Here are some dialogues that I held with Stim Morane (in RL: Steven Tainer) in the fall of 2009, in preparation for my PaB book writing project. -- Pema Pera (in RL: Piet Hut)
2009/08/21 dialogue: No Limits
2009/08/30 dialogue: Wu-Wei and Seeing is Enough
2009/08/31 dialogue: Not-Yet-Known versus Quite-Different
2009/09/01 dialogue: What Contains What
2009/09/02 dialogue: Bottom Up vs. Top Down
2009/09/03 dialogue: What is and isn't Wu-Wei
2009/09/04 dialogue: Age Quod Agis
2009/09/28 dialogue: Engagement
2009/09/29 dialogue: The Push and Pull of PaB
2009/10/01 dialogue: Being, Suchness, and what Is
2009/10/05 dialogue: Noble, in Contrast to Idealist vs. Realist
2009/10/06 dialogue: The Ordinary Mind 2009/10/07 dialogue: A More Direct Way of Knowing