WG minutes for two consecutive meetings on:
Sunday, May 31, 2020 / 11 - noon / present: Stevenaia, Bleu, Riddle, San, Wol, Adams
Sunday, June 7, 2020 / 11 - noon / present: Bleu, Riddle, Wol, San, Luci / Not Attending: Stevenaia
Summary of meeting(s) purpose:
Essence of the two WG conversations was to determine yearly tier donations to support current land holdings, OR to determine if necessary to change (ie. reduce) land holdings to match reduced tier donations. Goal is to have tier covered by land dontations so that the role of Banker is eliminated, as Steve is stepping down as Banker as of June 20, 2020.
1st WG meeting:
Sunday, May 31, 2020 / 11 - noon / present: Stevenaia, Bleu, Riddle, San (minutes), Wol, Adams
Email was sent by Stevenaia to Guardians, post-meeting, May 31, 2020 > as follows:
Dear PaB Guardians,
Our Annual drive to fund another year of PaB Group Land is upon us. After over 3 years of service, I (Stevenaia) will be stepping down as “banker” for the PaB Group Land. We have been funding our group land with a combination of "TIER DONATIONS” to the group and “Cash/L$’s DONATIONS to me as “BANKER.” During our recent Working Group Meeting we decided to try to fund the PaB Group Land using ONLY TIER DONATIONS to the PaB Group, no cash or linden dollars, so no need for a banker.
Our current total holdings in PlayAsBeing Group land amounts to:
Bieup Sim: 8448 sqm
Mieum Sim: 1680 sqm
We have commitments so far, pending confirmations for TIER DONATIONS in square meters as follows:
Adams 1536
Wol 1024
Cat 1024
Bleu 1024
Eliza 512
Aph 512
Luci 512
Tura 512
Zen 512
Eden 512
This will total 7680 sqm in Tier donations, adding bonus 10%, 768 sqm = 8448 sqm, enough to cover ALL GROUP LAND IN BIEUP (Pavilion, Theatre, North Sidewalk and Center Sidewalk).
We are seeking additional “TIER DONATIONS” to fund our land in the Mieum Sim, totaling 1680 sqm. We need 1527 sqm donated which after the 10% bonus, becomes 1680 sqm in the group account to fund our land in Mieum.
To achieve this, we are asking any current premium members to consider raising their own Tier Levels to accommodate giving some of their unused “Tier” in their accounts to the PaB Group, … and/or ...
we are encouraging non-premium members to get a premium account and give their free 1024 sqm (or any amount) to the PaB Group as a “Tier Donation.”
Please let me know if you can commit to a tier donation and donate to PlayasBeing group to support our PaB land holdings. We will need these “Tier Donations” before June 15th if possible. We are happy to meet you inworld and walk you through your donation in the PlayasBeing group window if you need help.
Thank you for considering to help us maintain our presence in the Bieup/Mieum sims.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Stevenaia for the PaB Working Group
with help from:
2nd meeting
Sunday, June 7, 2020 / 11 - noon / present: Bleu, Riddle, Wol, San (minutes), Luci / Not Attending: Stevenaia
Agenda item: Tier Donations for PaB Group land
Current status report given by Bleu:
As of today, we have commitments to cover all PaB group land in Bieup, 8448 sqm.
No additional donations have been received to cover PaB group land in Mieum.
We need actual donations totaling 1527 sqm (which becomes 1680 with 10% bonus)
to cover the 1680 sqm of Mieum group owned land we currently hold.
i.e. this could be 3 x 512’s, or 1 x 1024 plus 1 x 512.
Riddle expressed an interest in making one of his Bots a premium member so his Bot
could donate 1024 sqm to playasbeinghere group. He will get back to us if that is possible.
Riddle’s Bot would then need to become a member of playasbeinghere group to donate Tier.
Bleu recommended Stevenaia set up another WG meeting to follow up on any donation possibilities
and before we will have to abandon any Mieum land we’re not going to support, prior to June 21st.
No decisions were made today.
WG plans to meet again next Sunday to continue the conversation: Sunday, June 14, 2020 / 11 - noon.