2008.07.18 07:00 - Being, Loathing, Confusion and our Relationships with Avatars
Fael Illyar: I might let my clothes give suggestions but I already know them before they're said so that's not necessary.
Gaya Ethaniel: You see words or clothes emerging Fael?
Fael Illyar: Yes, that's what wordless thinking is. You know in advance what you're going to think and won't have to.
Gaya Ethaniel: hm...I’d like to do that. One day soon :)
Fael Illyar: ok, what color is the pillow your AV is sitting on?
Gaya Ethaniel: I don't know...
Fael Illyar: You don't know or just can't find the word?
Gaya Ethaniel: yes... not sure how to describe it
Fael Illyar: But you know the color? That’s wordless thought
Gaya Ethaniel: I just see it :(
Fael Illyar: yes, that's kind of what wordless thought is :)
Gaya Ethaniel: oh is that what you mean?
Fael Illyar: You just "see" it. It's there, no need to translate it to words anymore. You know it
Gaya Ethaniel: Yes that's what I do most of times... but only if I focus on it... don't think I see this cushion or anything around me much.
Fael Illyar: why did you say "I don't know" instead of describing?
Gaya Ethaniel: because I didn't want to feel bad that I cannot describe exactly how I see it to you
Faenik: could be
Fael Illyar: ah, so you do see how words are inadequate :) If you're good in a language, the problem is lesser but never goes away.
Gaya Ethaniel: didn't really think about limit of language i used to think more about limit of my understanding
Fael Illyar: if you use words to think, those are your limit