2017.03.06 07:00 - Monday morning Moonlight sonata

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Eden Haiku. The comments are by Eden Haiku.

    1- Eden, Riddle, Catrina, Adams.jpg

    Eden, Riddle, Catrina and Adams

    Snake oil salesmen

    Catrinamonblue Resident: 's current display-name is "Catrinamonblue".
    Riddle Sideways: Hi Cat
    Catrinamonblue Resident: Morning :)
    Riddle Sideways: Eden
    Eden Haiku: Good morning Cat and Riddle :)
    Riddle Sideways: enters, leaping Adams
    Catrinamonblue Resident: hi Adams :)
    Eden Haiku: Good morning Adams :)
    Adams Rubble: Good morning everyone :)
    Riddle Sideways: no need to walk in SL, when leaping for Joy is available
    Eden Haiku: smiles
    Adams Rubble: I hope everyone is well
    Eden Haiku: Fine, thanks. And you?
    Riddle Sideways: better now that resisted looking at headlines
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Eden Haiku: good idea :)
    Adams Rubble: I looked at the newspapers this morning but I have since recovered :)
    Adams Rubble: don't look at the newspapers
    Eden Haiku: Ouch!
    Riddle Sideways: must make sure to pick the newspaper up from bottom of driveway the proper way
    Adams Rubble: John Oliver made the Dalai Lama laugh on Last Night
    Catrinamonblue Resident: i generally have always stayed away from the news....
    Riddle Sideways: so as not to see "headlines"
    Adams Rubble: on headlines: Classic tactic of snake oil salesmen is to distract from what they are doing
    Riddle Sideways: Oh! must see that. wait ... the Dalai Lama laughs at everything


    SL music in the background

    Eden Haiku: Still some SL music playing in the background, but not as loud, thankfully...
    Riddle Sideways: yes Eden! heard it Sat. and today
    Catrinamonblue Resident: I only hear fountain and birds :)
    Riddle Sideways: on the same channel as the fountain
    Eden Haiku: You are hearing too Riddle?
    Adams Rubble: hmmm, I am hearing it today very faintly
    Riddle Sideways: very quiet in 'Sounds' and the Owl is very loud over it
    Eden Haiku: Faintly yes. So bearable, I can still hear the fountain but birds, no birds...
    Adams Rubble:Dr Wol is very busy these days
    Adams Rubble: depends on which way the camera is facing
    Eden Haiku: Paranoid self is wondering is this could be some troll intervention?
    Eden Haiku: Oh camera? Trying that
    Adams Rubble: this could get in one's head
    Eden Haiku: Nope, can hear the piano from every angle
    Eden Haiku: Ah!
    Catrinamonblue Resident: oh wow...ok moved camera and got soft piano music.....
    Adams Rubble: the fountain masks it somewhat
    Riddle Sideways: giggles :) hearing Twinkle, Twinkle little star
    Catrinamonblue Resident: yes :)
    Eden Haiku: Yes!
    Adams Rubble:I think the fish are practicing
    Riddle Sideways: how many fish does it take, to ?
    Riddle Sideways: play on the head of a pin?
    Eden Haiku: Maybe it's the bell punishing us for our talking on it?
    Adams Rubble answers one for each key
    Riddle Sideways: This surely would not be some plot by dr. Wol


    Eden Haiku: Oh no, no Wol behind that. The AI of the bell took over :)
    Adams Rubble 's comment was that Dr Wol is too busy to troubleshoot
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Eden Haiku: Yes, got that :)
    Riddle Sideways: ok
    Riddle Sideways: mis-read
    Eden Haiku: At least the music is subdued :)
    Eden Haiku: So we have to deal with it as with the rest of it all, fake news and so on :)


    All the little fishes playing

    2- Catrina.jpg


    Riddle Sideways: there was a PaB'er (forget name) that ran WingSong Dojo and made musical instruments
    Eden Haiku: Which are not as subtle
    Riddle Sideways: with bright colored keys
    Riddle Sideways: Boxy loved those
    Eden Haiku: oh yes, I remember!
    Riddle Sideways: if that person were still in SL, they might make a fish piano
    Riddle Sideways: one fish per note
    Riddle Sideways: anyhow, back on fake or real or whatever News
    Eden Haiku: back on fishes playing keynotes
    Eden Haiku: :)
    Catrinamonblue Resident: Sounds neat Riddle :)all the little fishes playing :)
    Riddle Sideways: had some time Sunday,  so decided to just try to follow one 
    Adams Rubble: ghost of Beethoven returns
    Eden Haiku: listens to Riddle
    Eden Haiku: and to the ghost :)
    Riddle Sideways: and both
    Riddle Sideways: trying to research one small story was very Very exhausting
    Riddle Sideways: there was a small tweet
    Riddle Sideways: a 5:30am 80-100 word thing
    Riddle Sideways: which cost an hour plus of research
    Riddle Sideways:how could Pres. Obama wiretap then candidates phone
    Riddle Sideways: well, very long story on how to find out
    Adams Rubble:that is just what the snake oil salesman wants you to be spending your time doing
    Catrinamonblue Resident: yes
    Riddle Sideways: yes, exactly Adams
    Eden Haiku: mmm
    Riddle Sideways: all that time,
    Eden Haiku: And in the meantime the Crimean oil connections get lost in fake news....
    Riddle Sideways: seems like a president read a regurgitated story in a Bright website
    Riddle Sideways: and thought it was real-ish
    Eden Haiku: laughing, yes....
    Riddle Sideways: and getting words accurate like a phone wiretap vs a servers traffic logs
    Riddle Sideways: was so surprising (should not have been) how many repeat sites broadcast the same incomplete story
    Eden Haiku: yes
    Riddle Sideways: (almost) glad to have done the experience of chasing one snake oil trail
    Riddle Sideways: sorry bell, sound is down


    Eden Haiku: appreciates Riddle's desire to be thorough with the fake news, but wonders how he will survive the next 4 years...
    Adams Rubble: the fish are getting pretty good at this Moonlight Sonata thingy
    Eden Haiku: Yep!
    Riddle Sideways: both
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Eden Haiku: feeling trapped in the notes
    Riddle Sideways: how shall we all survive?
    Adams Rubble: it is like a meditation
    Eden Haiku: wonders that too ;)
    Eden Haiku: listens to Adams' wisdom
    Adams Rubble: fishy wisdom
    Eden Haiku: And in the meanwhile, a little story
    Eden Haiku: Yesterday, it was very cold, sunny, the roads were free of ice and snow
    Eden Haiku: I drove to the East tip of the island (Montreal is an island)
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Eden Haiku: A part of town I had never seen
    Eden Haiku: With a winding old road by the river
    Eden Haiku: All blue and icy and melting and reflecting the sun
    Eden Haiku: We got out of the car to walk by the river
    Eden Haiku: A resident came to us and told us a story
    Eden Haiku: Under his house, he found Indian artefacts
    Eden Haiku: There used to be a brook there
    Eden Haiku: By which the Indians would camp, coming from the big Saint-Lawrence river
    Eden Haiku: They had to stop there because of the rapids on the smaller river
    Eden Haiku: Liked the fact that the past was handed down like that, from stranger to strangers on a cold Sunday afternoon
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Catrinamonblue Resident: :)
    Riddle Sideways: :) like that


    Bad karma for the British Empire

    Eden Haiku: Explored a bit the Sacred Arts museum's exhibit Adams. Not through yet, by far...
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: I guess you don't have Elephanta Cave as it’a not a buddhist site ?
    Riddle Sideways: same too, Eden. it takes a long visits
    Adams Rubble: It is a Hindu site nearer to Mumbai
    Eden Haiku: Looking at all the Buddhas, it reminded me the feeling I had in Elephanta cave
    Eden Haiku: The height of the three-headed Shiva was so impressive, all this stone...
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: So I guess the feeling in Ellora caves must have some similarity
    Adams Rubble: there is a 19th century photograph of British "Gentlemen and ladies" using that space for a big banquet served by Indian servants
    Eden Haiku: Rocks in general have this power I think, even before they are carved...
    Adams Rubble: near the three-headed Shiva
    Adams Rubble: very bad karma for the British Empire
    Eden Haiku: Oh wow, that must be something....very irreverant for the servants I suppose...Though Indians have a way of mixing the sacred and the profane...
    Riddle Sideways: surealistic juxtaposition



    Depressing Moonlight sonata again

    Adams Rubble: it is the kind of picture that can emerge when one culture is so dismissive of another culture
    Adams Rubble: kind of what si going on with mexico today
    Riddle Sideways: kind of like a resident coming out to say you are standing on history
    Eden Haiku: Heard about Calexit over the week-end for the 1st time :)
    Adams Rubble was going to ask what is Calexit but figured it out :)
    Eden Haiku: California feels so different from the rest of the US it seems ;)
    Adams Rubble: ohh, not Canada
    Adams Rubble: I have one question, where would california get its water if it left US
    Riddle Sideways: might as well ... there is going to be no fed money coming to Cal
    Catrinamonblue Resident: I'm sorry I have to go... work calling me to get things done :)
    Eden Haiku: From Mexico maybe?
    Adams Rubble: hehe
    Riddle Sideways: by Cat
    Eden Haiku: Bye Cat, thanks for being here this morning :)
    Adams Rubble: Mexico does not have much water
    Riddle Sideways: the Colorado no longer makes it into Ca much
    Adams Rubble: oh no, not the Moonlight Sonata again
    Eden Haiku: again....
    Riddle Sideways: oh yes,small repeat loop
    Riddle Sideways: and San Fransisco will probably lose all Fed money
    Adams Rubble: It is like the man and the dog playing chess. A passerby is amazed the dog can play chess but the man says, he always loses
    Eden Haiku: :)
    Riddle Sideways: laughs, yes
    Adams Rubble: California must remember it is not alone
    Eden Haiku: True
    Riddle Sideways: an active Fed bill to terminate money to any state, county, city that does not turn over info data on residents
    Eden Haiku: No?
    Riddle Sideways: yes!!!!
    Eden Haiku: oh lala
    Adams Rubble: lots of crazy bills being proposed
    Eden Haiku: feeling suddenly depressed
    Riddle Sideways: yes! a Facebook posting of the current bills out there
    Eden Haiku: that sonata thingy on a Monday morning...
    Riddle Sideways: many thought it had to be wrong
    Riddle Sideways: at least 3 others researched and provided more details
    Eden Haiku: incredible
    Riddle Sideways:does not mean they will pass
    Riddle Sideways: oh Adams! you are right
    Eden Haiku: feeling like putting my head into sand
    Riddle Sideways: reminds that with work things that were thought not to be changable can be
    Eden Haiku: closing my eyes and covering my ears and shutting my mouth
    Riddle Sideways: if it is important to you, fight (peacefully) for it
    Riddle Sideways: an the fish played on
    Eden Haiku: and the fish play on
    Eden Haiku: and on
    Riddle Sideways: it is decided
    Riddle Sideways: long live the fish
    Riddle Sideways: possibly without an EPA
    Eden Haiku: :)
    Riddle Sideways: no monies to S.F. bay wildlifes


    Eden Haiku: With this, wishing you a good Monday friends :)
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Riddle Sideways: must go recycle
    Eden Haiku: Bye Riddle, bye Adams :)
    Eden Haiku: Must go walk into the cold :)
    Riddle Sideways: by All

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