Storm's poster for the Being Theater Players four new performances on Sunday, July 31 at 12 noon SLT.
a1. Guardian Meetings for July
a2. Working Group Meetings for July
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A real life retreat was held at Windhorse Farm in Nova Scotia from July 17 to July 23, 2011. Attending were Bruce Mowbray, Eliza Madrigal, Eos Amaterasu, Stim Morane, Pema Pera and Wol Euler. The retreat will be the subject of a theme session on Saturday, August 6, 7 am SLT.
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Festival of Goddesses was held July 31 at 12 noon SLT in the Molecule Theater high over the Play as Being village.
Storm introduced the four perfomances as avatars gathered in the theater.
The first performance was Artisan of Light performed by bleu and written by Eden.
My name is Bleu
I come from another time
I am here
To reveal secrets
:: From the House of Dreams
Of Indian Tribes
In the Arizona desert
:: I am Sekhmet
Solar goddess of Egypt
I dispel darkness
Aphrodite was joined by Bruce and Storm in Volare. In the picture above Aprodite the goddess is flying on Volare's scooter with Volare behind.
Sophiasharon produced Tara and the Tree.
Much to the astonishment of the others, Tara would come to keep company of the great tree in the very early morning hours of the day.
In fact it was actually even before dawn, when the earth was still enveloped in the darkness of the receding night.
Which of course meant that the great beauty of the iridescent, blossoms was not visible to the others.
The audience was soon bathed in waves in Storm's production of Tuuli.
Rise thou wind to blow and bellow
gust and gale to whirl all over"
"Blow thou wind through more than six years
rage through summers more than seven"
"Rapids rise to rush in torrents
aged waters run more swiftly"
"And thou self rush like the rapids
and prevail without a hindrance"
"Pray I do to mighty masters
raise a wind and make it whirling"
"Raise a wind and make it whirling
make a gale that's great and growing"
"Rise thou wind to blow and bellow
rage and rave, thou angry weather"
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New Guardians: There were no new guardians in July