The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.
Riddle Sideways: Good Morning Adams ㋡
Adams Rubble: good morning Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: trouble sitting?
Adams Rubble: Trouble figuring where you are sitting before you rezz on my screen
Adams Rubble: Felling good about Iggles fine win and SF beating Dallas last Sunday
Adams Rubble: Feeling good
Riddle Sideways: yes. this week both teams are doing better
Riddle Sideways: not getting off to the season they 'should' be having
Adams Rubble: not the 49ers
Adams Rubble: you are dressed for the occasion
Riddle Sideways: it is not Halloween yet, but getting ready
Adams Rubble: Iggles have two new coordinators so just starting to click
Riddle Sideways: think last year Halloween was on a Tuesday
Adams Rubble: wow, what a memory
Adams Rubble: you'll be working the polls next week?
Adams Rubble: I will be away
Riddle Sideways: no PaB session next week
Riddle Sideways: where will you go? hide on election day?
Adams Rubble: going to Cape May
Riddle Sideways: nice
Adams Rubble: coming back election day
Adams Rubble: my vote has already been counted
Riddle Sideways: ah good
Riddle Sideways: oooo Cape May NJ is way down on the southern pointy part
Adams Rubble: yup
Riddle Sideways: never been there
Adams Rubble: Victorian vacation spot
Adams Rubble: will be taking the ferry to Delaware
Riddle Sideways: not the one Washington took
Adams Rubble: no siree
Riddle Sideways: here come the decorations ㋡
Riddle Sideways: remembering how fast you can find things in inventory
Riddle Sideways: Washington crossed much further north where the Delaware is narrower. Trenton
Adams Rubble: yes
Riddle Sideways: but, it took longer because they had to pause to get the famous picture painted
Adams Rubble: That wasn't painted until almost 100 years later
Adams Rubble: the painter had to cross the Atlantic from germany
Riddle Sideways: ah
Adams Rubble: It is Agatha's birthday today
Riddle Sideways: oh
Riddle Sideways: how did you know that?
Riddle Sideways: not the rez day
Adams Rubble: FB
Riddle Sideways: probably out partying
Riddle Sideways: oh that FB details revealer
Adams Rubble: missing some fine Halloween decorations
Riddle Sideways: these are fine
Riddle Sideways: finally it is daylight here
Adams Rubble: will change soon with the time change
Riddle Sideways: next week it will be later
Riddle Sideways: or earlier
Adams Rubble: or brighter
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: but, neither of us will be here
Riddle Sideways: ah, the fog for spooky Halloween effect
Adams Rubble: yup
Riddle Sideways: would your election polling place be a large important place?
Adams Rubble: it is a church
Riddle Sideways: mine is not. it is small poputation
Adams Rubble: haven't been there since started voting by mail
Riddle Sideways: not worthy of demonstrations
Adams Rubble: NJ is not a swingState
Riddle Sideways: not mailed ballots in years
Adams Rubble: I use the drop box in front of Boprough Hall
Riddle Sideways: neither is California. so not important in the counts
Adams Rubble: goes directly toCounty
Riddle Sideways: our library has the dropbox
Riddle Sideways: the polling place has a day-of dropbox too. Many bring their ballots there
Adams Rubble: wow
Riddle Sideways: but, not come inside, so it is lonely most of the day
Adams Rubble: yes, I imagine
Riddle Sideways: whoops, a windows pop-up made me look. News is scarier than Halloween
Adams Rubble: please do not tell me
Riddle Sideways: just the usual
Adams Rubble: am hiding from news
Riddle Sideways: but Windows thinks I should care and keeps flashing items in the corner
Adams Rubble: maybe you could stop that because it doesn't do it to me
Adams Rubble: it's crazy out there
Riddle Sideways: yup
Riddle Sideways: it does report the weather out there
Riddle Sideways: and the football scores
Riddle Sideways: this fog is nice to hide in
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: has a quieting effect
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: of course the pavillion is a quieting place
Adams Rubble nods
Adams Rubble: it always amazed me when coming to the pavilion in the middle of the night, everything dtill looked the same
Riddle Sideways: and many times at mid-day it was dark here
Riddle Sideways: a quick beautiful sunset too
Adams Rubble: Time does not have a great effect on the pavilion nor on the avatars
Riddle Sideways: last year, learned the environment controls to make a dark and stormy night on plot
Adams Rubble: hardly aging at all
Riddle Sideways: but did not write them down
Adams Rubble: ohhh
Riddle Sideways: well, some of my original avs have aged badly
Riddle Sideways: what is that? the IMx1 particles
Riddle Sideways: gone
Riddle Sideways: Agatha just came online
Adams Rubble: yes, I see
Adams Rubble: did the clocks change in Europe?
Riddle Sideways: read somebody's changed
Adams Rubble: poor Agatha
Riddle Sideways: Howdee aggers
Riddle Sideways: did your clocks change?
Agatha Macbeth: Hellooooooooooo
Agatha Macbeth: Oh hell yes
Adams Rubble: Hello Agatha :)
Agatha Macbeth: It's an hour ago isn't it
Adams Rubble: Happy Birthday!
Agatha Macbeth: Thank you :)
Riddle Sideways: Happy Birthday
Adams Rubble: Our clocks change after Halloween
Agatha Macbeth can never remember this
Riddle Sideways: just can't have them all change at once
Agatha Macbeth: Why change them at all?
Adams Rubble: no one wants them to change at all
Agatha Macbeth: Exactly
Riddle Sideways: Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking. into the future
Adams Rubble: In US the Senate and House could not agree on which way to change to
Riddle Sideways: they can't agree on anything
Agatha Macbeth: Arizona and Hawaii never change
Adams Rubble: Indiana
Riddle Sideways: it is Always Happy Hour in Hawaii
Agatha Macbeth: Jones?
Adams Rubble: I must go. Will take my fog with me
Agatha Macbeth: Play misty for me
Riddle Sideways: ha, have a fogging day
Riddle Sideways: can leave the decorations
Agatha Macbeth: Ghouls on top
Adams Rubble: yes
Adams Rubble: We will not be here next week Aagatha
Riddle Sideways: won't bother anybody
Agatha Macbeth: Both of you?
Riddle Sideways: nope
Adams Rubble: yes, I will be away and Riddle managing voting in CA
Agatha Macbeth: Pooee
Riddle Sideways: sorry
Adams Rubble: bye for now
Agatha Macbeth: Be well
Riddle Sideways: take care
Adams Rubble: you two too
Riddle Sideways: have your best Halloween
Riddle Sideways: poof
Agatha Macbeth: So that's it then
Agatha Macbeth: Pumpkiny wumpkiny
Riddle Sideways: Indiana Jones changes time
Riddle Sideways: been setting the clocks so often
Riddle Sideways: the power company keeps breaking lines
Agatha Macbeth: Not very considerate of them
Riddle Sideways: nope. unscheduled outages is their phrase
Agatha Macbeth: I suppose your power lines have a long way to go
Riddle Sideways: this last one was blamed on an underground failure
Riddle Sideways: they have been burying pole lines which were starting fires
Riddle Sideways: oh well
Agatha Macbeth: Oh dear
Agatha Macbeth: Twisted fire starter
Riddle Sideways: is almost funny that during power outages people will post on the local gossip site "is your power out?"
Agatha Macbeth: Where were you when the lights went out?
Riddle Sideways: common question
Riddle Sideways: last time, we were pre-heating the oven for dinner
Agatha Macbeth: Tricky
Riddle Sideways: so take it out of baking pans and cook it on stovetop. a match can light the top
Riddle Sideways: the other common question round here is "where were you when the Big One hit?"
Riddle Sideways: last week it was the 35th year anniversery of a Big One
Agatha Macbeth: ?
Riddle Sideways: Earth quakes
Agatha Macbeth: 1989
Riddle Sideways: epicenter was near here, but way up in San Francisco took most of the damage
Riddle Sideways: a World Series baseball game was just starting on TV
Riddle Sideways: so many were upset
Agatha Macbeth can imagine
Riddle Sideways: was ok that highway overpasses came down, but can't have the TV stop
Agatha Macbeth: Course not
Agatha Macbeth: Was it as bad as 1904?
Riddle Sideways: no
Agatha Macbeth: Good
Riddle Sideways: well 1904 started lots of fires and there was no efficient fire departments
Agatha Macbeth: Fire seems to be a thing
Riddle Sideways: Fires are much scarier then earthquakes
Agatha Macbeth: Hotter too
Riddle Sideways: ya that
Riddle Sideways: one has time to worry about fire approaching
Agatha Macbeth: Yes there is that
Riddle Sideways: did you do anything for birthday?
Agatha Macbeth: If someone mentions wizards what's the first name you think of?
Riddle Sideways: Dumbledor
Agatha Macbeth: Seriously???
Riddle Sideways: no, I can't spelt the name of the main wizard in the current book series listening to
Agatha Macbeth: Wouldn't most people either say Gandalf or Merlin?
Riddle Sideways: thought of them 3rd and 4th
Agatha Macbeth: Must be me then
Riddle Sideways: keep polling people to find out
Agatha Macbeth: Maybe it's not worth it then :p
Riddle Sideways: ok, too much work
Riddle Sideways: and need to switch the book series am listening to because it has gone beyond believable
Agatha Macbeth: Is that an issue?
Riddle Sideways: not really
Riddle Sideways: get thinking that there must be better books to spent the time on
Riddle Sideways: am on book 11 of the series and only listen when driving alone, so a long time
Agatha Macbeth: Interesting. Most people would listen to music
Riddle Sideways: me too.
Agatha Macbeth: Doesn't that distract you?
Riddle Sideways: well, I listen to enough music in the office and house
Riddle Sideways: and youtube gives lots of rockumentories
Agatha Macbeth: Well it would :p
Riddle Sideways: my course on great singers this week was on Linda Ronstadt
Agatha Macbeth: Course
Riddle Sideways: an OLLI online class
Agatha Macbeth: Ric Olli
Agatha Macbeth: There's a lot of it about
Agatha Macbeth: Who's in the world series this year?
Riddle Sideways: LA Dodgers and NY
Riddle Sideways: Yankees
Agatha Macbeth: Same old then
Agatha Macbeth: Getting as bad as football over here
Agatha Macbeth: And F1
Riddle Sideways: yep, same ol teams
Agatha Macbeth: So much for diversity eh
Riddle Sideways: Diversity is too political in US
Agatha Macbeth: What isn't?
Riddle Sideways: right there is that
Agatha Macbeth: If you take away politicians arguing and sport what's left?
Riddle Sideways: ummm, peace, love and understanding?
Agatha Macbeth: Does that make for good TV?
Riddle Sideways: ㋡ not much
Agatha Macbeth: The defence rests...
Riddle Sideways: then the offensive takes the field
Agatha Macbeth: Did you see that Hail Mary pass Washington did?
Riddle Sideways: yes. one of the first that worked
Agatha Macbeth: Was unbelievable
Riddle Sideways: no fair. they practiced that
Riddle Sideways: like going to youtub and just watching highlights
Agatha Macbeth: Yeh you miss all the adverts that way
Riddle Sideways: aw poor missing adverts
Riddle Sideways: and talking heads
Agatha Macbeth: TV Smith
Riddle Sideways: well thanks for your time. I need to go see what RL is screaming about now
Riddle Sideways: watch out for the clowns
Agatha Macbeth: Hopefully not an earthquake
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