2017.09.11 07:00 - What happened?

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    The Guardian for this meeting was Eden Haiku. The comments are by Eden Haiku.

    On September 11.jpg

    Adams Rubble, Eden Haiku and Riddle Sideways


    Record breaking weather


    Riddle Sideways: hi Eden
    Riddle Sideways: seems earlier today
    Eden Haiku: hi riddle ;0
    Riddle Sideways: the Sun is not as up as usual
    Eden Haiku: light is darkening already
    Riddle Sideways: Storm?
    Riddle Sideways: coming?


    Eden Haiku: Heard from Eliza on Twitter: she's safe but she had to evacuate with son and dog.
    Eden Haiku: No storm here: anti-cyclonic weather, Sun is shining for thw whole week. It Riddle Sideways: listening yesterday that Irma was covering all of Florida
    Eden Haiku: Yes...

    Riddle Sideways: did an end around to go at Ft. Myers and Tampa
    Riddle Sideways: West side of Florida is not use to direct hits
    Eden Haiku: More fires in California6
    Riddle Sideways: Oh? not read that yet
    Eden Haiku: Thought so. Might be mistaken...
    Eden Haiku: Confusing news
    Riddle Sideways: lots of the other West states are on fire
    Eden Haiku: Apocalyptic news
    Riddle Sideways: B.C. was the worst fires
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Eden Haiku: Climate sceptics must be dumbfounded
    Riddle Sideways: wish it was Fake news
    Eden Haiku: yes :)
    Riddle Sideways: how can it be written off as cyclic
    Riddle Sideways: when it is record breaking
    Riddle Sideways: highest Ever
    Riddle Sideways: is not cyclic
    Eden Haiku: nope

    Adams arrives


    Eden Haiku: Hello leaping joyous friend :)
    Adams Rubble: Good morning Eden and Riddle :)
    Riddle Sideways: Hello Adams
    Riddle Sideways: was off reading any News
    Riddle Sideways: and Eden was right ... it is confusing
    Adams Rubble: the water was sucked out of Tampa Bay on the incoming side--will flood on the outgoing
    Riddle Sideways: what is current and


    Missed the Narrative Art session

    Eden Haiku: So sorry I missed Narrative Art session yesterday Adams :(
    Riddle Sideways: ohoh, you missed a Great presentation
    Adams Rubble: They missed you Eden. I missed it too.
    Riddle Sideways: ㋡
    Eden Haiku: We had fine weather at last and went hiking up the hills. Was back only around 6pm here ..
    Adams Rubble: good to go on a hike in this glorious weather
    Adams Rubble: the exhibition pretty much speaks for itself
    Eden Haiku: Dubrovna did such a fine job with this exhibit, I would have like to attend live.
    Eden Haiku: Do you know if he will post a log?
    Riddle Sideways: it was in voice
    Adams Rubble: yes
    Adams Rubble: in voice
    Eden Haiku: Ah, even more of a loss... never heard his voice :)
    Eden Haiku: Voices tell us so many things :)
    Riddle Sideways: however, much was read from parts of the notecards available
    Adams Rubble: Dubrovna lectured on and in the Halll of Other Wenjis
    Eden Haiku: Yes, read about half of them last week. It’s a great sad story and the poems are beautiful
    Riddle Sideways: were probably more beautiful in the original language
    Riddle Sideways: if one understand that:

    Eden Haiku: ;)
    Riddle Sideways the little main scenes, from the big scrolls, being pulled out separate was a very good touch
    Riddle Sideways:sorry beel


    Eden Haiku: Adams you are wearing a beautiful Chinese dress
    Adams Rubble looks around for beel
    Adams Rubble: my dress is Tang period by Riushi
    Riddle Sideways: See, Eden notices these things ㋡
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: Could be Lady Wenji's then :)
    Adams Rubble: Eden dresses impeccably
    Eden Haiku: Thanks Adams :)
    Adams Rubble: Lady Wenji was Han period; Liu Shang wrote the poems in the Tang Priod
    Eden Haiku: Ah!!!
    Adams Rubble: but I don’t think he wore dresses
    Adams Rubble: who knows
    Eden Haiku: Who knows :)
    Adams Rubble: Dubrovna edited a chronology into the welcome card
    Eden Haiku: deer emergency be back...
    Adams Rubble: ohhhhh
    Riddle Sideways: Oh dear
    Adams Rubble: it is that time of year
    Riddle Sideways: remembering a raindeer emergency
    Adams Rubble: rudolph?
    Riddle Sideways: exhibit of 2 different raindeers (in same pen) in SF musium
    Riddle Sideways: they get their antlers locked
    Riddle Sideways: and neither will back down
    Riddle Sideways: about a half hour of locked together
    Riddle Sideways: staff said that happens in the wild too
    Adams Rubble nods. They get crazy in the fall
    Adams Rubble: must have been a serious emergency
    Riddle Sideways: do need to go back to the exhibit to check where the 2 horses picture is from
    Riddle Sideways: in the entrance
    Adams Rubble scratches head
    Riddle Sideways: with a parent and child on each horse
    Adams Rubble: two horses?
    Adams Rubble: ohhh, the Hanging scroll
    Adams Rubble: That came from Wikipedia and there was no metadata for it
    Riddle Sideways: was that from any one of the poem scrools
    Riddle Sideways: Ah
    Adams Rubble: Wikipedia got it from a Chinese source
    Adams Rubble: Dubrovna thought it was too important not to show it
    Adams Rubble: even though the data was weak
    Adams Rubble: it is southern Song
    Riddle Sideways: yes, important
    Riddle Sideways: however, not part of poems
    Adams Rubble: it was a separate work
    Eden Haiku: back

    What happened? 


    Adams Rubble: I hope everything is OK Eden
    Riddle Sideways: inquiring minds want to know what happened
    Adams Rubble: respectfully
    Eden Haiku: Yes yes, they are still around. Left them some apples
    Eden Haiku: There was the deer and her two fawns
    Eden Haiku: one of them has a wounded leg, it broke our hearts
    Eden Haiku: It's new
    Eden Haiku: But he's still walking and leaping
    Eden Haiku: With a limp
    Eden Haiku: Dried blood...


    Adams Rubble: ohhh
    Eden Haiku: They have so fine little legs
    Eden Haiku: Wondering if he will survive winter...
    Riddle Sideways: should heal
    Eden Haiku: Yes, animals know self-healing,,,
    Adams Rubble: It has been a tough couple of weeks for people and animals
    Eden Haiku: Yes...
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Eden Haiku: Was glad to know George, Eliza's dog was safe too:)
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Eden Haiku: Flamingos and dolphins were protected also
    Riddle Sideways: yes, radio talked about the animals
    Eden Haiku: But so many people are distressed. In St-Martin French island, 95% was destroyed.
    Riddle Sideways: and Cuba
    Adams Rubble: yes
    Eden Haiku: People are talking about 1000 dead, officials say only 10 or so,,,
    Adams Rubble: officials acknowledge there are more but only count confirmed deaths
    Eden Haiku: Cayo Coco in Cuba is also largely destroyed. Recognized one hotel I stayed in,,, Roof gone, everything in disarray
    Eden Haiku: And yet, yesterday I was hiking under a pure blue sky and everything was silent, except for bird songs
    Eden Haiku: Life is so paradoxical
    Eden Haiku: Paradoxal, paradoxical...
    Adams Rubble: it has been so beautiful here--It makes me think of the people suffering
    Eden Haiku: Hard not to feel guilty in a way...
    Riddle Sideways: yes
    Riddle Sideways: is that why we watch, listen, read it every day
    Eden Haiku: Feeling so powerless
    Riddle Sideways: to be "in the know" of other's suffering
    Eden Haiku: Yes. And today is September 11th
    Riddle Sideways: to know whom to pray for next
    Eden Haiku: 911 16th anniversary...
    Riddle Sideways: ah, time to flip calendar to Sept
    Eden Haiku: :)
    Eden Haiku: Dark thoughts for a bright morning
    Adams Rubble: this morning I changed a calendar from June to September
    Eden Haiku: phone
    Riddle Sideways: hmmm, still not bright day here
    Adams Rubble: wondering what happened to those other two months
    Riddle Sideways: were the photos on those months not good?
    Adams Rubble: none of the photos on that calendar are good
    Riddle Sideways: oh
    Riddle Sideways: it is all about the Art
    Eden Haiku: phone



    A medecine-man

    Eden Haiku: Back
    Riddle Sideways: getting to spend a month (or couple weeks) with a work of Art. Then move on
    Riddle Sideways: can't find url of current month
    Riddle Sideways: B.Kilban calendar
    Eden Haiku: Reading a book wriiten bya medecine-man from Quebec. Learning so much about they used to live before we forced them into Catholicism, French, corned beef and skidoos...
    Eden Haiku: sorry for all the typos...
    Riddle Sideways: was there life before Skidoos?
    Riddle Sideways: and the book tries to make that life sound good
    Adams Rubble: is a skidoo a snowmobile?
    Riddle Sideways: yes, brand name
    Adams Rubble: I think I am living life before skidoos
    Eden Haiku: An horrible story: the Canadian Royal Force killed their huskie dogs so they would have to use skidoos, stop hunting for meat and eat corned beef
    Adams Rubble: ohhhh, horrible
    Eden Haiku: Yes
    Eden Haiku: It

     Adams Rubble: not to be flippant but did they have a financial connection to the snowmobiles?
    Eden Haiku: I’m sure they did .
    Adams Rubble was taught that the RCMP were good guys who sat around singing to Jeannette MacDonalds between times getting their man
    Eden Haiku: They didn't want the Indians to stay in the forest., They wanted to dig mines for gold and copper...
    Adams Rubble: ohhh, awful
    Riddle Sideways: Oh! Thunder
    Adams Rubble: US does not know much ABOUT CANADA
    Eden Haiku: And by 'they' I mean the Ministry of Indians and the governments and the churches behind...
    Riddle Sideways: no, US is not taught about Canada


    Eden Haiku: Hello Adms RL interruption :)
    Riddle Sideways: Lightening would not be good
    Eden Haiku: I'm not as young as I look Riddle, but I didn't know any of that before yesterday, We are still very ignorant about what happened to the Indians
    Riddle Sideways: ha! bet you are as young as you look
    Eden Haiku: A movie should be made about that
    Riddle Sideways: we were taught about the US indians had to be rounded up off their good land and moved to horrible land
    Riddle Sideways: and then moved again when oil was found there
    Riddle Sideways: but, some went to Canada to escape
    Eden Haiku: I'm part of an association about reconciliation with the Indians, I will certainly write a letter to the medecine-man and to his wife who wrote the book, I'm so grateful I’m learning about that.
    Riddle Sideways: good
    Riddle Sideways: and the indians that still lived were moved to Florida
    Eden Haiku: Oh, I didn't know about American Indians joining, but it’s

     certain that their tribes didn't know the frontiers...

    Eden Haiku: To Florida, really?
    Eden Haiku: On Evergades wamps I guess
    Adams Rubble: BACK, READING
    Riddle Sideways:Florida was only swamps, so send them there
    Adams Rubble: sorry about caps

    Riddle Sideways: made them live in Miami
    Eden Haiku: Np Adams :)
    Riddle Sideways: is ok
    Riddle Sideways: need to go, experience thunder and darkness outside
    Eden Haiku: Thanks for being here Riddle... Have a nice day!
    Adams Rubble: bye Riddle. Say safe
    Riddle Sideways: big crash right then
    Eden Haiku: Oh!
    Eden Haiku: yes, be safe Riddle
    Riddle Sideways: by for now
    Eden Haiku: Bye!
    Adams Rubble waves
    Adams Rubble: bye Eden :0
    Adams Rubble: :)
    Adams Rubble: have a great day
    Eden Haiku: I will also leave now,. Thank you Adams and pleasetell Dubrovna I will go visit the rest of the exhibit as soon as I can.
    Eden Haiku: Good Monday to you dear :)
    Adams Rubble: oh yes, will tell :)))
    Adams Rubble: bye for now
    Eden Haiku: bye bye

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