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    The working group met by Skype, and was attended by Bleu Oleander, Calvino Rabeni, Eliza Madrigal, Eos Amaterasu, SophiaSharon Larnia, and Storm Nordwind. Minutes by SophiaSharon.

    2010.05.25 14:00 - Working Group Agenda

    0) Email topics - See working group agenda. Calvino informs the working group (and by email to the guardian group) that the old wiki can not be redirected to the new website after the switch over on June 4. Notices will have to be placed on each of the wiki pages. It was discussed that this reminder could be stated clearly on the chat log page itself the guardian on call receives after claiming the log; we will need the help of Wol to do this. We could also use the Play as Being and Kira groups for notices in-world, and place a reminder card in the pavilion.

    We agreed to have the next working group meeting Thursday, June 3rd, instead of June 8th.

    1) A. It was agreed that the donation discussion will be raised during this upcoming guardian session.

        B. The button for recurring donations for Play as Being is almost ready to be added to the Kira website by Eos. Some suggestions were made to change the amounts for the recurring donations, and to make it clear on the page how the donations are divided and to make it very easy to use. Calvino improved the format on the wiki donation page to make it more clear what the donations are used for and what the needs are. Storm is working on tip jars in-world.

    2) The next Art of Being project will commence June 7. Guardians will be asked to remove their sculptures from the main plaza area in Bieup by this time. Bleu will send a reminder email to the group with the date sculptures must be removed and when the photographs can be displayed. Storm and Bleu will redesign the plaza area for the new art work  and several lovely suggestions where made regarding the design of the plaza and as well as fine tuning parameters for the Art as Time photographs. As a reminder:

    photos should be taken at the "640x480" size and can be displayed on a
    3 x 4 x .01m size prim.  Photos can only be as originally snapped in sl ....
    no photoshop or outside SL effects.  That way everyone has the same starting point and tool box.

    3. This topic was deferred due to lack of time. . I (sophiasharon) made bookshelves with the past scribes on notecards and am almost ready to put them in the village. Questioned the need to change the current scribe structure?

    4. No new guardians candidates were offered.

    5. This topic was deferred due to lack of time.

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