The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.
Riddle Sideways: good morning, Adams
Adams Rubble: Good mornign Riddle :)
Adams Rubble: is this our last session for a while?
Riddle Sideways: can probably make it Thursday
Adams Rubble: OK
Riddle Sideways: don't go to airport until 10
Adams Rubble: wow,
Riddle Sideways: and will be taking laptop because keyboard is much better
Riddle Sideways: will have to test Internet there
Riddle Sideways: oh yes, grab log
Adams Rubble: any more thoughts about avatars?
Riddle Sideways: power flickering
Riddle Sideways: some dark thoughts
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Adams Rubble: hmmmm
Riddle Sideways: and some random thoughts
Adams Rubble listens
Riddle Sideways: heard about a new Avatar movie is maybe being started
Riddle Sideways: at least worked toward a concept
Riddle Sideways: and then was thinking about schizophrenia
Riddle Sideways: maybe that is not the right word for multiple personalities
Adams Rubble: it can feel like schozophrenia sometimes but our explorations are more playful
Riddle Sideways: yes playing with a matter of degrees
Riddle Sideways: off of multiple personalitiy disorders
Riddle Sideways: ah, dissociative identity disorder (thank you DuckDuck)
Adams Rubble: why must it be a disorder?
Riddle Sideways: we are not playing all that serious
Riddle Sideways: well back in the naming of things days, the Great doctors had to name things Disorders
Riddle Sideways: now in PC terms it is just a Special Normal
Riddle Sideways: having many avatars is not the same
Adams Rubble: no
Adams Rubble: we adjust our thinking to changing circumstances
Adams Rubble: and growth
Riddle Sideways: and situations
Adams Rubble: sometimes the old ways of looking at things are there beneath the surface
Adams Rubble: with some exploration we can get them to the surface and deal with them one way or the other
Riddle Sideways: yes,
Adams Rubble: that can be very valuable to self knowledge
Riddle Sideways: there has been a lot of that lately
Riddle Sideways: timing of that pause was pretty good
Riddle Sideways: reviewing how use to think was doing so good toward thinking on the right track
Riddle Sideways: lately a new generation is calling us out
Riddle Sideways: a few months ago, that "Boomer" thing
Adams Rubble: Hello SilasAndrew
Riddle Sideways: ?
Adams Rubble: yes
Adams Rubble: divisive
Riddle Sideways: also, there are those that lock us into 'that' person
Adams Rubble: yes
Riddle Sideways: don't let you grow
Adams Rubble: people treat me differently than they do my RL avatar
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: judging by looks
Riddle Sideways: we would Never do that to them,
Riddle Sideways: but they judge and Assume
Adams Rubble: yes, and I do too (not just "they")
Riddle Sideways: the experiment of presentation of a different look
Riddle Sideways: to see how you are treated
Adams Rubble: that was not a motivation (hypothesis) for me but I did learn about it
Adams Rubble: I was more interested in how I would feel
Adams Rubble: what could I learn
Riddle Sideways: many in PaB did that. to learn
Riddle Sideways: Bleu's Alt art project was to create an Alt that was a bit different
Riddle Sideways: and study how it felt
Riddle Sideways: and how it was preceived
Riddle Sideways: many were doing those experiments before that, of course
Riddle Sideways: in this small group
Riddle Sideways: how changing the avatar affected relations
Adams Rubble: some of us never expected to be in a close knit group when we began our epxeriement :)
Riddle Sideways: or how long it would last
Adams Rubble: yes, that was another surprise
Adams Rubble: my avatar became my identity in SL
Riddle Sideways: a close knit group that saw one as a beginning avatar
Riddle Sideways: then the noob learned to put on clothes
Riddle Sideways: took years to learn to put on hair
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Riddle Sideways: much less changing the avatar to a swirling colors entity
Riddle Sideways: like to think most of this group got over thinking about the person in an avatar
Riddle Sideways: we met that avatar here
Riddle Sideways: and got to know that avatar
Adams Rubble: yes but when we got to RL that person was there
Riddle Sideways: a few times RL meetups happened
Riddle Sideways: and sometimes those bases were shaken
Riddle Sideways: and some RL persons/avatars were almost ignored
Riddle Sideways: because we Knew the SL av
Adams Rubble: I don;t think it changed anyone for me
Riddle Sideways: nope it did not change much
Riddle Sideways: even this fall, found out about some
Riddle Sideways: and it made no difference
Adams Rubble: in a few cases it made me like the person more
Riddle Sideways: yes!
Riddle Sideways: well, there was one ㋡
Adams Rubble: ouch
Riddle Sideways: there were two avatars that came to PaB often
Riddle Sideways: and maybe a year later seem to find out they were the same typist
Riddle Sideways: then it took several years to ever find out which avi was most like the typist
Adams Rubble: I feel we have moved away from our original discussion but maybe this points to the fact that our concern about having too many selves emerging is a fearful thing
Adams Rubble: I still remember Pema's advice to not let our exploration of multiple selves go too far--not to let it get out of hand
Riddle Sideways: might not have read that log
Adams Rubble: it was a private chat
Riddle Sideways: should have been advice to All
Adams Rubble: when my selves were running amuk
Adams Rubble: avatars having their own adventures
Adams Rubble: dare I say what I have learned but do not practice enough?
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, yes
Adams Rubble: It is going to sound high-fuluttened
Adams Rubble: it is not about me; it is about us meaning all the creatures of the earth
Adams Rubble: so no worries about how many selves are runnign around
Adams Rubble: we just need to practice love
Adams Rubble wipes a tear away
Riddle Sideways: hard to talk about and harder to practice
Adams Rubble: maybe one of our selves is here to remind the other selves of that
Riddle Sideways: really want to think that
Adams Rubble thinks that is my role :)
Riddle Sideways: some avs simple and to the purpose like that
Riddle Sideways: there is a RL avatar that jumps on stage and becomes some other person
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: nice that that person has an outlet :)
Riddle Sideways: there are 2 SL avs that are skating away for some unknown purpose
Adams Rubble: we used to talk about wearing different hats
Riddle Sideways: ha, yes.
Adams Rubble: good to remember that each "hat" is only a bit of us
Riddle Sideways: never talked much about wearing different bodies
Adams Rubble giggles
Riddle Sideways: an aside (maybe), this weekend was in to fix an ice skate and noted Observerm(sp?) standing there silently
Riddle Sideways: a blast from the past
Adams Rubble: wow
Riddle Sideways: a different avatar, but same name and profile
Adams Rubble: hmmm
Riddle Sideways: ok, that is a strange hat
Riddle Sideways: it is hard to relate to you when you wear that ... laughing
Adams Rubble: my alt made it
Riddle Sideways: :))))
Riddle Sideways: you wear so many hats
Adams Rubble is sorry to be so distracting
Riddle Sideways: no,
Adams Rubble: but we can change just with a hat too
Riddle Sideways: yes
Riddle Sideways: a RL avatar now is old enough to wear Hawaiian shirts out in public
Riddle Sideways: surprising how those shirts change one
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: on even a cold rainy day a bright shirt lifts the clouds
Adams Rubble: it is too bad we judge by appearance but I guess it a basis for the propigation of our species
Riddle Sideways: now getting the feeling to make an avatar that appears thoughtful, smart/wise
Adams Rubble: :)
Adams Rubble: Adam Kira :)
Riddle Sideways: ㋡
Adams Rubble: I must get going--have some things waiting for me
Adams Rubble: I hope this was a good discussion
Riddle Sideways: yes, always things waiting
Adams Rubble: busyness
Adams Rubble: :)
Riddle Sideways: was a good discussion
Riddle Sideways: nibbling away at the edges of some deep topic
Adams Rubble: If I don;t see you Thursday I hope you have a good trip
Riddle Sideways: thanks
Riddle Sideways: thanks for being here
Adams Rubble: I will be giving two RL presentations while you are gone :)
Riddle Sideways: wow, knock them dead
Adams Rubble: have a good day :)
Adams Rubble: bye for now
Riddle Sideways: by All
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