The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.
Riddle Sideways: ha, Draw partner
Adams Rubble: Good morning Riddle :0
Riddle Sideways: stand off at the olde pavillion
Riddle Sideways: ha that was fast draw
Riddle Sideways: ok, give up
Should have taken a snapshoot of 2 avatars standing opposite each other across the fountain,
when Adams pulls out of inventory a huge fully automatic army rifle
Riddle Sideways: just starting to get light here
Riddle Sideways: staying dark later and later
Adams Rubble: Happy September :)
Adams Rubble: it was very dark here this morning
Riddle Sideways: oh yes! time to turn the page
Riddle Sideways: of the calendar
Riddle Sideways: a new day
Adams Rubble: be the first on your block to change the calendar
Riddle Sideways: /wondering. there are 2 houses that get up earlier
Riddle Sideways: wondering if they turned a new page
Adams Rubble: maybe they think it is March
Riddle Sideways: still March settle in place
Riddle Sideways: not sure if will like this month's photo
Adams Rubble: Back when I still worked I used a yearly calendar because the months went too fast. easier to keep track of things
Riddle Sideways: liked last month, but have not liked many of this calendar's photos
Adams Rubble: it will be October before you know it :)
Riddle Sideways: yep
Riddle Sideways: use to get one of those great big desk blotter(?) mats
Riddle Sideways: calendars
Adams Rubble: I was thinking of labeling things again this morning
Adams Rubble: It is an ugly morning; it is a beautiful morning; it is a dark morning; it is a sunshiny morning
Adams Rubble: our labels can dictate our moods
Riddle Sideways: it was the Best of days, it was the Worst of days
Adams Rubble: tome is too fast; time is too slow
Adams Rubble: need to be careful of our judgements in our observing
Riddle Sideways: yes, be careful
Riddle Sideways: labeling
Adams Rubble: so hard
Riddle Sideways: forced self to watch both the DNC and RNC conventions
Riddle Sideways: exhausting
Adams Rubble: oh noooooooooo
Adams Rubble: poor Riddle
Riddle Sideways: however, seem to be an equal opportunity drifter offer
Riddle Sideways: slept through much of both
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: was thinking deeper than labelling last night
Adams Rubble listens
Riddle Sideways: was thinking of how Other(s) pass their labels on as if I needed their help
Riddle Sideways: seeing the right point of labeling
Riddle Sideways: it is a heavy tiring thing to do, to think it through for ones self
Riddle Sideways: on every thought needing to be thought through
Riddle Sideways: where does one stand on Peanut butter
Riddle Sideways: How does one feel about Devils Food cake
Adams Rubble: I am not sure I followed that
Riddle Sideways: backing up
Riddle Sideways: back to speakers giving opinions as if facts, that I am too dumb to have known
Riddle Sideways: labeling in that good/bad way
Adams Rubble: they lied :)
Riddle Sideways: easy to say
Riddle Sideways: but, they do lie
Riddle Sideways: create a new false person (an alt?) on FB, Twit, Insta, Tok, etc.
Riddle Sideways: and tell everybody a lie
Riddle Sideways: have a bunch of other alts agree with the lie
Riddle Sideways: is that how it works?
Riddle Sideways: or is the GOP correct that there is no election manipulation
Adams Rubble: Приветствую славное отечество
Adams Rubble: Their task was to hide everything we have seen and make it seem like Biden and Obama caused all the mess
Adams Rubble: and they were goping to fix it
Adams Rubble: going
Riddle Sideways: ?groping
Adams Rubble: yes, they do that too
Riddle Sideways: liked that one of the conventions made it sound like the pandemic was over and done
Riddle Sideways: move on
Riddle Sideways: then some News speaker said that at least 1,000 people have died each day the last two weeks
Riddle Sideways: got so confused
Riddle Sideways: doesn't those deaths mean it is still here
Riddle Sideways: *in the US
Riddle Sideways: During this distance from others and stay home, there have been 2 respected people (of 2 different religions) say that "G-d has a plan for me and it is not dying right now"
Adams Rubble: You raise an interesting topic about observing reality
Riddle Sideways: so they are out in public doing good works
Riddle Sideways: /listens
Adams Rubble: did you see my blog about Cindy Bullens?
Riddle Sideways: not yet
Adams Rubble: I had never heard of her/him
Adams Rubble: until I saw a story about Cindy becoming Cidny
Adams Rubble: do you know about her?
Riddle Sideways: think not
Adams Rubble: I am not sure where to start
Adams Rubble: but she/he has been very open about her/his life
Adams Rubble: she has had tragedies and did a beautiful and sad album after one of them
Adams Rubble: the reason I brought her up here is that one can see how others view him/her changing while he/she is the same person
Riddle Sideways: They are complicated for small minds to grasp
Riddle Sideways: back to that never being able to change the first impression given
Riddle Sideways: or that your mom will never see you grown up
Adams Rubble: her early work is very raw but her/jis later work is very introspective
Riddle Sideways: a backup singer that has stepped forward
Adams Rubble: except her lead singing preceded her backup singing
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: I did not do too well with that introduction
Riddle Sideways: up to you to judge that
Riddle Sideways: with help from search engines. got the bio and many points
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, but am back to Other(s) telling what should be known
Riddle Sideways: looking at the search text summaries. many different workings
Riddle Sideways: btw - several have 2 different date of births
Riddle Sideways: 1955 and 1953
Adams Rubble: hmm. I only saw 1955
Riddle Sideways: all this adds to the reason for the personal war on pronouns
Riddle Sideways: to abbreviate a person from their name to a short gender specific title
Riddle Sideways: what? to save typing a full name?
Adams Rubble: they did not want her songs because they were written by a woman
Adams Rubble: she told them they were written by a man so they let her song them
Riddle Sideways: and there is the Sci-fi authors must be male or nobody would buy/read them, so authors used letters instead of first names
Adams Rubble: gads
Riddle Sideways: J.K. Rowling
Adams Rubble: It was that way with the BNronte sisters
Adams Rubble: bronte
Adams Rubble: but that was 19c
Riddle Sideways: thinking that one of the very first issues with pronouns started years and years ago
Riddle Sideways: when working with someone that presented as male
Riddle Sideways: and there were good stories to tell from that time
Adams Rubble: I am working with public documents on the local level and as late as the 1950s and maybe even 1960s women were called by Mrs.+hiusbands name
Riddle Sideways: a few years later, working with the same person who presented as female.
Adams Rubble: It is very tough to know who nis who
Riddle Sideways: had to wrestle with how to tell a story of the good olde days
Riddle Sideways: which pronoun to use
Adams Rubble: I am afraid I must go
Riddle Sideways: thank you so much for today
Riddle Sideways: and your time
Adams Rubble: thank you for your time
Riddle Sideways: and making each other think
Adams Rubble: I have been feeling sick since the convention last week and have a hard time talking about it
Riddle Sideways: oh! did you get the disease?
Riddle Sideways: not wear a mask?
Riddle Sideways: no seriously, do understand
Riddle Sideways: and need to talk about it too
Adams Rubble: I do hope ost people see it for what it is
Adams Rubble: most
Adams Rubble: if not this country is in for some much darker times
Riddle Sideways: hope so too
Adams Rubble: take good care and hope to see you Thursday
Adams Rubble: bye
Riddle Sideways: by All