“The great secret of morals is Love; or a going out of our own nature, and an identification of ourselves with the beautiful which exists in thought, action, or person, not our own.” ~Shelley
On exchanging self for others: http://www.freebuddhistaudio.com/audio/details?num=LOC1103
FcSeeker Resident: because the Love is 'there' even if it dont rise to love
Eden Haiku: Yes, compassion is the only other way
Eden Haiku: Yes, I believe that too.
Eden Haiku: Love is our true nature.
Eden Haiku: We swim in it.
oO0Oo Resident: so, is being, the original 'real' love?
oO0Oo Resident: unconditional acceptence?
oO0Oo Resident: without subject or object?
oO0Oo Resident: from which this playground arises?
(from http://wiki.playasbeing.org/Chat_Logs/2011/01/2011.01.11_19%3a00_-_Timing_Waking )
Calvino Rabeni: My opinion is, compassion doesn't care much, whether it is called "compassion" or "love"
(from http://wiki.playasbeing.org/Chat_Logs/2010/12/2010.12.22_19:00_-_Marshmallows_toasting_on_an_open_fire )