The Guardian for this meeting was Riddle Sideways. The comments are by Riddle Sideways.
Riddle Sideways: Good Morning, Jeremiah
Jeremiah Nacht: Good morning Riddle :)
Riddle Sideways: Still supporting the Eagles
Riddle Sideways: even in the off-season
Jeremiah Nacht: oh yeah, they signed another defensive tackle yesterday
Jeremiah Nacht: I hope you have enough toilet paper at your house :)
Riddle Sideways: :) Only just enough for 2 months
Riddle Sideways: have not gone and over bought
Jeremiah Nacht: crazy times
Riddle Sideways: YES!!! Crazy Times
Riddle Sideways: had to get a shot yesterday, so went to the big grocery store
Riddle Sideways: first, how about that statement
Riddle Sideways: go to the 'grocery' store to see the Pharmistist
Riddle Sideways: and the pharmistist gives a shingles booster shots
Riddle Sideways: well, the store was a bit more crowded then usual
Riddle Sideways: and every checker was on-duty
Riddle Sideways: they had toilet paper. Saw it in about 7 carts
Riddle Sideways: However, all the bananas, lettuce, mushrooms and zucchinis were gone
Riddle Sideways: There were lots of bell peppers, oranges, etc.
Riddle Sideways: no onions
Riddle Sideways: lots of avocados
Riddle Sideways: Strange and Crazy
Riddle Sideways: eggs were almost gone
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, all that lettuce is going to rot at their homes
Riddle Sideways: but, nobody else will get it
Jeremiah Nacht: people not thinking clearly
Riddle Sideways: yes, saw some News show (while waiting for smart tv to boot NetFlix) with clips of what your pres said yesterday. Not thinking clearly
Jeremiah Nacht: ohhh
Jeremiah Nacht: Bernie thought the pres should shut up
Riddle Sideways: then there was something about a leaked recording of the fearful leader conf calling all state governors
Riddle Sideways: Telling them they are on their own
Jeremiah Nacht: yes, heard that and giggles
Jeremiah Nacht: the governors knew that already
Riddle Sideways: some difference between knowing and hearing it said aloud
Jeremiah Nacht: yep
Riddle Sideways: Jeremiah, how did you get picked to come today?
Jeremiah Nacht shrugs
Jeremiah Nacht: do you find it disconterting?
Riddle Sideways: ah, planned it
Riddle Sideways: nope. not disconcerting
Riddle Sideways: not as glued to physical appearence
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, is that right?
Jeremiah Nacht: I haven't been inworld for a while - have been staying home
Jeremiah Nacht: seems a good time to get out and be social
Riddle Sideways: now that everybody else is staying home, you can come out
Jeremiah Nacht: there IS something
Riddle Sideways: due to some plans changing, will probably be driving to Boulder next week
Jeremiah Nacht: daily life has not changed much but the view has greatly changed
Riddle Sideways: not airplane to NYC and Denver
Jeremiah Nacht: death seems to be lurking a bit closer
Jeremiah Nacht: the virus could strike at any moment
Riddle Sideways: sorry to hear it that way
Jeremiah Nacht: not sure if one has come into contact with someone because no one knows who has it
Riddle Sideways: Same as it Always was - Byrne
Jeremiah Nacht: it has become clearer how much we are one
Riddle Sideways: yes
Jeremiah Nacht: all packed in close together
Jeremiah Nacht: the disease travels from one to others close by
Jeremiah Nacht: all randomly
Jeremiah Nacht: wealth does not help
Riddle Sideways: one story told of this being more of an upper class disease
Jeremiah Nacht: fame does not help
Jeremiah Nacht: toilet paper does not help
Riddle Sideways: those that are traveling
Riddle Sideways: No!! it does not
Jeremiah Nacht: yes, traveling became risky
Jeremiah Nacht: traveling spread it faster
Riddle Sideways: now need to bail out the airline industry
Jeremiah Nacht: yes another bail out while others suffering
Riddle Sideways: heard it might be a good time to go to National parks
Jeremiah Nacht: it is a good time to be practising compassion
Jeremiah Nacht: the woods was crowded when we went Saturday :)
Riddle Sideways: Yes!
Riddle Sideways: compassion, Yes!. Parks good
Jeremiah Nacht: all the toilet paper hoarders just searching for happiness
Jeremiah Nacht: feeling pain
Riddle Sideways: was in Safeway trying to think of how to be Random Acts of Compassion
Riddle Sideways: What possible line to say to that toilet paper hoarder
Riddle Sideways: to make a smile, a laugh
Riddle Sideways: to ease a burden
Jeremiah Nacht thinks of raunchy jokes
Riddle Sideways: A Pharmacist ran out of that elevated place they keep pills saying he had to pickup some groceries before they were all gone
Riddle Sideways: was thinking of going out to people watch some today, but meeting got moved to an online Zoom call
Riddle Sideways: ha, 3 Jews, 4 Christians and 3 Muslems go into a Zoom call ...
Riddle Sideways: very slow today, can't even think of a punch line
Jeremiah Nacht: Christians, jews, Muslems, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists all equally susceptable to coronavirus
Riddle Sideways: A lady that was 4 shoppers back in the next line asked loudly if the soup kitchen was still going to be open
Riddle Sideways: answered; Yes, the Homeless have to eat too
Riddle Sideways: should have seen the huge eyes of everybody else in lines
Jeremiah Nacht: the homeless could use a bailout
Riddle Sideways: most didn't have a job to be layed off from and get the bail out checks
Riddle Sideways: not even feeling the happiness and compassion now
Riddle Sideways: years thinking about Beginner's Mind
Riddle Sideways: now trying to figure out "Toilet Paper Hoarder Minds"
Jeremiah Nacht: yes, and ironically an ideal time to practice
Jeremiah Nacht: Pema Chodron talks about how we don't think enough about failure
Jeremiah Nacht: so many times we fail and that's OK
Jeremiah Nacht: we can just keep going until we get it right
Riddle Sideways: Thanks, that might be it
Jeremiah Nacht: sometimes when change is going on all around us is an ideal time to change ourselves
Riddle Sideways: Got very mad when a friend said my generation failed
Jeremiah Nacht: yeah
Riddle Sideways: hmmm, an opportunity
Jeremiah Nacht: it makes some millenials feel better to blame it all on boomers
Jeremiah Nacht: don't worry millenials, you'll get your chance to mess up :)
Riddle Sideways: always feel good after blaming somebody else
Riddle Sideways: Ancient Curse: "May you live in Crazy Times"
Jeremiah Nacht: still crazy after all these years - Simon
Riddle Sideways: Failed.
Riddle Sideways: We failed, They failed. I failed. all the pronouns failed
Riddle Sideways: failed the climate, failed the planet, failed the next generation
Jeremiah Nacht: we made some great music
Riddle Sideways: yes, there is that sliver lining
Riddle Sideways: "Continue to be mindful" - Beel
Riddle Sideways: Hello, Princess Ami
Riddle Sideways: oh well, walked away
Jeremiah Nacht: well, believe it or not, I have lots to do :)
Riddle Sideways: Jeremiah, have you been to Play as Being session before?
Jeremiah Nacht: working on a project wrapping up some stuff
Riddle Sideways: wrapping presents?
Jeremiah Nacht: yes, I was to a session way back in the first year
Jeremiah Nacht: with Solobill and a fellow whose name I forget
Riddle Sideways: good, because had forgotten to do the Guardian intro routine
Jeremiah Nacht: I do solemnly sear to uphold the values of PaB and not sue if my name gets into print
Riddle Sideways: there. good
Jeremiah Nacht: I was the second avatar in my stable
Riddle Sideways: ah
Jeremiah Nacht: back when there was only one Adams
Jeremiah Nacht: I founded the art history group
Jeremiah Nacht: then this young fellow came along and took over
Jeremiah Nacht: forced me into retirement
Riddle Sideways: many hands make for an easy mess
Jeremiah Nacht: that's OK, I still have my shirt
Riddle Sideways: yea
Jeremiah Nacht: well hang in there young fellow
Jeremiah Nacht: maybe I'll see you again some time
Jeremiah Nacht: (actually I had a session with you not so long ago)
Riddle Sideways: Want to fly like an eagle
Riddle Sideways: to the sea
Riddle Sideways: fly like an eagle. Til I'm Free
Jeremiah Nacht: I hope you all stay safe out there
Riddle Sideways: Oh, Lord, through the revolution
Riddle Sideways: - Steve Miller
Riddle Sideways: will look that session up
Riddle Sideways: Great seeing you today
Jeremiah Nacht: whoa, I'm still able to stand :)
Jeremiah Nacht: yes, you too
Jeremiah Nacht: have a good one
Riddle Sideways: you too
Riddle Sideways: take a good one down and pass it around
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Jeremiah Adams at PaB_001.png No description | 892.08 kB | 20:05, 20 Mar 2020 | Riddle Sideways | Actions |