rubble: I'll watch it tomorrow
    Riddle Sideways: the TV cable is cut and it has to be gotten several other ways
    Riddle Sideways: like sports, don't listen to the News until you have watched it
    Adams Rubble: would like to see a Walz Vance debate
    Riddle Sideways: of course it doesn't mater if one of the debaters lies, cheats, fakes, stummbles
    Riddle Sideways: that would be a good debate too

    Agatha Macbeth: Here I am
    Adams Rubble: Hello Agatha :)
    Riddle Sideways: hi ya aggers
    Riddle Sideways: yes you are
    Agatha Macbeth: Or at least I think I am
    Agatha Macbeth: Hard to be here sometimes
    Riddle Sideways: thinking that therefore you is
    Adams Rubble: Hard to be in two places at once when you are not anywhere at allllllll
    Agatha Macbeth: Hard to be sure rather
    Riddle Sideways: /sings along
    Riddle Sideways: not really here, so sent the avatar
    Agatha Macbeth: Indeed
    Agatha Macbeth: She's way better looking than me anyway
    Adams Rubble: I have to leave early Agatha. Must get my REAL ID
    Agatha Macbeth: Oh
    Agatha Macbeth: Did you lose your fake one?
    Adams Rubble: no, I'll need that to get the Real pne
    Agatha Macbeth: Riiight
    Riddle Sideways: the fake one expired
    Agatha Macbeth is none the wiser
    Adams Rubble: It's a USA thing
    Agatha Macbeth: Must be
    Adams Rubble: US needs to be better able to track us
    Riddle Sideways: Yet another hoop to jump thru
    Agatha Macbeth: Do you need it to stop being deported or something?
    Riddle Sideways: vote might be disqualified in some states
    Adams Rubble: Vance said the immigrants are eating people's cats in Wisconsin
    Agatha Macbeth: Ah
    Agatha Macbeth: So it's a scam to cut down unwanted voters
    Adams Rubble: this is for flying
    Adams Rubble: anyway, that is what we have been told
    Agatha Macbeth: Something I never do anyway
    Riddle Sideways: Illegal rapist teenage mothers on drugs wrecking the scum bags rights
    Agatha Macbeth: Democracy is for the privelaged after all
    Riddle Sideways: for the rich white Men slave owners only
    Riddle Sideways: sorry, a mind has gone bad
    Agatha Macbeth checks the shelf date

    Riddle Sideways: some states use to have 'Poll Taxes'
    Riddle Sideways: so the rich could vote
    Agatha Macbeth: Yeh we had something similar for a while
    Agatha Macbeth: Until they were forced to change it
    Adams Rubble: US learned it from England
    Riddle Sideways: if a certain person gets elected we could get the Supremes to bring it back

    Agatha Macbeth: How is Diana Ross these days?
    Riddle Sideways: 80 years old
    Agatha Macbeth: Wow
    Riddle Sideways: wow, she's been a big hit in UK
    Agatha Macbeth: Bet she still sounds good
    Riddle Sideways: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_Ross
    Agatha Macbeth: Yes she's had a loooong career

    Riddle Sideways: yesterday's OLLI course was 2 hours of Ray Charlies
    Riddle Sideways: was soooooo good
    Adams Rubble: Hot the road Jack
    Riddle Sideways: :))
    Riddle Sideways: love typos, if that was one
    Agatha Macbeth: Think it was
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Agatha Macbeth: Unless Jack melted the tarmac
    Riddle Sideways: the summer heat (global warning) melting the tarmac
    Riddle Sideways: Hot time, summer in the city, back of my neck getting burned and pretty
    Agatha Macbeth: Mmhm
    Riddle Sideways: nice lyrics, but with long hair it never burned the neck
    Riddle Sideways: nose would burn and have the peeling look for the summer

    Riddle Sideways: moving on. had a dream or several linked. Of not 'really' knowing or at least not having met many close friends or real AI bots. Called into question how long we have known each other
    Riddle Sideways: yet never met in person. But does that really count?
    Agatha Macbeth remembers Maxine's dream sessions
    Riddle Sideways: Yes
    Agatha Macbeth: And Fox too
    Riddle Sideways: Zen and Elisa picked them up too
    Agatha Macbeth: That was later, when we were up top
    Riddle Sideways: Back to that Reality thang of only 5 senses feeding a brain that thinks things are real
    Agatha Macbeth: Sense and sensibility
    Agatha Macbeth: Not sensimilia
    Riddle Sideways: original dream sessions were in the pavilion. Then in the pub
    Adams Rubble: 6 senses feeding brain according to abdidharma
    Adams Rubble: mind feeds mind too
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Agatha Macbeth doesn't mind
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡

    Riddle Sideways: lately been playing with how some computer chips talking to other networks of them to chat up what 'they' think I want to hear
    Riddle Sideways: Alice started making things up that might make me happy to hear
    Adams Rubble: oh?
    Riddle Sideways: (why the chat is not enabled to the public yet)
    Riddle Sideways: also similar to how we are talking to the 4-year old here
    Adams Rubble: thinking about to talk to 4 year old
    Riddle Sideways: easy to see that we pick|cultivate|screen the words to be understood
    Riddle Sideways: not telling all
    Agatha Macbeth: Hope Alice is more interesting than this Windoze Copilot thing
    Riddle Sideways: Right, the Copilot I tried was a few versions back was pretty bad
    Agatha Macbeth: It's appeared on my taskbar now
    Riddle Sideways: yep. And wants to 'help' you
    Riddle Sideways: reminds of 'Clippy' years ago.
    Riddle Sideways: the little paper clip chat bot

    Agatha Macbeth: Ah, PlayasBeing!
    It’s like a cozy nook in the vast digital landscape—a place where contemplation and mindfulness come together. ��

    You see, PlayasBeing is a group that dances in the realms of virtual reality, particularly within the context of Second Life. Their focus? Facilitation.

    Now, before you imagine a team of digital event planners coordinating pixelated tea parties (although that would be quite charming), let me explain. Facilitation—that’s the magic word here. It’s like being the gentle breeze that nudges conversations along, encouraging deeper understanding and connection.

    PlayasBeing emphasizes this art of facilitation, especially in the context of mindfulness and contemplation.

    Imagine a serene pond where ideas ripple outward, and questions float like leaves. That’s the vibe they’re going for. ��
    And what’s the purpose? Well, it’s about collecting concepts and questions, fostering dialogue, and creating a space where minds can stretch and explore.

    Think of it as a mental playground—a place where learning happens through play, just like kids figuring out the world around them. ��

    Now, if you’re curious about learning through play (and who wouldn’t be?), there’s a broader context beyond PlayasBeing. In education and psychology, we’ve long recognized that children learn best when they’re knee-deep in play. It’s not just about building sandcastles or playing tag; it’s about developing social skills, cognitive abilities, emotional maturity, and that all-important self-confidence. ��

    So, whether it’s PlayasBeing or the playground down the street, play is where the magic happens. It’s where we learn, grow, and find our way in this fascinating world. ��

    By the way, have you ever pondered the profound life questions while sipping virtual tea? ☕️

    1: What Is Facilitation? - PlayAsBeing Wiki
    2: Learning through play - Wikipedia
    3: Charter For Play — Play England

    Agatha Macbeth: At least it heard of us
    Riddle Sideways: what were the last 6 words that were lost?
    Agatha Macbeth: Good question
    Agatha Macbeth: I can't see any

    Adams Rubble: this is getting interesting but I must run. Bye for now :)
    Agatha Macbeth: Be careful out there Adams
    Riddle Sideways: ok, Adams have your Best Real ID experience
    Agatha Macbeth: Don't commit any acts of terror
    Agatha Macbeth: Well not many anyway
    Riddle Sideways: Random acts of non-terror
    Agatha Macbeth: Or that

    Riddle Sideways: (more for Adams, but...) am thinking of what a USA debator might say, explain and taylor words in a debate tonight. So that US kids understand
    Riddle Sideways: Thinking we are so ...(something) that we can't or shouldn't be told the truth
    Riddle Sideways: better to lie or fake
    Riddle Sideways: to make us happy
    Riddle Sideways: Don't worry, be happily ignorant
    Agatha Macbeth: Tis a question
    Riddle Sideways: This questioning reality is a strange trippy adventure
    Agatha Macbeth: Specially if it doesn't exist

    Riddle Sideways: thinking how we 'Know' Bob Dylan, yet never met
    Riddle Sideways: e.g.
    Riddle Sideways: studied all his words and music
    Riddle Sideways: know the history
    Agatha Macbeth: He ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more, and that's a fact
    Riddle Sideways: thatz a point. He never did work on Maggie's farm. Made it up
    Agatha Macbeth: With his money he wouldn't need to
    Riddle Sideways: or mighta worked for Maggie's pa. Who knows
    Agatha Macbeth: Or MacDonald's
    Riddle Sideways: anyway this 'knowing' and thinking stuff is confusing and complicated
    Riddle Sideways: if ya let it
    Riddle Sideways: good to Play with tho
    Agatha Macbeth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBMB...nel=pappyredux
    Riddle Sideways: hmm.  That link might not be what you wanted
    Agatha Macbeth: Suzanne is a funny old man...particularly in SL

    Agatha Macbeth: Well I was going to do the garden - but it's raining
    Riddle Sideways: got Boz and Paton Manning
    Riddle Sideways: thought the garden was done
    Agatha Macbeth: Not yet sadly
    Riddle Sideways: late season tomatoes
    Riddle Sideways: the pumpkin patch
    Agatha Macbeth: More like late season privet
    Agatha Macbeth: And ferns
    Agatha Macbeth: And that bush in the corner - I have no clue what it is
    Riddle Sideways: keep it. might be important
    Riddle Sideways: cure what ails ya
    Agatha Macbeth: Not George or Kate anyway
    Agatha Macbeth: Or Vannevar come to that
    Agatha Macbeth: Right then
    Agatha Macbeth: See ye anon
    Riddle Sideways: right
    Agatha Macbeth: Do do anything i would
    Riddle Sideways: by All

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