10-12 Dig This

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    by Calvino Rabeni

    Editor's Picks


    My intent in this Scribe Edition is to look at recent PlayAsBeing session through a thematic lens:

    Imagination is the Gateway to Reality


    It's interesting to look at the concepts diggrok, which refer to a state of deep understanding beyond the concrete facts of a situation; and the fundamental capacities of imagination and dream, which carry a variety of balancing negative and positive connotations that reveal their central place in the dynamic of knowing.

    Dig / Grok

    grasp, compass, apprehend, get the meaning of something

    the intermingling of intelligence that necessarily affects both the observer and the observed - to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed

    to empathize or communicate sympathetically (with); also, to experience enjoyment


    the ability of forming mental images, sensations and concepts, in a moment when they are not perceived through sight, hearing or other senses

    imagination reveals what the world could be

    the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems

    formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses

    a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep

    someone or something wonderful

    imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake; "he lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality"

    a fantastic but vain hope

    a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality


    So on the one hand imagination is the gateway to knowing beyond the superfical surfaces of reality; on the other hand it risks misapprehension and illusion if it diverges from "reality".  In dreams, however, this requirement is relaxed.  Clearly there is some convention - backed up by practical needs - to keep "real" and "not real" in separate conceptual compartments.  But is this how it really works?  There are many disciplines that explore the subtle relationships between reality and our "ways of knowing", including the following:

    • From the Kira Dream Workshop:  "This workshop addresses understanding the dream and the dreaming process -- as a process which is ongoing, waking or sleeping, and involving the unconscious regions of the mind, in which recent or intense sensory and emotional experiences are integrated into potential meaning for the individual."
    • From the Tibetan Buddhist Lojong proverbs:  "Treat everything you perceive (or all phenomena) as a dream."


    The first statement could be read as saying that there is unconscious dreaming going on while a person is awake, but a more interesting interpretation is that the dreaming process is part of the means by which the mind makes sense of experience, while awake or asleep.  Does the second statement say that the experienced world is somehow "not real"?  Or does it, like the first statement, say something about the process by which we "know" the world?


    2010.06.10 01:00 - Perceptions of Disability and Relationships

    The guardian for this meeting was Zen Arado. 

    How can we understand others, especially ones whose appearance and even experience is "different"?  Zen and Calvino are talking about people with disabilities, but from divergent perspectives - Calvino looking at the objective idea of their conditions, while Zen looks at the way they are perceived by others.

    Zen Arado: there are so many variations in what happens with people with my type of MD - you wonder if it is the same disease sometimes
    Calvino Rabeni: the same is true with what seems like the majority of medical challenges
    Calvino Rabeni: the isolated, simple-cause phenomena now appear to be in the minority
    Zen Arado: makes you realize how unique we all are, and not to put people in boxes
    Calvino Rabeni: hmmm, I can't quite see that as "uniqueness" - just a large number of combinations of differences of a hypercomplex system
    Zen Arado: I don't have any problem talking about MD to people - the more they know the better
    Calvino Rabeni: Yes
    Zen Arado: although it can be a bit tiring sometimes
    Calvino Rabeni: But it's more challenging in some ways, when the situation involves mental states
    Zen Arado: yes I agree
    Calvino Rabeni: Although I've seen people give it a go, which I admire
    Zen Arado: so we judge people more from their mental ability than physical capacity?
    Calvino Rabeni: Well, "judge" seems like it refers to the conclusion of a fairly long complex process - I'm not even sure people get there

    What could understanding of diversity be "grounded" in?

    Zen Arado: maybe it helps us be more understanding of others if we realize that we are all the same underneath - just our culture and life events have made us the way we are - so you see past the disability to the person underneath...
    Calvino Rabeni: that's been a time-honoured strategy, Zen, but it concerns me a little
    Zen Arado: why?
    Calvino Rabeni: there's the assumption that it is necessary to assume sameness in order to accept and appreciate others - it seems a subtle form of "normal". Why not appreciate the differences, unconditionally?
    Zen Arado: hmmmmm....good point Cal
    Calvino Rabeni: But - it has worked pretty well historically Zen - although I think the strategy is getting a little strained now - it is stressed by complexity and diversity
    Zaldaan Sirnah: I thought it concerned him because it implies that deep down he must actually be that concerned person too, in essence. :)
    Calvino Rabeni: that seems true also
    Zaldaan Sirnah: if you take everyone and remove all the heat, don't they condense into one particle?
    Calvino Rabeni: being "different" or "the same" seems almost meaningless - or perhaps it's just an aesthetic choice of what to look at
    Zen Arado: it's maybe about how you respond to differences
    Calvino Rabeni: that would matter :)
    Zen Arado: fear them or appreciate them
    Zaldaan Sirnah: well, for some reason I don't see people explaining. When they say, "we're all the same" they don't give the underlying truth
    Calvino Rabeni: If seeing the sameness makes people feel more relaxed about the differences - which I'd guess it does - then it sounds like a good strategy
    Zaldaan Sirnah: although nowadays some people mention a few things here and there
    Zen Arado: but through meditation I get back to 'being' 'true self' etc which I think I share with others?
    Zen Arado: I realize I have a lot in common with all humanity yet appreciate my own particular uniqueness at the same time?
    Calvino Rabeni: that sounds intelligent
    Zen Arado: and also appreciate the uniqueness of others?
    Calvino Rabeni: one question is what is the effect of this being a unilateral condition - if you do it and others don't ...
    Zen Arado: hope it's not intelligent but a form of 'not - knowing' :)
    Calvino Rabeni: I would call that real intelligence

    2010.06.10 07:00 - Stars and butterflies

    The Guardian for this meeting was Storm Nordwind.

    In this session, the images from a night dream enter the sphere of social creative process, and then take physical form in online media.  Who knows where the images originated, and where the

    Lucinda Lavender: I would like to make a picture where I see a picture of my self and butterflies are landing on me
    Lucinda Lavender: this was my dream yesterday.

    After much camera manoeuvering, plus taking and retaking of snapshots, I had taken a photograph of Lucinda with the red admiral butterflies and uploaded it. I passed it to her and also put it on a board for everyone to see.



    2010.06.10 13:00 - wiki problems, crashing, worldcup, jokes...

    The Guardian for this meeting was Lia Rikugun.

    Mick describes the stimulating and imaginative effect of an elevated physical position.

    Mickorod Renard: I used to spend alot of time on roofs for my work once, it was fun to see a city from a diferent perspective

    Sometimes an incpmplete perspective is the occasion for great merriment and jocularity:

    Agatha Macbeth: (Ha, i can type one-handed, cool)
    Wol Euler raises an eyebrow
    Agatha Macbeth: Illogical Captain
    Mickorod Renard: what u doin with the other hand?
    Wol Euler: huh
    Mickorod Renard: dont answer
    Agatha Macbeth: Drinking Mick...
    Mickorod Renard: phew

    ... if you can bear it:

    Storm Nordwind covers his eyes and ears


    2010.06.10 19:00

    People notice perspectives, and are aware if they are vacated.  Beware leaving your avatar uninhabited.  When this person tried it, the following picture shows what happened:

    stevenaia Michinaga: hmmm, I am being called away in RL, brb, just ignore my slumpted over avatar :0




    Kiki Walpanheim: yes, bleu....i read about the advice on the 90 sec pause and tried
    Kiki Walpanheim: ty
    Kiki Walpanheim: and it feels good
    Bleu Oleander: have you applied it to RL?
    Paradise Tennant: smiles ... I find .. I still have to force myself to remember to stop sometimes ..
    Paradise Tennant: to breathe .. be aware .. empty out a bit
    Paradise Tennant: so easy to become immersed in our whirly gig world :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: nods
    Bleu Oleander: :)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: now picturing a whirly gig world, and me stading somewhere out of it
    SophiaSharon Larnia: stanbding*
    SophiaSharon Larnia: lol
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Paradise Tennant: perfect approach to take to whirly gigness ;)
    SophiaSharon Larnia: watching it
    Paradise Tennant: yes
    Paradise Tennant: sometimes the awareness is just observation
    SophiaSharon Larnia: even when it doesnt seem as such, at the time
    Kiki Walpanheim: sorry was processsing several chats at the same time
    Kiki Walpanheim: what was the question?
    Paradise Tennant: yes but it brings .. distance
    SophiaSharon Larnia: np kiki
    Kiki Walpanheim: yes i practiced it in rl
    Kiki Walpanheim: but didnt follow the timing exactly
    Kiki Walpanheim: but the break and meditation feels good
    Paradise Tennant: use to find that if I set my watch to beep it would help remind me
    Bleu Oleander: yes
    Kiki Walpanheim: i need to go.......

    Paradise Tennant: cal did you have anything you wanted to talk about tonight :)
    Paradise Tennant: sits on her hands and behaves :)
    Calvino Rabeni: heheh
    SophiaSharon Larnia contentedly listens to the silence
    Paradise Tennant: smiles
    Calvino Rabeni: Well after the shocking disappearance of Steve under somewhat irregular circumstances...
    Calvino Rabeni: I thought it might be good to turn to something of an upbeat topic...
    Calvino Rabeni: A testimonial I recently found in the Blogosphere
    Calvino Rabeni: Always good to see some excitement from our readers and listeners, isn't it?
    Calvino Rabeni: So recently I came across this:
    Calvino Rabeni: ". I've been teetering on the edge of doing more writing, so all this great stuff going on at Play as Being has pushed me over the edge. It feels good ..."
    Bleu Oleander: very nice!

    2010.06.11 01:00

    Calvino Rabeni: The 1pm sessions seem most jokey usually, less serious
    Wol Euler smiles
    Darren Islar: ah yes, it's friday :)
    Calvino Rabeni: but it can't be because of the 1, since most participants aren't in SLT zone
    Calvino Rabeni: I think it might be "just got off work" happy hour effect
    Wol Euler: "The weekend starts here!"
    Calvino Rabeni: Or something related to the time it is in eurpoe
    Darren Islar: I think so too, celebrating weekend
    Calvino Rabeni: not just fridays, wol, but I think, every day :)
    Wol Euler: yes, the 1pms are much less serious than the 7pms, sure
    Darren Islar: 1 pm sessions are different
    Calvino Rabeni: I noticed, but the reason seems mysterious still
    Darren Islar: to most europeans it is 9 or 10 o' clock in the evening


    Calvino Rabeni: There's a lot of Do It Yourself subcultures - some like brewing and distilling
    Wol Euler: home winemaking, from strange ingredients
    Calvino Rabeni: A lot of binge drinking in colleges
    Wol Euler: turnip and raspberry wine
    Zaldaan Sirnah: A friend of mine, who ran a coffee shop, told me the coffee used by those chains was not even low grade, but the grade used for landscaping/decoration!
    Calvino Rabeni: Right, or dandelion wine, or nettle (yum)

    2010.06.11 07:00 - Generous Pushing

    The Guardian for this meeting was Eliza Madrigal.

     I would characterize this as a quirky-but-interesting session, which highlights the relative vs. absolute question we eventually touch on, after discussing ideas of time, motion, awareness, dreams, and wu wei. 

    Zen Arado:

    Mitsu Ishii: so one day I was practicing martial arts with my old teacher, Michael Thompson
    : we were doing an exercise in which you sit down and try to push each other
    : one person pushes into the other Mitsu Ishii: and the "goal" so to speak is to push the person over
    : it's interesting because you really have to relax to be able to push effectively
    : and to absorb the other person's push
    : anyway, so I was doing this with my teacher
    : it was like trying to push a brick wall
    : so there I was, struggling and struggling to push him and he was just sitting there

    Mitsu Ishii: so finally he leans over and says "be more generous"
    Mitsu Ishii: and it was like a light bulb over my head
    Mitsu Ishii: I realized the problem was I had been thinking of it in terms of a conflict, I'm trying to push him over / but instead, if I think of it as being generous with my energy, suddenly I felt a new reservoir of energy / and I could be generous with it
    Gaya Ethaniel nods. Seeing the other as an enemy ...
    Mitsu Ishii: so that worked a lot better. I always remember that moment

    Zen Arado: so...just changing his thoughts gave him so much more energy
    SophiaSharon Larnia: hmm
    Eliza Madrigal: and the thought that pushing would be a generous thing is fascinating ...
    Zen Arado: got him closer to 'the flow'?
    Eliza Madrigal: yes, kind of flipped things inside out

    2010.06.11 13:00 - Worldcup on a not so silly friday

    The Guardian for this meeting was Yakuzza Lethecus.

    Fael Innovia: today's meeting is somewhat unusual somehow... can't put a finger on it :)

    Wol Euler mopes
    Fael Innovia: meep! :)
    arabella Ella: yeaaa!
    Zen Arado: you bought a sun lamp Fael?
    Fael Innovia gets a big questionmark on top of her head and tilts her head a bit, looking puzzled.
    Zen Arado: you look rather dark skinned ?
    arabella Ella: it is summer Zen
    Fael Innovia: Yes, my skin is dark :)
    Calvino Rabeni: To Meep or to Mope, that is the question...

    2010.06.11 19:00 - DSL

    The Guardian for this meeting was Pema Pera.

    Calvino Rabeni: what are your main activities these days?
    Pema Pera: recently more astrophysics
    Pema Pera: more than I've done in the last three years in fact, since I got into virtual worlds
    Calvino Rabeni: ah, what's the topic area?
    Pema Pera: astrophysics computer simulations, with also branches into special-domain language development and even category theory

    2010.06.12 01:00

    Pila Mulligan: do you think there is any skill to keeping up your luck?
    Bertram Jacobus: it´s really amazing, i feel so free in my life like ... never before ? i think, i can say that. am astonished by myself about that. but it longs now already so long - many month that my feeling is ... different, free ... that i nearly have to say so - for example
    Bertram Jacobus: yes : skill to meet the transcendent
    Pila Mulligan: :)
    Pila Mulligan: I agree empirically and intuitvely, but it is difficult to describe rationally
    Bertram Jacobus: yes. but for example : my refuge lama has cast me out (!) - and i gain advantages even from that (!) ...
    Pila Mulligan: ahh, sounds like an interesting life episode
    Bertram Jacobus: i´m happy you understand so well ! ... :-)
    Scathach Rhiadra: yes, tell us more, if you would like to:)
    Bertram Jacobus: i don´t know what to tell may be best - but perhaps this : it´sm a chance and challenge to kinda "grow", to take even more responsibility for all i am , i do and such ... another point ... :

    Darren Islar: I think on a psychological level we all have experiences fo a more or less stable mind
    Darren Islar: especially the ones that includes meditation in their lives
    Darren Islar: but I don't know if that has got something to do with the absolute
    Darren Islar: which actually can't be approached on that leve
    Darren Islar: level
    Bertram Jacobus: whcih approach would you see darren ?
    Darren Islar: I cant say bert what you really mean and what you have learned
    Darren Islar: but I feel I'm hasitating a bit in hearing such big words
    Darren Islar: I don't know yet, because I only know the psychological leve
    Darren Islar: level
    Darren Islar: I know it is there, sometimes touching it, most of the time unexpectedly
    Darren Islar: and I knwo it is there because I see it functioning in my teacher(s)
    Bertram Jacobus: so much what could be said to that (!) ...
    Darren Islar: and that is what I can say about it, actually, not knowing more
    Darren Islar: I don't know about you, but I've seen people mixing up the different layers of psychology, symoblism and wisdom
    Darren Islar: and I think the absolute can only be 'touched' at the wisdom level
    Bertram Jacobus: first what came into my mind about that, was :
    Bertram Jacobus: there are or i know two ways of handling something : we can say, we understand or we can say, we can´t . understand each other for example . and there always are common things and differences . and we can focus both . it´s in so many texts said that we decide and create what happens. so i for example prefere to understand, to try at least and to see and feel the common things . but one can´t do that for others for sure
    Bertram Jacobus: what not means, that i wouldn´t see the different and dividing aspects too or would deny them ( an often occuring misunderstandíng)


    Darren Islar: at the same time there are so many parts of the brain that need to work together
    Pila Mulligan: aspects of the absolute probably percolate up through the layers of intellect, psychology and symoblism
    Darren Islar: aspects of it sure
    Pila Mulligan: then those may blossom in time
    Darren Islar: in moments yes
    Pila Mulligan: for indiviudals seeing them
    Bertram Jacobus: and i think about the big and great words that not only buddha and jesus spoke ... if such people hadn´t done so ... we would miss may be the most important help we have in life (and many others may have been followed, but not so famous) ...
    Bertram Jacobus: and the lectures explain also that, don´t they ? i think, most of us may know them (?) : that we first see a bit of that, then more and more and in the end it gets constantly ...
    Bertram Jacobus: becomes*
    Darren Islar: I don't know about the latter, lacking the experience, but I agree Bert, I'm happy there are buddha;s and poeple like Jesus around to teach us
    Pila Mulligan: helping us get parts of life to work together :)
    Bertram Jacobus: i think we can be so happy to live in circumstances like the current ones are (!) ... have so many possibilities to grow
    Darren Islar: true

    2010.06.12 07:00

    Yakuzza Lethecus: ah with them, oh it´s fine nothing special tho to have coffee with them, actually i often think that i should enjoy those ,,normal" things more
    Pema Pera: Hi Myna, so good to see you again!
    Yakuzza Lethecus: i kind of go through so many things in an non mindful way so to speak
    Pema Pera: very important to enjoy "normal" things :)


    Yakuzza Lethecus: oh, i have to admit i usually also like to read more around here when the topic is more pab related, still i don´t know how to bring contemplative topics into a flow and an elaborated form to share it


    Myna Maven: Anyway, the fish. When we first got them, it was interesting....ended up contemplating quite a bit what it would be to live without closing one's eyes.
    Myna Maven: Well, contemplated it for a while.
    Myna Maven: We associate sleep, rest, and often meditativeness, with the ability to shut one's eyes....close out the observed world of the visual sense
    Zaldaan Sirnah: do fish sleep?
    Darren Islar: I don't think I would think of contemplating about something like that, it wouldn't come to mind :)
    Myna Maven: Yes, they do sleep. But I haven't read much about it.
    Darren Islar: I don't close my eyes when meditating
    Yakuzza Lethecus: Answer:Yes fish sleep. But it’s not sleep as we know it. They don’t have eyelids to close, they sometimes do it during the day, they don’t show the characteristic brainwave patterns like REM sleep seen in humans, and some, including most sharks have to keep swimming in their sleep.+
    Yakuzza Lethecus: just copy pasted that from a website
    Myna Maven: I sometimes close my eyes. Sometimes don't.
    Yakuzza Lethecus: http://bigquestion.wordpress.com/200...do-fish-sleep/


    Myna Maven: It's very difficult to anthropomorphize fish, which is one reason it's nice to have them around. Contemplating different states of being.
    Myna Maven: Very different from cats and dogs, at least it was for me, as an urban dweller.
    Myna Maven: Considering it might be easier to anthropomorphize fish with hands.
    Darren Islar: I don't think I get it
    Myna Maven: Fish with hands? Well, there are fish with hands. But I was just being fanciful. Considering what features of animals make us more partial to attributing human characteristics to them.
    Darren Islar: ah, okay
    Darren Islar: fish with hands? :)
    Myna Maven: Play at Being thinking what it's like to be a fish.

    2010.06.12 13:00 - Soccer, what else?

    The Guardian for this meeting was Darren Islar.

     As most saturdays lately, it started of quietly, some people coming in late, but this time not really getting busy. So we talked about everything and nothing, with the most interesting thing what football means to us

    Bertram Jacobus: i appreciate so much that all here are so kind ...

    Darren Islar: so do I :)
    Bertram Jacobus: i find that very supporting ...

    Wester Kiranov: i agree
Bertram Jacobus: and to be here with interesting topics and calm sometimes - so good ! ...

    Darren Islar: any topic one of you like to talk about?


    Bertram Jacobus: but these ... how are they called vuzuvelas ? these sound trumpets are really ugly aren´t they ? ;o)

    arabella Ella: he he
    arabella Ella: you honestly think they are ugly?

    Bertram Jacobus: because they change the sound in the stadiums so intense
    Bertram Jacobus: my beloved patterns !
    arabella Ella: makes for more atmosphere
    arabella Ella: and one thing i hope with this world cup
    arabella Ella: that it will help the ugly ghost of racism to perhaps get lessened

    Bertram Jacobus: yess - i think, it´s wonderful for africa

    arabella Ella: after all we are all human beings all born the same

    Darren Islar: if that would be the result, that surely would be great
    arabella Ella: i am just hopeful

    arabella Ella: as racism in europe has become very ugly

     arabella Ella: well if you see my FB page I found a link between football, art and philosophy which is very interesting :)
    Darren Islar: nog very interesting to me though

    Zen Arado: see what page?

    arabella Ella: let me find it give me a minute pls

    Zen Arado: ok sure

    Darren Islar: sounds interesting ara
    arabella Ella: this is it

    arabella Ella: http://www.apexart.org/exhibitions/critchley.htm
    arabella Ella: there is an art exhibition in USA called men with balls

    arabella Ella: and simon critchley who is a philosopher is curator

    Darren Islar: men with balls :))

    2010.06.12 19:00 - Witnessing, Playing, and Being

    The Guardian for this meeting was Pema Pera.

    Pema Pera: may I ask, have your tried to take some short few-second breaks, a few times, to see what that was like?
    druth Vlodovic: I've checked it out
    Pema Pera: do you have any questions, or comments?
    druth Vlodovic: I guess that means no all 'round :) have you tried it pema?

    In response to Druth's questions, I gave a quick but probably much too terse reply.

    Pema Pera: oh sure, I like to take those little breaks -- like meditation for lazy people :-)
    Pema Pera: only a few seconds at a time, rather than half an hour or a day ; but what is surprising is that it still works to some extent
    Pema Pera: in my own experience, at least, being reminded is half the message
    Pema Pera: sitting then for another half hour can be nice, but doesn't seem to be the most central point
    Pema Pera: btw, I love the quote in your profile "Coincidentally truth always seems to lie right where we stop looking for it." -- so true (^_^)
    druth Vlodovic: :)
    Eliza Madrigal: Hi, apologies, here :)
    Pema Pera: how did you hit upon that, by experience :-) ?
    Pema Pera: wb Eliza!
    Eliza Madrigal: ty
    druth Vlodovic: seemed logical
    Pema Pera: So you're modifying the saying "it was in the last place I looked" by saying "it was in the first place I didn't look" . . . I really like that!
    druth Vlodovic: fatigue has created more philosophies... lol
    Pema Pera: hahaha, lazy = good, it helps to find shorcuts, and to cut through knots
    druth Vlodovic: you said "being reminded is half the message" reminded of what?
    Pema Pera: reminded that we tend to get caught up in the story of whatever we are focused on right now
    Pema Pera: while paying too little attention to all the beauty around us
    Pema Pera: we also tend to inflate our own importance, and the importance of all our little tasks, and a short break can shoot a little hole in that inflation
    Pema Pera: we are mesmerized by our little endeavors - I'm speaking from my own experience at least -- and I always appreciate reminders to smell the flowers
    Pema Pera: or "to drop what I have to see what I am"
    druth Vlodovic: do you tend to look in or out when you do this?
    Pema Pera: both, while trying to see whether there is really any difference, there may not be
    Eliza Madrigal: :)
    Pema Pera: "in" and "out" are labels, ideas, like plastic covers that we put on an expensive sofa before we sit on it
    Pema Pera: when I look around me, I see my experience that is offering me the world -- and when I look inside me, I see all the judgments of others that I take so seriously, all the praise and blame, and all the fragility for which I'm trying to use the outside world as a crutch
    Pema Pera: it's all so intermingled . . .

    After my somewhat complex attempt to show the difficulties separating inner and outer, Eliza gave a more gentle tour guide impression of the 9-sec break.

    Eliza Madrigal: sometimes the pause just kind of softens my view... it isnt always that I stop and am quiet... sometimes I'm just relaxing with the same thoughts...
    Eliza Madrigal: go from trying to nail them down to letting them roll a bit... :)
    Pema Pera: yes, stopping the frantic attempts to hold our story together
    Pema Pera: we all play as having (all kind of problems and limitations)
    Pema Pera: but we could play as being (part of the Universe, or even all of Being)
    Pema Pera: we have the choice, and a little break reminds me not to continue the track of having
    Pema Pera: having, carrying, sweating it out, trying to carry the world upon our shoulders .....
    Pema Pera: Hi Dre

    Dream Wrexan: Of course, this is an ideal for me - not always achievable in the heat of emotion
    Pema Pera: yes, that's a wonderful kind of exploration, a real adventure, I'm always amazed when I remind myself to do that
    Dream Wrexan: but I'm getting better.
    Eliza Madrigal smiles
    druth Vlodovic: "the examined life" :)
    Dream Wrexan: exactly, druth!
    Pema Pera: yes, and that's why we have this "9 seconds break every 15 minutes" as a trick to remind ourselves regularly

    And how nice to share this kind of intention among four friends!

    Pema Pera: but I'm still curious, if I may: I agree that taking that kind of stance is very illuminating and also practically helpful -- but do you think it is the ultimate solution/approach, or do you think there may still be something else, possibly even more effective?

    Dream Wrexan: I'm open to ideas. :-)

    Pema Pera: what puzzles me just a bit is the notion of distance, of separation, between the witness and what is witnessed . . .

    Pema Pera: can that be the final answer, that that distance remains, or do you think that drops away somehow, somewhen?

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